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Chapter 141 Mutation

Chapter 141 Mutation

Everyone in the distance only saw Kirk and Constantine coming out of the prayer house, and then Kirk impaled Constantine.

The moment Kirk took action, Obeck and others were ready to take action to stop Kirk, but Geralt's eyes stopped them.

Perhaps this was to appease Kirk, or to atone for his past sins, Constantine accepted the sword.

However, the moment things unfolded, a riot broke out among the students, and Wanda was stimulated when she saw Constantine being impaled by Kirk.

In the eyes of others, Wanda's body was now wrapped with blue-black energy, and her eyes turned pure black. The blue-black energy lifted Wanda into the sky.

Wanda, who was flying in the sky, said in a cold tone: "How dare you do such a heinous thing!!!"

As she spoke, a ball of energy gathered between her hands, and then she put her hands together and pointed them at Kirk.

At this moment, the energy released in Wanda's hand is like the blue beam of soul torrent, except that it is blue-black in Wanda's hand.

The moment before the beam of light reached Kirk, the molten iron dragon hunting armor instantly moved in front of Kirk, and the dragon hunting shield was slightly deflected in front of Kirk.

The blocked beam of light shot towards the sky at a deflected angle and bloomed in the sky, turning the originally unchanging dusk scene of Huanyin City into a clear sky.

The instant change caused everyone's attention to focus on Wanda. Pietro now put his hand in front of his sister and looked at everyone warily.

However, when the molten iron dragon hunting armor withdrew its shield, the pierced Constantine spoke.

"Wanda, don't worry, I'm fine. I owe them this."

Constantine tilted his head and looked at Wanda. After Wanda dissipated the energy around her body and fell from the sky, Constantine looked at Kirk and said, "I understand what you mean. If you still don't feel relieved, you can

Two more swords."

Kirk withdrew the stinging needle and straightened the sword. Blood spurted out from Constantine's wound. Constantine, who was covering the wound, knelt on the ground with one hand.

"I hope you won't let this happen again. The tragedy has gone on for too long..."

As Kirk spoke, he took back his straight sword and walked through the crowd to leave.

Yulia held the blade with no visible blade and hid it among the crowd, preparing to kill Kirk.

"Let him go!"

Constantine's voice came, and Yulia in the crowd released her hand from the handle of the knife, and at the same time, the crowd also opened a path.

Watching Kirk's figure disappear into the distance, Constantine took out the silver flask containing elemental liquid and took two sips to recover from the damage to his body.

The funeral has ended, and under the arrangements of Obeck and others, the students began to gradually move away from the abyss and quagmire. The only ones present were the Wanda brothers and sisters and the hunters who were left behind.

Geralt looked at Clint who was following him and said, "Do you want to go see your friends?"

When asked, it was obvious that they were expelling irrelevant people. Clint nodded sensibly and left with the students of Dragon Academy.

Geralt also did not stay where he was and walked around to the nearby mountain.

Wanda helped Constantine up and looked at him worriedly.

Faced with concern, Constantine said: "It's okay, I'm not an ordinary person, but Wanda, it's time for you to come with me."

Wanda understood what Constantine meant and followed Constantine to leave. When Pietro was about to follow, Wanda stopped her.

Taking Wanda with him, Constantine returned to his office.

At this moment, there were already people in the office. The silver-haired girl and the old man wearing a red hood were waiting for Constantine in the office.

Someone was there, and Constantine introduced to Wanda: "This is the eldest lady, you can just call him that. This is her guardian knight, you can also call him Grandpa Gale."

After Wanda followed Constantine to say hello to the two of them, Constantine took out a strange painting and handed it to the girl.

In that painting, aging skeletons and handsome men's faces are constantly changing.

Wanda, who had just exploded with powerful power, clearly felt the soul attached to the painting, but out of trust in Constantine, Wanda did not remind the girl in any way.

The girl took the painting and said happily: "Thank you, Ashes. Even without Grandpa Gale's dark soul paint, I can still draw a cold, dark, and very soft painting... One day, I can become

A painting of someone’s place of residence.”

The girl took the painting and sat on a stool that was taller than her. Gale also took out various painting tools and placed them in front of the girl.

The girl took apart the frame, took the strange painting in her hands and rubbed it. The paint fell into the painting plate as the girl rubbed it, and a black flame burned in Gale's hand, heating the paint.

Faintly listening to the wails coming from the soul in the painting, Wanda stared blankly at the combination of the girl and the old man until she was woken up by Constantine.

"Wanda, do you know why I called you here?" Constantine's words were full of regret.

Wanda lowered her head, like a good student who was caught making a mistake. She lowered her head and responded to Constantine in a low voice: "I know..."

"What did I tell you?"

"Teacher, you said there is no need to pledge allegiance to the Wandering Soul King of Rondal to gain power. I can have a better choice."

Wanda accurately repeated what Constantine had taught her back then, but this good student's behavior only made Constantine even more dissatisfied.

Constantine's tone couldn't help but become more severe: "Then what happened to you today?"

Wanda cried and said: "I... I just saw the teacher injured, and I just wanted to help the teacher. I also only heard the teacher say that the King of Wandering Souls is a demon..."

Facing the girl's cries and explanations, the inexperienced Constantine didn't know what to say.

Slowing down his tone, he tried to ask gently: "Where is your circle of darkness?"

Hearing Constantine's inquiry, Wanda couldn't help but blush. After looking at the girl and Gale aside, she said softly: "On... on the back of the left shoulder."

Constantine came behind Wanda and motioned for Wanda to expose her shoulder and back. Seeing the dark ring like a wrinkled scar, Constantine covered Wanda's back with his hand.

By the time Constantine took his hand back, the ring of darkness on Wanda's back had long disappeared.

Touching the newly smooth back, the girl's mood became brighter, but when she saw Constantine, Wanda couldn't help but screamed.


At this moment, Constantine has become so old that it would be a compliment to say that he is a withered mummy.

Such a sight did not even make the girl and the old man turn around. Constantine just took out a gray stone with a small skull from the drawer of the desk and crushed it.

A ball of fluorescence burst out from the stone, circled around Constantine, and then disappeared, and Constantine returned to his original appearance.

"This is why you are not allowed to find the King of Wandering Souls. Anyone who accepts the Ring of Darkness will eventually become like this, until they finally become wandering souls. This kind of treatment is very important for a lady.

It would be too cruel.”

(End of chapter)

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