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Chapter 236: The Power of Amulets

Chapter 236 The help of the spell

The entire body of the giant crocodile was cut open from the side, but for its huge body, the length of the Atlas sword was not enough to penetrate deep into the body and cause damage to its internal organs.

Even though the peristaltic intestines in the abdominal cavity can be seen, a thin layer of mesangium binds them in the abdominal cavity.

When Ash raised his sword and prepared to strike again with the same attack, the giant crocodile twisted his body back in pain and protected the wound side inside.

And in everyone's eyes, the wound that ran through the entire side of the body was healing to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Ash carried his big sword and escaped a giant crocodile's sweep. He jumped to the side of the road and asked in disbelief: "What other genes are added to this thing? Can it heal so fast?"

"It should be the gene of the African Spiny Rat, which can restore any scars without even leaving scars..."

While invading SHIELD's information on the White creature, Stark showed it on the channel and said: "And the genetic potion enhancement that these giant beasts have ingested is increasing exponentially. It just ate the giant wolf. It

There is no shortage of energy needed for evolution..."

Ash withdrew his weapon and symbolically threw two thunder guns. When the thunder guns hit the giant crocodile's skin, it only turned into lightning and disintegrated.

Rearranging the battle plan, Ash said to the channel: "Then drag it to evolve and make it overwhelmed. How many heavy weapons do you have from SHIELD?"

Everyone is clear about Ash's idea, which is to use minor damage from heavy weapons to delay the further growth of the giant crocodile, allowing it to spend all its energy on body repair.

Hill will naturally cooperate with Ash. This request for assistance in a public channel will be shown in the public eye, and no one will be stupid enough to express objections at this time.

In the view of various news helicopters, the ravages of giant crocodiles have left some buildings in Chicago in ruins, and now this area is gradually expanding.

In order to stop the behemoth, the Control Bureau's fighter jets began to enter the scene.

The six MK20 cluster bombs carried by the two F18 Super Hornets caused damage to tens of thousands of square meters, and they also dropped the auxiliary fuel tanks they carried on the behemoths.

The aviation fuel ignited on the giant beast, guiding subsequent flight formations to the specific location of the attack target in the smoke.

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s snake-oil Quinjet follows closely in the footsteps of the F18. As a new fighter jet that can take off, land and hover vertically, these pilots are more courageous.

They fixed their height between the buildings, and using the cover of the tall buildings, they launched the missiles they carried towards the giant crocodile.

The look and feel of SHIELD's combat method is very good. After all, compared to the F18 that drops all the bombs in a flash, this kind of sustainable attack can attract the attention of the audience through the news media.

Just when the Quinjet flew around a building and tried to move to the other side to attack, he didn't expect that the giant crocodile was already waiting for him here.

Using the same hunting method as a crocodile emerging from the water, the giant crocodile jumped into the air, opened its big mouth towards the Quinjet, and destroyed the little thing that made it a little annoying in one bite.

"Pull up! Pull up!"

SHIELD's channel was filled with calls from Quinjet pilots. None of them expected that the giant crocodile could actually jump higher than a building.

Seeing the scene where one Quinjet was lost, the remaining pilots scattered, and the beast began to wreak havoc again. Hill angrily smashed the headset on the table in front of him.

Geralt tapped his headset and made some noise to attract the attention of everyone in the channel.

"Actually, as long as we can restrain this giant crocodile, the big shot in the Control Bureau can solve it..."

Geralt's voice gave everyone a shot in the arm, but these words sounded like Ash was blaming him.

No one in the channel dares to let Ash fight the giant beast. After all, all the damage just now was basically caused by Geralt and Ash. Now it is a confrontation between these two people. Who else dares to intervene?

That's the fool.

However, Ash did not deny this statement. Instead, he publicly said: "If any of you can control it for fifty seconds, I can use a miracle to solve it. If it doesn't work, forget it..."

Controlling this giant crocodile for fifty seconds? Two buildings were holding it down and it didn't even take fifty seconds. This was simply impossible.

At this time, the channel was forcibly taken over, and a harsh electric sound came from inside, which made people feel like a demonic sound was penetrating their brains.

Stark cleared everyone's speech and occupied the channel and said: "Wow, the genius SHIELD is going to imprison this big crocodile and create conditions for killing it? This is really touching.

, I admire and applaud their spirit of daring to charge into difficulties!"

A formulaic sound of applause came from the channel, and this sound sounded more harsh to SHIELD than the electric sound just now.

At this time, Stark came out to fight, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Geralt's statement. In his opinion, this was just a trick by SHIELD to put all the blame on Ash in order to distance themselves from the relationship.

There is a way to solve it, but whoever can complete this prerequisite, even the shark will not hold it on the shore for fifty seconds.

Just when everyone in the channel fell silent, Xiaoyu's voice came out from nowhere: "Hey! Uncle Long said don't be afraid when you encounter problems, be brave enough to overcome them..."

Hill was also feeling irritable, so he became even more impatient when he heard this voice.

"Why are there children on the channel? Find her and block her signal!"

The person next to Hill checked the channel communication and whispered to Hill: "It's Ash Solar's backup communication."

While SHIELD was still fueling the conflict between Geralt and Ash, Ash came up with an idea.

The appearance of Xiaoyu just provides a solution, and all it takes is the power of a spell.

Ash asked in the channel: "Xiaoyu, is the chicken charm on you?"

Hearing Ash's inquiry, Xiaoyu instantly appeared behind Ash, found the chicken charm in her arms, and handed it to Ash.

"Are you going to use this to float that big guy? I've tried it too, but it's too big and heavy. I don't have that much strength..."

The chicken talisman can provide the ability to levitate into the air and control objects. And the power of the talisman can be multiplied according to the strength of the user. Although Xiaoyu cannot, it does not mean that Ash and others cannot.

After getting the chicken charm, Ash called Geralt on the channel: "White Wolf... I have an idea! You have to come here first..."

Although Ash didn't explain in detail what idea this was, everyone couldn't help but tremble when they heard Ash's tone, as if these words were magical and would cause uncontrollable consequences.

Since Ash made the request, Geralt could only cooperate. After the two met, they found a corner and started muttering. No one knew what they exchanged.

When Geralt appeared again, the Chicken Talisman was in his hand.

Holding the Chicken Talisman, Geralt took a deep breath and looked at the giant crocodile in the distance.

Ash, on the other hand, issued a retreat order on the channel. All people and vehicles must evacuate from the vicinity of the giant crocodile immediately, and there must not be any flying objects in the sky.

The Control Bureau has cooperated well with Ash's orders. As for SHIELD, it depends on their luck.

"Ash...are you there?"

"You'll reach the designated location in fifteen seconds, but don't let your guard down..."

"Haha! I have been coveting Star-Shattering General Latarn's gravity magic for a long time, now I can try it!"

Geralt talks about his desires without any hesitation, which perfectly complements his bold and selfish character as a hunter.

However, Xiaoyu interjected in the channel: "The Chicken Talisman is just for floating, not for controlling gravity. Controlling gravity is the ability of the Moon Demon Curse Blue!"

Xiaoyu's childlike words made the SHIELD people silently record every word she said, and Hill also began to have a confirmation about the relationship between Ash and Xiaoyu.

"Okay, let's get started!"

After Geralt finished speaking, he began to charge towards the giant crocodile. As Geralt moved, various building debris scattered around him began to float.

Geralt waved his right hand, and the debris began to condense, forming a spear and shooting it at the giant crocodile.

This attack cannot cause substantial damage to the giant crocodile, but it is excellent for attracting the giant crocodile's attention.

Seeing the debris floating around Geralt, the giant crocodile turned around and spun its tail like a meteor hammer, smashing the building debris into pieces.

However, Geralt seemed to have disappeared. Through the smoke and dust, he appeared on the other side of the giant crocodile and placed his hands on the giant crocodile's front legs.

Instantly moving away at a touch, Geralt surrounded the giant crocodile with floating wreckage, trapping it in the middle.

After completing four touches, the entire giant crocodile began to fly into the air and left the ground.

Even when crocodiles are underwater, they always have their feet on the ground. This sense of weightlessness is something giant crocodiles have never experienced before.

Losing gravity and losing control of the body, the giant crocodile began to panic, waving its tail and sweeping randomly, tearing the air and making a loud roar.

Geralt was on the ground, pointing the hand holding the chicken charm at the giant crocodile in the sky, gritting his teeth and shouting: "Ash, hurry up! I can't hold on anymore!"

"I know, I know, just hold on a little longer!"

Ash rushed out from behind Geralt, stepped on the ladder of debris that Geralt had built for him, and reached the top of the giant crocodile.

The limbs of the giant crocodile are controlled by Geralt, and only the trunk can twist. Under the influence of the chicken charm, this twisting has no power compared to before.

Ash stood on the giant crocodile's forehead, right between its eyes, and raised his right hand holding the Holy Bell of Youershika.

Thunder and lightning began to gather in Ash's hand, but this time the shape of the thunder and lightning did not use the length of the thunder gun, and became shorter, but more shining.

Thunder and lightning gathered more and more, but Ash remained in the same posture, motionless.

The giant crocodile also seemed to feel something. It stared at Ash tightly with its eyes, and the frequency of its struggles became faster and faster.

Geralt's whole body also began to tremble, as if he was under increasing pressure. Everyone in the channel could clearly hear the clicking sound of his teeth.

Geralt finally couldn't stand it anymore, and the giant crocodile began to fall towards the ground, and Ash also stabbed the lightning in his hand at this moment.

(End of chapter)

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