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Chapter 140 The Funeral of the White Spider

Chapter 140 White Spider’s Funeral

The environmental situation is on the verge of breaking out. As long as these two start a fight in Huanyin City, I am afraid that the entire Huanyin City will be shattered.

Geralt drew his long sword and stood in front of the students. If anything happened, he could block one or two waves of attacks from these people.

Under the persuasion of the hooded old man, Obek's Yulia finally put down the weapon in her hand. The two separated on both sides of the road, hating each other. The murderous intent revealed in their eyes made these students who were once agents

They all felt frightened.

"You two should calm down. Miss, we should go."

After warning Obeck and Yulia, the old man in the red hood led the girl with long white hair and followed Constantine's footsteps.

Seeing the girl jumping carelessly in the quagmire of the abyss, the students of Dragon Academy also knew that this person was also untouchable.

The students stood at the junction of the avenue and the abyss. They had no choice but to stand and wait.

Yulia followed up from behind, glanced at Geralt secretly, and was relieved when she found that Geralt didn't show any signs.

Yulia took out the amulet she made and shook it to bless all the students with a profound blessing.

A magic circle with the same color as the abyss appeared at the feet of all the students, and then a profound power wrapped around them.

When the power of profound blessing appeared on the students, the murmurs and whispers that had been lingering in the ears when they were close to the abyss and mire disappeared in an instant.

And the Harland knight who was originally guarding the intersection no longer stared at these students, and turned around to inspect other places.

"Obeck, you can't even allow this small help!"

Yulia said sarcastically and walked towards the depths of the abyss and quagmire, leaving the students and others watching.

Withdrawing his sword, Geralt turned to Clint behind him and said, "Let's go too."

Clint nodded. He also had the profound blessing of Yulia on his body. He ignored the erosion of the abyss at the moment and followed Geralt's footsteps.

Upon seeing this, Obeck also opened his mouth and allowed the students to follow: "You should also follow. It is always beneficial to see more."

When everyone arrived at the area where the sandworms stayed, they all saw a knight dressed like a hedgehog, guarding a spider body with the appearance of a girl.

The girl's upper body replaced the spider's head. Even though it had turned to decay, the girl still maintained her praying posture.

Constantine was standing in front of the spider girl's body when he was stopped by the guarding knight.

This man was wearing armor like a hedgehog, and even the straight sword in his hand was covered with spikes. He was pointing the sword at Constantine.

"You owe her, you have no right to approach her."

"Kirk, let her rest in peace. Time has smoothed away all traces, the sick village has disappeared, and even the black forest has turned into France..."

The spiked knight, whom Constantine called Kirk, hesitantly put down his sword.

Seeing this, Constantine directed the Harland knight next to him to lift the white spider's body.

Unexpectedly, Kirk stopped the group of knights and said to Constantine: "You do it yourself, you owe her this."

Constantine said nothing, walked around Kirk who was standing in front of the white spider, and walked to the body of the white spider.

Caressing the white spider's withered face slightly, Constantine couldn't help but recall the kind girl's farewell blessings to every knight who protected her.

He waved his hand to condense the magic power, used the magic power to lift the white spider's body, and began to move deeper.

Across the abyss and mire, there is a mountain building inside Ring Seal City. The silver knight Ledo on the upper left is also watching the people below.

Constantine took the white spider to the edge of the abyss fissure where Midir was, where there was the sacrificial site for the prayers of the Felianor Church, and the forgotten dragon-hunting armor.

Fortunately, in the past, Ashes had recovered the Molten Iron Dragon Hunting Armor, and now the mission of the Molten Iron Dragon Hunting Armor here is to guard Huanyin City.

Seeing Constantine's arrival, the Molten Iron Dragon Hunting Armor took action on its own, walked up to Constantine, stuck the weapon heavily on the ground, and knelt on one knee to welcome its former and current master.

The dull sound of the armor, which was more than ten meters tall, attracted a crowd of students, but the teacher and others who could have explained it to them were all focused on Constantine at the moment.

Helpless, Geralt had no choice but to explain the origin of this armor to the group of students following them.

"Did Constantine ever tell you about the fallacy of the most powerful mage?"

After hearing the words about the strongest mage, the students nodded one after another, and some excited students had already taken out pens and paper to start drawing the style of the dragon-hunting armor, preparing to return to Earth to build one for themselves.

"Although this armor is a bit crudely made, it is a relic of ancient dragon hunting. After Constantine conquered it, he has always used it as a weapon. Just imagine that such a huge and powerful thing is used as protection. Constantine releases magic in the armor.

, no one can defeat him head-on, this is Constantine’s path to being the strongest mage.”

Geralt's introduction was compared with Constantine's teaching theory, and the huge armor like a Titan actually appeared in front of them, which really made the students remember this image deeply in their minds.

Just when some people were about to continue questioning the hunter representative who would introduce them to them, Constantine took the white spider to the prayer house in Felianor.

Geralt's expression suddenly turned bad. Not knowing the relationship between the hunter and the deceased, the others did not dare to disturb him.

The prayer house of Felienor is facing the main street of Huanyin City. Looking from the street, you can see the Felianor Church on one side and the dome of the prayer house on the other.

And this place is also where the molten iron dragon hunting armor is stationed, which is equivalent to guarding the deceased on behalf of its owner.

The white spider's body was placed into the coffin that had been prepared. Only Constantine and Kirk said goodbye to the white spider who had given them warmth.

The rest of the people were blocked from the prayer house by Geralt. Geralt guarded the door of the prayer house, looking at the coffin slowly sinking into the abyss.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Constantine and Kirk walked out of the prayer house.

The two looked at each other at the door. Kirk's fully enclosed armor could not see any facial expression, but they both stopped at the same time.

"Kirk, if you want, you can go to Rosalia. She needs you now too."

However, Kirk just shook his head and walked towards Constantine without saying a word.

The moment he got close to Constantine, Kirk thrust his stinger straight sword into Constantine's chest.

With both hands against the straight sword, Kirk's voice was a little cold as he impaled Constantine on the sword.

"You owe her this, Ashes..."

(End of chapter)

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