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Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Infiltration turns into attack

After partying all night, before his tired nerves could recover, a car suddenly honked and made a loud noise. The instant sound made the heart of this guy who was already hollowed out almost stop beating.

"Fuck, bastard."

The gangster who was woken up angrily slapped the hood with his palms to vent his depression. Then he walked to the door of the cab, reached for the door handle, and muttered curse words.

The driver's window slowly lowered, and Reese pointed the gun at the gangster who was still swearing while holding the Glock at the back seat.

"Go up."

The gangster was pointed at the gun, trembling all over, and looked towards the back seat where Rise was pointing. However, before he could see clearly, the door of the back seat opened, and a big hand pinched his neck and pressed him down.

On the back seat.

There was only Ash alone in the back seat of the vehicle, and there were also those firearms that were inconvenient for the three of them to carry. The gangster's entire body was pressed into the seat, but his face was thrust into the pile of firearms.

After the gangster gave up struggling, Reese took over the job from Ash.

Wolff took out a roll of tape from the passenger side and handed it to Rise. Rise tied up the gangster's hands and feet with tape.

Reese put the gun on the gangster's chin and stabbed it upward hard, causing the gangster's head to tilt back involuntarily and fall into the pile of guns.

"I ask you questions. If you don't tell me, you will be punished. Do you understand?"

The gangster saw a bunch of gun barrels protruding from the back of his head, and his chin was pressed by the gun. He could only answer vaguely that he understood.

"Who came back to this nightclub just now?"

The gangster rolled his eyes, pretending to be ready to answer, but when he took a deep breath and was about to shout, Reise covered the gangster's mouth.

The sound that was about to be shouted from his throat turned into a dull whine. Reise put away the Groke in his right hand, took out a dagger from his waist, and stabbed the gangster in the thigh.

With Rise covering his mouth, the dull scream became high-pitched and intense, then went downhill and became deeper, then slowly disappeared.

"Stop, I said, I said."

Daozi's advice was effective, and the gangster quickly followed Daozi's advice and told the answer to Rise's question.

"Tommy brought people back just now. It is said that they completed the boss's mission and came here to have fun."

"Where is Tommy now?"

The gangster was a little hesitant, still debating whether to say anything, when he saw Reese reach out and take out the car's cigarette lighter from the gap in the front seat, and then press the cigarette lighter to his earlobe.

"Woo~oooo~~" The gangster whose mouth was covered struggled, but his hands and feet were tied, and his struggle had no effect until the heat from the cigarette lighter gradually dissipated.

Reese loosened his hand covering the gangster's mouth a little, and the gangster couldn't wait to say: "Tommy is in the lounge on the third floor. He has invited some girls to have fun."

Reese plugged the cigarette lighter back in, waited for the cigarette lighter to heat up again, pointed the cigarette lighter into the gangster's eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Last question, whose mission did Tommy accept?"

The cigarette lighter slowly came closer to the gangster's eyes. In Rise's hand, the gangster struggled crazily and said, "I don't know, my God, I told you everything, I really don't know."

The heat from the cigarette lighter burned out the gangster's eyelashes, but he still had no answer to the question. Rise finally let go of his hand, and the gangster who escaped gasped crazily, feeling the taste of life.

Rise pulled out the dagger inserted into the gangster's leg and cut the tape binding the gangster. He pointed the dagger at the gangster and said, "Run in the opposite direction, or you will bear the consequences yourself."

After saying that, he released his hand that was suppressing the gangster, and then made way for the car door.

The gangster hesitated for a moment, then suddenly stood up and rushed out of the car door. He covered the wound on his leg with one hand and ran out as hard as he could.

He didn't run far when a bullet flew and hit the knee of his other leg, and then came the sound of gunfire that was reduced by the suppressor.

Reese silently put away the gun and said to the stunned Ash, "I let him go."

'The Knee Man is indeed well-deserved' Ash thought to himself and started to organize the equipment on his body.

The three of them moved to the alley at the back entrance of the nightclub, where there was only one security guard smoking.

After confirming the environment, the three of them lined up in a battle formation, with Reese taking the lead, Wolfe in the center for support, and Ash holding the MK48 behind.

Don't turn your back to the open space when smoking. Reese raised his pistol and quietly touched behind the security guard. With a "piu" sound, the bullet penetrated the back of the security guard's head and flew out from his forehead.

Ignoring the fallen gangster, the three quickly adjusted their formation and spread out around the back door.

"Jason, are you hiding outside to smoke again? Give me one too."

Suddenly such words came from inside the door, and then the back door was pushed open from the inside, and a security guard also wearing a suit came out.

Reese and Wolf quickly took out their guns and fired. Several bullets accurately hit the security guard, then passed through his body and hit the door behind him, making a crisp knocking sound.

Accidents always happen suddenly, and a stealth operation turns into a frontal attack.

The three of them adjusted their formation, changing from Ash holding the MK48 to attacking the head. Reese stood at the door and opened the door, and the three of them filed in.

There was a corridor behind the door. Although someone heard a strange noise, and a few gangsters were about to come over to check, they found three heavily armed men walking in from the back door.

The three of them looked at each other in stunned silence. Before they could react, the low sound of MK48 spread throughout the corridor. All the gangsters who stayed still were punched with blood holes one after another by 7.62mm caliber bullets, and fell to the ground helplessly.

The sound of gunshots woke up the whole building, and a cacophony of noises suddenly sounded, with various shouts and inquiries coming in one after another.

Walking quickly through the corridor, at the end of the corridor is the huge dance floor of this nightclub, where the woke gangsters and other security guards kept asking what happened.

The three Ashes were discovered when they came out of the corridor. People on the dance floor took out guns and shot at the three of them.

The three people quickly hid under the concrete parapet at the edge of the dance floor. The gangsters' bullets hit the concrete, knocking out craters one after another, and the shattered concrete splashed around the three people.

Without stopping at all after hiding, the three of them bent down and shifted their positions, Ash moved alone, and Wolfe and Reese acted together.

Soon, the two groups of people arrived at opposite sides of the dance floor, forming a tense situation, and what followed was the continuous roar of the MK48 in Ash's hand.

Ash and Wolf occupied a favorable position, supported each other with shooting, and quickly eliminated the bad guys on the dance floor.

When the gunfire stopped, Wolfe gestured to the stairs on the side of the stage, gesturing for Ash to go over.

At the top of the stairs, the three of them met. Reese said, "The second or third floor is the core. We need to catch that Tommy."

Reese quickly analyzed the situation, but Wolfe discovered a blind spot.

"But how do we know what Tommy looks like?"

(End of chapter)

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