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Chapter 210 Return of the Wolves

Chapter 210 Return of the Wolf

At the sacrificial site, George Stacey is asking for money from Ash.

"No! Thirty boxes of holy water can't even allow the NY police to have one bottle. The police risk their lives to explore the way for you to confirm the information. This cannot guarantee their safety at all!"

"But not everyone under your command will encounter supernatural events!"

"How do you know? Frontline police officers patrol the streets and alleys all day long, and they encounter a lot of fantastic events!"

"Okay, even if every police officer needs one bottle, what's going on with your five hundred thousand rounds of silver bullets? Are you ready to clean up the dark creatures in the entire NY? You even have to go through the silver bullets soaked in holy water!"

"You can't bear to give up on this? You are the control bureau with a lot of money. What's wrong with us policemen who are sleeping outside and preparing some supplies!"

Ever since George saw the effect of holy water, he has been obsessed with it, and after Ash said he could sponsor a batch of money for the police station, it became George's unilateral blackmail.

In the end, Ash couldn't defeat George, so he turned around and left muttering.

Seeing Ash leave, George asked Cassel who was watching the show in disbelief: "Did he agree or not?"

"Ash has always respected the police industry. When he negotiated with you, he only confirmed your needs. Don't worry, he will prepare it for you according to your requirements..."

Cassel, who often plays with Ash, understands Ash fairly well and explains Ash's behavior to George.

George touched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I think the Control Bureau's ATS armor is quite good. After all, the firepower of criminals is also increasing at the same time..."

Ash came in from outside carrying a box of holy water and said to George: "Then don't even think about it, you can't afford it at all..."

"I don't want it for nothing. You give me a price, and I can pay for it. After two incidents, the police department has received a large donation. We can improve our equipment and conditions..."

Looking suspiciously at George, Ash asked: "The cost of an ATS exoskeleton armor is worth two Abrams. Do you really have the money to buy it?"

George opened his mouth. He originally thought that he had received tens of millions in funding and could improve the equipment of the NY Police Department.

After seeing the ATS armor, I was extremely enthusiastic about this armor. It is clearly a perfect work designed for urban combat.

But compared to its high price, George gave up this plan. Even if he spent all the money to buy it, he couldn't get enough to buy three sets.

After sending away George who was in the autumn wind, Ash was quite satisfied with this 'transaction'.

The police force is the first line of defense and the main source of intelligence for the Control Bureau. Only through preliminary screening of police officers can the Control Bureau be mobilized.

This is also the reason why Ash agreed to all George's requests, and George accepted it with peace of mind.

Looking at the farewell ceremony stage gradually being built outside, Stark's funeral for Logan will begin tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Ash arrived at the outskirts of the sacrificial site, which had been transformed into the atmosphere and structure of a funeral.

Looking at the number of stools placed, Ash was relieved. The people who came were basically his own people, and they would not say anything nonsense even if they saw something.

Feeling the energy fluctuations in Logan's sarcophagus, Ash also confirmed the time of Logan's resurrection.

While Ash was inspecting the environment, Clint and Geralt were feasting together at the funeral table.

Clint deliberately avoided Ash's sight, turned his back and asked Geralt: "Is this bad for us? Everyone hasn't come yet?"

Ignoring Clint's worries, Geralt poured the food into his mouth and said, "Clint, what is the first rule of the Hunter's Code?"

"Never relax until you chop off the enemy's head."

"Then I will teach you another thing today. Even if you cut off the head, you cannot relax. You must burn their bodies, crush their ashes, and then soak every particle of their ashes with holy water, so that you can breathe a sigh of relief...


When Geralt said this, he grabbed Clint's collar. His tone made Clint feel that he would die in Geralt's hands like a prey.

Seeing Clint's eyes widening, Geralt put down Clint, changed the subject and said, "Have you almost used the short bow?"

"Uh~ I can already shoot continuously, so I can be considered good at using it."

"Then next, you try this..."

Geralt took out a huge crossbow half a man's height and handed it to Clint.

[Aberys: The largest and most powerful crossbow. It is made of metal and requires considerable strength to use. Combat skills: impact, hitting the enemy with the shoulder, pushing the enemy away, and increasing the distance. 】

Holding Aberys, Clint tried the strength of the metal bowstring. Even though he could now use a short bow easily, stringing this giant crossbow still required all his strength.

Seeing Clint's joy at getting new equipment, Geralt took the opportunity to say: "The hunter's mailbox has been exposed, and now there are a few more tasks. I need you to check and see which ones need us to deal with...


Clint, who was assigned a mission, looked at the giant crossbow in his hand, then looked at the delicious food on the table, waved his fist at Geralt, and was ready to complete the mission.

"Wait, take this..."

Geralt threw a wrapped crossbow arrow to Clint before waving his hand to let him leave.

Logan's funeral started in the morning, and people began to arrive one after another.

Those who can come are basically the killers around and those who fight alongside Logan. The only weak person in the entire environment may be Cassell.

Standing in front of Logan's sarcophagus, Stark delivered a long series of self-motivated speeches before being driven away by Snow.

This person who met Logan in Guns and Guns may be the person who cares most about Logan in the world.

After everyone said goodbye to Logan, Snow still stood in front of Logan's sarcophagus and refused to leave.

Everyone saw this feeling, so they gave the time to Snow and found time to leave.

At this time, only Snow, Stark, who wanted to bury Logan, and Ash, who was watching the show, were left in the entire funeral.

Stark was about to go up and persuade Snow to let go, but he was a little worried about his annoying words. He was afraid that Snow would take out his gun and shoot him twice.

So Stark winked at Ash crazily, asking him to go up and comfort Snow.

Ash, who had been standing for a long time, just yawned, as if he didn't see Stark across from him.

Snow was lying on the sarcophagus, tears falling down the sarcophagus. However, some tears penetrated.

Snow looked at this phenomenon and said unhappily: "Ash, the sarcophagus you prepared has cracks..."

"That's not a crack! Is the quality of what I prepared so bad?"

After saying that, Ash pulled Stark and Snow away from the sarcophagus.

After retreating to a safe distance, the three of them saw hot light starting to emerge from the sarcophagus, and a flame-like color began to spread on the sarcophagus.

Finally, when the color reached its peak, the entire sarcophagus was quietly burned to ashes.

And Logan, naked, was lying in his original position.

Red steam escapes from his body, dyeing the entire feature space the same color.

Ash caught Snow who was about to go over, pointed at the bright red color and said: "You will die if you go over. Ordinary people can't bear that kind of temperature..."

Stark started testing the scene and showed the report to Ash out of curiosity.

"Plasma? He can actually generate plasma by himself? What are his bones made of? How can he be so powerful?"

"Don't you already have the answer? Do you still need to confirm with me?"

Ash squinted his eyes like ordinary people to avoid damage to his eyes caused by the high temperature, and at the same time replied to Stark's words.

"It's always good to confirm... But I never thought that Adamantium alloy in such a primitive state could be combined with the human body... Was the technology in that world very advanced? The human body modification technology was so mature?"

Stark became curious about the world in which Logan lived. Although he had seen Logan's abilities before, the shock brought by the fact of his resurrection from the dead was far less than that of the wound healing performance.


While the two were talking, the temperature around Logan gradually dropped. Snow broke away from Ash's restraint and rushed to Logan's side.

Although the temperature dropped, it was still not something ordinary people could bear. However, Snow still endured the high temperature and tried to touch Logan.

Just when he was about to meet Logan, Logan, who was lying down, turned over and landed in front of the three of them like a superhero landing on the ground.

"Ahem~ Logan, you are naked now, and there is a lady present, please pay attention to the impact!"

After hearing Ash's words, Logan realized that he looked down at his naked appearance, which was indeed a bit unsightly, so Logan pulled the funeral backdrop around his waist to cover his lower body.

But Snow screamed at this state and hugged Logan.

Logan, who did not want to understand people's hearts, pushed Snow aside and showed off his steel claws indifferently. The originally metallic Adamantium alloy steel claws gradually turned red under the influence of Logan's will.

"What's going on?"

Faced with scientific problems, Ash took a step back and gave Stark the opportunity to explain.

"You were penetrated by plasma. The high-temperature plasma burned away all your flesh, leaving only the most basic skeleton structure. Maybe the special characteristics of Adamantium alloy and your body have preserved this characteristic...


Listening to Stark's words, Logan looked at the Adamantium alloy steel claws that could freely control the temperature and said with a smile: "It's good, at least I don't need to buy a lighter in the future..."

Snow stood aside and wanted to talk to Logan, but Ash stepped in and stood in front of Logan.

Looking at Logan's current appearance, and looking at the way Snow looked at Logan, Ash sighed inwardly, but still didn't give Snow a chance to speak.

Since coming to this world, Logan has only helped Ash fight and has not enjoyed life at all. What Ash wants to say now makes Ash feel like a heartless bastard.

Seeing Ash's hesitation, and Logan was also avoiding Snow who was behind Ash, he still couldn't avoid the feelings sent to him, so he took the initiative to say to Ash: "If you have anything, just tell me


Ash sighed and said to Logan: "Remember what I once said? Logan, the time is up!"

Let me digress: I was going to play some games last night, and I had updated Cailiu and APEX. Then two messages popped up on the Writer Assistant on my phone. They were tips from book friends.

I didn't pay attention at first, because I knew my status as a street fighter, and the rewards were occasionally one or two yuan, and the largest reward was two coins. Only at the beginning, a book friend, Han Dongxu Ri, rewarded three yuan at a time.

Fifteen yuan made me happy for a long time.

However, after Cai Liu was blasted to death by the opponent, I took a look at the reward during a break in the game. At that time, I thought I was dazzled.

After repeated confirmation, it was indeed the book friend ☆Fallen Angel who rewarded me so much.

According to what I said before in my acceptance speech, one chapter will be added for every 10,000 points. I should add ten chapters.

The debt has been owed since then, so I'll try my best. Because I still have a job, and the hospital is quite busy, so I can't take any time off, so I can only take the time to make up for the debt. Please bear with me.

Finally, I would like to thank ☆Fallen Angel again for the reward. Thank you if you are hungry.

(End of chapter)

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