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Chapter 602 Xianning: So, Chanyue and she are coming?

Henan Governor’s Yamen, backyard.

After dinner, Jia Heng and Princess Xianning came to the study alone. By the bright candlelight, they could see a yellowed map spread out on a square red lacquered pear wood, which was the map of the Yellow River watershed.

Previously, Jia Heng summoned the county magistrates to coordinate with the people, and then he devoted all his efforts to building embankments and weirs. In the past few days, he had frequently inspected the embankments of the Yellow River waterways.

"According to what the gatekeepers said, this year's summer rain will pour down and the Yellow River will flood. I don't care about Henan, but I am afraid of Huaiyang and other places." Jia Heng looked deeply at the map of the Yellow River's course, and measured back and forth with his fingers on the map of the Yellow River's old course. Gestures.

The middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River's transit areas, Henan and Huaiyang, have been repeatedly hit by the Yellow River's disasters. Once it breaks out, countless people along the coast will die or be injured.

He is the governor of Henan's military and political affairs and is confident that he can protect Henan. However, he is not sure whether the river embankments along the Huaiyang area can block the summer floods. Everything depends on whether the embankments built by the governor of Nanhe can withstand it. Live in floods.

"Gao Bin, the governor of Nanhe, is from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, and should belong to the Zhejiang Party. Gao Bin and Shen Fang, the governor of Liangjiang, are brothers-in-law. Gao Bin's appointment as governor of Nanhe is also related to Shen Fang's strong support." Jia Heng put down the ruler in his hand. , his cold eyes wandered around Huaiyang and other places.

There are Huaihe River, Hongze Lake and other lakes here. Once the Yellow River and Huaihe River flood, countless people will suffer floods.

"Tomorrow I will send a message to the counties along the Nan River to advise on the warning of summer floods." Jia Heng looked deeply and thought deeply.

Although he is the governor of Henan and the minister of military aircraft, he cannot issue orders across provinces and can only give reminders.

"Or wait half a month before submitting the memorial to the court. At that time, go to the Chief Secretary and pass the newspaper to the residence. After half a month, one letter will be enough to attract the attention of the emperor and the court officials." Jia Heng thought about it for a while, and then said, "Finally, as a private person Write a letter to Gao Bin, Shen Fang and others, it’s up to them whether they listen or not.”

This is the response he can make. Unless he is under the command of the military minister, intervening in the civil affairs of other provinces across provinces is a hateful thing.

"Sir." Just when Jia Heng's face was as dark as water and he was deep in thought, a sweet voice as cold as melting ice and snow came from behind the screen in the study.

Princess Xianning changed into a long aqua dress with a slender waist and high waist, which perfectly highlighted her tall and beautiful figure. Her hair was made of lush green silk hair tied into a bun with jasper hairpins, and her petite earlobes were pierced with earrings. , the tail end is pendant in the shape of a butterfly, which shines in the light, and the light and shadow shine together, making it bright and moving.

At this moment, Xianning walked gracefully and elegantly. Perhaps it was because he had just taken a bath, and his originally white and shiny jade cheeks and snowy cheeks were slightly red, delicate and charming, and there was a sense of wandering between his quiet brows and eyes. Meaning of laziness.

Previously, Princess Xianning promised Jia Heng a dance, so she just went to take a bath, changed her clothes, and came back again to prepare to dance for Jia Heng.

Jia Heng followed the sound and looked up at the graceful and graceful girl. His eyes wandered to the skirt of the low-cut skirt and he praised, "Your Highness, the green skirt and sleeves are a bit like water. The charm of lotus dew in the wind."

At this moment, a string of crystal necklaces hung under Princess Xianning's fair neck, hidden in the lapel of her clothes along her delicate jade-like collarbones, making Jia Heng quite curious as to what material it was made of...

"Sir." Being looked at by Jia Heng, Princess Xianning felt shy and happy. Under the Chunshan dark eyebrows, her bright eyes were slightly drooped, and her fair-skinned jade face had turned a blush like a cloud without knowing when.

Jia Heng nodded, left the desk, reached out and grabbed Princess Xianning's slender catkins, and asked, "Xianning, this necklace of yours is very beautiful? Is it made of pearls?"

Princess Xianning: "???"

Knowing that the young man was teasing him again, he glared at her with bright eyes, and was about to speak when he suddenly felt a shadow approaching, so he couldn't help but close his bright eyes.

This is already... her and her husband's daily routine.

From being uncomfortable at first, to now I am immersed in it and enjoy it endlessly.


After a while, Jia Heng hugged Xian Ning, whose delicate body was trembling, and said warmly: "What kind of dance are you doing?"

Princess Xianning's face was slightly red, and she said in a trembling voice: "I want to dance a Xiang Lady dance. This is the dance of Chu people's "Nine Songs" compiled by the concubine during her free time in the palace. It is based on the method of water sleeves.

It was choreographed, and a small part of it was a solo dance.”

Jia Heng's eyes were blank for a moment and he murmured, "Mrs. Xiang?"

He knew Mrs. Xiang because of... the fairy mother.

However, although it is a classical dance, it is more of a classical dance restored by later generations, and it may not be as charming as the ancients dancing today.

Princess Xianning said happily, then took Jia Heng's hand and walked towards the inner room.

Jia Heng also got up and went to the back room, found a chair and sat down. He picked up a pot of tea from the small table and sipped it slowly, intending to enjoy the dance.

"It's a pity that there is no music here." Jia Heng said to himself as he stared at the graceful, graceful and graceful girl with a graceful figure.

It seems that in front of Jia Heng, Princess Xianning was a little shy. She took a deep breath and made a gesture. Her figure was as soft as a thin willow, as if a weak willow supporting the wind, lightly fluffing smoke, but the flowing clouds and sleeves in her hands had just

Throw it up...

In the cemetery and outside the study, Xiahou Tomb's clear and clear voice sounded like gold and stone: "Sir, there is a message from a flying pigeon in the capital."

Jia Heng's face turned solemn, he put down the tea cup in his hand, looked at Princess Xianning who was standing there with a slightly apologetic look, and said warmly: "Your Highness, wait a moment, I'll go take a look."

Without waiting for a word, he walked around the screen and looked at Xia Houying, who was wearing a Feiyu suit with a frosty face. She looked into her clear eyes for a moment and asked, "Where is the paper?"

"Here it is." Xiahou Ying handed him over, her eyes flickering, and her heart filled with mixed emotions. She thought this young man in front of her was capable when Cuihua Mountain destroyed the bandit's nest.

Who would have thought that it was those half-hearted and flirtatious people who used to hook up with His Highness Jinyang, but now they have been flirting with Princess Xianning in the past few days, so that in order to cover up others' eyes, she now replaced Liu Jixian's bodyguard outside, and was responsible for delivering orders.

Then, when His Highness Jinyang comes to Henan, should you tell her?

At this time, Jia Heng stretched out his hand to take the paper compiled by the guards of Jinyi Mansion, and looked at it under the light, his face changed slightly, and he frowned and said nothing.

Naturally, this scene was seen by Xia Houying, who had already read the paper, and frowned. Did His Highness Jinyang's coming over ruin his good fortune?

Jia Heng finished reading and was silent for a while.

"What's the matter, sir? Are you frowning?" At this moment, Princess Xianning stepped out from the inner compartment. Under her beautiful eyebrows, her pair of shining eyes stared curiously at the boy in the python suit.

Xia Houying glanced at Princess Xianning, her eyes couldn't help but become quieter, she cupped her hands, and turned around to guard her under the eaves of the corridor.

Jia Heng put down the paper, held Princess Xianning's jade hand, walked towards the inner compartment, sat down, met the gaze of those crystal eyes, and said warmly: "Because of the chaos in Henan, the Holy Lord promoted me to the third-class Yongning Bo.

, In addition, the imperial edict to posthumously confer my late wife the title of Super-grade Imperial Lady is still on the way, and will be sent by mail in a few days, which will be six hundred miles away."

When Princess Xianning heard this, her beautiful face showed joy and she said softly: "This is a good thing."

"Well, Uncle Yongning?"

Just for a moment, the girl blinked her bright eyes and looked at Jia Heng softly, with ripples in her heart.

Is this...what does she understand?

Sir, Xianning will always belong to her?

However, being promoted to a noble title is supposed to be a happy event, so why does the gentleman look so unhappy?

Jia Heng looked at the girl with clear eyes attentively and said: "There is one more thing. Your Majesty heard that I was going to Shuzhi River and planned to allocate a sum of money to support me."

"Father, he knows that river affairs are of great importance, so it's not surprising that he can allocate money to come here. This should also be a happy event." Princess Xianning nodded, her face as cold as frost jade, with a look of doubt.

Jia Heng was silent for a moment, then said: "The people escorting the silver are... the young princess and the eldest princess of Jinyang."

Princess Xianning「???」


So, Chan Yue and...she is coming?

She just needs to stay well in Beijing, why does she have to come all the way here?

Jia Heng's face paused and he explained: "The Holy One is also a little hesitant now, so he passed the letter on a flying pigeon and came over to ask what I meant."

He also didn't want Jinyang to come over for inspection, but if he refused like this, it would hurt Jinyang's heart.

Jin Yang probably missed him, and he must have missed him badly, otherwise he wouldn't have left Beijing to come here.

Moreover, upon hearing that he would not come back for two or three months, the pain of lovesickness became even more unbearable.

Princess Xianning frowned her beautiful eyebrows, and the dim light in the depths of her clear eyes flashed away. She was silent for a moment, and her beautiful face said faintly: "Then sir, you might as well tell your father that there are many things going on in the Central Plains. Please ask for an official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to come over."

That’s fine, there’s no need to make a big show of it.”

Jia Heng "..."

Facing the young man's surprised and playful gaze, Princess Xianning's cheeks were as crimson as the clouds. Her lips twitched and hesitantly said: "Sir... there is no need for them to come from the Central Plains."


She is enough. What are you doing with your cousin?

"The eldest princess and the little princess are here to visit the queen mother's relatives in Luoyang on behalf of the empress dowager, and to take a look at the situation in Henan. They probably won't stay long." Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said softly.

I couldn't help but think that the three monks had no water to drink.

Princess Xianning looked at Jia Heng with her bright eyes. She was silent for a while, then sighed softly and said softly: "Sir, let them come over."

She could see her husband's tangled thoughts. In fact, he also missed that person. After all, he already had such a close relationship with that person.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of the attic last year again, and it seemed that my nose was still lingering...

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and said: "There's no rush for now. We still have enough money to build the river embankment. If the Central Plains becomes quieter in another half month, I'll pick them up myself."...

He wouldn't be at ease if someone else escorted her. He could only rest assured if he led the cavalry and royal guards to Tongguan to pick her up and saw Li'er with his own eyes.

Princess Xianning's beautiful face paused slightly, and she pursed her lips. There was a sourness in her heart for no reason, and she said softly: "Yes."

Will you pick me up in person? You are really considerate.

Jia Heng reached out to hold the girl's slender body and gently brought her into his arms. After getting along with each other for the past few days, he could also feel some of Xianning's frustration. He said with relief: "Tomorrow we will complete the survey of the river course and go to the lower county.

I'm making an inspection, and you'll go down with me. The main thing is to accompany you to see the scenery of the Central Plains."

As he spoke, he pinched Xianning's face, which was as cold as snow, and felt that the muscles and bones were crystal clear and soft to the touch.

With Princess Xianning's intelligence and beauty, she must have known about him and Jinyang for a long time, but she just flew into the flames... and snatched her love with a sword.

Princess Xianning's jade cheeks were stained with crimson, her eyes were moving, she gave Jia Heng a lightly angry look, and said quietly: "Then just wait for her to come over, sir, and stay with her."

Jia Heng: "..."

Now Xianning doesn't even call out to anyone? During the conversation, he actually called her... That's it, it's okay not to call her.

"What a jealous little person." Jia Heng said softly, bowing his head in silence at Xian Ning's shyness.

Princess Xianning snorted and closed her bright eyes again.

After a while, Princess Xianning nestled the red jade-faced boa head in Jia Heng's arms, listened to the strong heartbeat, and whispered: "Sir, it's my fault, it's me..."

"It has nothing to do with you, flies don't bite seamless eggs." Jia Heng said softly.


Who is a fly? What does it bite?

Princess Xianning suppressed the weirdness in her heart, suddenly remembered something, and said in a playful voice: "My uncle has prepared wine and food over there. I would like to invite you to have a drink with your husband tomorrow. Is he free?"

Jia Heng thought for a while and asked: "He has been busy presiding over the rectification of officialdom recently, how come he has time to treat me to dinner?"

Princess Xianning said: "I have been busy with official affairs in Kaifeng City before, so I didn't have time to chat with my husband. Now it's better to have a casual meal."

"Then let's do it tomorrow night." Jia Heng agreed.

Compared to Song Jing, it's okay to be closer to Song Xuan, but you still can't be too close.

"Then I'll tell my aunt early tomorrow morning." Princess Xianning said happily, with joyful attention in her bright eyes.

"Well, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go see Mrs. Xiang." Jia Heng thought for a while, then suddenly leaned into the girl's ear and whispered.

Princess Xianning's beautiful face flushed slightly, and she said "hmm" like a mosquito.

The two returned to the inner compartment again. Princess Xianning had long sleeves and a graceful figure. When Jia Heng saw the dance, before Princess Xianning finished dancing, he had already put his arms around his lover and tried the material of the pearl necklace with his mouth.


Just when Jia Heng was enjoying the dance and eating snow, the gods of Jing City and Qi County Prince's Mansion came one by one.

In the study, the lights were brightly lit. Prince Qi, who had returned from Weinan County a little later, nestled his plump body in the Taishi chair, with a look of exhaustion in his small eyes.

Sitting in a row on the pearwood chairs with backrests below are Dou Rong, Xu Shaozhen and Master Huitong. In addition, there is a special person, Jia Yucun.

Since the fall of King Zhongshun, Jia Yucun has taken refuge with Qijun Wang Chen Cheng. He had previously accompanied Qijun Wang to Gongling and signed the Jiyi inscriptions on the side...

After all, he was a second-ranked Jinshi, so he was naturally good at official documents. He gradually gained the trust of Prince Qi and was given the post of Chief Registrar in the mansion.

Prince Qi picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and sighed: "I am exhausted. I suspect that I lost ten pounds during this trip."

At first, the Prince of Qi and the Prince of Chu had just resumed the task of supervising the construction of the imperial mausoleum, and they were competing to see who was more diligent, loyal, and filial. But as time passed, they really couldn't bear to stay in Gongling Mausoleum and suffer all the time, so the two brothers agreed that you and I would be here for five days.

Five days, and then the remaining five days to jointly inquire and supervise.

With each other supervising each other, no one dared to do anything, but the progress of the project accelerated a lot.

Jia Yucun said with a smile: "Your Majesty has been on duty in Weinan these days, and his filial piety is truly touching. He will go to the palace tomorrow to see the Emperor and His Majesty."

Dou Rong glanced at Prince Qi's fat face, which was almost glistening under the candlelight. He had no expression on his face. He stood up, took out a note from his sleeve, and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, this is Henan."

Please ask the prince to read the secret report."

When Chen Cheng, the king of Qi County, kept the Sanhe Gang as slaves, he used the accumulated wealth to build a huge intelligence force, and this intelligence force spread all over the country, acting as eyes and ears.

Prince Qi Jun took the paper and read it, his fat face jumped, and he said coldly: "This Jia Ziyu, relying on his father's trust, will go to hell in Henan! First he tormented the officials, and now he is tormenting the officials.

The common people are forced to build river embankments, and the governance is so cruel and impetuous. Just watch, and soon there will be strict officials and strict officials."

The paper clearly records Jia Heng's recent actions in Henan and other places, such as asking rebellious people to report the evil deeds of local gentry, and recruiting Dingfu to build river embankments.

"Your Majesty, Jia Ziyu is enclosing a province. Even if there are complaints in the place where he is struggling, he will return to the capital in despair with his great achievements in quelling the rebellion. The Holy Emperor will not punish him." Dou Rong said with a solemn face, and whispered: "Your Majesty, just now

Maybe you still don’t know something when you come back, but this afternoon Jia Ziyu was promoted to the third rank of uncle and was given the title of Yongning.”

"Uncle Yong Ning?" Prince Qi's expression suddenly changed, his eyes flashed with coldness, and he said angrily, "He just put down a small rebellion and was granted the title of earl. My father is too fond of him."

Jia Yucun also frowned deeply, and there was a trace of resentment deep in his eyes.

In the past, he defected to the Jia family. He was wholeheartedly flattering and trying his best to curry favor. However, he ended up being dismissed from office. He voted for Prince Zhongshun, but Prince Zhongshun fell again. Now he voted for Prince Qi. When he assists Prince Qi to become a great treasure, he must let Jia

Every family is destroyed, no chickens or dogs are left alive!

Dou Rongcang said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, it is useless to talk more here now."

Prince Qi frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Dou Changshi, who do you think Jia Heng is supporting?"

Dou Rong shook his head and said: "From the current point of view, Jia Ziyu is a member of the palace. He and King Wei work together in the Wucheng Military and Horse Division, so they seem to be closer, but as far as the official knows

, Jia Ziyu does not often go to the Five Cities Military and Horse Division to ask questions, and he is close to the King of Wei. However, Princess Xianning went to Henan with the army, and the prince had to be on guard."

In the eyes of Prince Qi, the Song sisters are almost indistinguishable from each other. Princess Xianning, who is the daughter of Concubine Duanrong, is naturally regarded as a descendant of the King of Wei...

When mentioning Princess Xianning, Prince Qi's face turned gloomy, with a cold look in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The princess told me that when Xianning reached the age of marriage, she probably fell in love with this sister Jia Ziyugu who is crazy all day long.

She doesn't know how to behave, and now she is hooking up with a married man, which has brought the royal family into disgrace!"

He knows his father who is in the deep palace better than anyone else. He wants to recruit Jia Heng's son as his son-in-law. Unfortunately, the son is already married. If he really wants to abandon his wife, it will be a good thing. He is greedy for wealth and glory.

, has become the laughingstock of the world.

Master Huitong said: "Your Majesty, the King of Wei is currently in the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, and Princess Xianning is traveling with the army. Could it be that the palace's heart belongs to the King of Wei? Are you paving the way for him?"

Prince Qi shook his head and said, "You can't say that. I think I still understand my father, but if he marries the Nan'an family... I have to find a way to weaken his arrogance."

He said in a low voice: "Changshi Dou, you asked people to dig up the nails we planted in the Hanlin Academy, and said that the chaos in the Central Plains has been subsided, and the two saints fainted one after another due to the previous events, and the foundation of the country should be established to stabilize the hearts of the Chinese and foreigners.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. Otherwise, the country's fundamental affairs were too sensitive.

When Jia Yucun heard this, his expression changed and his eyes showed hard thoughts.

The Yin of the Jinling Prefecture, who at first needed some guidance from his disciples on how to become an official, now has his career ups and downs, ups and downs, and his scheming has begun to be used to figure out personnel matters.

Dou Rong thought for a moment after hearing the words, his eyes lit up, and he praised: "Your Majesty, this is a wonderful strategy."

Monk Huitong's eyes flickered, and he looked at Xu Shaozhen with some doubts in his heart.

Xu Shaozhen thought for a moment and said with a smile: "At that time, scientific knowledge was clear and public opinion was aroused. This would be like putting the king of Wei on a grill."

Prince Qi's little eyes flashed, he nodded and said: "Liu Zheng is in charge of the Hanlin Academy, and many of them are Liu Zheng's disciples. At that time, my father was suspicious."

Liu Zheng, the scholar in charge of the Hanlin Academy, had a daughter who married the King of Chu as a concubine. If the Hanlin Academy advocated early establishment of the country, then Emperor Chongping must have thought that the King of Chu framed the King of Wei, and he would have a bad impression of the King of Chu.

That's his other intention.

When Xu Shaozhen heard this, he also reacted and almost praised: "Wonderful, Your Majesty, is this a plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

The king of Qijun said: "Not only did he kill someone with a borrowed knife, but my father has always been suspicious, so for many years the East Palace has been without an owner, and it has not been established. With the scientific and public opinions, I don't believe that the two people in the palace can sit still and will let others borrow it."

The machine is making noise? At that time, my father was very agitated because of the previous incident of the dragon body. Seeing the civil and military officials in the court praying for the establishment of a prince, what would he think? This is to lure the snake out of its hole. "

For many years, Emperor Chongping did not establish a prince, but instead took advantage of the Longzhi Dynasty. If the prince was established early, it would be easy for the vassals to attack him. Moreover, the princeling party would also easily threaten the imperial power.

Once a crown prince is established, if he is not to his liking in the future, and if he wants to depose him, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the government and shake the foundation of the country, then he should not establish him at the beginning to observe the conduct of the princes.

At this moment, Jia Yucun listened to what Prince Qi said and secretly admired him.

He really didn't expect that Prince Qi, who was as fat as a pig and dealt with carelessly, would have such scheming intentions?

A plan within a plan.

Dou Rong nodded but was not surprised, and said: "Although the prince's plan is good, it must not be discovered by the palace. It is not too late to wait until the prince succeeds the King of Chu to Weinan before launching it."...

The Prince of Qi County smiled and said, "What Dou Changshi said is true. At that time, the King of Chu's brother was in Beijing, and my father even suspected that he was stirring up trouble behind his back. I was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so I took it out."

The reason why he boldly carried out this plan was that he saw that his father did not want to decide on the crown prince early. Anyone who mentioned this matter was going against his father.

Jia Yucun was trying to figure out what Prince Qi and Dou Changshi had said, or in other words, he was learning the secrets here.

He is a person who is good at learning. He used his knowledge and sent the clever gourd monk to the northern Xinjiang to serve as an army.

Xu Shaozhen's eyes flashed, and he lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to bring the Jia family in?"

"What do you say?" Prince Qi became interested.

Xu Shaozhen said with a smile: "If Jia Zhengshang Shu agrees, the prince thinks that the palace will

Would you be suspicious and jealous? The Jia family controls an army of 200,000 in the capital and is also in charge of the Jinyi Mansion."

Jia Yucun's eyes lit up, thinking about the possibility of this strategy.

"My lord, you can't." Dou Rong's face changed slightly as he faced the strange looks from everyone, and explained: "This is just superfluous. The Jia family suffered a loss back then, so most likely they will not be involved in this matter. Moreover, they are plotting against the Jia family. Once Jia Ziyu becomes alert,

, find out the truth, and concentrate on dealing with the prince... Besides, the palace obeys that person's words, and if it is a fake act, it will be too late to regret it."

If the plan fails, but the palace is determined to establish the king of Wei, then it is really just making a wedding dress for others, which is a big joke in the world.

Prince Qi's face paused, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart. He hurriedly said: "What Dou Changshi reminds me is that now Jia Heng's military assistant is very favored by his father. Once something happens to the Jia family, his father will probably

I want to ask Jia Heng for his opinion. If Jia Heng dares to say that the King of Wei has the potential to be a king... Although he most likely will not say this, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just afraid of the worst. My father is really..."

If my father was confused, he would really feel like crying without tears.

When Xu Shaozhen heard this, he said angrily: "Your Majesty, this low-ranking officer didn't know what was going on, and he spoke nonsense for a moment. I hope you will forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Xu doesn't know the importance of Jia Heng in his father's heart. He quickly put down the rebellion in Henan. His father had high hopes for him in border affairs. When he reveals his true colors in border affairs, then there will be a new enemy.

The day when all old accounts are settled." Prince Qi said coldly.

Now Jia Heng's son is his father's favorite, why wasn't he the same at the beginning?

And the side affairs are the touchstone for Jia Heng's son. He is not easy to deal with. Once the kid shows his true colors, someone will take care of him without him taking action.

Jia Yucun's eyes flickered, thinking about the joints.

He has just established himself in the palace, so he should listen more and speak less. If he makes a mistake, he will easily be suspected of his intelligence and scheming, so he still needs to sort it out carefully.

In fact, he thought that he could make the Jia family and the King of Wei into one party, concocting rumors that Jia Heng used the capital to camp, Jinyi Mansion supported the King of Wei, and forced the emperor to abdicate the throne and support him in honor, thereby arousing suspicion in the palace. At that time, the Jia family had just

It is true that death is not far away.

However, perhaps as the prince said, the time is not yet ripe, and we need to wait for the Donglu incident before making further calculations.

Dou Rong whispered: "Your Majesty, there is one more thing. The Zhen family has gone to Beijing."

Prince Qi frowned, his small mung bean-sized eyes flashed, and said, "Zhen family?"...

Dou Rong said: "Your Majesty, she is Zhen Yingjia's wife. She arrived in Beijing yesterday and visited Ningguo Mansion today. It happened that Jia Heng was promoted to the third-level Yongning Bo. Princess Chu and Princess Beijing all went to celebrate. Speaking of which, this Zhen family

The two princesses often visited Jia's house a few days ago, and their intention to win over the King of Chu was obvious."

Prince Qi's eyes showed contemplation, and he said: "I remember that the King of Chu sent someone to mention Najia's daughter as a concubine, but she was rejected, and the commotion was not very good at that time."

"Your Majesty, now and then, Jia Heng has secured his position in the capital. Even if the King of Chu is angry, he can only endure it." Dou Rong said with a solemn expression: "Besides, the two families have been relatives for decades.

There won’t be any bad blood because of this matter, as long as the two families know each other’s needs..."

Prince Qi sneered and said, "I am just waiting for them to collude. Once my father notices, what awaits them is disaster!"

How could the King of Chu collude with the generals in charge of the army in the capital? How could the Emperor tolerate it?

Can I choose another owner?

Xu Shaozhen said: "Your Majesty, the Wang family in Yangzhou asked you when did we meet?"

"No one is offended by the Yangzhou salt merchants. Tell them that if they want to board this king's ship, they must completely cut off contact with the Zhen family and serve them wholeheartedly." Prince Qi said coldly.

Yangzhou salt merchants who operate the salt industry in Yangzhou will offer a stick of incense to almost any Buddha or Bodhisattva they meet. Whether it is the Zhen family in Jiangnan, Shen Fang, the governor of Liangjiang and the governor of Jiangnan, who belong to the Zhejiang Party, they will pay filial piety during every New Year and festival. , it can be said that no one is to blame.

But because of the recent rectification of salt affairs by the imperial court, Yangzhou salt merchants spent a lot of money to manage things in the capital, not only to manage the King of Qi, but also to manage the Zhejiang Party.

"Dou Changshi, tomorrow you will meet a person with me. If you get his support, we will be even more powerful." King Qi said.

Dou Rong nodded, already having some guesses in his mind, he nodded in agreement.

This chapter has been completed!
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