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Chapter 362 Foreign Aid

Chapter 362 Foreign Aid

The special forces moved very quickly. Before Ash could figure out which direction the Eiffel Tower would fall, they were already ready to go.

Snake Eyes put on the special enhanced suit of the special forces. They will be the main force of the mission. As a ninja, his reaction and speed are beyond ordinary people. This enhanced suit is the icing on the cake.

White Ghost will also cooperate with Snake Eyes' actions. After communicating with each other, the two brothers also understand who their enemies are. Zatan, who stole weapons from the special forces base, will be their revenge target.

According to Heavy Artillery, this reinforced suit of the special forces is ‘equipped with full-body hydraulic power, an advanced smart helmet, equipped with multiple firepower, and can automatically identify rockets...’ Anyway, these two sets of equipment are blown to the sky.

But when Ash looks at this equipment, why does it look like it's a copycat? ATS armors are divided into models, so this thing just wants to cover them all?

Not having a good premonition about this mission, Ash still dialed Stark's number. When faced with difficult technological problems, Stark was more reliable.

"Stark, you have to hurry up, or Paris will be gone!"

"It's on the way. Although it's just a prototype, it should be able to work..."

Flying over the Atlantic Ocean in a suit, Stark looked at the weapons fixed on the back of the accompanying suit and answered Ash somewhat uncertainly.

Ash asked anxiously: "What do you mean? It should be? You are the expert in weapons! Now you are saying such ambiguous things!"

"What do you know! Nanotechnology is weaponized, and there is not even a bit of cutting-edge research. The only article that can be related is Dr. Zhao Hailun's nanomedical technology. It's amazing that I can come up with countermeasures so quickly.

.This is science, the accumulation of advanced technology and knowledge, not theology where you can get whatever you want with just a click of your hands!"

Stark's voice was a little angry. For Ash, a person who didn't have the slightest understanding of cutting-edge technology, being able to introduce it here was already a popular science.

"Then you have to hurry up. If this thing is released, the number of people involved will be calculated in the tens of millions..."

Hearing this, Stark couldn't help but ask Jarvis to increase the proportion of thrusters, and said: "Don't worry, as long as we don't leave the entire city of Paris, I can eliminate the threat. As long as the Paris government doesn't come to me later to ask for it."


"Don't worry, we are here to prevent the disaster. It's just a side event. If Paris can't even figure this out, then there won't be room for five seats..."

For Cobra's Zatan, he played a major role in this mission, and now he is also leading his men into the particle accelerator laboratory.

This was originally the job of the Baroness. As the wife of the owner of this laboratory, she was supposed to secretly obtain control of the accelerator according to the plan.

But now that the Baroness has been imprisoned by the special forces, the plan has already changed. Zatan can only lead people to attack the laboratory and try to activate the weapon before the special forces arrive.

Four grenade-like weapons were continuously bombarded by particle beams in the accelerator, and the nanomachines inside them that could be continuously replicated began to stir. As long as they were freed from the shackles of the weapon shell, they would devour all metals, replenish themselves, and continue to expand.

Zatan looked at the weapon in front of him and showed an unknown smile. He suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at the men he had brought.

Several Cobra soldiers were killed before they could react.

However, these soldiers are just Cobra's lowest-level mercenaries. They are like clones of Umbrella, resources that can be consumed.

After killing these bystanders, Zatan said to the vigilant Cobra Enhancer: "Destroy all the information, kill other insiders, and then stop everyone who tries to come in..."

After saying that, Zatan left the other way with weapons. The Cobra Enhancers also raised their weapons towards the researchers and equipment operating the accelerator.

Zatan changed his appearance the moment he left the room. As a master of disguise, he carried multiple masks with him and could easily blend into the crowd.

At this moment, Zatan turned into a cleaner. He whistled, pushed the cleaning truck, and left the building step by step.

Suddenly, the white ghost appeared in front of him, looking at the disguised Zatan. Zatan was not aware of the white ghost's abandonment of the dark side. As usual, he nodded to the white ghost and glanced at the weapons in the cleaning car.

Zatan and White Ghost passed by each other, and suddenly White Ghost drew out his weapon and stabbed Zatan in the back.

Zatan turned sideways and escaped the sneak attack of the white ghost. As a disguise master, what he needs to master most is not only the life and speaking habits of the person he is disguised as, but also his own body. Zatan is also a kung fu master.

, otherwise I wouldn’t have easily attacked and killed the master of White Phantom.

After escaping the White Ghost's attack, before Zatan could ask for the reason, the White Ghost stalked him, not giving him any chance to react.

The white ghost's sword was like lightning, giving Zatan no chance to survive, and soon caused many wounds on his body.

Zatan turned sideways to avoid the White Ghost's attack and fell to the ground, then kicked the cleaning truck towards the White Ghost.

Originally he was going to slash the cleaning vehicle in half with a straight sword, but when he saw the weapon box in the vehicle, he quickly changed the angle of the knife and used the blade to block the cleaning vehicle in another direction.

Just when White Ghost was changing his sword, Zatan took out a special weapon from his arms and quickly pulled the trigger on White Ghost.

An energy pulse was stimulated from Zatan's weapon, knocking the white ghost away and hitting the other side of the corridor.

When Zaitan retrieved the weapon box and was about to give White Ghost another shot, Snake Eyes appeared next to White Ghost wearing an enhanced suit.

The white ghost picked up his weapon, struggled to get up from the ground, and pointed at Zatan on the other side of the corridor.

The two brothers understood each other instantly, and coordinated their attack on Zatan, one on the left and the other on the right.

At this moment, Zatan no longer cared about the overheating and wear and tear of his weapon, and kept firing at the four walls of the corridor.

Zatan knew that he would never be a match for the ninjas, who could dodge bullets simply by pointing their weapons.

So Zatan aimed at the walls of the corridor and used the explosion of the building to stop their attack.

Sure enough, Zaitan's move was effective. The shielding of the building made the white ghost's footsteps stop immediately. After all, the body could not compete with reinforced concrete.

Snake Eyes, on the other hand, relied on the speed of the enhanced suit to slide a sliding shovel from below.

Snake Eyes' pursuit made Zatan's hand speed become even faster, and various debris generated by the explosion and impact of the building directly buried Snake Eyes.

Even though the weapon lost its durability, Zaitan kept twitching his fingers until he reacted.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the ruined corridor. Zatan picked up the weapons on the ground and prepared to walk out.

However, a shuriken shot passed through a round arc and pierced Zaitan's back shoulder.

Zaitan turned around and saw only the corridor blown up by his own shot and the sky outside the building.

(End of chapter)

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