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Chapter 31 The Accounting Firm Was Bombed

Chapter 31 The accounting firm was bombed

From Ash's perspective, the burning tail flame of the rocket-propelled grenade ignited the curtains and flew straight towards him. But Wolfe still maintained his posture and explained the exchange process to himself.

Then there was a huge shock wave accompanied by explosions and heat waves that destroyed Wolfe's entire house.

The shock wave carried a large amount of smoke and dust, covering the surroundings of the building, followed by black smoke from the combustion.

Ash held up the Holy Bell in his right hand, and a milky white protective film wrapped around his and Wolfe's bodies. The two of them were in the center of the explosion but were not harmed at all.

[Magic Protection: A miracle that occurs for the priesthood that holds weapons. It can increase the magic attribute damage reduction rate by covering the whole body with a white protective film. In history, the priesthood and the magician often faced tit-for-tat. Therefore, the simple priesthood

There must be means to resist magic.】

Wolfe stretched out his hands and subconsciously covered his chest, trying to resist the shock wave caused by the explosion.

But when he found that the surface of his body was covered with a protective film and was not injured at all, Wolfe stretched out his fingers and carefully pinched the white protective film and tried to lift it up.

"Don't try, there's another one in the living room."

Poor Rise was sitting on the sofa in the living room, flipping through magazines boredly, when a sudden shock wave came from behind and knocked him to the ground.

When Ash found Rise, Rise was pinned under the sofa and unable to move. However, thanks to the sofa blocking part of the damage, Rise was not completely injured and died suddenly.

"Rise, wake up Rise." Ash held Rise's arm and tried with all his strength to shake Rise to wake up.

Seeing Ash's violent movements, Wolf hurriedly stopped him: "Stop shaking him. He just fainted due to the shock wave. If you shake him again, his cervical vertebra will be broken by you."

Wolfe took Rise from Ash and laid it flat on the ground. He found an unopened bottle of water from the ruins, unscrewed the cap, and poured the entire bottle of water onto Rise's face.

"Cough, cough, damn, I was knocked unconscious by something. I feel like my neck is going to be broken, and my arms are in terrible pain."

Rise woke up quickly after his face was washed. His whole body was sore and he couldn't help but cry out.

"Maybe it was caused by the explosion just now. Well, that's it. Nothing else happened."

Ash attributed the damage Rise suffered to the explosion and never mentioned his violent actions just now.

Waiting for Rise to wake up, the three of them gathered together to discuss the details of the accident.

First, Reese got the memetic calculation of the machine and got the information that Ash would be a key figure. Then he got Sheffield's phone call, and the three of them were attacked in Wolfe's office.

"In other words, this accident was caused by you, and you have to compensate my firm for its losses. I will give you the specific list after checking it out."

Wolf held up his glasses, took out a notebook from somewhere, tore off an IOU with the cost of damages written on it, and asked Ash to sign it.

"This can't be blamed on me. Sheffield should be blamed. Sheffield asked me to come. I won't sign!"

Wolfe and Ash were debating who should own the IOU, while Reese was on the phone asking for news about Finch.

"Okay gentlemen, I have found the traces of the attacker just now. Do you want to go with me to have a look, or continue to argue here."

Wolfe put the note in his notebook and put it close to him, and asked, "Where did they go?"

"They went straight onto Fifteenth Street and headed east."

Wolfe silently calculated the trajectory of the action in his mind and said: "Usually gangsters will find a safe place to report to the boss after completing their tasks. In order to prevent someone from following them, they will not go directly to see the boss."

"They will rest in another gang gathering place until it is safe." Riese added next to him.

"Can you locate those people in real time?" Wolfe asked Reese.

"Okay, Finch has been watching them."

"Let's clean up and go meet those who disturbed us."

Although Ash and Wolf were directly hit in the face by a rocket, there was no dust on them due to Ash's miraculous effect.

As for Reise, who was in the living room, the walls of the building withstood the fragments and most of the shock waves. The biggest damage to him was probably Ash's violent awakening.

Reese touched the pistol on his waist and added: "We need some weapons to raid a gang den. I only have a Glock on me."

"follow me."

Wolfe turned around and took the two of them out of the back door of the office. The three of them walked across two streets and finally arrived in front of a rental warehouse.

Wolfe opened the rolling shutter door of the warehouse, revealing the ammunition inside.

The rental warehouse is only a dozen square meters in size, but a variety of firearms are neatly fixed on the wall. There is a long stainless steel table in the middle, and the top and bottom of the table are filled with various types of ammunition.

Wolfe is an accountant on the surface, but secretly a responsible accountant. He usually provides secret financial investigation services to gangs and various organizations.

In these services that cannot be mentioned, there will always be some people who will not let Wolfe settle the accounts properly, so Wolfe needs some small help to shut up those people. Anyone who disturbs Wolfe's settlement will be charged

To Wolfe a gift of different calibers.

Wolfe has obsessive-compulsive disorder and arranges everything in an orderly manner.

The three of them had nothing to spare, so they closed the rolling shutter and began to put on their combat uniforms.

Ankle daggers, combat knives, two HKp30s with silencers, a Bernelli M4 semi-automatic shotgun with a red dot sight, and a short MK48 light machine gun. Plus a lot

Corresponding ammunition. This is the equipment Ash has prepared.

Reese watched Ash frantically loading ammunition into himself, and advised Ash: "We are just going to fight a gang, not hunt bld."

"Well, you are right. Fighting gangs must be done quickly and the police cannot be attracted."

As he spoke, Ash took another pack of grenades and fixed them on the carrying lock on the side.

After the three of them were equipped, Wolfe drove out a black Chevrolet from the warehouse next door, loaded all the weapons that were difficult to carry into the back seat of the vehicle, and the three of them jumped in the car and were ready to go.

With Finch's guidance, Reese took the initiative to get into the driver's seat, while Wolff hid his weapon under the co-pilot's feet.

The three men were filled with murderous aura, filling the entire vehicle. Rise stepped on the accelerator hard, and the vehicle jumped onto the road and moved forward rapidly.

Following Finch's guidance, it took Reese 40 minutes to arrive at the location. A nightclub converted from a large warehouse center.

It's daytime now, there is almost no business in the nightclub, and there are few people outside. Inside the nightclub there are only security guards watching the show and gang members taking a rest after partying all night.

"Hey, look at that guy."

Rise pointed to a shirtless guy with tattoos outside the car window. He was walking slowly. It looked like he was heading to the nightclub.

Just as this guy passed by the front of the car, Reese honked the car horn.

Two sounds of 'beep, beep' woke up the guy who was squinting his eyes slightly.

(End of chapter)

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