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Chapter 235 The Smoke-filled Great Sword

Chapter 235 The Great Sword of Manyan

The nictitating membrane, also known as the third eyelid, is a special structure of reptiles that allows crocodiles to maintain basic sight underwater and also plays a protective role.

But now, Stark's pulse hit the crocodile's nictitating membrane, which did not cause any substantial damage to the giant crocodile, but instead angered it.

The giant crocodile struggled to get up in the rubble, trying to crawl out.

When Xiaoyu saw the battering ram-like tail in front of her moving and slapping towards her, the fear of death made her unable to move.

The giant crocodile's tail created an explosion effect at Xiaoyu's position, with gravel and various bricks flying everywhere.

Xiaoyu, on the other hand, was currently being protected by Ash in his arms and hiding in another location.

After releasing the child in his arms, Ash looked at Xiaoyu holding his head and felt a little funny. Chen Xiaoyu, who was originally not afraid of anything but her father and Jackie Chan, actually had this side.

Touching Xiaoyu's head, Ash said comfortingly: "Look, this is why you are not allowed to participate. Children generally cannot react to such sudden things..."

Xiaoyu reluctantly touched her body and found that she was unharmed, but Ash in front of her was covered in dust.

The explosion-like sound of the attack just now was still echoing in her ears, and Xiaoyu thought Ash had blocked an attack for her.

Jumping up with a scream, Xiaoyu took out various talismans from her body and said while searching: "Where is the horse talisman?"

Along with the charms scattered on the ground, Xiaoyu took an octagonal charm engraved with a horse pattern and was about to press it on Ash.

While pressing, he said: "Good horse, please help me quickly and treat this person..."

However, there was no change in Ash, and the Horse Talisman did not emit the healing light.

Just when Xiaoyu was about to spit her saliva on the charm, Ash held her head to stop it.

While picking up the talismans on the ground and returning them to Xiaoyu, Ash said: "I'm fine. This world is very dangerous. You have to hold these talismans well to avoid being taken away by bad people. You know, I used to think about these talismans too."


Xiaoyu looked at the exact talisman in her arms. Although Ash talked about his desires, Xiaoyu understood what Ash meant. The commotion caused by these talismans before was not the slightest.

Xiaoyu lowered her head, thinking about her previous behavior and said: "Then I'd better leave here now, so as not to cause you any trouble... Do you need any talisman to help? I can lend it to you..."

In order to repay the life-saving grace, Xiaoyu showed Ash the charms in her arms and explained the functions of each of them: "This is the horse charm that can cure everything, the monkey charm can transform..."

Ash pushed the talisman back, shook his head and said: "The rat talisman - moves through stillness, the ox talisman - is extremely powerful... I understand these very clearly...

I can't take care of you right now. You are a member of the Dragon Team, so you should know how to protect yourself..."

Ash put his spare headset on Xiaoyu, adjusted the voice and said: "Leave here first. When the matter is over, I will contact you and send you back..."

Xiao Yu nodded sensibly, hugged Ash, and left with the rabbit charm in hand.

When Ash found Stark again, he was forcibly merged into SHIELD's channel and was talking trash to SHIELD's side.

"You are just like Nick Fury, stealing all the money! Such a big weapon can't even kill a crocodile!"

When the SHIELD team heard Stark's words, they all closed their mouths and looked at Hill.

Hill refuted Stark's accusation and said: "SHIELD has only provided some help to the Control Bureau, and has even killed two people. Such supernatural things should be the responsibility of the Control Bureau...


"Supernatural things? This is a biological weapon! The supporters of the White creature seem to be SHIELD..."

The two sides began to undermine each other, and they exchanged words with each other. Hill talked about the division of responsibilities, and Stark talked about conspiracy theories.

Geralt finally couldn't listen any more and took Hill's headset and said: "I am Geralt. The attack just now came from my command. That crossbow arrow has been fired for thousands of years and has long been rusted. You

You can see it too."

Stark looked at the crossbow arrow stuck in the giant crocodile's body. Half of it was corroded, and it could even be inserted into the giant crocodile's body only by the sharp surface formed by corrosion.

Then I heard Geralt continue: "I will not shirk the responsibility of the hunter. Next, I will be the main attacker..."

After saying this, Geralt hung up the communication. Everyone in SHIELD who heard this looked at Geralt with gratitude.

Geralt's words put all the responsibility on himself, and SHIELD can be said to be unscathed.

Next, Geralt will be the main attacker, which undoubtedly shows his attitude of atonement.

'It would be nice if Geralt died in the next battle'

This is the idea of ​​some SHIELD staff. As long as Geralt dies, based on the previous results and combat performance, SHIELD can completely seize part of the power, and it is not impossible to even replace him.

Hill naturally understands that there are different opinions in SHIELD, but what Geralt is doing at this moment is the best choice for SHIELD.

Seeing Hill's confusion, Geralt put the headset back into Hill's hand and said, "You can be moved, but don't say anything you shouldn't say. You are the director of SHIELD..."

After saying that, Geralt left the SHIELD command room. He wanted to take this opportunity to come up with some plan.

However, until I saw the giant crocodile that started destroying the city, I didn't think of any good solutions. All the power that can be displayed at this stage has a limit.

The limit for this giant crocodile is to imprison it and then kill it.

This imprisoned time is the insurance of human beings, the string in their minds. If the ability to accept is insufficient, it cannot be easily broken through.

Seeing the giant crocodile, Geralt didn't have time to think anything more. He took out a black sword that looked like it was randomly melted and rushed towards it.

[Manyan Extraordinary Sword: A deformed sword that looks like a black rock fragment. It is the heaviest type of extralarge sword. It is said to be a weapon owned by the ancient rebels, but because it was too heavy, no one could use it, and it was eventually forgotten in history.

in the torrent.]

This is the heaviest weapon Geralt can use to escape. As for those sledgehammers, leave them to Ash.

Dragging the great sword of Man Yan, Geralt took heavy steps and quickly moved towards the giant crocodile.

Explosions and bullets were clearing the way for Geralt, blocking the crocodile's sight and covering his progress.

After Geralt approached the giant crocodile, he jumped up suddenly and raised the Manyan sword above his head in the air.

Then, use all your strength to slash downward.

This move split Huashan and exploded on the top of the giant crocodile's head. The second time it really hurt it, a cloud of blood mist exploded from the top of the giant crocodile's head, and even the white bones under the hard skin were visible.

However, such an attack did not cause fatal damage to the giant crocodile. The giant crocodile just shook its head in pain and threw Geralt off its head.

Geralt hit the building next to the street, and Manyan's sword was knocked away and fell on the other side of the street.

When Stark saw that Geralt's weapon could cause damage, he wanted to reach out and grab it. However, despite all his efforts, the sword remained motionless.

Xiaoyu appeared from beside Stark, handed the Ox Talisman to Stark and said: "Here you go, Iron Man."

Stark looked at the spell in his hand and didn't know how to use it.

But thinking about the meaning of Xiaoyu's words before, Stark held the talisman in one hand and raised the Manyan sword with the other.

Stark couldn't feel the previous weight at all, and the squeaking sound on his hand armor made Jarvis keep warning: "Sir, please be careful, your current power is already destroying the armor..."

Upon hearing the warning, Stark tried to fly up, imitating Geralt and giving the giant crocodile a violent blow.

However, even though the armor's engine released all its power, it didn't fly even half a minute.

"Better give me the sword back, Stark. You can't use this weapon... You're too weak..."

Geralt took the weapon back from Stark and launched another charge.

On the other side, Xiaoyu relied on the rapid movement brought by the rabbit charm to continuously move around the giant crocodile, and constantly tried to use other charms to cause damage to the giant crocodile.

The explosion caused by the dragon talisman, the transformation of the monkey talisman, and the electric eyes of the pig talisman were all causing damage to the giant crocodile one after another. However, in front of the giant crocodile's huge size, it was only an inconspicuous damage.


Ash saw Xiaoyu's actions and shouted his name at her, causing Xiaoyu to turn around and leave the battlefield instantly.

"Why do you like to talk loudly like Uncle Long..."

Stark held the Bull Talisman, but with the blessing of the Bull Talisman, the strength of the armor could not keep up with the physical strength. The linings inside the armor began to deform under Stark's actions.

With no choice but to throw the Ox Talisman to Ash.

The Ox Talisman is almost the simplest talisman to use. It only needs to be placed close to the body, and the strengthening power can be stimulated when exertion is needed.

Although Ash's power can already compete with the ancient dragon, the Ox Talisman is an excuse.

So Ash took out the Atlas sword, which he had not used for a long time, and pointed the tip of the sword at the giant crocodile.

Geralt, on the other side, looked at Ash's posture and began to create opportunities for Ash.

Geralt was seen holding the Great Sword with both hands, and swung it like a baseball, hitting the giant crocodile's forelimb with the Great Sword.

The reptile's body support relies on its forelimbs to provide power. This time, the entire body of the giant crocodile was deflected and turned sideways.

Ash put on a thrusting stance, and with the blessing of the Ox Talisman, he inserted the Atlas Sword entirely into the giant crocodile's body.

The Atlas sword was inserted into the side of the giant crocodile's body, and then Ash held the sword and ran forward with all his strength, opening a wound that was dozens of meters long on the giant crocodile's body.


This time, the side of the giant crocodile's body was completely cut open, and it seemed that the situation was developing for the better.

(End of chapter)

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