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Chapter 209 It's Right Not to Choose S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 209 Just choose S.H.I.E.L.D.

It can only be said that this male host understands the mentality of law enforcement agencies very well.

He explained everything clearly in the shortest possible time with a rhetorical tone. And looking at the live content on TV, it was obvious that Cassel was standing outside the house to take the scene at the moment.

From the moment he saw his home appear on TV to the time the ATS exoskeleton armor broke through the door, he completed a psychological construction and emergency response plan in just ten seconds.

Fortunately, Kassel's live broadcast was only temporarily outside the house, and the public did not know what was going on inside the house.

Looking at the conclusive look of the male host, Ash asked Anderson in the channel: "Anderson, thoroughly investigate all the Control Bureau personnel outside?"

"No need to check, I already confirmed it when I heard the voice. We don't have any agents on vacation or out there. Even the old people from the CIA are neatly training the little guy you found..."

Anderson's words made Ash feel relieved about the control bureau. Since he was not one of his own, the scope was narrowed.

Ash directed Yu Oh to put down his gun, looked at the nervous family, and said in the kindest tone: "Don't worry, it's just an investigation into the riot, and you and your family need to cooperate..."

"Oh oh oh, okay, I've been waiting for you ever since my daughter recognized that bear as hers. I even called the NY Police Department. They said they would need to investigate before notifying the Control Bureau...


The family's cooperative attitude made Ash's work a lot easier. In his account, his daughter brought back a not-so-cute doll from outside. In order to prevent it from being contaminated with any germs or parasites, his wife put it on the doll.

He threw it away casually.

Unexpectedly, the child became unhappy and began to make wishes with something he didn't know where he came from.

The male owner recalled the child's condition at that time and said: "She held a shrunken palm, like the kind cut off from a monkey or raccoon and dried in the sun. Holding the thing, she made a promise so that I could take a look.

The wish for a lost teddy bear..."

The teddy bear you can see at a glance is indeed one hundred and fifty meters tall.

"In order to prevent her from touching this kind of thing again, I took away the half of my hand and threw it into the trash can. When the teddy bear appeared on TV, the child excitedly shouted that it was her toy.


I felt something was wrong at that time, and when I was about to take out the half of my palm, your... no, an agent claiming to be the Bureau of Control knocked on my door...

She showed me the ID. You have to know that I don’t have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the ID, so I can only let her come in and take away the things..."

Listening to the male host's narration, Ash understood that this person played a time-grabbing game with the Control Bureau. He had previously locked the character through surveillance, and then came to the door and took away this thing.

Ash looked at the nervous male host and said, "Can I see your child?"

"Of course. I also want to take the child to church tomorrow to see if there are any problems with the child. It's great that you can come! Judy! Come here quickly..."

When the hostess brought the timid child to Ash, Ash didn't find anything wrong with her except for a little bit of dark power.

This is interesting. After making a wish, the deal was supposed to be completed and the soul was taken away, but in the end, only a little bit of power remained. Was the demon defeated? Or did someone interfere?

Ash squatted down, on the same plane as the child, and shook the holy bell to produce a point of light, which fell on the girl's body.

In the eyes of the girl's parents, when these light spots merged into the girl's body, a black mist grew from the girl's back and dissipated in the air.

The girl's mother covered her mouth for fear of making any noise. The male host forced himself to calm down and look at everything in front of him.

After finishing all this, Ash held a light spot and placed it in the child's hand and asked: "Can you tell me how you picked up that palm?"

"On the way back with Freddy, I heard someone calling me, and then I found the palm..."

Freddy is of course the teddy bear. As for calling someone by name, this ancient trick is a tried and tested method by demons.

At night or on the road alone, if you hear someone calling your name, as long as you turn back or respond, you have agreed to the deal with this devil.

"Then how did you come up with the idea to make a wish?"

Faced with Ash's inquiry, the girl shook her head and said she didn't know clearly, she just wanted to do it over and over again.

The devil's inner hints make you think that your actions are all out of your own will. It is not until you think about it later that you find that your decisions or thoughts at this time are not clear at all.

But another problem arises. The girl's power only exists for a short period of time. Apart from giving her nightmares for a few days, it will hardly cause any harm to her.

The child's mother suddenly woke up and said, "Oh, by the way, that fake agent even said a few words to my child!"

"What did you say?"

"She probably asked where these things came from, and then took them away. She asked us to sign a document, and she also asked my daughter to sign..."

The hostess hurriedly took out several photocopied copies of documents from the room and handed them to Ash.

Looking at the obviously forged document and name, Ash had an idea of ​​the outcome of the matter.

Fake documents and false names can be used to deceive people, but the devil doesn't care about this kind of thing. Now that you have made the decision to trade, the devil will just smile and eat this piece of meat into his mouth.

"I accept this. At the same time, there is no problem with your daughter. I will also send someone to repair your door..."

"No, no, no, it's not necessary. I have also seen the problems in my daughter. I would also like to thank you for your help..."

Ash and the male host started a harmonious conversation of mutual humility. Both parties were putting the other on a high pedestal so that they could avoid unnecessary trouble.

"In this case, these three bottles of holy water can be regarded as my apology. As long as they are not opened, they can be stored forever..."

Seeing the other party's cooperation, Ash was too embarrassed to ask for anything more. He took out three bottles of holy water as compensation. For an ordinary family like this, encountering one or two strange incidents is already the bad luck of the entire generation. This

Three bottles of holy water, maybe they won't have a chance to use them until the end of their lives...

After coming out of the house, Ash shook his head slightly at Cassel, who was aware of current affairs and cut off the live broadcast.

George Stacey, who was commanding the police officers, also came over and asked about the outcome of the matter.

Ash briefly explained the surface of the matter, and George Stacey hurriedly prepared to send people to conduct an all-round search.

However, Ash still stopped his reckless behavior.

As if thinking about something, Stark suddenly changed the subject and said: "Ash, Logan's funeral is almost ready. Let's go to the sacrificial site tomorrow..."

"Okay, okay, let's go back to the sacrificial site first. George, please come with us. I'll introduce you to some friends and get you a batch of holy water so that your subordinates can rely on the reaction of the holy water when receiving relevant reports...


Ash pushed George Stacy into the Control Bureau's armored vehicle.

After Frank came up last and closed the car door, Ash gave Stark a wink.

Under the scanning of the Stark armor, all electronic equipment inside the armored vehicle fell into silence.

At this time, Ash slowly said what he had not said outside: "Someone pretended to control the bureau and took away the wishing item in advance..."

Ash's words made everyone unable to react for a while.

From receiving the call from Cassel to handling the matter, everyone maintained the fastest speed, and there was actually someone who could get ahead of the control bureau?

"Is it internal?"

George, who was used to confirming events, asked the question that Ash dealt with first.

"I have confirmed that there is no problem with the control bureau. Although I have sent some certificates to some friends, I believe they will not do such a thing..."

When Ash spoke, he looked at Cassel and Stark. These two people had certificates from the Control Bureau and were specially hired consultants by the Control Bureau.

And due to his relationship with the Forborough Bureau, Ash also sent a batch of documents to Devlin. But Ash knew Devlin's personality and methods, and he would definitely report it back to Ash after using his identity as the Bureau.

Those who can control the situation in advance and have a history of disguising their identities have only one target left.


Stark was the first to name SHIELD. After a series of events, Stark now has no favorable impression of SHIELD.

George Stacey also knew about SHIELD's numerous crimes. When Ash pointed out SHIELD's forged identity last time, George re-cleared all the cases under the banner of Fabler and sent them to Fabler for confirmation.

It turned out that more than 40% of them were forged by S.H.I.E.L.D., which made George angrily order all his subordinates to confirm their identities with the Verbole Bureau of Investigation before they could cooperate.

"Then you just gave up that wish-making prop? And what should you do with that toy?"

In response to this fantasy wish, George subconsciously wanted to protect his city. He didn't want something like this to happen again.

"That's not making a wish, it's just overdrafting one's life and soul..."

Although it was briefly explained before, Ash's explanation was not clear because the hunter was required.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ash slowly told the story behind it.

"That's not Aladdin's magic lamp. Any wish you make will come at an unbearable price. If someone hadn't intercepted the prop from the girl and signed a document that excited the devil, the girl would have become the devil's puppet.

Now, the next step will be to sacrifice to the devil."

Having said this, Ash warned everyone: "Remember, all power has a price, the blood of Manonos is an example.

Using that item will only corrupt the soul and cause others around you to fall into the devil's death harvest. Even if you make a wish to eat an apple, the most likely outcome is that a transport truck will crash into your home from outside, and then

Drown you with apples..."

Ash's warnings one after another made everyone in the car nod solemnly to show that they understood.

Cassel, who recorded magical stories in his notebook, asked the question that George was most concerned about: "Then do we still want to find this person?"

Ash pointed at George opposite and said with a smile: "Aren't I talking to the NY Police Department about the arrest of criminals?"

George nodded to show that he understood, and he would definitely not let this time bomb wander outside.

Ash also reopened the communication and asked Anderson to submit a joint investigation report to other cooperative law enforcement organizations to find the person who dared to intercept in front of the control bureau.

This kind of co-investigation report that exposed a family scandal left people in other cooperative organizations a little confused. If they were intercepted, shouldn't they be arrested frantically and then wipe out the incident?

SHIELD, after seeing this report, Hill had the same idea. She knew that this report was not serious and literal, but a warning.

The Control Bureau now has an extremely friendly relationship with Forborough and the military, and warnings will only be given to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Go and find out who acted without authorization in NY!"

(End of chapter)

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