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Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Chatterbox appears

George received the text message, and Hill also received one.

'The Control Bureau accidentally lost a box of demon-killing holy water near 47th Avenue West in New York at 3:27 noon. The holy water contained signs of damage. If you find white light or feather-like light effects, please don't panic. This is normal.

Response. If the relevant law enforcement unit obtains it, it can keep it for itself.

At the same time, the usage method is attached: Holy water can be sprayed on the surface of the body to provide a short-term protective effect. Or soak bullets to provide short-term enchantment. At the same time, contact with the holy water can detect whether the relevant person is possessed...'

This strange text message was sent to all units with departments in NY at the moment.

S.H.I.E.L.D., a large company with a large business, has not yet sent a request for assistance to the Control Bureau. But this incident and location made everyone understand who this is for.

Hill looked at the current time of 3:19 on his phone and sighed inwardly. Then he returned to his previous lean state.

"Remobilize the combat units and ask people with combat capabilities in the current office building to receive it... pick up this box of holy water..."

Hill's order was quickly implemented. Near the building, these S.H.I.E.L.D. employees paid a sky-high price to take over the simple room and decontamination equipment left by George and the others.

A group of them, armed with weapons, carefully blocked off 47th Avenue to prevent their only hope from being accidentally destroyed.

Watching the time slowly approaching the twenty-seven minute mark, anxious sweat began to form on everyone's heads.

"Colson, why do you think it hasn't arrived yet?"

A gun-toting detective next to good old Coulson was a little anxious. He chatted casually with Coulson, whom he had just met.

"By the way, Colson, I haven't seen you before? Which department do you work in?"

"I used to work for Nick Fury..."

Before Colson finished speaking, he saw several people around him looking at him in surprise, and the muzzle of the gun was pointing a little wrong.

Who in SHIELD doesn't know the name of Nick Fury before, but now Nick Fury's reputation is completely ruined. Coulson used to be his subordinate, which is a bit surprising.

The person asking the question had an evil look in his eyes and his finger was already on the trigger frame: "Then Melinda who did this is said to be Nick Fury's subordinate?"

"He tui!"

After spitting at Coulson, the gun-toting agent reached out to greet his team members and said: "There is a suspected defected agent here! This mission is not suitable for him now..."

Facing the other people surrounding him, Colson raised his hands helplessly. The people behind him pushed him to the ground and tied him with a nylon belt.

Coulson was now like a dead fish lying on the ground, looking up at the reflection of the building.

At this time, a small black dot appeared in everyone's field of vision.

I saw someone flying between the buildings, constantly drawing reverse arcs, swinging left and right, and flying towards this direction.

"Alert! Suspected deliveryman!"

"The control bureau's equipment is so good? I almost want to jump ship!"

This time Peter Parker was sent by Ash to deliver the goods. During this time, he was wearing the Control Bureau's basic exoskeleton, with a holy water tank fixed on the back of the exoskeleton.

Shooting out a white spider thread, Peter swung between the buildings, then leaped with his back, and stopped firmly on the street lamp beside the road.

Wearing a mask he made himself, Peter looked at the gun-toting agents under the streetlight.

"Hi! This is Spider-Man, your good neighbor, here to deliver goods! This is my first time hanging out here in public..."

Standing on the street lamp, Peter found that what he was saying was being listened to by people on the other side, for fear of missing any information.

"If you need help, you can call me. Oh, I can't give out my personal number. But I work in the Control Bureau now, you can call the Control Bureau, maybe it will be transferred to me..."

"Why don't you say anything? Are you surprised by the way I appear? Don't worry, maybe you can see more of me in NY in the future..."

The agent under the street lamp had his teeth broken, just waiting for the chatterbox above to put down the holy water and get out.

'You can't shoot, he's here to help, he's just a talker, he's just a talker...'

Almost everyone was muttering the same words in their hearts, and looked at Peter Parker with increasingly evil eyes.

The spider sense gave Peter a jolt. He also noticed the change in the environment. So he jumped down from the street lamp and landed in front of these agents.

He took off the holy water tank fixed on his back and opened it under his feet.

"Okay, this is the control bureau's lost item...just need to take the last step..."

With that said, Peter took out a bottle of holy water and broke it next to the box...

Seeing this action, all the gun-toting agents subconsciously aimed their guns at Peter Parker.

"Wow! Stop, stop, the gun will go off, be careful! I did as asked..."

Peter took a photo of the current condition of the box and sent it to Ash.

Putting away his mobile phone, Peter looked at the nervous agents in front of him and pushed the holy water tank under his feet towards the opposite side.

The agents who put away their guns stared at Peter Parker and took away the box of holy water.

"The mission is completed. Do you need help? The good neighbor Spider-Man will help..."

When Peter Parker came out for the first time, he didn't understand the current situation at all, and Ash didn't explain the reason for the mission to him.

But now, these agents have to endure the talkative Peter and look at the missing box in the box with regret...

After getting the items, they no longer had to endure this talkative man. The agents surrounded the holy water and walked away. Only Peter and Coulson who were lying on the ground were left at the scene.

"Sir, it seems you need help? But you look like you were arrested now... Well... I was warned by Ash not to mind other people's business..."

After circling Coulson twice, Peter Parker analyzed Coulson's situation. It was obvious that the agent just now was not the same as Coulson.

"Let the agent just help you untie it! I'm going back to resume my life. Sir, I wish you good luck..."

Peter still thought it was better not to worry about other things, so he left Coulson where he was, jumped onto the streetlight again, shot out a spider web and swung towards the control bureau.

At this moment, Coulson didn't have time to say a word.

After obtaining the equipment, SHIELD's combat team gathered together again, carefully took out the container and soaked the bullets in holy water.

After waiting, they took out the bullets and sprayed the soaked holy water on everyone.

Although it was a bit of a search, compared with the amount of holy water, no combatants had any objections to this approach.

After entering the underground, the effect of this holy water began to appear. Everyone was covered with a faint layer of white light. Occasionally, there were light and shadows of feathers in the white light.

This situation made the combat team members feel slightly calmer.

"The mission goal is to eliminate all creatures around the morgue. Anything that moves is a shooting target..."



No one has any objections to such an order. Anyone with a little bit of brains will understand what a hellish scene it is.

"Why don't we go to the Control Bureau? They are the professionals. We should fight the terrorists..."

"Silence, this is not what you and I should discuss now..."

At this moment, everyone monitoring the team's combat channel understands that this is SHIELD's own business. Even if more lives are added, SHIELD will not seek help from other departments.

And this team also understands that they are a bunch of unimportant numbers. But since they are all cannon fodder, there is no harm in saying a few words of complaint.

"Target found, on the ceiling!"

The first vanguard noticed something strange. There was a creature crawling towards here on the ceiling.

"Fire! Fire! Free fire!"

The glowing white bullet found the monster, which couldn't walk well and had to play on the ceiling. The bullet, which had no effect at all, let it fall to the ground.

There was no mercy for the bullets, and the continuous shooting cut this guy into two pieces.

"Alert, clean up!"

Following the squad commander's order, a soldier with a flamethrower came from the rear. The flamethrower was aimed at the monster on the ground.

The weird smell caused by the burning made everyone shut their mouths and put on breathing masks.

The burning only lasted a short time, and the monster quickly lost its skin, exposing the bones and muscles under the skin.

"Holy water test..."

The fire-breathing soldier took out a bottle of holy water from his waist, poured it carefully, and a drop of holy water fell on the monster.

In an instant, the corpse, which had been beaten into two pieces and then burned, twitched and stared at the soldiers with yellow light in its eyes.

"Damn, it's not dead! Fire! Fire!"

Another series of shots, this time, turned the two corpses into pulp.

"Behead! Behead their heads! Have you really not read "Instructions for Supernatural Events"?"

A different voice appeared in this channel, giving opinions on the team's combat and handling methods.

Hill heard the voice and warned it: "Stark, this is SHIELD's channel. It is illegal for you to trespass!"

"Oh my God, does this communication network that is full of loopholes really belong to SHIELD? Then your network engineers are really good at it..."

Hill looked at the agent next to him and received only a shake of his head. He had no way to get Stark out of the communication channel.

"Stark, this is SHIELD's own business..."

Hill's voice was a little cold, as if what happened just now was unimportant and dealing with Stark was the most important thing.

"Yeah, yeah, it's something I can't handle myself."

Stark's unceremonious voice made everyone a little unbearable.

"However, I just got a little different news, from... well~ from an ordinary person passing by.

What you are facing are zombies, bodies that have lost their souls. They are driven by the desire to devour. You can knock them down with ordinary weapons. You only need to cut off their heads and then concentrate them and burn them completely..."

Stark began to popularize knowledge on the channel. This kind of intelligence caused the frontline combat team to withdraw from the battlefield. They decided to enter this hell after listening to these introductions.

"When these zombies eat enough corpses or fresh flesh, they will automatically evolve and become ghouls. And ghouls are... Ash, where is the memo you gave me..."

(End of chapter)

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