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Chapter 58 Good news spreads frequently, the national fortune is prosperous

Xia Kingdom, Dejiang County.

Rongzhou City, which had been closed for more than half a month, suddenly opened its four gates.

Countless Xia army soldiers and horses were divided into four groups at this time, like a tide, they surged out at the same time and charged towards Guan Ning's cavalry blocking the city gate.

The cry of killing sounded from all directions at the same time. At first glance, it seemed a bit scary.

But as long as you listen carefully, you will find that the Xia army's shouts of killing are slightly chaotic and disorderly. How can they still look like the elite southwest frontier army?

The four gates of Rongzhou City were blocked by hundreds of Guan Ning's cavalry for half a month.

During this half month, more than ten thousand Yun troops dispersed in Dejiang County. Taking advantage of the empty cities, they attacked cities and captured territory along the way.

Nowadays, in Dejiang County, or in other words, among the six counties in the southwest, the rule of the Xia Kingdom is not stable. On the contrary, the Yun Kingdom has a higher prestige because of its assistance to the people.

When the Yun army attacked, the cities in various places not only did not resist, but even took the initiative to open the city to meet the Yun army. In just half a month, most of the entire Dejiang County fell into the hands of the Yun army.

The walls of Rongzhou City are strong, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed there. Even though the morale of Xia's army is low, Guan Ning's cavalry is powerful in deterrence, and Wu Zixu's army is slightly more advanced, it is absolutely impossible to attack with less than 20,000 troops and horses. Come down.

But if the food route is cut off and supplies are delayed, the situation will be different!

The hundreds of thousands of troops in Rongzhou City had no supplies. They had been blocked by Guan Ning's cavalry before and were killed at the gate of the city. They could not rush out and were already on the verge of collapse. Now this seems to be huge in scale and impressive in momentum. The offensive was nothing more than a desperate counterattack by the Xia army when they had no food and fodder and no way out!

In the Yunjun camp, Wu Zixu climbed up and looked into the distance. Looking at the hundreds of thousands of troops rushing out of Rongzhou City not far away, he couldn't help but curl his lips and shouted:

"Send the order, retreat first!"

As soon as these words came out, the generals around Wu Zixu couldn't help themselves. They stepped forward and clasped their fists:

"Master Wu, why are you withdrawing your troops? Guan Ning's cavalry is so brave that they block the city gate. No matter how many soldiers and horses the Xia army has, what can they do?"

The purpose of the city gate is so that when the enemy attacks the city, they can only file in through this small city gate, preventing the enemy from deploying their troops.

But when Wu Zixu deliberately blocked hundreds of thousands of troops in the city, the city gate actually became a boost to Yun's army!

The Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, with the help of luck and vision, is already full of intimidation. If they block the city gate, even the Xia Army's hundreds of thousands of troops can only charge forward bit by bit, and then die in front of the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry. Spear, under the horse's hooves.

In the past half month, Wu Zixu's generals were accustomed to smooth sailing. Relying on the fierceness of Guan Ning's cavalry, they no longer paid attention to the hundreds of thousands of elite Xia troops and only wanted to trap them to death in the city.

At this time, Wu Zixu immediately frowned and shouted:

"The military order is like a mountain, how can I allow you to talk too much!"

When all the generals heard this, they immediately felt shocked and did not dare to say any more. They quickly clasped their fists and obeyed the order, and retreated with the sound of gold medals.

Guan Ning's cavalry, who was blocked at the four gates, heard the sound of gold in the army, looked at the Xia army with disdain, and rushed out. He rode his horse back slowly to get out of the way.

Seeing Guan Ning's cavalry retreating and personally leading a group of troops to withdraw from the north city gate, Liao Gu, the general of the Xia Army, was immediately overjoyed. He pointed his long sword and shouted:

"There are only a few hundred Yun troops in front of the city gate. We should retreat now and take advantage of the victory to pursue! The whole army, kill!"

He gave an order, but his soldiers turned a deaf ear and fled from the gap where Guan Ning's cavalry dispersed. They subconsciously obeyed his order and several soldiers were just about to rush over. Before they could take a few steps, they were suddenly attacked by a group of soldiers.

The scattered colleagues rushed away, and there was no longer any formation.

For half a month, Guan Ning's cavalry, numbering no more than 3,000, had been scattered at the city gate, completely blocking Xia Jun's retreat. No matter how Xia Jun organized his elite and brave men, they could not break through these numbers.

The city gates blocked by hundreds of heavy cavalry were almost pushed back into the city in many cases.

Under such a situation, all the Xia troops had already lost their morale and had no fighting spirit.

Seeing the Yun army retreating at this time, the only thought in the minds of the Xia army officers and soldiers was to escape from the battlefield quickly. No matter how much the general Liao Gu shouted, he could not give orders to his subordinates.

This is true for the troops at the east city gate led by Liao Gu himself, not to mention the Xia troops at the other city gates.

At this time, the situation was chaotic and the morale of the army was chaotic. Under the chaos, the troops were scattered in all directions, and it looked like a defeated army.

When Wu Zixu saw this in the distance, he sneered, immediately pulled out the sword from his waist and said:

"Send the order, all troops advance!"

When the generals behind him heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they immediately understood why Wu Zixu had just asked Guan Ning's cavalry to retreat.

Accompanied by the sound of "dong dong dong" the military drum, Guan Ning's cavalry, which had just retreated, now rode forward again. The heavily armored war horse accelerated slowly, and then suddenly rushed into the chaotic Xia army's formation.


The Xia army, which had no formation at all, was now even more unable to resist Guan Ning's cavalry.

Iron hoofs stepped down, fierce fighting spirit rose into the sky, the heaven and earth felt it, condensed the vision of Xiongguan, and carried an unstoppable momentum, just like Mount Tai pressing down.

The sound of armor lock plates clashing, the sound of iron hoofs stepping into flesh and blood, the sound of spears piercing the body, Xia Jun's desperate and shrill screams, and all kinds of chilling sounds intertwined together, making Rongzhou this time

The four gates of the city turned into a dead land.

Countless Xia Army officers and soldiers died here, trampled under the iron hoofs, and even no bones were left!

Wu Zixu looked at the bloody battlefield in front of him, filled with howls and screams, and frowned slightly, but he did not feel the pleasure of avenging his family.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Send orders to all troops and horses along the way. If you encounter an established Xia army along the way, you must not let it go!"


The generals around Wu Zixu were about to go down to deliver the order, but they heard Wu Zixu suddenly sigh quietly and continue:

"If he surrenders, he will not be killed."



Yunguo, in Zhongqing City.

Perhaps it is because the New Year is approaching and people need to buy goods. Therefore, at this time, the streets of Zhongqing City are filled with tourists and cars, the sounds of vendors are heard one after another, and the wine shops and teahouses are full, and they are still decorated with flowers.

The scene of a prosperous age when the fire is cooking.

At this time, war had already broken out on the border. The Xia and Li dynasties attacked simultaneously, and the Yun State was forced to open three or four battlefields at the same time, fighting fiercely with the enemy. It seemed that it was reappearing when Xiao Cheng took power.

At the beginning, the two countries attacked, the country was in turmoil, and the country was about to collapse.

But today is different from the past. Today, the Holy Emperor is in the DPRK. The whole DPRK is united and the troops are in full swing. The situation on the border is even better. Successful reports are coming back from time to time. It is no longer the panic-stricken scene it once was!

At this time, the entire Yun Kingdom was not only not plunged into gloom due to the border war, but even the people were extremely confident. The final battle situation had not yet been determined. In the chats on the streets, there was no longer the awe of the Xia Kingdom, the most powerful country in the past.


At this moment, all the people heard was the sound of whips and suddenly an explosion.

Everyone followed the sound and saw four or five knights on tall war horses, holding Yunlong flags, galloping into the city. The pedestrians on the road were suddenly frightened and scattered in all directions, huddled together.

The bustling market was now in chaos. Some people could be heard exclaiming, some couldn't help but curse in a low voice, and there were even more complaints coming out of their mouths.

I heard the knights of the Yun Army entering the city on horseback, shouting excitedly:

"Good news from Xiushan County, the Le Dynasty has reduced its national title, disbanded the soldiers and horses of Yen Bai County, and surrendered the whole country!"

"Good news from Xiushan County, the entire Li Dynasty has surrendered..."

The loud shouts echoed throughout the entire Zhongqing City, immediately silencing the dissatisfied people. After a while, the people had forgotten their complaints and started talking one after another.

"What, what? What did that man say?"

"It seems that the Li Dynasty has surrendered."

"Hey, didn't the Li Dynasty surrender long ago?"

"Yeah, and then I rebelled again..."

"Bah, it's really a small country like Zu'er, so capricious!"

"If you ask me, this Li Dynasty has a lot of rebellion in its head. It would be better to let General Anton go all the way into the royal capital of Li Dynasty to avoid the drama of surrender and rebellion before coming back!"

"Do you think that the current Holy Emperor and all the adults in the court are not as smart as you? Did you hear, 'dismissal of the soldiers and horses of Anpei County'! The surrender of the Li Dynasty this time will definitely not be so easy!"

"That's right. How wise the Holy Emperor is!"

Perhaps because of several defeats against the Li Dynasty, the threshold of the people of the Yun Kingdom was raised. At this time, when they heard that the Li Dynasty had surrendered, although the people were happy, they did not have any big reaction.

But just as the army reported victory and the soldiers headed straight towards the palace, and the people were about to disperse, they heard the sound of the rapid hooves of war horses again.

Then, at the city gate, there were several more people riding Pegasus, with Yunlong flags in their hands making a sound, which was unusually conspicuous.

Then a burst of high and exciting sounds was heard, exploding in the ears of the people:

"General Anbei has reported great success. All Jiangyang County in Xia Kingdom has been occupied by our army! Long live your Majesty, May Dayun be victorious!"

"General Anbei reported success, Jiangyang County of Xia State..."

When the people in the city heard this, they were silent for a while, and then they all cheered.


"I won, I really won!"

"The Xia Kingdom is just an illusion. From now on, the most powerful country in the world should be me, Dayun!"

Before everyone had finished cheering, they saw another Yunlong flag flying at the city gate, escorted by elite cavalry.

"The Left Army Governor's Mansion reported from Shicheng County that Rongzhou was victorious. The southwest frontier army of Rongzhou of Xia Kingdom was defeated. More than 20,000 enemy soldiers were beheaded and 60,000 enemy troops were captured. The entire Dejiang County of Xia Kingdom has been captured!"

"A great victory in Rongzhou, killing more than 20,000 enemies, capturing 60,000 enemies, and taking control of Dejiang County in Xia Kingdom!"

Before the autumn harvest, the Xia State ambushed Di Qing, the general of Yongzhou, and the conspiracy to provoke a mutiny was exposed, and a war broke out between Wuzhou and Yongzhou. At about the same time, Li Weining rebelled again, and his navy headed north into the territory of the Yun State, intending to threaten the important town of Shicheng County.

War in the Three Kingdoms has resumed. Today, only two months have passed since the war was fully completed, but the situation has already changed drastically!

The navy of Li Dynasty on the east route that entered the territory of Yun Kingdom has been completely wiped out. Even Li Weining of Li Dynasty, who was the leader of the army, was lost in the chaos and his life and death were unknown. General Yang Dayan of Andong led tens of thousands of troops to attack.

In the territory of Li Dynasty, the Li Dynasty court was forced to surrender.

On the other side, the three battlefields of Jianchang Prefecture-Jiangyang County, Shicheng County-Dejiang County, and Yongzhou-Wuzhou, which faced Xia Kingdom, except for Hechi County Wuzhou where Xia Kingdom was heavily guarded, the other two battlefields were already

Good news came back.

Compared with the Li Dynasty, defeating the Xia Kingdom, the most powerful country in the world, can obviously give the people of the Yun Kingdom a greater feeling. Although everyone was extremely confident before, when the news of the victory came back, the people could not help but be stunned.

For a moment.

"Long live your Majesty! The great clouds are victorious!"

A cheering sound suddenly sounded from the crowd, waking up all the people.

The next moment, the crowd suddenly reacted!

"Long live your Majesty! The great clouds are victorious"

"Long live the Holy Emperor, long live, long live!"

"The Holy Emperor is destined to return, and he will be powerful all over the world!"

The endless cheers first sounded from near the city gate, and then quickly spread to the entire Zhongqing City. The deafening sound resounded all around, as if the entire Zhongqing City had exploded.

Yun Kingdom Palace, in the Yangxin Hall.

The cheers of the people in the city were heard in the palace.

Xiao Cheng raised his head slightly, listened to the people outside the palace shouting for long live, and couldn't help but smile.

In the Yangxin Hall, all the courtiers looked at each other, immediately knelt down on the ground with a look, leaned over to salute, and shouted in unison:

"My ministers, congratulations to Your Majesty! Long live, long live, long live your Majesty!"

Accompanied by the deafening cheers of the people, in the sight that ordinary people could not see, huge spiritual power overflowed from all the civil and military officials and the people of the Yun Kingdom, turning into white and blue waves of different sizes.

, purple, gold and other colors of light, all gathered towards the sky.

Above the sky, the vast stretches of golden auspicious clouds are surging continuously, the spirit of the country is turning into dragons and tigers, and many auspicious phenomena are emerging one by one.

Only a faint sound of dragon roar was heard, coming from the clouds.

Among the golden auspicious clouds, the dragon's body could be seen rolling, looming.

The next moment, the Yun Kingdom's golden dragon flew out. Its scales, claws, whiskers, and chin were all clear and distinct, without any illusion at all, just like the real thing.

As countless streams of light of different sizes and colors merged in, the body of the golden divine dragon suddenly shook. Its original body of several tens of feet grew again, and its aura became even deeper.

The Holy Spirit inspires the heaven and earth spirits, and the auspicious light and majestic Emperor Qi arise.

Thousands of weather conditions reflect the magnificent destiny of the country of Yun.

As the country's destiny became more and more prosperous, all the civil and military officials of the Yun Kingdom, regardless of their positions, had a strange feeling at this time. They felt that a gentle force suddenly and inexplicably surged through their bodies.

The civil servant felt his spirit trembled, and his head became clearer. The general also felt that the meridians all over his body suddenly merged with a gentle force, and the hidden wounds he had suffered in past battles and training showed signs of easing and repairing.

At this time, no matter where they were, the officials of the Yun Kingdom were all touched. Looking towards the direction of Zhongqing City, an idea suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.


Your Majesty today must be the Holy Lord of Destiny who was born in response to the destiny of heaven, to command the great clouds, and to unite the world!

In the Yangxin Hall, Xiao Cheng lowered his head slightly.

On the golden finger panel, the skill [Destiny Zhaozhao] shines brightly.

[The effect of the skill "Destiny is Zhaozhao" is triggered, the force value is +3, the upper limit of physical value is +5, and the upper limit of health value is +5]

[December 13th, the first year (autumn) of Zhaosheng in Dayun Kingdom

Literature: 47 Martial Arts: 108 (Raging Dragon Sword +10, Skill Effect +13) Morality: 63

Physical fitness: 87 (full value 106) Age: 17 Health: 96 (full value 106)

Treasury: 13.11 million Lianghuangwei: 90

Wearing the Emperor Card: King Qi Wei—Tian Yinqi

Effective skills: Tian clan on behalf of Qi, accepting suggestions widely, working hard to govern, Jixia Academy

Additional skills: Destiny Zhaozhao, Dali Duanshi, Ming Dynasty Afterglow】

He made an emergency landing in the Li Dynasty, defeated the Xia army, and occupied the two southwest counties. The national power greatly increased, which made the people excited and the people's hearts stable. This fed back to the national destiny, which naturally greatly increased the national destiny!

At this time, in Yunlou.

Liu Bowen felt that under the feedback of the national destiny, his mind became clearer and clearer, and he couldn't help laughing and said:

"The national destiny is becoming more and more prosperous, and under the feedback, the civil and military forces of the entire dynasty will benefit!"

Si Tianjian Supervisor Tantai Hui, who was born in the Yin Yang family, couldn't help but say:

"If you can understand the secrets, you will help me, the great cloud, to support the world and unify the mountains, rivers, sun and moon!"

When Liu Bowen heard this, he immediately said:

"You can only rely on me and keep working hard!"

The Sitianjian officials present here, who came from hundreds of families, immediately suppressed the excitement in their hearts, bowed their heads and saluted, and said in unison:

"We will do our best!"


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