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Chapter 603 Emperor Chongping: My dragon body is fine!

 Henan, Governor’s Yamen

At midnight, the candlelight in the study room in the backyard was still dimly lit, and a tall and tall figure sat behind the Taishi's chair, writing at the desk with a pen hanging from his wrist.

Jia Heng calmed down, picked up the tea cup on the side, took a sip of tea, and suppressed the sweet fragrance of snow between his teeth and cheeks.

Just after enjoying the dance, I immediately wrote a letter.

The fact that Jinyang was coming to Henan reminded him. He seemed to have written a letter to his family before, but he forgot to write a letter to Jinyang?

So I couldn't help but think that I would have to stay in Henan for two or three months, and I was afraid I would have to write letters home frequently.

Jia Heng thought for a moment, then put a freshly dried letter into an envelope, wrote the words "Yourselves from Yuanchun" on the cover, and immediately sealed the envelope with fire wax. He looked deeply under his sword-shaped brows and whispered: "

Why don't you just write one, it'll be less eye-catching, but you can't send it to the wrong person, otherwise, you'll die on the spot."

The reason why he did not write letters to Jinyang before was just as a precaution. Letters are written and written down. Once they are intercepted by others, there will be security issues.

Therefore, even if it is written now, there are ordinary greetings to Yuanchun and the eldest princess of Jinyang, which is nothing.

The next step is to write to Qin Keqing and Baochai. Their two letters can be packaged together, so that Keqing can deliver the letter to Baochai.

There was another letter, written to Xichun, which she and Miaoyu put into an envelope.

Daiyu can write a separate letter, which is no big deal, and Xiangyun can put it together with the envelope addressed to Tanchun. Even Jia Zheng and his father-in-law Qin Ye also wrote their own letters.

As for the content of the letter, it was a warning about what to do after leaving Beijing, to be diligent in official duties, not to interfere with the dispute between the two parties in the court, Qi and Zhejiang, and to write more letters to ask about his side when something happened.


In addition, he also wrote a letter to Dong Qian, asking about the current situation of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, or in other words, asking vaguely about the current situation of the King of Wei.

And just when Jia Heng was "sending letters" to each other, in the west courtyard, in the wing room, the light yellow curtain was freed from the golden hooks and fell down, while the sound of rattling came from the inner room, illuminated by the bright lights on the high table.

, reflecting on the screen a beautiful figure sitting in a bathtub with a green bun among the clouds.

Princess Xianning rolled up her hair and showed her face. She stretched out her lotus-rooted arms, picked up the hot water with petals, and gently washed the saliva on Xuezi. In the steaming heat, her beautiful cheeks were already as hot as fire, and she looked beautiful.

Like the clouds, as for the crystal clear eyes, they are full of loss of focus.

My husband was so straight and straight just now, just like a child. But why didn't she feel disgusted at all, but instead felt a little happy in her heart? Oh, what was she thinking about?

But, the husband treated her like that. When will he marry her? Princess Xianning fell into a daze for a moment.

After washing for a while, I felt that I had no clue, so I wiped my body with a towel, changed my clothes, and lay on the bed to rest.

The next day, when the sky was bright and the morning light had just fallen over the governor's office, Jia Heng called Princess Xianning to finish her breakfast. Under the guidance of a large number of Jinyi Mansion guards and retinues of the Beijing Cavalry Army, he rode fast horses all the way to Lanyang.

The county inspected the river embankment, and in the evening, Danfang returned from the river embankment and returned to the governor's Yamen...

"Sir, the river embankment over in Lanyang County is better." Princess Xianning's hair stuck to her temples due to slight sweat. Although her face was tired, her clear eyes were clear and lively, and she whispered beside Jia Heng.

Jia Heng sighed: "The terrain there is steep and the river bed is steep. It still needs reinforcement."

During the Xianfeng period, the Yellow River changed its course for the last time when it burst its banks at Waxiankou in Lanyang County, which resulted in the direction pattern of the Yellow River in later generations.

While Jia Heng and Princess Xianning were talking, they headed to Song Xuan's house.

Song Xuan's family of four temporarily lives in a mansion in the Fucheng District of Kaifeng. There are three entrances to the house. At this moment, Song Xuan put on a round-neck robe, and his wife, Yue Shi, stepped down to greet them and waited for a long time.

Because of Princess Xianning, Jia Heng was regarded as a family friend. "Uncle Song, I've been waiting for a long time." Jia Heng greeted.

When he got off the government office, Jia Heng didn't know how to address him. If he called Brother Song, he would definitely get a look from Xianning. If he called Magistrate Song, it would be too pretentious, so he could only call Uncle Song.

, to show respect.

In the yamen, Song Guojiu also addressed him as superior and subordinate.

Perhaps because he was born in Kejia, Song Xuan did not have the arrogance of ordinary relatives of the emperor. His face was like a crown jade, and his eyes were like bright stars. When he saw Xianning and Jia Heng, he invited them with a smile: "I haven't waited long, listen.

According to the scribe at the governor's Yamen, Ziyu just came from Lanyang County? "

Jia Heng said: "I just came back."

On the other side, Princess Xianning called Song Xuan's wife and whispered: "Auntie."

Yue was only twenty-four or five years old. She was a fair-skinned, gentle and quiet young woman from Huaxin. She smiled brightly. She looked at the girl in Feiyu clothes and an embroidered spring knife at her waist. She asked with a smile: "Xianning, why are you wearing this?"

All in one?"

After saying that, he came up to hold Princess Xianning's beautiful hand, and said softly: "She looks very dusty."

"Didn't you just come back from patrolling the river embankment with your husband? You haven't had time to change your clothes yet." Princess Xianning said softly with her eyebrows crescent.

Song Xuan extended his hand to invite Jia Heng into the flower hall. He turned around and saw the gifts carried by the guards of the Jinyi Mansion and said, "Zi Yu, you came here as soon as you came, why do you still bring these?"

Jia Heng sat down and said: "There is no reason to come empty-handed when visiting. I came in a hurry and picked some gifts for the children. They are just food. Please don't take offense."

Song Xuan smiled and didn't pay too much attention. The guests and hosts were seated, and the servants served tea. The two of them drank tea and talked. "Ziyu, how is the river embankment in Lanyang County?" Song Xuan asked.

Jia Heng said: "It is stronger than the levees on the north and south banks of Kaifeng, but it cannot be ignored. It will need dredging in the past few months."

Song Xuan looked solemn and said, "Ziyu, are you sure there will be heavy rain in summer this year?"

"No one can say this, but after a few years of drought, we should take the opportunity to repair the river embankments." Jia Heng asked, "How are the officials in the prefecture and county?"

"Recently, we have taken some confessions, including those of Runing and Huaiqing officials who committed illegal acts." Song Xuan said softly. "It's not surprising. We must also be careful to prevent false accusations from happening?" Jia Heng asked.

When it came to official matters, Song Xuan looked a little more serious and said, "That's not the case. We strictly follow what the reporter said. Based on verification from multiple parties, we will register first and then conduct inspections."

Jia Heng's suppression of local gentry and corrupt officials does not mean that unjust, false, and false cases are made without investigation. It also requires verification through multiple channels afterwards, overt and covert visits, and finally taking them away for questioning. At the same time, it does not mean that they are all caught in one sweep.

"In the eyes of thieves and peasants, officials with outstanding official reputations can also be registered. I will have people check afterward." Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said.

Song Xuan nodded, taking note of Jia Heng's words.

Jia Heng said in a clear voice: "After great chaos, there will be great governance. First build water conservancy projects so that people can make a living, and then find other ways to relieve people's livelihood difficulties. Song Guojiu has been in Henan for three years, and he has made some progress in dealing with the difficult situation in Henan.

I understand. I wonder if you can teach me something?"

Song Xuan looked solemn and said: "Although there have been natural disasters in the Central Plains in recent years, they are more likely to be man-made disasters. Officials are corrupt, corrupt and cruel. The imperial court exempts some counties in Henan from taxes every year, but the exploitation of subordinate officials is still there.

The prohibition was repeated over and over again, so every time there was a disaster, the hungry people would sell themselves to wealthy families. The year before last, there was a severe drought in Nanyang, thousands of miles of bare land, starving people everywhere, people eating each other, and it was almost like a hell on earth. "

Jia Heng frowned, looked solemn, and asked, "Didn't the imperial court send food relief?"

Song Xuan shook his head and said: "The Ministry of Household Affairs sent an official to provide relief, and he was also the governor of Henan Prefecture. However, Nanyang Magistrate Yuan Jichong collaborated with him to embezzle food for disaster relief, mixing sand with rice porridge, and countless people starved to death."

He has been an official in Henan for many years and has seen too many chaos. And he is the magistrate of Fuguo County. Because of his special status, although no one is in trouble, local officials do not regard him as one of their own.

Jia Heng frowned and said, "Secretary of Household Affairs? Liang Yuan?"

"That's the man." Song Xuan said in a deep voice: "The governor Zhou Dezhen and the chief envoy Sun Long lived with him in a nest of snakes and rats, but they didn't report it to the court. Ziyu thought

Why were Zhou Dezhen and Sun Long killed by bandits? The people gnashed their teeth at these two men and wished they could eat their flesh alive."

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and asked, "What about Yuan Jichong?"

Song Xuan said angrily: "I was impeached by the imperial censor, dismissed from office, and came back to life last year. I don't know who he got through. Now he is sent to Yangzhou as the prefect."

Jia Heng's expression paused and he asked, "What's the matter with this competition? Didn't my uncle write a letter to explain this matter to the Holy One?"

Song Xuan shook his head and said: "My sister... the empress refused to give in, saying that local affairs have their own rules and regulations. If you are dissatisfied with the transfer of officials, you have your own way to prosecute the officials. Otherwise, that's all. I won't mention it."

As he said this, he suddenly realized that his sister was a queen and should be called empress, so he quickly changed his words. It was also because the young man in front of him always gave people the feeling of being of the same age.

Jia Heng said: "I am from the governor's office. I have talked with my uncle and I am not allowed to interfere in the affairs of Henan?" When Song Xuan heard this, he was startled and said, "How did Ziyu know?"

Jia Heng's eyes were dark and he said in a deep voice: "They deceive the superiors and deceive the inferiors, so naturally they have to take control from top to bottom. When I was transferred to Xiangfu County, under their noses, this was the way these officials took precautions."

Song Xuan said: "Zi Yu hit the mark right now. I feel ashamed to say it. Although I am a relative of the country, I have nothing to do with them. Everyone here belongs to them."

"Corruption in the administration of officials needs to be rectified urgently. This is the consensus between the Holy One and the Dukes of Gonggun. The capital inspection is now in full swing, and the major plans of the provinces will be carried out as scheduled. This time I also have a major review of the officials in the prefectures and counties.

Able to be both mediocre and mediocre." Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said loudly...

The fourth brother of Empress Song had a political conscience and perhaps political ambitions.

"Ziyu is a handsome young man. He became famous all over the world when he first took charge of the army. Now he is an assistant minister of the army. He will definitely make a difference in the local area." Song Xuan said.

Speaking of which, he felt a bit envious. His brother-in-law, Xin Zhong, who was not as young as the weakest young man, actually didn't rely much on their relatives.

Jia Heng said: "My tenure is too short, and what I can do is limited. Now I can only organize Henan for the first time, and then I can supervise the area when I have the opportunity."

He must not have the idea of ​​farming in one province or one area. Otherwise, what about Gao Zhongping, the governor of Sichuan? He was once the arm of Emperor Chongping, but once he was welded to the place and did not return to the center for several years, the emperor immediately found him.

"New favorite". Well, that's him.

Moreover, the place where he started is in the central place. Otherwise, if he is away for too long, people's feelings will fade away.

This is why he asked the Beijing camp to help build the embankment. Once the Beijing camp leaves, he will take advantage of the situation and move up to Dading in the Central Plains. The imperial court will select other ministers from the border areas to appease the army and the people, and then return to the capital to hand over his errands and return with a high reputation.

In other words, he wanted to be the emperor's firefighter, not a feudal official.

But the local foundation has to plan. If you want to secure a position in the center, how can you do it without the support of the feudal officials?

Therefore, within this limited period of time, cronies must be placed. First, the capital commander and envoy, Qu Guang was transferred to the capital general, and after returning to Beijing, Shi Ding was asked to take over.

Song Xuan smiled and said: "Yes, now that the capital camp has a strong army, it will not be too late to sort out the internal affairs after the Eastern Han Dynasty is peaceful. Ziyu is still young, and his future future is limitless."

On the other side, Princess Xianning entered the back hall of the flower hall under the arm of Mrs. Yue.

There was concern on Mrs. Yue's beautiful face, and she lowered her voice and said, "Xianning, tell my aunt honestly, what is your relationship with Jia Ziyu?"

Princess Xianning's bright eyes showed shame under her beautiful eyebrows, and she said angrily: "Little aunt, you are such a good person, why do you suddenly ask me this?"

Yue is twenty-four or five this year, only eight or nine years older than Princess Xianning. She was Song Xuan's childhood sweetheart. After they married, she stayed with Song Xuan in Beijing for a while, and got along well with her niece Princess Xianning.

Seeing the look on the girl's face, Mrs. Yue felt convinced, and said softly: "Xianning, you followed Jia Ziyu all the way from the capital to Kaifeng Mansion. What happened?"

"Isn't this your father? He asked me to come with the army to put down the rebellion, and at the same time, I would report back what I saw and heard, and the secret documents. I thought there would be nothing to do in the capital.

My son, I came here with my husband to put down the rebellion." Princess Xianning sighed softly and said softly.

Yue's eyes flashed and she said: "You are still telling lies in front of your aunt? Listen to your uncle, how do you say that you have fallen in love with this Jia Ziyu?"

When Princess Xianning heard this, her face turned red and she said softly: "Uncle, who did you hear this from?" She neither admitted nor denied it.

Mrs. Yue sighed softly and said: "It's no wonder that you have been staying at the Governor's Yamen in the past few days. I asked you to come and stay with me for a few days, but you were still reluctant. Xianning, I can

I heard your uncle say these days that this Jia Ziyu has a family in Beijing, and his first wife is the daughter of the Qin family, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, how could you do that? "...

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally didn’t know what to say, I was just a little anxious.

Princess Xianning hurriedly took Mrs. Yue's hand and said, "Little aunt, my father has his own plans. I can't say much else. Besides, my mother and concubine didn't say anything before they left the capital."

After hearing this, Mrs. Yue's expression changed, she thought for a moment, and sighed softly. Since neither of the two empresses felt anything was wrong, she wouldn't do anything wrong.

"Okay, little aunt, don't worry anymore. Princess Xianning chuckled and said softly.

"Xianning, while you are here, I have to tell you that when you two get along day and night, you have to pay attention to the safety of men and women." Yue thought for a while and then warned: "It's hard to say to your uncle. I see you grow up.

You have to worry about it.”

Princess Xianning's cheeks were slightly red, her head lowered, and she said softly: "My husband and I are both motivated by emotion, not by etiquette." At the end of the sentence, her confidence was a little lacking.

Yesterday's step-by-step nibbling on the necklace made her tremble. She tossed and turned on the bed until early in the morning and couldn't fall asleep.

Mrs. Yue took Princess Xianning's hand and said, "As for you, you have had your own opinions since you were a child. You just have to know what's going on. I won't say much more about the other aunts. Let's go to dinner."

If Xianning did something here that would harm the reputation of the royal family, she would not be able to meet the two empresses in the palace.

As they talked, they came to the flower hall. Princess Xianning called softly: "Sir, uncle, the food is ready. Come and enjoy."

Song Xuan smiled and said, "Speaking of which, it's getting dark today, let's just have dinner."

Just as she stood up, a thought suddenly came to her mind, who did Xianning call first? Jia Heng responded with a smile and had dinner with Song Xuan's family.

Time flies, and before you know it, another seven or eight days have passed.

In the past few days, Jia Heng, accompanied by Princess Xianning, visited all the Yellow River embankments in Henan Province and inspected the dredging of Tongjijia.

At the same time, I received a letter from Shenjing and a report from Jinyi Mansion to the Chinese Bureau of Shenjing City. In fact, while Jia Heng was busy policing Henan, Shenjing City was not at peace either.

In the early morning of this day, Daming Palace

The golden morning light shines on the majestic and majestic palaces. The glazed tiles reflect the brilliant brilliance. The curtains of the windows are raised, and the spring light shines on the inner study room to the south of the side hall of Hanyuan Hall.

Behind a square rosewood table, a thin middle-aged emperor wearing a yellow dragon robe, with a gloomy face and cold eyes, was holding a memorial in his trembling hands and threw it to the ground.

"This is nonsense!"

Astonishingly, there was another memorial advising Emperor Chongping to establish the foundation of the country as soon as possible. This middle-aged emperor could not remember how many similar memorials he had read in these short two days.

Since the day before yesterday, when the Hanlin Academy editor Yu Shishou wrote a memorial to advise Emperor Chongping to establish the foundation of the country early in order to calm the hearts of Chinese and foreigners, and the memorial was left unpublished by Emperor Chongping, in just two or three days, Ke Dao began to stir up a stir.

There was a storm of public opinion, and today even officials from the Six Ministry of Medicine followed up.

There were even some bold people who proposed to appoint the King of Wei, King of Qi, and King of Chu as princes respectively. This made Emperor Chongping very angry and felt that a political storm was brewing.

Seeing Emperor Chongping's sudden fury, Dai Quan's white face twitched and he huddled beside the curtain, almost too frightened to dare to speak out...

"Dai Quan." Emperor Chongping called with a gloomy expression.


Here." Dai Quan quickly stepped out of his body and responded.

"Let someone tell the cabinet that any more such memorials proposing to establish a prince should be classified into categories and submitted together. I will read them together and not forward them. They will be copied to the various government offices and will be inspected strictly by the Internal Supervisor and the Jinyi Mansion.

Who is secretly building momentum?" Emperor Chongping said in a cold voice with a face as solid as iron.

Naturally, they are grouped together for convenience and left untouched. Perhaps they are all thrown aside without even looking at them. If you write a bunch of colorful things, but I just don’t read them, it is meaningless.

Dai Quan's face paused slightly and he quickly responded: "Yes, I obey your order."

Emperor Chongping read through the memorials again and saw that all those who proposed to appoint a crown prince were put aside. After about a while, he finally saw a memorial that was not a proposal to propose a crown prince.

After looking carefully, as time passed, his thin brows furrowed tightly, he picked up his ink pen and wrote a line of small words on the memorial.

Corrupt officials should be punished by everyone!

This is clearly a memorial written by the censor of Henan Province to impeach Jia Heng for his oppressive policies in the local area. The words are not very violent.

Perhaps he learned the lesson from the time when the imperial officials impeached Jia Heng due to military affairs and were punished in batches. In the memorial, he tactfully admonished the emperor. Jia Ziyu had no experience of appeasing the local government. He was impatient and aggressive in local affairs and used torture indiscriminately.

If things go on like this, complaints will spread, which will damage the name of the saint's benevolence.

"The memorials for the impeachment of Jia Ziyu have also been gathered together, and there is no need to be mixed among these memorials." Emperor Chongping looked silent and said coldly to Dai Quan.

As mentioned in Ziyu's previous memorial, there was indeed movement in the capital. They were already gnashing their teeth before they could make any changes to strengthen their position.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Dai Quan quickly bowed his head in response.

Emperor Chongping put down his ink pen and muttered: "Go to the General Administration Department and have a look. If there are any memorials by Ziyu, whether they are written or written, they should be submitted as soon as possible without any delay."

After Jia Heng's six memorials were submitted, Emperor Chongping became more and more looking forward to the memorial from Henan. Dai Quan responded quickly and then ordered someone to pass on the order.

At this moment, a young-looking eunuch entered the study, knelt down and saluted, and said: "Your Majesty, King Wei and Princess Wei have entered the palace to pay their respects. King Wei is waiting for your Majesty's summons outside."

"No, let him go back to the Five Cities Military and Horse Division. He can easily run errands without having to worry about morning and evening." Emperor Chongping said in a cold voice with a gloomy look on his face, and suddenly added: "My dragon body is fine!"

The court gathered together to discuss the establishment of the East Palace. Who was behind it?

The King of Wei is highly suspicious! He is the Queen Yuanzi. In these memorials, there are even many suggestions to directly establish the King of Wei as his heir.

He just fainted at the beginning, and he was not so ill that he couldn't do anything, so he was so impatient?

When the eunuch heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt cold sweat soaking his inner clothes on his back. He didn't dare to delay, so he took the order and left the side hall.

At this moment, the King of Wei stood before his majesty, wearing a royal robe and uniform, with a handsome and fair face as solemn as frost. When he saw the young eunuch coming out of the palace, he quickly walked up to greet him, raised his hands and asked: "This father-in-law,

Did he summon Father?"

The internal prison officer had a complex expression on his face and said: "His Royal Highness, King Wei, Your Majesty said that His Highness, King Wei, can go back to work and run errands, and there is no need to stay awake every day. Your Majesty also said, "

Even if it feels too scary, the holy message must still be conveyed to the letter.

"Your Majesty also said that my dragon body is in good condition!"

When the King of Wei heard this, his face suddenly changed, his heart became awe-inspiring, he felt his hands and feet were cold, and he shuddered. My dragon body is in good condition!

His father's gloomy face seemed to appear in front of him, and he said these words expressionlessly. They were not formulaic words.

This is a knock and a warning!

It must have been the two days of discussing the establishment of a national foundation that made my father jealous and resentful. I am afraid that the suspicion has already reached his head!

Thinking of this, King Wei thanked the eunuch with a pale face and bowed respectfully in the direction of the inner study. Then, accompanied by the eunuch's retinue, he hurriedly left the side hall and headed towards the palace garden in despair.

Walking out, just as he reached Wenyuan Pavilion, he suddenly saw a familiar figure at the corner of the palace.

"Third brother, my mother asked me to call you." Liang Wang Chen Wei quickly stepped forward with a solemn expression.

He whispered something beside King Wei, and then went to Wenyuan Pavilion.

King Wei Chen Ran's face moved slightly, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and walked towards Kunning Palace with heavy steps.

This chapter has been completed!
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