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Chapter 149 Space Wolf

Chapter 149 Space Wolf

"Hart, I knew you were not dead!"

Eggsy rushed towards Galahad and hugged him tightly, thereby releasing his thoughts and fears.

Roxy retracted her weapon and looked at this scene with joy, while Merlin hugged Galahad as simply as Eggsy did.

"Welcome back, Galahad."

Ash and others also came out of the barrel cabin one after another.

After Galahad and Merlin briefly explained the situation, they introduced Ash, the others, and Tequila.

"Merlin, this is the angel priest, Ash Solar. It is because of him and his friends that I was able to come back so quickly. And this is Agent Tequila from the United States Liquor Industry. He is the same as us.

It is a private intelligence organization, and there is even a connection between the founders of our organization. Thanks to their help, we were able to get from Ami to Switzerland so quickly."

Merlin shook hands with everyone and thanked them. After that, without saying anything else, he took the time to assemble the Star Wars equipment.

Eggsy acted as a commentator, explaining the use of weapons to everyone who had just arrived.

After hearing this, Logan said in disbelief: "So you are going to let a little girl go to space to do such a thing?"

The merciless words made both Eggsy and Merlin feel embarrassed. Roxy herself explained: "Eggsy wants to disguise himself as Arthur, Merlin is responsible for flying the plane, and I am the only one who can do this."

Unexpectedly, Logan said like a man at this moment: "Now that there are men to do this, you don't need to come. That Merlin mage can tell me how to use this thing."

After spitting out the cigar in his mouth and touching the last cigarette in his pocket, Logan gave up the idea of ​​lighting it up and walked to Merlin to ask how to use the machine.

Roxy was a little unhappy. On the one hand, Logan's machismo denied her role, and on the other hand, her mission was taken away.

Roxy, who was stopped by Galahad, said: "Lancelot, he is indeed the best choice now. You go to change clothes. You have to attend with Eggsy. You two need to be closest to the enemy."

After being stopped, Roxy followed Galahad's instructions. After all, there was no time to argue now.

Merlin introduced the joystick on the frame and explained to Logan how to use it.

While inflating the balloon, Merlin asked Logan: "What is your weight? Be precise. After all, the balloon will take you to the outer orbit."

While trying the flexibility of the joystick, Logan said without raising his head: "Three hundred pounds."

Merlin almost couldn't believe the figure given by Logan. After all, it looked like Logan was only 1.66 meters tall, not even 1.7 meters tall. How could he weigh 300 pounds?

Logan also noticed the difference in the atmosphere. He looked up and saw Merlin's face full of disbelief.

A steel claw stretched out from between the fingers of his right hand. Logan provocatively shaved with the claw blade. Looking at the steel claw that had nothing on it, he pretended to blow on the non-existent hair on it.

After being shown like this, Merlin didn't say anything more. He saw that Logan was a reformed person, so he inflated the balloon according to the weight reported by Logan.

With everything ready, Wolverine stood on the single-person launch platform, looked up at the two silver weather balloons above his head, and exhaled slowly.

Ash stood next to Logan and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Logan. "I haven't been to space yet. Now that I'm back, I'm going to brag about it with those little guys."

Originally he had nothing to do with this world, but because of Ash, Logan experienced a series of events such as traveling through time and space, going the wrong way, being used as a thug, and now he wants to save the earth and go into space.

When Logan said this, he simply put aside Ash's relationship and justified his actions.

Everyone stood in front of Logan to see him off as he was about to go to heaven.

Ash walked forward, patted Logan on the shoulder and said, "Thank you very much this time, Logan."

Logan was wearing a simple spacesuit. He patted the place where he had hidden his cigars and said, "If you want to thank me, prepare the best cigars for me. The professor hides his good stuff every time. I want to bring some back with me."

Kill him."

As he spoke, Logan turned his head and said to Tequila: "Boy, I want to see your good wine when I come down. I can't get the 1963 wine this time!"

It was not clear that Logan had the limit of near-immortality. Although he had seen Logan's physical ability to withstand grenades before, he still regarded this mission as a never-ending mission. Tequila twitched his nose and said: "Don't worry, I have it."

Better yet, wait for you to come back."

Seeing Logan being carried up into the sky by the balloon, everyone saluted Logan and then returned to Merlin's plane.

Roxy had changed into her dress at this time and was rubbing her hands nervously, constantly adjusting the breast pads to prevent the dress from slipping.

With the help of powerful thrust, the jet returned to the sky.

On the plane, Merlin explained the goal of the mission to Galahad. Yes, after discussion, it was decided that Galahad would be the main participant in the mission.

After all, in Valentine's eyes, Galahad had already been shot to death by himself, and no one would care about the arrival of a dead man.

Roxy, as Galahad's female companion, accompanied him into the party. Eggsy, as a follower, brought equipment disguised as luggage and took it to the residence to see if it could be of any help.

The rest of the people stayed on the plane temporarily as a precaution.

After the arrangements were completed, the plane almost arrived at the Mount Olympus area. Eggsy, who was originally in the cockpit as an observer, shouted to the cabin behind him: "Hart, Merlin, come and take a look!"

People who didn't know what was going on crowded into the cab. Looking through the portholes, they saw that the original Alps had been hollowed out, and a flight runway had been extended from the belly of the mountain.

On the smart glasses of Kingsman and Tequila, the defensive weapons owned by ground personnel are also clearly listed.

The four-unit anti-aircraft missiles placed next to the runway alone are enough to clear a range of dozens of kilometers.

Following the guidance from the tower, Merlin piloted the plane and landed on the runway and entered the heart of the Alps.

As soon as the plane stopped, a small group of armed personnel lined up in front of the plane, and a female receptionist was holding a list to check the incoming personnel.

Roxy held Galahad's arm and stepped off the plane, like a pear blossom crushing a begonia.

"Your name? Sir."

"Chester King, this is my female companion, and behind me is my manservant."

The receptionist took out the metal detector and said: "Welcome Mr. King, I need to confirm that you comply with Mr. Valentine's request not to carry weapons."

"Of course."

Galahad opened his hand, motioned for the receptionist to check, and then hugged Roxy.

"By the way, my manservant has brought his luggage and sent someone to take him to my room. Thank you."

After speaking, Galahad turned to Eggsy who was carrying the luggage and said: "My retinue, you have to put the bath water in advance and complete the cleaning of the room. I can't give you much time. Do you understand?"

(End of chapter)

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