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Chapter 57 Can be killed! Not humiliated!

Li Dynasty, Yen Bai County.

The huge military camp is continuous, and when the moonlight is scattered, it looks like a giant beast lying low. Among them are elite soldiers armed with guns and armors, patrolling constantly, and alerting everyone about movement. The defense layout in the camp is extremely tight, and you can see that inside the camp

General, you have some skills in running an army!

The military camp is an important place, and it is common sense to have tight security.

But what is surprising is that what was erected in the camp of Yen Bai County, the last line of defense of the royal capital of the Li Dynasty, was actually the Yunlong flag of the Yun Kingdom and the banner of "General Andong Yang"

feather fan.

Obviously, the An Bai County camp had been taken over by the Yun army at this time. On the other side of Li Hu, an edict was issued in the name of the king of Li Dynasty, strictly ordering the soldiers and horses of the An Bai County camp to cooperate and not to resist.

The Anpei County camp, which had little morale to begin with, except for a few brave men who rose up to resist, were routed by the Yun army and fled, most of the soldiers and horses in the rest of the camp were easily relieved of their armor by the Yun army.

They were detained in batches.

At this time, the whole camp was extremely quiet. Apart from the sound of the regular steps of the soldiers patrolling the camp and the sound of armor lock plates clashing, there were only occasional subtle crackling sounds of burning campfires.

At this moment, several subtle sounds of breaking through the air passed over the camp.

The moonlight shone, and a few shadows flickered across the ground.

Several men in black fell down and hid in the darkness, looking closely at the handsome tent with lights on in the middle of the camp.

One of them glanced at the commander with hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"According to the soldiers who escaped from the camp, the dog general named Yang entered the camp and directly occupied the commander's tent. He must be here at this time!"

Hearing this, the leading man in black nodded immediately and lowered his voice:

"Although we are people in the martial arts world, the Yun Kingdom has bullied our emperor too much. Today, we will use Yang Mangzi's dog head to let the Yun Emperor know how powerful we are!"

Having said this, he paused slightly and continued:

"This Yang Mangzi is a master in the ninth-level army, and has few rivals in the world. Before taking action, I ask again, among all the brothers, is there any one who regrets it now and wants to withdraw?"

As soon as these words came out, the remaining people immediately said:

"Brother, who do you think we are?"

"We serve the country with passion, and even if we die on the spot, there is no need to regret it!"

"I heard that this Yang Dayan is a close confidant of the Emperor Yun, and is the commander-in-chief of the Yun Army this time. Killing him this time is to let the Yun State know that the people of our Da'an Kingdom are definitely not like Li Hu.

The villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Eldest brother is also a ninth-level master now. With you here, why should we be afraid of Yang Mangzi?"

We have already arrived at the Yun Army Camp and asked if we regretted it, but it was just a formality. Even if some people felt regret at this time, it would be impossible to retreat safely at this time.

The leading man in black nodded and said solemnly:

"Okay, today I will sacrifice my life to protect the lives of all my brothers. If something unexpected happens, I will never live alone after killing Yang Dayan for my brother!"

After that, everyone crouched down and waited until another group of patrolling soldiers left, then jumped out and went to kill the commander's tent.

When the men in black armed with weapons broke into the commander's tent, they saw that Yang Dayan had taken off his armor and was sitting on the commander's seat, resting with his head on one hand and his eyes closed.

The leader's eyes were sharp, and his figure immediately floated like catkins. The tip of the long sword in his hand swayed, and he went straight towards Yang Dayan. The soft sword energy lingered on the sword body, and when the energy machine was locked, the sword light flowed, and it seemed like

The spring breeze blows in the face, and underneath the warmth there is a cold and murderous intention.

Seeing the sword energy approaching, Yang Dayan, who was sleeping soundly on the commander's seat, suddenly opened his eyes wide and glanced at everyone, with a ferocious smile on his face.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the sword energy passed through Yang Dayan's body, landed on the commander's position, and exploded immediately.

Before the leader had time to be happy, he felt that there was no obstruction on the sword, as if it was piercing the air, and he was suddenly shocked.

But at this moment, Yang Dayan, who was on top of the commander's position, disappeared in an instant like a shadow in the mirror.

Everyone was horrified. When they came to their senses again, they saw Yang Dayan arriving at the gun stand at some point. He picked up the spear with a grin and said with a wild smile:

"Hahaha, I have been waiting for half a night, and you are finally here... Well, one ninth level, two eighth level, and two seventh level. I didn't expect that the masters of the Li Dynasty would be so withered, but only a few people came here. !”

When all the men in black heard this, they were suddenly shocked.

According to Yang Dayan, is this a trap?

The man in black, who was leading the sword and holding the sword, took a step forward and gritted his teeth and said:

"To kill you, why do other comrades need to take action! Brothers, no matter what today, we must take his head!"

When the rest of the people heard this, they immediately shouted in unison:

"Kill Yang Manzi!"

"Manzi" is a scornful term for a vulgar and despicable person. To Yang Dayan, the word "Yang Manzi" sounded like a mockery of him for not knowing even a few Chinese characters. It sounded harsh to Yang Dayan, and it hit him right away. His sore spot.

Yang Dayan suddenly became furious, his murderous intent became even stronger, he opened his mouth and cursed:

"Damn it, you and other untouchables from this country dare to insult this general like this!"

Because he didn't know many words and his language was full of contempt and contempt, all the officials in the court regarded him as a lucky person. Yang Dayan had no choice but to endure his temper and wanted to prove himself with military exploits.

But a group of Jianghu people, and they were also people from the Li Dynasty that he had always looked down on. Their status was as humble as dust in his opinion. At this time, they dared to mock him like this. How could this not make him furious?

The long-term depression in his heart made Yang Dayan take action in anger.

The spear tore through the air and made a screaming sound, as fast as thunder, making everyone's eyes blurred.

When he came back to his senses, Yang Dayan's figure had already appeared behind the group of men in black.

There was only the sound of "puff" piercing flesh and blood, and the spear penetrated into the chest of one of the men in black. But in the blink of an eye, only four of the five men in black were left.

The leader of the man in black shrank his pupils, remembering that just now, he could not even see Yang Dayan's figure clearly, and then remembering that before leaving, he put down his bold ambition to take Yang Dayan's life, he felt inexplicably angry in his heart, and suddenly roared:

"Ah, come and take your life!"

"Wahahahaha, quack quack..."

Seeing this, Yang Dayan's smile became more ferocious and his laughter became more terrifying.

Incomparable murderous intent and ferocious aura rose from Yang Dayan's body to the sky and hung in the air. The heaven and earth felt it, and the qi and machine combined, and immediately condensed into the shape of the luck, turning into the vision of a white tiger, wrapped in sharp gold to kill The air is accompanied by strong winds, raising its head and roaring.

Looking at the man in black who rushed up again, he obviously had no intention of leaving alive and used all his killing moves.

The so-called dragon follows the cloud and the wind follows the tiger. Yang Dayan, who is already good at light kung fu and movement, now has the help of the white tiger's vision, and with the help of the wind generated by the induction of heaven and earth, his figure is astonishingly fast, turning into phantoms and scattering around Shuai Shuai. In the account.

The virtual and real are combined, changing at will, and the figure is like a ghost, making it impossible for the men in black to distinguish where he is.

As the spear was swung, a majestic sound of wind and thunder was heard. The overbearing spear was irresistible. With one thrust, a man in black was cut off from life.

Only speed is unbreakable, these four words of martial arts secrets are vividly demonstrated in Yang Dayan's hands.

Although the leaders were both ninth-level masters, they could not keep up with Yang Dayan's movement skills even if they risked their lives.

Its nine-level momentum is solid, and there are also phenomena of luck condensed.

The gentle sword energy of the man in black is as soft as the spring breeze, and the sword energy interacts with the four seasons of heaven and earth, just like spring returning to the earth, full of vitality. This is obviously also the transformation of spring energy into swordsmanship, and is born in response to the four seasons. It is extremely profound. fencing.

But they are both ninth-level masters, and they are already different from the seventh- and eighth-level masters. The difference is a world of difference. His cultivation level when he first entered the ninth level is quite different from that of Yang Dayan before.

Before the vision of luck could be completely condensed and formed, the white tiger vision came to kill him, and the vision immediately dissipated.

[Yang Dayan, a general in the Northern Wei Dynasty, served as governor of Jingzhou, and was especially famous for his swift walking...

Force 95 (93), Literature 14, Wisdom 70, Morality 23...]

The world has changed, and the bottleneck that restricted the cultivation of warriors is no longer there. Even Yang Dayan has benefited from this. Over the past year or so, his martial arts has also improved, and he is no longer the same as when he first entered the ninth level!

The leader, watching helplessly as his companions died on the spot, became increasingly impatient, filled with grief and anger, and swung the sword in his hand faster and faster.

But the more impatient and angry he became, the more flaws he had. The man in black was originally able to withstand Yang Dayan's offensive, but after about ten moves, he was stabbed in the abdomen with a gun.

Yang Dayan's eyes became increasingly violent, but at this moment he held back his hand, drew out his spear, stuck it into the chest of the man in black, and kicked him to the ground.

Obviously, even this kick was reserved. Otherwise, with Yang Dayan's martial arts, it would not have been possible for him to fall to the ground so lightly!

The man still wanted to stand up and resist, but Yang Dayan reversed the tip of the spear in his hand and hit his wrist hard.

There was only a "gra" sound, a chilling sound of bone cracking, and the hand of the man holding the sword was immediately beaten to pieces.

"Ah, ah, my hand!"

The bones were smashed hard and the pain was so severe that the man in black suddenly let out a shrill scream.

At this time, Yang Dayan looked at the man in black on the ground who was covering his wrists and could no longer resist. His eyes were full of joy after venting. Then, he saw him brandishing his spear again and hitting the man three times in a row. All the limbs of the person were smashed off.

Xu Shu followed a group of soldiers into the tent, and saw Yang Dayan with a ferocious smile on his face, happily admiring his masterpiece, and the sword-wielding man in black lying on the ground, wailing in agony.

Seeing this, Xu Shu frowned subconsciously and shouted:

"General, what are you doing?"

When Yang Dayan heard the movement, he raised his head and looked at Xu Shu. His expression immediately softened and he said with a smile:

"Ah, it's all here! Look, the thief I captured is still alive. I've broken his limbs and will let my soldiers hang him up to the camp gate later. He will live and die to frighten these unruly traitors who do not know whether to live or die and disobey my rule, Dayun!"

Yang Dayan has always had great respect for those who have the ability. Obviously, during this period of working with Xu Shu, he has been classified as one of the most capable people in Yang Dayan's heart.

Xu Shu frowned, stared at Yang Dayan closely, and said in a deep voice:

"General, the Li Dynasty is now a vassal state of Dayun, and the people of Li Dynasty are also the people of Dayun. To win the hearts of the people for His Majesty, that is what we and the ministers should do!"

Hearing Xu Shu's reprimand, Yang Dayan was stunned for a while, then frowned and said:

"Dongchang has long received the news that these people are coming to kill me. These people are all dissatisfied with my Dayun Wanghua and consider themselves loyal. Just kill them. What's the big deal?


Xu Shu nodded, looked at Yang Dayan, pointed at the wailing man in black on the ground, and said solemnly:

"The general is right. It's okay to kill these people. We even need to kill a few more to completely extinguish Li Chao's resistance to me, Dayun... But these people can be killed! They must not be humiliated!"

When Yang Dayan heard this, he was immediately speechless.

His educational level was not high and he was violent, but he was by no means stupid. After Xu Shu reminded him, he understood what he meant.

Killing people will only kill those who have the courage to resist the rule of the Yun Kingdom. But if you humiliate them, it will most likely make more people in the Li Dynasty feel the same, feel inexplicable grief and anger, and develop a desire to resist.

Thinking of this, he sneered and poked the spear in his hand casually, and the tip of the spear immediately pierced the neck of the man in black.

The man in black, who had been wailing in agony, suddenly died.

He threw away the spear casually, touched his head, and said with a smile:

"Hey, Xu Dushi, you are smarter than me, General. Tell me, what should I do next? Do you want to bury them in glory to show my magnanimity?"

At this time, Yang Dayan once again acted like a fool. Just looking at his appearance at this time, he even gave people a naive feeling.

But everyone present had seen Yang Big Eye's violent look with their own eyes, and I'm afraid no one would find his appearance amusing...

Xu Shu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Since the traitors who disobey me as the King of Dayun dare to sneak into the camp and assassinate the general, it would be too much to bury them with great splendor. Just place their bodies openly outside the camp gate and let people take care of themselves.

Taking the body away without any hindrance is enough to show my magnanimity!"

When Yang Dayan heard this, he immediately clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, let's do it according to Xu Du's way!"

Having said this, Yang Dayan smiled and said:

"Anyway, they are all rebellious gangsters. The people in Dongchang have already figured out their background clearly. I just let them do whatever they want, and they can't do anything to me!"

Xu Shu's expression softened slightly, he couldn't help but nodded, and said with emotion:

"I never thought that the Dongji Bureau could penetrate so deeply into the Li Dynasty!"

It is enough to have enough influence in the court of Sheng Long Mansion. After all, Dongchang mainly focuses on this. But now, it seems that even in the arena of Li Dynasty, there seem to be a lot of spies.

It’s really shocking to think about it!

When Yang Dayan heard this, he touched his head and said without hesitation:

"The people in Dongchang said that it seems that this time people from the Li Dynasty assassinated my general, it was people from Dongchang who were behind the scenes, just to find these bloody people..."

Hearing this, Xu Shu nodded again.

Although this military spirit and fighting spirit are invisible and intangible things, they are the key to determining the outcome of a war, and even the rise and fall of a country.

If it weren't for the two national wars in the Yun Kingdom, which suddenly interrupted the spirit of the Li Dynasty's army, the generals and soldiers would be as afraid of Yun as a tiger.

Later, they tried to get rid of the former Taiwei Chen Feng, who was the backbone of the Li Dynasty army, so that the spirit of the Li Dynasty army disappeared and they no longer had the will to fight. The gate of the Yen Bai County camp was not ordered by Li Huyi.

, you can open it!

"Okay, General. The top priority is that we still need to lead troops and horses to Sheng Long Mansion as soon as possible to avoid changes! His Royal Highness King An accepted the canonization of His Majesty, even more thoroughly than Li Weining surrendered before. There are many people in the Li court and the public who are dissatisfied.

Therefore, since some people dare to come and assassinate the general, some people will think of assassinating His Highness Prince An!"

King An is naturally Li Hu.

Never mind how Yang Dayan submitted to Li Hu before. But now that he has accepted His Majesty's canonization decree, they naturally want to call him by the title of King An.

When Yang Dayan heard this, his expression immediately tightened, he nodded and said:

"That's true. After all, the Li Dynasty and the Western Navy have 100,000 troops. Although His Majesty has arranged for people to go there, if... In short, just in case, we still need to deal with the dozen or so people in Yen Bai County as soon as possible.

Wan Lijun, head to Shenglong Mansion as soon as possible!"


At this time, on the western border of the Li Dynasty, on the official road of Buri Prefecture, a group of people, holding the Xuanwu flag inlaid with gold and black background of the royal family of the Li Dynasty, were riding towards the west at high speed, traveling at starry night.

The two leaders are both tall. One of them is wearing silver armor and a white horse, and has a handsome appearance. The other is strong and brave, with a fiery red complexion, which impresses people at a glance.

"Sir Lu, General Zhao, thirty miles ahead is the West Route Navy Station and the Buri camp!"

The two leaders immediately reined in their horses and stopped, looking at the military camp that could be vaguely seen not far ahead, and nodded in unison.

Lu Bing, that is, the tall, strong man with red complexion, was the first to speak:

"General Zilong, after entering the military camp, we will hold the gold-inlaid Xuanwu flag and King An's decree to control the generals in the army and seal the camp gate to prevent incitement against the party!"

Zhao Yun, who had been promoted to general of the Yi Army because of the destruction of the Li Dynasty Navy, heard this and nodded repeatedly, saying:

"Okay, let's investigate and deal with the rebel gang members in the name of rebels in Shenglong Mansion!"

Both of them knew that King An's position was unfair and his methods were criticized. Therefore, once the news of Shenglong Mansion came, the Western Navy would probably mutiny on the spot. So the two of them accepted Xiao Cheng's order and rebelled in Lihu.

After ascending the throne, he received his decree and came all the way at high speed.

Only by controlling the generals, sealing the camp gates, prohibiting the transmission of information, and continuously brainwashing the soldiers in the army can we ensure control of the West Route Navy. After obtaining it, the matter came to light, and everything was settled long ago.

Zhao Yun paused, looked at Lu Bing, and said seriously:

"Just in case, I will hold the Xuanwu flag and enter the camp first. If it is too late, the army will definitely move, and Mr. Lu will not need to come in. I will rush out of the enemy camp on my own! If nothing happens, I will greet you respectfully.

In the name of the decree, we will lead the troops out of the camp, and when the time comes, Mr. Lu will enter the camp in accordance with the decree of King An!"

Hearing this, Lu Bing opened his mouth, nodded immediately, and said decisively:

"Okay, if it succeeds, General Yijun will take the lead! If it doesn't succeed... I, Lu Bing, will personally lead the troops to avenge the general!"

Zhao Yun heard this, shook his head, laughed twice, and said:

"Even if things don't work out, this Buri camp may not be able to stop me!"

After saying that, Zhao Yun bowed his hands to Lu Bing, immediately grabbed the gold-inlaid Xuanwu flag, led only a dozen soldiers, and galloped straight towards the main camp of Buri Prefecture.

Seeing Zhao Yun galloping into the Buri camp with the gold-encrusted Xuanwu flag in his hand, Lu Bing couldn't help but look nervous. He clenched the reins tightly and stared at the Buri camp intently. .

About two or three moments later, the gate of the Buri camp opened with a bang. A tall figure wearing silver armor led a group of Li army generals out slowly and lined up to greet them.

Lu Bing's eyes lit up immediately, he waved his fist happily and shouted:


Subsequently, a group of Yun soldiers and Dongchang fans dressed as Li Dynasty imperial guards immediately followed.

Under the respectful welcome of a group of Li army generals, they swaggered into the Buri camp. Relying on the imperial edict issued by Li Hu, they easily controlled a group of Li army generals and sealed the camp gate. No damage was done. With one soldier and one soldier, he completely took control of this camp, which was stationed with 100,000 elite soldiers!


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