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Chapter 643 Personal grievances

July twenty-four.

Just when the local government pulled up a blockade outside Putian County, and the martial arts heroes responded to the court's call to go to central Fujian to practice chivalry, and when many forces entering Jiulian Mountain began to think about staying away from right and wrong, almost no one knew that there was a person standing there.

From above, you can see all the new and not new things happening under the sky.

The figure is like a tourist standing by the pool, watching the fish hiding, lying still, competing, jumping and escaping.

It is also like a spectator standing by the chessboard, watching the chess pieces burying the cloth, pushing forward, rubbing, and competing.

He seems to be just a bystander who is more pure than the so-called God.

After all, these days, God has blown cold winds, rained bitterly, and hung black cloths to pay homage to the souls of the dead.

And he hasn't made a move yet.

"People at the bottom of the mountain want to go up the mountain, but people at the top of the mountain can't stand it and want to go down the mountain."

Xiao Yincai, who is dressed in snow-white clothes and has hair as white as snow, and whose skin is whiter than snow under the backdrop of the white clothes, white hair and the people around him, made a simple summary.

A summary of the news that Yun Xiaobai just brought.

Yun Xiaobai had left, and standing next to Xiao Yincai was a tall man with thick hair, a square face, and shoulders as tall as steep mountains.

When the two of them stood together, Xiao Yincai was like a nimble silver fox, while Peng Fangge, the master of Jinsha Sect, was like a dormant wild lion.

Peng Fangge held his elbows with his hands. After learning about the movements from all sides, it did not make him appear more calm. Instead, the subtle trembling between his eyebrows showed that he was irritable and uneasy in his heart.

After finally suppressing the anger in his heart, Peng Fangge said: "I'm at the bottom of the mountain. I don't want to go up the mountain. You don't need to go up the mountain. There are never only two choices."

Xiao Yincai answered the question inappropriately: "Should we say that the Japanese people are too stupid? Or should we say that the Zhongzhou people are too cunning?"

Peng Fangge continued to suppress his emotions and said in a less rough voice: "There are also cunning people in Japan, and there are also many fools in Zhongzhou. No matter how smart people are, they will sometimes make mistakes."

Perhaps Peng Fangge wanted to see if this silver fox man with skin as fair as snow, no blood, and different from ordinary people could really be emotionally cold and inhumane. Everything he said meant something, as if he wanted to use a fine silver needle.

Test whether there is blood in the other person's atrium, whether it is cold or hot.

Xiao Yincai couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's rare that a straight-laced person like you can talk in a roundabout way today."

Although he no longer talked to himself, he never looked at the other person.

There are only two kinds of people that Xiao Yincai doesn't take seriously.

One type is someone he looks down upon and is too lazy to look at.

The other type is people he doesn't want to face.

Peng Fangge is naturally the latter.

The reason why Xiao Yincai was reluctant to face Peng Fangge was obviously because the two had a good friendship, and it was this friendship that Xiao Yin truly took to heart.

Peng Fangge was like this, so he could still keep his composure and said, "You know why I came."

Xiao Yincai said: "I know."

Peng Fangge said: "Brother Chu, Lao Chu, is a person who values ​​power, power, and profit. For him, benevolence and righteousness are more of means."

Xiao Yincai said: "You have understood."

"If I hadn't understood it clearly, I wouldn't be so angry!" Peng Fangge said angrily, and then uttered a few dirty words to vent his frustration. After a long time, he sighed deeply and said again, "Following

The scale of the twelve sects is getting larger and larger. If they want to satisfy their greater ambitions, they must move closer to the imperial court and form a more regulated sect system, or become part of the imperial court. For this reason, even if it is

There is no need to hesitate to ride in the same boat as a traitor. Since the ways are different, there is no need to conspire with each other. If we break up, we will be separated."

Xiao Yincai shook his head and said: "The lotus roots are still connected, and they won't fall apart so easily."

Peng Fangge gritted his teeth and said: "So what?! The development of the Twelve Sects of Tiansha has long been different from what it used to be. Old Chu can no longer respond to a hundred calls. If you raise your arms and make a call, won't a bunch of brothers follow you? I read it wrong.

Lao Chu, I must have read you right, you are not a careerist."

Xiao Yincai turned slightly to prevent Peng Fangge from seeing his wry smile, and said, "It shouldn't be, but it can be."

Peng Fangge punched in hatred, the blows were fierce, and he whimpered.

"For what? Revenge?"

"That's right. This world has no memory. After a while, they have forgotten the Xiao family. Then I will help everyone improve their memory!"

"How is this different from a lunatic?!"

"I think some people already think of me as crazy."

"But you are not! What's more, Daxia Xiao fought for the country back then. Even if he had died long ago, he absolutely did not want to see another disaster in Zhongzhou. What you did..."

"So what if I do this? You should be able to understand that even if I don't do anything, Zhongzhou will still face a disaster."

"Even if a new disaster strikes, you can choose to become the new Hero Xiao, and let the court and people forget the Hero Xiao for decades. I know you can!"

"Many people are already doing this. It is not difficult to become one of the heroes who protect the country and the country. It is to make the disaster as fresh as it was twenty years ago. It can not only remind everyone of the time when I was Xiao

The elder brother in the family is also more challenging and meaningful."

"Meaning... Zhongzhou falls, where will you and I survive?!"

"You don't have to worry about this. Our old emperor is not that confused. The backing he left behind before his death has grown over the years, and the court is not full of waste. The Fifth Marquis, Chang, and Tang families did not let the army collapse.

Don’t forget that there are still two tiger generals who protect the country, even if the deceased General Shi still has power, and with people like you in the world, Zhongzhou is just going through another pain to get a new life, and will not fall."

After hearing Xiao Yincai's words, Peng Fangge's tall, thick hair suddenly stopped trembling, and his brows were furrowed, showing pain and confusion.

"Do you want to see a new life in Zhongzhou, or a change of dynasty?"


"What kind of Zhongzhou do you want to see?"

"Don't be too deformed Zhongzhou."


"Yes, in my opinion, neither our gangs called the 'Evil Sect' nor those gangs that claim to be righteous should exist, or should not be too powerful."

"You are on the side of the imperial court on this point."

"The imperial court is the center of the country, and force should only be used as a tool to fight foreign barbarians and maintain internal fairness, and is controlled by the imperial court."

"This will not lead to many of the current chaos, but it may also cause another kind of unfairness. Whoever holds the power will be justified."

"Therefore, in the new Zhongzhou, the emperor cannot completely speak for himself. There needs to be an institution that can speak for the people and make decisions. It is best for the princes and nobles not to exist, and the army must not have independent thoughts."

"I can't imagine what Zhongzhou is like."

"These ideas are too idealistic and so illusory that I can't even imagine what Zhongzhou would be like."

"But you want to go crazy for this vain idea?"

"Oh, there is no need to make excuses for me. I don't think much about other aspects. In the end, I just want to settle my personal grudges with the Zhongzhou court."

Personal matters?

Peng Fangge was very confused by Xiao Yincai's illusory thoughts. When he heard the words "private grudges", he was a little unsure whether Xiao Yincai had also confused him.

But I heard Xiao Yincai emphasize: "Well, it's just a personal grudge. Between me and the court, either I will die, or the little emperor, the fifth prince, Yu Tian and the nine noble families will be destroyed."

Peng Fangge was silent.

Xiao Yincai said: "I know you never need any promises, but I hope to give you a promise in exchange for your promise."

Peng Fangge said: "What promise?"

Xiao Yincai said: "If, I mean if, there really is an opportunity for me to reach the sky in one step, I will definitely fight for it. If this is successful, I will try to make Zhongzhou look like that in my lifetime. Let you watch it, whether you want to watch it in the court or in the Jianghu, it's up to you."

"Bah! I don't care." Sensing Xiao Yincai's inexplicable pride, Peng Fangge spat angrily, and then asked, "What if there is no such thing, or what if we don't succeed?"

Xiao Yincai raised his head and smiled, facing Peng Fangge for the first time since his arrival, and solemnly said: "I hope you can help me collect the body."

Hearing this, Peng Fangge twisted his head and spat again, impatiently saying: "Where is Xiaobai? He is no different from your adopted son. You will not let him die before you. Can't he collect the body for you?"

Xiao Yincai did not avoid Peng Fangge this time, and smiled bitterly again, saying: "You have forgotten that he also has a 'sword'. If a person dies, the sword dies."

Perhaps knowing that he had no chance of changing Xiao Yincai's mind, Mad Lion's steep shoulders slowly sank.

Peng Fangge's voice also became much heavier and he said: "So what's next? What are you going to do next?"

Xiao Yincai said: "The Red-clothed Education Committee is really overworked and short of major generals. If Hongshang wants to use Tu Wanfang's powerful weapon on the blade, he needs to wait for all the people to gather around Jiulian Mountain. There is only one chance to catch them all. But there is no Hongshang to take charge of the overall situation. Even though Wang Shuo and Yulin Long are smart and clever, their opponents on the mountain and below are not vegetarians, and their fists are hard enough because they can't move quickly. The two of them can't fight alone, and they are in trouble. Word."

Peng Fangge said: "Then are you planning to help the Red Sect draw all the forces into this urn?"

Xiao Yincai did not deny it and said: "In just these three or two days, the Red Clothes Sect's foundation has been chipped away layer by layer. With the Japanese secrets that have surfaced, half of the three thousand people have been squandered. If this situation continues, the Hongyi Sect will soon lose all its wealth, and by then Hongshang will not be able to shake the foundation of Zhongzhou's world no matter how much he kills Wanfang."

Peng Fangge said: "It is much harder to drive the fish in than to drive them away."

Xiao Yincai said: "Fortunately, there is still enough attractive bait in the pond."

Peng Fangge suddenly said: "Yes, the three gold seals are still there, but the 'Xing' seal is in the hands of Master Qingku, and is protected by the people from the Hongchen Inn. It must be taken out of Putian County soon."

Xiao Yincai smiled slightly and said: "Bringing him out of Putian County does not mean that there will be no future troubles. Of course, it is best to leave the 'Xing' seal in Putian County to maximize the effectiveness of the bait."

Peng Fangge raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Not to mention that Master Qingku himself has extremely strong combat power, the strength of Hongchen Inn is not weaker than that of any of the three gangs of Jubei League, and it is led by Gu Xinhun , it will be difficult to retain them if you don’t confront them head-on, and it is also unwise to confront them head-on.”

Xiao Yincai said: "This is not my home court, and I am not the protagonist. The Red Sect wants to keep them more than anyone else. I just help the Red Sect lead the way and help from the side. There is no need to have too many people.

, the three-two-tai-liang-yi soul-splitting cow still has to be displayed.”

Peng Fangge understood clearly. The Yinsha underworld was taken away two years ago, but Xiao Yincai did not stop the development of the big iron bull. Without the craftsman Lu Ban, the Liangyi Soul-Splitting Bull could not progress further in sophistication.

But it is not difficult to give up some ingenuity and focus on improving flexibility and resistance to blows. He once helped the Yinsha Sect conduct experiments, and it took half a stick of incense to destroy it even with all his strength. The rough-skinned and thick-skinned iron

When put on the battlefield, the lump is like a meat grinder. It is placed in front of the people in the world. No one can deal with it for a while, so it comes in handy at this time.

"What about the other two gold seals? Do you want to intervene, or do you want to let them go?"

"Xiao Bai only gave an approximate location for the 'Bing' seal. The whereabouts are not clear yet, so he can't take care of it. The competition for the 'Zhe' seal is the most intense. It has changed hands three times, but the main force of Jinyiwei

Being near the pagoda will most likely reap some benefits. However, the fact that the golden seal falls into the hands of the Fifth Marquis is the most insignificant to the situation in Zhongzhou."

"You want to help Yu Tian snatch this seal with the word 'zhe'?"

"Yes, as long as the 'zhe' character seal is not used to increase income, the Fifth Marquis will not be interested in it. Soldiers have always looked down on eunuchs. This is also the biggest drawback of the Fifth Marquis. He is obviously a latecomer, but he firmly believes in his own layout and plan.

Enough to compete with Yu Tian. Regardless of whether there is a secret method for rebirth of severed limbs in the "Zhe" seal, it can at least make the fifth prince be more vigilant towards Tian and break the superficial harmony. If Zhongzhou is to be in chaos, how can Youjing not first


Afterwards, Xiao Yincai spent another cup of tea explaining to Peng Fangge the situation up and down the mountain and his plans.

Generally speaking, the main purpose is to help the Red Sect, so that those who have not yet come down the mountain cannot go down, and those who have entered Putian County and those who have not yet left the county are driven to the mountain, and then the Red Sect, Dongying, Fifth Marquis,

Yu Tian and even the Nine Families all had their hidden backhands forced out and they were killed in one mass.

Peng Fangge would not have asked so many questions originally, and Xiao Yincai would not have had to explain to Peng Fangge in such detail.

But the two of them seemed to have decided that this would be the last time they would see each other and have the last conversation, so they both wanted to say everything they had in mind before they gave up.

Peng Fangge said: "You still deliberately missed one thing."

Xiao Yincai smiled bitterly and pursed her lips, not wanting to speak, nor did she want Peng Fangge to ask.

Peng Fangge continued: "There are at least two hundred villagers on the mountain. Are you really not going to leave them a way to survive?"

Xiao Yincai said frankly: "God is not fair. Most of the people in the county have evacuated. Since they are not destined to meet the five upright and ruthless people like Tingyuge, it will be difficult for them who have been tortured for three days to return."

It would be difficult for them to survive in the face of more frights and humiliations that use them as bait."

Peng Fangge gasped and glared at Xiao Yincai. Just as he was about to express his attitude, Xiao Yincai attacked him!

As his vision went dark, the defenseless lion fell unconscious.

Xiao Yincai hurriedly supported the opponent with his body, called Yun Xiaobai, and said: "Ask some people to send him out of Putian County!"

Seeing Peng Fangge being sent away, Xiao Yincai finally showed his usual faint smile.

I know that you can't persuade me, I know that you won't help me, and I know that you will even fall out with me when you know that those villagers are bound to die.

But, I really need someone to help me collect the body.

The red sun sets in the west.

Putian County was actually a scene of wars and scorching fires.

The sounds of fighting and killing in the county can still be heard faintly at the junction of Linjun and the county.

The soldiers stationed on the blockade turned a deaf ear to this.

Jiang Yichen was sleeping soundly and was disturbed by the noise in the distance. He left the bed and went out, and learned from the ANBU personnel what was happening in Putian County.

In order to avoid being exposed by fellow Jianghu people or villagers, he, Meng Chaoge and others left alone when they arrived at the border of the county. They disguised themselves again and left the county from the northwest side of Putian County to find other contact points for the ANBU.


Jiang Yichen, whose mind was slightly sluggish, couldn't believe for a moment that the villagers they rescued were the first and only ones to successfully escape.

The more than 700 families in the four villages who were taken captive up the mountain could not imagine that only 72 people were left alive after just three or four days.

How is this different from war?!

This chapter has been completed!
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