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Chapter 363 The Eiffel Tower fell asleep

Chapter 363 The Eiffel Tower fell asleep

White Ghost's shuriken flew around the outside of the building and accurately found Zaitan. This superb throwing technique could only be accomplished by a ninja from another world.

Zatan took off the shuriken from his shoulder, and his gradually blurred vision and dizzy mind told him that the shuriken had been quenched.

Zaitan, who stumbled, found a corner and injected a tube of medicine into his body. The antidote had been prepared long ago. He understood what he had done, and he had always been prepared to beware of white ghost sneak attacks and various assassinations.


Feeling a little better, Zatan opened the weapon box, took out a nano-weapon and installed it on the launcher.

Carrying the launcher up, Zatan did not look for a fixed target, but instead aimed it directly at the distant sky.

As long as the bomb explodes, the nanorobots in it will scatter everywhere. The higher the explosion height, the larger the initial coverage area, and the destruction caused will also save a large part of the startup time.

However, a white light flashed, and the front end of the transmitter was cut off by Snake Eyes who appeared next to him. The white ghost also appeared behind Zatan and put the blade on his neck.

White Ghost kicked Zatan to the ground, pointed the weapon at his back and said: "This is how you kill your master, and this will also end your life..."

Zaitan was stepped on the ground by the white ghost. He stretched his head and glanced at the weapon not far away, and burst into laughter.

Zatan's behavior was quite effective. At least before his death, he attracted the attention of White Ghost and Snake Eyes.

Snake Eyes' voice was hoarse as he said, "What are you laughing at?"

Zatan did not answer, until the white ghost's weapon pierced the skin of his back, and then he said slowly: "That weapon can swallow metal, so it will be placed in a plexiglass container. In order to ensure that it can be fired effectively,

The inside of the container has been specially modified. It is not very strong and can even be broken..."

When Zatan said this, White Ghost and Snake Eyes also reacted. The launcher that had just been cut off caused the warhead to fall directly on the ground.

Looking towards the weapon, the green warhead has slowly released a trace of smoke, and the nearest Snake Eyes Enhanced Suit has also begun to be swallowed up...

And the warhead also ushered in its final life. The cracks spread along the warhead, and finally the whole thing turned into tiny fragments.

The green smoke began to spread, and like living objects, they quickly found the nearest Snake Eyes, trying to eat his enhanced suit.

The erupting nano-weapons brought the surrounding areas into its devouring range. White Ghost watched helplessly as his weapons turned into gnawed bones, and then gradually disappeared.

In this short period of time, Zatan stood up. He could still fight against a ninja without weapons, not to mention that now that Snake Eyes had been devoured, White Ghost was in no mood to fight him.

So with the help of the panic caused by the weapon, Zatan escaped again.

Zaitan, who was carrying the weapon box, looked at Paris who was gradually starting to panic, snorted coldly, and was about to leave on the plane sent by Cobra.

Stroking the weapon box, Zatan said to himself, "It's a good thing. If the weapon box was not fully sealed and there were no special modifications made of metal materials on the outside, the outbreak might have destroyed all the remaining weapons."

Now, the goal is achieved, it just needs a little startup time.

Cobra's purpose is to attack major metropolises, cause riots and start its own plan to threaten the whole world.

Each warhead has a unique terminator, which can terminate everything caused by the warhead. But now it is taken by Zatan to the North Pole.

McCarron, the leader of Cobra, waited for Paris to be completely destroyed before he came up with the only antidote.

White Ghost and Snake Eyes walked out of the corner in embarrassment. Snake Eyes' enhanced suit was devoured by the nanomachines, and even the protective suit he wore underneath was eaten away.

Now Snake Eyes could only use White Ghost's top to cover his lower body, while White Ghost, who had lost his metal belt, could only hold on to his pants, and the two of them secretly searched for the location of the special forces.

The attack of swallowing metal doesn't seem very aggressive to these two people?

But in the face of a city, pipelines, bridges, communication facilities, cars, and the internal frames of buildings, which ones are not made of metal?

Starting from the location just now, pipelines have been lost, natural gas and gas have escaped into the air, car accidents have been accompanied by the collapse of precarious buildings, and bridges have collapsed.

The scene of the end of the world is gradually spreading outwards, and panicked crowds and occasional explosions have become the main sounds in Paris at this moment.

The green smoke was like the god of death, constantly eating away at the metal to replenish itself, and then spreading outward. In just a few minutes, it had already crossed the Arc de Triomphe and headed towards the Eiffel Tower in the distance...

Looking at the green smoke that was gradually approaching, and taking advantage of the last communication opportunity, Ash called to urge Stark.

"If you don't come, Paris will really become history!"

Stark gritted his teeth and endured the G force caused by acceleration, and said: "I have reached my maximum speed!"

Hearing this, Ash was too embarrassed to urge him anymore and said, "Remember not to get caught in those green smoke, they are nano-weapons that eat up metal..."

"What did you say? Don't touch anything?"

Stark was still questioning Ash, but found that the communication was interrupted at some point.

Ash looked at the green smoke gradually emitting from the phone in his hand, and threw it towards the street in the distance.

'We have to change places. Stark must have heard what I said, right? Probably...'

Ash is preparing to evacuate here. He can swallow metal. Who knows if he can eat the Black Soul's weapon. If it is eaten, Ash will be at a loss.

On the other side, Stark finally arrived at the outskirts of Paris. Seeing the riots in the city and the green smoke spreading everywhere, Stark involuntarily raised his flight altitude.

"Jarvis, calculate the scope of influence and find the best placement... That's it! How did the Eiffel Tower become sleeping on the ground?"

"Sir, calculations show that we should rise at least one thousand meters higher to avoid being exposed to these nano-weapons. In addition, according to the data, the Eiffel Tower has always been in a standing state, and its lying down is related to this attack. In addition, for

For inanimate objects, they cannot sleep..."

"I know! You are so boring. I should upgrade your emotional module, otherwise other intelligences will look down on you if you tell these cold jokes..."

"Sir, my module was designed by you. I did not load the joke program. Do I need to download the joke collection?"

"Shut up! Listen to me, raise the altitude, and prepare to release suppression weapons!"

Stark began to sprint towards the sky, but something seemed to have gone wrong with the accompanying weapon-carrying armor, which shuddered and deviated from the planned track...

"Sir, Carrier 1 has been damaged, the damage level is 12%...13%..."

"Put the weapon out and I'll open it manually!"

The back of the companion armor opened, and a cylindrical metal pillar was ejected. Stark quickly flew over and accurately caught it in his hands.

"Sir, it is not recommended that you turn it on manually. Being attacked by EMP at close range will cause the armor to break and you will fall from the sky..."

"JARVIS! I am your creator! Now listen to me!"

After speaking, Stark turned the rotating handle in his hand, and an electromagnetic pulse invisible to the naked eye covered the entire Paris from his position...

(End of chapter)

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