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Chapter 50 Long way to go

You can hear Chu Xiao’s suggestion.

Ying Cheng frowned.

It is not unreasonable that he built the wall in three days. One day was spent ramming the earth and digging the foundation, and two days he was erecting the wall.

In other words, it is a crappy project. Build the wall first and don’t think about when it will be demolished.

But according to Chu Xiao’s suggestion.

Don't say three days, even if you add three more days, it won't be possible.

"If we build it this way, how long will it take to complete it?" Ying Cheng couldn't help but ask.

Chu Xiao thought about it and replied: "Fifteen days!"

"How long will it take to cancel the inner embankment of the wall?" Ying Cheng asked again.

"This?" Chu Xiao replied doubtfully: "Twelve days!"

"How long will it take to cancel the drainage ditch?" Ying Cheng asked again.

"Chu Xiao sighed in his heart and understood this specific request. After thinking for a long time, he said with difficulty: "Eight days!

"How long will it take to encircle the Zaohe Bridge without erecting a wall?" Ying Cheng said directly this time:

"In five days at most, I must see the wall that separates the inside and outside!"

Chu Xiao glanced around, sighed and nodded: "Okay!"

He didn't want to talk anymore.

He believed that Ying Chenghui would eventually suffer the consequences.

How can it be created like this!

Flood prevention, collapse prevention, rain prevention, defense, blockage prevention...all must be considered.

"Then I'll bother you with the eunuch's supervision!" Ying Cheng nodded and left in a staggered way.

All he wants is a wall!

He wouldn't want to erect walls if he could.

But people’s thinking is very strange. If you don’t build a wall to isolate the inside and outside, people will never think that this is your territory.

I no longer paid attention to building the wall.

Ying Cheng came to the place where the palace craftsmen originally worked.

There are seven or eight papermaking components being built separately.

A large waterwheel, a mold for engraving Qin characters, an ink tank for placing printing plates, brushes, etc.

"Greetings to Dalu Ling, Mr. Xiaowei."

As soon as he arrived at the former site of the Palace Craftsmanship Department, he was greeted by a black-armored guard.

The construction of all components is strictly confidential.

Not only are there black-armored guards outside, but each manufacturing team inside is also closely guarded.

at the same time.

The black-armored guards are also supervising each other and are not allowed to leave. If they are discovered, they will be regarded as spies.

He doesn't think so.

Every one of the officers and soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty was loyal to the First Emperor. It was not uncommon for a mouse to ruin a pot of soup.

Go inside.

The first thing that comes into view is the manufacturing of molds with Yang-engraved Qin characters.

"Keep going, leave me alone!"

Ying Cheng raised his hand to stop the craftsman who was working hard.

The Three Wonders of Pre-Qin Dynasty: Clay Fan, Iron Fan, and Investment Mold!

The positive carving mold is made by investment method under the leadership of a big coppersmith.

To be honest, it has its own way...

He gave the great coppersmith one hundred and twenty words.

Among them is the anti-'Qin' character.

First, they put a piece of wood on top of the Chinese character Qin, hand-carved a reverse "Qin" character, and then polished it carefully.

Then apply low slurry layer by layer, and finally wrap the entire Qin character, and cover one end with the base to make a jar.

Just put it on the fire and burn it.

The wood inside burns to ashes, and a positive-engraved mold with the word "Qin" is completed.

After that, the bronze positive engraving plate mold is poured.


Ying Cheng touched a carved mold that had been made, picked it up and looked at it carefully, and let out a light sigh of surprise.

"The King of Three Systems!"

"The King of Three Systems!"

"The King of Three Systems!"

Ying Cheng looked through several other Qin Ziyang engraving plate molds.

There really is.

Just on the side of the word block, in an inconspicuous place, at the same position, are these three words slightly protruding.

Wang San is the name of this great coppersmith.

Create accountability!

Once something goes wrong, the specific person can be held directly responsible.

He swore.

When he assigned the task last night, he never issued an order to severely punish anyone who failed to do it or failed to do it.

And now.

I actually saw the words directly naming the person who created it on the block.

How not to be surprised.

Ying Cheng happened to be walking next to a carpenter who was carving the characters, and he saw that the carpenter was carving the words "Wang San Zhi" on the wooden block of "Zi".

This area will be raised when the mud is burned and the paper is poured, and it will be sunken when it is poured again.

"The responsibility system has been integrated into the blood of Da Qin craftsmen!"

Ying Cheng sighed softly in his heart, not knowing whether to be happy or sigh.

"Wang San, this is your Zhongzao Order appointment document!"

"This is the bounty document issued by my officer. You can collect the bounty by going to the official residence of Zizunai Shi."

"From now on, your salary will be provided by Zhi Su Nei Shi Fu."

Ying Cheng said and winked at an accompanying black-armored guard.

Appointment document.

His official seal of the great law has been stamped on it.

Have a formal appointment from the government.

From then on, this Wang San included these five craftsmen.

They will all be affiliated to the registered craftsmen of the Printing Workshop Mold Manufacturing Department, a subsidiary of Dalufu No. 1 Super Workshop.

And this group will have an independent workshop in the future to delve into these one hundred and twenty Qin characters.

No matter how big or small, it will be built by these people.

If he is too busy, he will look for a place to grab... and just call in a few craftsmen.

But at this moment.


Originally, the big coppersmith was concentrating on pouring hot copper water into the mold.

Suddenly his hand shook, and hot copper water came out.

"Sir, be careful!"

There was a scream at the scene.

Ying Cheng only felt an iron hand grabbing his shoulder, and by the time he reacted, he was already being pinned tightly in Guo Huaiyi's arms.

The cold cry of the bronze sword could also be heard in my ears.

This isolated place felt like an earthquake.

Whether it was the big coppersmith, or other carpenters, or masons, they were all lying on the ground with a look of horror on their faces.

"The grassroots people know the crime, the grassroots people know the crime, the grassroots people hear the decree of the Great Law Order, and get excited for a moment, causing a great disaster, the Great Law Order, please spare your life."

Wang San stuttered and begged for mercy, his face turning pale.

Several other craftsmen also trembled and begged for mercy.

"One life for me, even if I kill you ten times, it won't be worth the hatred of the young master."

Guo Huaiyi let go of his hand and stared at Wang San coldly, and ordered: "Whoever comes, pull him out and kill him."

The two black-armored guards would execute it without question.

"Phew, wait, wait!"

Only then did Ying Cheng realize what had happened.

When Wang San heard the official appointment document and the bounty, his hands shook with excitement and he spilled the copper water.

Even looking at the production table, there was no splash.

Guo Huaiyi reacted too quickly and protected him in the emergency.

Seeing that he was fine, he poured out his anger directly on Wang San.

This was an accident.

If Wang San was killed because of this, it would be totally illogical both emotionally and rationally.


Guo Huaiyi looked cold and wanted to persuade Ying Cheng, "Once the copper water splashes, the general will not be able to react in time. The hot copper water hurts the young master, and the general will be responsible for the death of thousands of people."

"Okay, okay, let him go and give him the appointment document." Ying Cheng waved his hand and reiterated:

"The copper water did not splash. Even if it splashed, it was an accident. He has no intention of assassinating me. Let him go!"

Guo Huaiyi paused and signaled the two black-armored guards who had captured Wang San to let Wang San go.

"The grassroots thank you for sparing your life, and the grassroots thank you for sparing your life."

Wang San let go and knelt on the ground, crying and feeling grateful, but he didn't even dare to accept the appointment document.

"Okay, restore order and continue building!"

Ying Cheng waved his sleeves and ignored it, but let out a long sigh in his heart.

There is a long way to go!

This scene is the current situation of Da Qin!

And this current situation is recognized by everyone from top to bottom.

Guo Huaiyi thought Wang San had endangered his life, so he wanted to kill him.

Wang San thought that he had endangered his life and wanted to be killed.

This has nothing to do with Qin Fa.

Strict rules established by convention!

This kind of rules even far exceeds the enforcement of Qin law.

This chapter has been completed!
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