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Chapter 431 Steve's investigation

Chapter 431 Steve’s Investigation

Unlucky guy...ahem...Hydra needs a target, so Ashes will give them a target.

After experiencing so many incidents, Hydra for the first time did not sneak around behind. Even if it covets the genes of the Titan beasts, it is through the hands of Patch and Greed.

This makes Ashes a little embarrassed. Hydra that doesn't cause trouble always makes people feel that something is missing.

So I took advantage of the opportunity of the arrival of the alien race to throw out the alien Hive and let Hydra pursue it...

As for the big trouble that Hydra caused in the end, wouldn't there be an excuse to deal with them?

But now, SHIELD's Hydra needs to guide the not-so-smart Captain America.

In the past, Steve Rogers was a pacesetter on the battlefield, and it was his habit and fighting style to lead the way.

But today, his leading the charge seemed to his teammates to be a reckless and mindless charge, taking the lead regardless of his teammates' exposed positions.

After all, the war has developed to this day, and in small-scale conflicts, the battle pattern is often early detection, early attack, and early elimination. Steve's behavior is undoubtedly regardless of the safety of his teammates.

This made the action team who had cooperated with Steve in the past a lot of criticism.

After several years of fighting during World War II, Steve could not change his habits for a while. He also anxiously participated in training and tried to change himself while working with his teammates.

On this day, after the combat training, Steve was about to take a shower to wash away the dust on his body, but he found several members of the action team gathered together, holding their mobile phones and laughing at something.

"This shuttle went down, not a single shot was hit! Even the carbine monsters are so good! Do you think it was directed and acted by the commander..."

"Ahem! What nonsense!"

The player next to him elbowed his arrogant teammate and asked him to pay attention to the situation.

At this time, everyone saw Steve standing nearby and greeted Steve one after another.

Steve asked: "What are you looking at? What is a carbine?"

In order to change the indiscriminate remarks just now, the team member holding the mobile phone showed the screen of the mobile phone to Steve.

"This is a surveillance video from when the commander was attacked. The technical department analyzed it for several days but failed to find anything useful, so we let the field and combat personnel take a look to see if they can find anything..."

Pointing to the scene above where the Winter Soldier fired a shot without killing anyone, he said: "This kind of marksmanship is called a carbine..."

Steve initially wanted to laugh at this guy's shooting skills in order to blend in with his teammates.

But when he saw the tightly wrapped Winter Soldier and his slightly dull eyes, a figure hidden deep in his memory suddenly jumped out.

'This is? Bucky!!?'

James Buchanan Barnes, nicknamed Bucky Barnes. He is one year older than Steve, grew up with Steve, and protected Steve, who was weak at the time.

Bucky entered the military camp in advance and conducted a raid on the Red Skull's Hydra stronghold, but his life or death was uncertain due to the huge disparity in strength.

On the other side, Steve became the superhero Captain America after successfully performing experimental surgery. During a tour, Steve learned that Bucky's unit had encountered misfortune. Steve went to Hydra's military camp alone to save Bucky.

Bucky finally rescued Bucky in the flames of war.

Bucky and Captain America then carried out multiple attacks on Japanese strongholds together, until during a raid on Dr. Zola, they were knocked out of a high-speed train by an enemy bomb and fell into the cliff of a glacier.

Everyone thought Bucky was dead, and Steve felt lost for a time.

But Hydra was the first to discover and thaw him, and installed a mechanical arm on his broken arm, and brainwashed and trained him to become the "Winter Soldier", an agent loyal to Hydra.

Looking at those familiar eyes, Steve resisted the impulse and pretended to be nonchalant and began to help analyze the action mistakes in the video.

But Steve's slightly anxious eyes had been noticed by one of the combat team members.

After chatting for a while, Steve made an excuse and left. The team member took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

‘The fish is in the pot’

Bucky's appearance made Steve uneasy. After a brief confirmation, Steve recognized this friend who he had played with since childhood.

But his friend who was supposed to die under the glacier is still as young as him after seventy years.

In his room, Steve sat in the darkness, recalling every moment with Bucky.

That broken arm also became the reason why Steve confirmed his identity. At first, he watched Bucky's left arm shattered by a bomb, and then fell into the glacier in his own hands.

Until his heart was filled with the look in Bucky's eyes as he fell into the glacier, Steve silently opened the door and began his own investigation.

In order to prevent Bucky from causing any problems, Steve did not dare to use SHIELD's system to look up Bucky's name. He could only temporarily obtain a little bit of word-of-mouth information through other people.

After another day of training, Steve, who was changing clothes, asked his teammates casually: "Have you found the person in the video?"

The teammate curled his lips and said: "The people in the technical department have no results. They sorted out all the previous suspected reports based on the portrait. That guy has appeared countless times in the past seventy years, and every time he appears, he is accompanied by killings.

This is definitely not a person, it must be a robot or an alien. You said that there are things like Transformers, so it makes sense to have humanoid robots. Maybe it's the bad things done by those Skrulls!

The Franks raped Nick Fury!”

Steve didn't respond to his teammates' whimsical thoughts. He once again confirmed in his heart that it was Bucky.

The seventy-year record shows that Bucky fell into a glacier and became this guy.

Steve gradually calmed down and warned that he could not use SHIELD's system to search for Bucky, but this did not mean that he could not search for the KB molecule with a metal arm. The technical department had already put together the report, and he only needed to read it.

Checking Bucky's actions on the computer, Steve felt increasingly unfamiliar with this childhood friend.

He has massacred, exploded, stormed, infiltrated, and even caused riots, coups, and KB attacks. He has been wanted by countless countries many times.

'Bucky! What happened to you?'

Steve searched for any information about Bucky until a confidential message appeared in his search results.

'Danger Report: Video of the Deaths of Howard and Maria Stark on December 16, 1990'

On the screen, a motorcycle quickly approached a family car on a deserted road. The assassin quickly shot and blew out the tires, and the car packed the tree stump next to it.

The familiar figure in Steve's eyes forcefully opened the car door and brutally squeezed the person inside to death. He pretended to be an accidental car accident.

Steve's hands pinched the edge of the table to suppress his inner panic, leaving several finger marks on the wooden tabletop.

My friend killed another friend. This matter must not be known to others!

Seeing this scene, Steve's first thought was not to report, but how to hide it for Bucky. He even ignored that his other friend Howard and his children were still alive in the world.

Perhaps in Steve's subconscious mind, Howard, who gave him abilities and equipment, was not that important.

Steve quickly browsed other information. He didn't notice at all that the video about Howard's death quietly disappeared from his browsing history.

Even though his personal power was small, Steve had no intention of asking for help from others.

He used the most time-consuming and labor-intensive method to sift through information about Bucky one by one. He conducted on-site investigation and deductive tracking.

Steve used the most time-consuming but effective method to see a familiar rut on the ground outside the bar where the commander was attacked.

The ruts left by the motorcycle that Bucky rode were an antique motorcycle BMW R-75 from World War II. He also had this kind of trophy at the time.

This kind of antique motorcycle has disappeared in the war. If you want to maintain and repair it, you must go to the few places where such antique parts are still preserved.

Steve traveled to various motorcycle dating centers in the name of vacation travel. As an antique from World War II, he fit into the group of people who were still pursuing R-75.

Finally, a professional repair order from a motorcycle club for R-75 gave him a clue.

The boss complained: "Nowadays, only in Sokovia can you find such antique parts. The ruler there is an old-fashioned guy who sticks to his own shortcomings. Every time he repairs, he has to spend a lot of money to smoothen the relationship...


After getting the information, Steve went to Sokovia without hesitation.


"Chris Evans."

"What are you here for?"

"I'm an astronomer, and I want to find an unpolluted sky here. After all, Sokovia is still in... uh... sorry."

Steve, disguised as Chris, showed an awkward smile, like an unreasonable nerd.

The customs officer looked at Steve and stamped his passport with a dark face.

After successfully entering Sokovia, Steve looked at the promotional slogans all over the street, which reminded him of bad memories from the past.

The title of Baron Stark on the slogan reminded him of the shameless Red Skull from before. After all, the original name of the Red Skull was Baron Wolfgang von Stark.

This hereditary title of baron just stuck the answer directly on Steve's face.

However, Steve was so eager and what Bucky had done in the past was so outrageous that he never thought of reporting this matter to SHIELD.

Standing in the town, Steve took a deep breath. Now he could see the castle on the mountain in the distance just by looking up, and that was the territory of the actual controller of Sokovia.

"Looks like I don't need to bother looking for news anymore!"

(End of chapter)

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