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Chapter 148 Two Hour Flight

Chapter 148 Two hours flight

Faced with Galahad's question, Ginger gave the answer.

"Champagne said there is an SR-71 at the base for us to use. Its speed is enough to allow us to quickly cross the Atlantic Ocean."

With transportation available, everyone rushed to the base of United Liquor Industry without stopping.

In the underground base, everyone looked at the black jet in front of them. Swager asked: "Even if I am a sniper, I know that the Blackbird is a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. How could it bring so many of us there?"

Logan, on the other hand, seemed to have seen the X-Men's car in the X Academy before. For the first time, he didn't express any opinions. He just continued to drink from the wine bottle he snatched from Tequila.

Jiang Zhi walked under the belly of the Blackbird and pulled the modified valve on the landing gear. Several modified circular barrel compartments were projected on the belly of the aircraft.

Pointing to these barrel compartments, he said: "This is a modified high-altitude delivery system that can accurately deliver a person to any location. Instead of using a parachute, a rocket buffers the landing. It will only cause fine smoke and dust to avoid being discovered in the sky."

The barrel compartment can carry several weapons and equipment at the same time, and has a titanium alloy armor layer to avoid having no shelter when it is besieged after landing."

After talking about flight and landing, Jiang Zhi said with some embarrassment: "However, this equipment from the last century, I don't know if it can break through NATO's air defense network again. In order to release the landing bucket cabin, we must lower the flight altitude."

In response to this question, Ash spoke: "Leave this to me, wait for me a moment."

Taking out his mobile phone and dialing a phone number, Ash greeted the other party in a familiar manner as if communicating with Ross.

However, the person on the other side did not have Ross's good temper, and said angrily: "Ash, I know you have nothing good to do. It has been more than two years since you called me for the first time. You have become the new department boss, come and call me."

Let’s show off!”

"Of course not, General Hawke, I urgently need an airspace pass code, please."

"Go away, Ash, you rejected me at first, and now you have something to ask me for? There's no way, you know!"

The roar from the other side came from Ash's cell phone, causing other people who were choosing suitable equipment to look sideways.

After hearing the roar on the other end, he struggled to hang up the phone. The people who looked over instantly turned their heads and pretended to be busy with their own things.

Ginger was about to comfort Ash, but unexpectedly Ash pointed to a text message link on his phone and said, "Is this enough?"

Checking the link, it turns out that it is the passcode that I need, and it even has special permissions. Jiang Zhi doesn’t know what to say. Is it too honest to speak?

Within a few minutes after getting the pass code, the Blackbird slowly slid onto the runway. Then the combustion chamber began to increase power, and the blue tail flame propelled the aircraft into the sky.

Champagne stood in the conference room on the top floor, looking at the planes in the sky, and said to the person next to him: "Supreme, is he really the person you chose?"

Sitting on the main seat, Gu Yi tried the wine on the table, drank it and then refilled it. This practice made Champagne's beard stand up.

"I just made the best choice to prevent the earth from falling into a crisis of destruction. Furthermore, choosing a kind king for myself is not a bad thing in this universe."

In the plane, everyone was restrained in a circular barrel cabin. In order to prevent the black fog caused by high-speed flight, everyone was forced to wear anti-Ground clothing, except for Ash, who took it off quietly.

There is a small electronic screen in front of everyone, which is used to send messages and communicate with each other.

Galahad sent the latest news on the screen.

"Eggsy has found two people who can help. They are planning to land in Switzerland first and prepare other means. We can meet them first."

Ginger in the cab subsequently changed their route, and now they have to first meet up with these companions who can help and be helped.

The Blackbird flies in the air at its maximum cruising speed. From Kentucky to Switzerland, a distance of more than 7,000 kilometers, the aircraft can reach it in less than two hours at its maximum flying speed of Mach 3.2.

Of course, because the Blackbird's maximum range is only 4,830 kilometers, over the East Atlantic, with the special pass code given by General Hawke, the Blackbird also received the assistance of a NATO aerial tanker on a cruise.

At such a speed, even though he set off after receiving the news from Eggsy, he still arrived in Switzerland before and after.

Jiang Zhi turned on the button on his head and said on the intercom in his helmet: "Okay, boys, the airdrop is about to begin. I wish you good luck!"

The belly of the machine began to open, and the circular barrels were released one after another, following the bomb trajectory to the exact coordinates transmitted by Eggsy.

At this moment, Switzerland is still more than two hundred kilometers away from the Alps, and Merlin is staying here with Eggsy and the new Lancelot (Roxie) to prepare the next plan.

Merlin took out an antique weapon, a single-person anti-satellite weapon specially developed by the Star Wars program during the Cold War confrontation.

With such a lofty name, they are just two giant weather balloons that send people fixed on simple launch platforms to low-Earth orbit. They then use naked-eye control equipment to aim at target satellites, launch small rockets, and kill the satellites.

While they were still inflating the balloon, the three of them saw the barrel flying towards them along a parabola.

Of course, the three people on the ground could not clearly see the specific image of the flying object. According to the trajectory of the flying object, this was completely the trajectory of an air-to-ground missile.

Merlin crossed himself desperately and said calmly: "The world is going to be destroyed here. We were discovered before we even got close to the enemy. Who leaked our traces!"

Roxy recalled Eggsy's unknown behavior on the plane, and pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Eggsy.

"Eggsy, who do you text before getting on the plane and during the flight?"

Merlin also looked at Eggsy with suspicion.

Helpless, Eggsy could only tell the truth: "I sent it to Galahad, who is also on his way here."

Merlin couldn't stand listening anymore, and took a weapon and said to Eggsy: "Galahad is dead, and we all watched helplessly as he was killed by Valentine. Eggsy, who are you communicating with!


Being pointed at by two people's weapons, Eggsy didn't dare to make any move, and just kept repeating what Galahad said to him.

Finally, Merlin put down his weapon and said with a broken voice: "It's useless to say anything now. We can't escape the range of the air-to-surface missiles. Eggsy, you will die here too."

During the conversation and confrontation, the circular barrel cabin reached the sky above the three people. In the surprised eyes of the three people, the rocket engine on the periphery of the barrel chamber began to work, adjusting the angle of the barrel chamber.

In the end, the five barrel cabins formed a circle around the city and slowly landed around Eggsy and the three of them.

Amidst the smoke from the rocket engine, the barrel compartment was opened, and Galahad, wearing a smart suit, opened the hatch and walked out.

"Everyone, do you miss me?"

(End of chapter)

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