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Chapter 642: Up and Down the Mountain

Yu Le did not choose to hit Jiang Yichen's wall.

But he didn't give up and hit the wall of Jiulian Mountain South Shaolin Temple behind Jiang Yichen.

A team of more than forty riders, including twenty-three members of Zangfeng Pavilion and ten people from other gangs, followed Yu Le and continued southward.

The remaining thirteen people led a large team of villagers and prepared to go outside Putian County to collect the silver reward from the government.

There are also three members of the Zangfeng Pavilion among the thirteen people. Receiving the reward is the next step, and the focus is to pass back the news learned from Tingyu Pavilion.

Naturally, the five Meng Chaoge were also among the hundred people.

In any case, having a big gang like Zangfeng Pavilion willing to step forward and claim their name can indeed save them a lot of trouble.

The existence of thirteen fellow Jianghu people at least allowed them to relax a lot on the spiritual level.

Some people want to go up the mountain.

There are also people who want to go down the mountain.

Yesterday, the stone steps on the front mountain were as long as fire snakes, the light rising into the sky, and the silent killings at night were like two large and small stones thrown into the pond.

The plop of big rocks had already disturbed the tranquility that the pond had deliberately pretended to be.

No matter how small the ripples caused by a pebble are, not all the fish in the pond are ignorant of it.

Some fish continue to hide their heads and tails, waiting for the opportunity to stop.

Some fish have secretly moved their fins and flicked their tails, taking active action.

The Sanrenju group led by Gongsun Yu moved faster.

Although the troops were divided into three groups, the three groups arrived at the foot of Jiulian Mountain almost the next morning after the Southern Shaolin Fire and went up the mountain together.

Guan Dadao, Zifeng, and Xi Xia, the five-member Tingyu Pavilion team that first came to Putian County, met when they rescued a Shaolin monk in the temple.

Rescued by them were three Jingzi generation and four Zhenzi generation Southern Shaolin disciples.

One of the monks named Jing Tan is the chief supervisor of the temple, and the rest are mostly on the watch. Their overall combat power is considerable, so they can fight tenaciously until someone comes to rescue them.

Although the rescue team composed of San Renju and Tingyu Pavilion was quite capable, they were unable to bring the seven monks down the mountain within the next two days.

They fought two skirmishes and were strongly blocked on one of their descent attempts.

During the process, I did not encounter any other living monks or other people in the world, but one of my true disciples died, five others were seriously injured, and the rest suffered more or less serious injuries.

In order to avoid greater casualties, Gongsun Yu had no choice but to take everyone in hiding under the guidance of Jingtan, passively waiting for the external situation to change.

Until yesterday, they saw the blazing fire shining in the sky in the direction of the front temple gate from a distance, and vaguely heard the brief sound of horse hooves and the clash of weapons and swords down the mountain, deducing that something might have happened down the mountain.

Everyone is generally inclined to believe that the temple is not a place to stay for a long time and it is better to leave as soon as possible. However, there are differences in where to find a breakthrough.

Finally, they agreed on the same idea, followed the path taken by others, and moved to the front gate of the temple overnight.

We didn’t encounter too many troubles along the way, and many of them were neatly dealt with by a few strong players from Sanren at the beginning of the expansion.

As early morning came, a group of twenty-five people also came to the front gate of the temple, and dawn was visible outside the gate.

However, fifty men in black were silently guarding behind the temple gate.

Most of the time, wearing black is not to hide your whereabouts, but to hide your identity.

However, the identity of these men in black is obvious. After all, the weapons in their hands are weird and rare, but they are also extremely famous.

Fifty men in black were part of "the group" who attacked and killed the major gangs in the hinterland of the Hundred Flowers Conference that night.

None of the fifty people have the strength to match Gongsun Yu, and their fame is completely non-existent.

But like cold-blooded and hard roadblocks, they have piled up a stone wall that cannot be broken through without blood or life!

Two more of the six remaining Shaolin disciples were killed. Sanrenju and Tingyuge also each lost their numbers, and only less than half of "that group" were killed.

Even though there were only thirty people left, "that group" was still like a solid stone wall, blocking everyone in front of them.

"That group" seems to have no emotions and is just adhering to their assigned gatekeeping duties.

Gongsun Yu and others were already getting impatient.

Because they couldn't be sure if they didn't break out of the door, whether the other party's accomplices would be waiting for them, and they would face a desperate situation where they were attacked from both sides.


In order to protect a real monk, Zifeng was scratched on his right arm by an octopus-shaped weapon.

Three claw marks were dripping with blood under the half-torn arm sleeve. Zifeng, whose face turned pale in an instant, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, holding his eyelids tightly and handed the sword from his right hand to his left hand, not daring to relax.

If Zifeng's reaction was any slower, either the real monk's head would be removed, or Zifeng's right arm would be pulled off.

Under the even more high-pressure offensive that followed, it was difficult to conceal the state of embarrassment.

At the beginning of this battle, Gongsun Yu was trapped by seven "that group of people" using strange weapons and formations.

Ren Gongsun Yu twice and three times combined the power of his companions to kill one or two opponents, but he would always be dragged into the trap again in a moment by the "group" who came forward one after another with a high degree of tacit cooperation.

It is conceivable that as the battle continues, Gongsun Yu will become increasingly unable to break the formation, and more injuries like Zifeng will appear in the team.

This was originally a breakout battle with fewer enemies and more enemies, but gradually fell into the rhythm controlled by "that group of people".

Just before everyone was about to have thoughts of despair, the three "group" responsible for besieging Gongsun Yu happened to be standing on the same line, with less than half a foot between them.

No one would think that such a coincidence would bring any change to the situation on the court.

Therefore, almost no one can notice such a coincidence.

It was under this coincidence that almost no one paid attention to, a beautiful figure shot out from the crowd, disappeared suddenly, and then appeared again.

Three clusters of blood flowers bloom brilliantly on the double thorn tips in his hands, reflecting the morning light!

When flowers bloom, they must wither. Blood flowers bloom brilliantly, but their decline is even more swift and tragic.

The three "group" who stood on the front line fell quickly and miserably.

The formation besieging Gongsun Yu once again became loose, or in other words, there was a big gap.

"That group of people" reacted immediately, and several people came to take supplements regardless of others.

I just noticed the coincidence just now. Not only was Mo Li wearing a goose-yellow shirt, but also Gongsun Yu who was always looking for opportunities to escape from difficulties.

Therefore, a majestic force surged out from the sword in Gongsun Yu's hand, completely crushing the remedial intentions of "that group of people" like a giant dragon sweeping its tail.

The dianthus has bitten its roots into the broken rocks of the green mountains, and no matter how wind, east, west, south, north, rain or snow blows it, it cannot be bent, crushed, or pulled out.

The Sifang Sword that had been passed down in Gongsun's family for several generations in Gongsun Yu's tight hand was naturally difficult to be crooked, crushed, and pulled out. However, the simple sword body was trembling. The wind, rain, and snow did not provoke it, but it seemed to be provoked by the wind, rain, and snow.


The heaven and earth seem to be humming, the wind is moving, the grass and trees are moving, and the sand and stones are moving!

Regardless of whether they are "that group" or scattered people living in Tingyu Pavilion, the Shaolin monks and their party all seemed to be blinded by the wind and sand for an instant.

I could only hear the thunder and rage in my ears.

I saw the tall and elegant man like a god, moving like lightning, and wherever he passed, the heads of four masked men in black scarves were separated!

Goodbye, the sword light is bright and dazzling, and the sword shadows between the swings of the sword are like folding fans.

Nine sharp sword energy roared out, like Hou Yi shooting for nine days.

Only three of the "group" who recovered in time were able to counterattack with strong troops, so they did not die in the first place.

Even so, the three of them failed to stop the sword handed from the side, and also walked on the road to hell.

From the moment three of the "group" happened to be standing on the front line to the death of sixteen of the "group", it took less than ten breaths of time, and the situation on the field was turned upside down.

Unless a large number of people arrived immediately, the remaining fourteen "group" would not be able to stop Gongsun Yu and others from going down the mountain.

Some people choose to go down the mountain from the front.

Some people also carried them down the mountain from the back.

In their opinion, the abnormal movements in the front mountain will inevitably attract the attention of defense personnel elsewhere.

The position of the back mountain, which is farthest from the front mountain, would presumably be in the best position to take advantage of the situation.

The two factions from Zuihongyan Restaurant and Wudang Emei gathered together before going up the mountain. After rescuing twenty monks, they, together with Gongsun Yu and others, encountered strong resistance and hid in the temple.

Compared with the situation in Sanrenju and Tingyu Pavilion, this team of forty people is not only larger in number, but also has the cutting-edge combat power of Xuanxiao, Shuirujing, Li Shi and others, and can also form Wudang or Emei.

Or the sword formation newly co-created by Wudang Emei, Zui Hongyan's four swords, three swords formation and double ghost shooting formation, or even the stick formation of nine eighteen bronze men, they are all superior in terms of integrity and flexibility against the enemy.


However, when breaking out from the back mountain gate, the forty people encountered some resistance, but the fighting situation was not as anxious as at the front mountain gate, and they fought their way down the mountain relatively smoothly.

At the foot of the mountain.

In a hidden cave far away from Jiulian Mountain.

Gu Xinhun led Hongchen Inn and a group of Jianghu people to search for the trace and found the hiding place where Ye Xian and others and more than ten Shaolin monks were hiding.

Unexpectedly, one of the twelve Shaolin monks, a dark-skinned, skinny old monk with white eyebrows, was actually the Qingku Master of Northern Shaolin!

One of the three golden seals, the word "Xing", is on the body of Master Qingku.

Learned from Master Qingku the emergency response measures taken by Southern Shaolin when the fire broke out.

It turned out that the three gold seals were given to three disciples who had brilliant minds and strong but unobtrusive skills.

Abbot Qingming and Master Qingku from Northern Shaolin, Abbot Qingyuan of Southern Shaolin and Eighteen Bronze Men each led four groups to help confuse the situation.

Master Qingku met a young monk who held the seal of "Xing" while leading the crowd to kill him, and then he went down the mountain with him.

More than ten people hid under the mountain for a day and encountered two groups of enemies. Fortunately, they were rescued by Ye Xian and others and hid.

After learning about the general process, someone from the Jianghu people who came with Hongchen Inn said: "In other words, there are still two gold seals on the mountain. I don't know who will get them."

In fact, the original intention of many people coming to Southern Shaolin is to try their luck and see if they can obtain the Shaolin Golden Seal.

However, the "Xing" seal is still on the body of the Shaolin monk, and no one has a legitimate reason to steal the gold seal from the Shaolin monk.

Unless it's murder and extortion, it depends on whether Hongchen Inn is willing to do this.

Moreover, we have to guard against killing people and stealing goods at the Hongchen Inn before killing them.

Therefore, some people set their sights on the other two gold seals whose whereabouts were unknown.

No one responded to the man's words, everyone had their own thoughts.

Gu Xinhun vaguely felt that it might not be the right decision for everyone to rush to the mountain together at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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