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Chapter 212 Melinda's Wish

Chapter 212 Melinda’s wish

After Logan left, Snow has been waiting at the entrance of the sacrificial site, as if the person she misses will come out of the campfire.

But it was nothing to be blocked by a woman all the time. Ash and Stark found an opportunity and slipped out of the sacrificial site.

Inside the Control Bureau base, there is Ash's office with a broken window again.

Stark and Ash separated the two sides of the office and started a game relying on Jarvis's projection.

Anyway, neither of these two people need to handle everything personally. They only need to control the basic direction, and their people will perfectly complete all their requirements.

Halfway through the game, Ash put down the controller, looked at another place, and whispered: "It's time!"

"When is it coming? If you don't come to our base, you will be pushed out. Jarvis! Take over from Ash..."

Not caring about the game he was about to lose, Ash called the codename belonging to Spider-Man Peter Parker on the channel.

"Toby Spider, come to the director's office..."

"Okay...but my name is Peter Parker, not Harry Potter's Pokemon..."

Ever since Peter Parker joined the Bureau, Ash had given him the code name Toby Spider. Although the name Spider-Man struck a chord in his heart, adding another name in front of it,

It made Peter feel like he was the house elf that was always there for him.

219 West 47th Avenue, New York. This is the NY headquarters of SHIELD, and it is the office headquarters of SHIELD. It is not a comprehensive place like the tri-curved wing on Roosevelt Island in Washington, D.C. It is only for civilians and non-officials.

Combat units provide office space.

And Melinda does her clerical work here.

Since she lost two combat teams due to her own recklessness, Melinda applied on her own initiative to quit the ranks of field agents.

And because of the previous incident with Nick Fury, people who originally belonged to Nick Fury's department have been under scrutiny one after another. Until now, only Coulson has been reassigned to a field position.

Her job as a clerk gave Melinda access to all kinds of information, including a variety of supernatural events.

The moment the teddy bear appeared, Melinda seized the opportunity and hacked into the traffic camera to find the owner of the teddy bear first.

It was Melinda who pretended to be the Control Bureau, and it was she who made a time lag with the Control Bureau and got the curled-up palm in the girl's hand before Ash.

Ever since she learned that there was hell and God in this world, Melinda had a unique idea to make up for the mistakes she had made before.

And this shrunken palm is her hope.

Looking at the curled up shriveled palm, with the three fingers curled up, Melinda was slightly heartbroken.

'Didn't it have two fingers curled up before and one stretched out?'

Although she had doubts in her heart, Melinda still put her shrunken hands in her arms and walked into S.H.I.E.L.D.

After what happened last night, SHIELD, under Hill's order, launched a trajectory investigation of all field agents in NY.

But Melinda is now a civilian and has escaped this review.

She knew that if she didn't hurry up, the scope of the review would expand and she wouldn't be able to complete her goal in time.

"Morning, Melinda!"

Colson was waiting for Melinda with a cup of coffee. Colson could now go out into the field. He immediately thought of this former partner and wanted Melinda to join his team.

"Don't be like this, Colson, I'm fine now and I don't want to go out in the field at all..."

As she spoke, Melinda held the documents, covering her shriveled palms covered by the documents, knocked open the door of the workroom with her body, and then kicked the door shut, blocking Colson from the door.

"Uh~ Okay, I hope you can change your mind..."

Listening to the footsteps gradually receding outside, Melinda held her hands with shrunken palms and calculated the distance that Colson had left.

When the footsteps disappeared, Melinda opened the door in an instant and quickly walked to the freight elevator. She wanted to go to the bottom of the whole building.

Generally speaking, the lowest level of a building is either underground parking or deep storage space.

Special institutions like SHIELD, in addition to these, also have experimental sites and morgues for some combat units.

Melinda's goal is the morgue. She wants to make up for her previous mistakes and resurrect the dead combat team.

There was only one guard in the morgue, and he was watching the show with headphones. This was a way for him to deceive himself about the environment he was in. This method made him unable to concentrate and ignored the documents in Melinda's hand.

It doesn't fit her current status.

After entering the morgue, Melinda locked the door and took out the shrunken palm she had hidden.

Following the names, Melinda found everyone in her team, and painstakingly gathered them together and placed them on the mobile bed.

"Edmund Christie, Joe Warner, Nick Arnold... don't worry, I will make you come back to life..."

Holding up her shrunken palms, Melinda prayed to the corpse in front of her.

"Resurrect Nick Arnold, resurrect Edmund Christie, resurrect Joe Warner, resurrect..."

This kind of narrative prayer had no effect at all. Melina even saw the shriveled fingers slightly extending and then retracting.

This is completely different from the wish the little girl said. According to the little girl's account, this is simply a wish made casually, and it was fulfilled with the hands of the hands.

Melinda became more and more excited as she talked. She didn't understand where she made a mistake. It was so easy for girls to make wishes, but why was it so difficult to get to her.

"Resurrect Edmund Christie, resurrect Joe Warner, I say resurrect them, resurrect them!"

Her emotions could no longer be sustained, and Melinda yelled in the morgue.

Such anomalies attracted the attention of the guards.

"Agent, I hope you stay calm. After all, no one wants to see the bodies of their comrades... Damn it! What did you do!"

Under the surveillance of the guards, the entire body refrigerated cabinet in the morgue began to tremble, and then one by one they burst out of the cabinet, and the corpses were scattered all over the floor...

The last thing the guard saw on the surveillance camera was a man crawling on the ceiling, twisting his limbs and walking toward the surveillance camera, then biting it.

The alarm went off, and although it was a civilian management center, it still entered a state of emergency.

According to the report from the morgue, a heavily armed emergency combat team entered the morgue.

However, people outside could only hear the sound of gunshots, screams, and the sound of chewing food. The guns and the surveillance cameras they carried with them became ineffective after entering the morgue.

Now no one knows what the state of the morgue is, no one knows what happened.

When Hill received the change from SHIELD, he immediately thought of the co-investigation report last night.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had only conducted a screening of field personnel and had not yet had time to screen local civilian personnel, and Melinda was the one who intercepted the Bureau of Control.

"QTMD, who did Nick Fury recruit? He doesn't read action reports, he doesn't obey orders, he doesn't even read the "Instructions for Supernatural Events" that he must learn!"

Hill, who had always been calm and composed, cursed for the first time, causing the other agents who had been handling matters next to her to be stunned.

"Why are you standing there? Count the number of people present at 219 47th Avenue West in New York City, ensure everyone's status, and simultaneously screen all personnel's backgrounds and recent psychological conditions. Seal the entire underground part of the building, even if it's a mouse, let it go

Lie down and leave!”

The changes in S.H.I.E.L.D. were noticed from the beginning by Ash, who was always paying attention. But the first to arrive on the scene was the NY police.

Almost every law enforcement unit in the SHIELD office headquarters in NY knows that people are being evacuated outside at this moment, and anyone can boldly guess what is going on inside.

George led the rapid response team belonging to the police department and began to set up defenses outside SHIELD. Looking at the SWAT's anti-biochemical warfare weapons, passers-by who saw this scene began to run in the distance.

"George, you have to come see this!"

At the temporary headquarters, others stopped George, who was observing with a telescope outside, and asked him to come inside.

"This is what happened to this bottle of holy water..."

In George's eyes, the holy water brought from Ash last night that had not been distributed was now emitting white light regularly, and the brightness of the light varied. The bright part pointed at the direction of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

"Control everyone in that building within a certain range. Only after everyone has been tested for holy water can they be released... By the way, I wanted to get a batch of blessed silver bullets last night and send them to SWAT..."

"Then how do we deal with things inside?"

George looked at his men as if they were fools.

"Why should we deal with it? We are just ordinary police officers. Professional matters are left to professionals... Besides, where is this place? We are not needed at all. We should file a report and ask the Control Bureau to come forward and say that we have discovered a place.

Problem place, waiting for their support..."

When the subordinate heard what George said, he nodded and opened his computer, preparing to slowly type out a joint investigation report, then print it out and mail it to the control bureau.

His subordinates are all close to George. The batch of holy water George received from Ash last night has spread throughout the police station, and everyone is eagerly waiting to receive it.

You can get so much holy water and a large number of silver bullets from the boss of the control bureau. Why don't you just call? Do you want to send a report yourself?

The subordinate understood what George meant and typed slowly. Then at the right moment, his computer made an error.

"George, the police station's computer is broken. I want to apply for a replacement..."

"Mine is broken too..."

"Me too……"

"Adam, since your computer is broken, you can use mine... Just give your computer to me and I will repair it..."

"Go away, who doesn't know that those 1,353 young ladies in my computer are coveting my treasures!"

In an instant, the entire command room turned into a cheerful place, and the air was filled with the smell of hormones.

Everyone knows that George now has a lot of funds in his hands. Is it wrong to buy a bigger house for his little sisters?

At this time, George also received a text message.

"Alright boys, this place is no longer under our control. Let's close the team!"

“What should I do with my broken computer?”

(End of chapter)

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