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Chapter 432: Captain Hydra

Chapter 432 Hydra Captain

Steve hid himself in the snowdrift, exposing only his observation equipment, and carefully recorded the defense situation of the Baron's castle.

The closer he got, the more Steve could feel the thorny feeling that this operation might not go so smoothly.

For Bucky's sake, Steve didn't even bring his iconic vibranium shield and went into battle lightly to explore the crisis.

Steve moved in the snow with the slightest steps until he came to a hidden sentry.

He suddenly pressed his whole body up, and before An Shao could react, he was firmly restrained by Steve.

With his arms pressed against An Shao's throat, An Shao's body still collapsed weakly as the blood flow in the carotid arteries decreased and the air in his lungs was in short supply.

Looking at Steve's caution on the satellite screen, Hydra's Madam Viper said with slight criticism: "Can't you just capture him?"

As a landowner, Baron Stecla said with great interest: "Don't you think this is interesting? After all, you can also play with your own prey..."

Mrs. Viper picked up the mirror, looked at her smooth face, glanced at Baron Strucker, and said: "The play of poisonous snakes after injecting venom is not a game for boys!"


Seeing the conflict between Baron Strucker and Lady Viper break out, Daniel Whitehall took off his glasses and shed his former good-natured image.

He knocked on the table hard and said: "Now that the target has been reached, Hydra's plan has reached a critical point. I don't want anyone to hold back at this time! Then he will be the enemy of all snakeheads!"

The conference room fell into silence. No one wanted to be an enemy of Daniel Whitehall. This is an old silver coin that has survived from the time of the Red Skull to the present.

Steve's actions, accompanied by the coma of secret sentries and gaps between patrols, arrived inside the castle.

Only the outer shell of this inherited castle still retains traces of history, and the interior is full of modern architectural structures.

Looking at the surveillance camera at the corner, Steve shook his head and understood that the infiltration operation ended here.

After grabbing half a broken brick from the wall, Steve smashed the surveillance probe.

Smashing the surveillance probe will alert the enemy, but it can also make you escape into a blind spot. The enemy will not be able to confirm your position at all times, giving you a chance to breathe.

Steve quickened his pace and wandered around the castle. The empty castle, except for the lights, showed that there were people living inside, and Steve could not find any other enemies.

This made Steve even more panicked, as he had obviously fallen into the enemy's trap.

Just when Steve was hesitating to evacuate, Bucky, whom he was thinking about deeply, appeared in front of him.

Seeing the familiar friend, Steve shouted in surprise: "Bucky! It's really you!"

Hearing the familiar name, Bucky, who was brainwashed into the Winter Soldier, had his original memory blockade loosened. He frowned as if remembering.

Seeing his friend in such a condition, Steve approached Bucky while alerting his surroundings.

"Bucky, how did you survive? You know...what are you doing?"

Steve held Bucky's fist with one hand, and before he could continue asking, Bucky's iron fist on his left arm followed closely.

"Bucky! I'm Steve!"

Steve defended against Bucky's attack. He found that every time he called Bucky's name, Bucky's expression and eyes would fall into memories.

"On June 13, 1943, I disguised my identity to join the army for the fourth time and was blocked in an alley by gangsters. It was you who saved me. On the 15th, you rushed to the front line.

On December 3, I learned that some soldiers of the 107th Regiment were captured, and I found you at the Hydra Military Factory..."

While Steve was having a passionate fight with Bucky, he kept talking about his past with Bucky, trying to wake Bucky up with words.

Bucky's face became more and more painful, and finally he gave up the attack and fell to the ground holding his head.

Bucky struggled on the ground for a while, and shouted Steve's name from his hoarse throat.


"Bucky! You're back!"

Steve helped Bucky up and was about to check on his brother, but Bucky pushed him away.

"Run! Steve! This is a trap! They are..."

"Longing, Rusty, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Mercy, Homecoming, One, Wagon."

The Russian words from the radio made Bucky's desire to continue speaking become false.

This is Bucky's brainwashing instruction. When he hears these Russian words, Bucky will follow the instruction and go into a rage just like now.

Bucky, who was supported by Steve, smashed his iron fist directly on Steve's body and began to desperately try to kill Steve.

Caught off guard, Steve was knocked unconscious by Bucky.

When Steve woke up again, he found himself in a laboratory, and the alloy lock locked him on the experimental bed.

Experimenters were walking around, constantly extracting body fluids from his body and injecting other fluids.

Steve tried to struggle, but found that he couldn't lift any strength at all.

A female hand gently brushed Steve's face, and Mrs. Viper appeared next to Steve and said: "Don't try, my venom is not so easy to resist. I have such a strong body, I can't resist it."

I want to taste it..."

Baron Strucker brought the mind scepter and used his monocular to view Steve's body data and stopped Mrs. Viper.

"Stop playing around, we have to speed up. Mind modification takes a long time."

Steve looked at the people around him and shouted, "What did you do to Bucky?"

Straker looked around and asked doubtfully: "Bucky? Who is Bucky?"

Mrs. Viper lit up a women's cigarette, slowly exhaled a circle of smoke, and said: "Didn't you even read the mission report of the Winter Soldier who attracted him?"

"Uh (o﹏O), continue the experiment."

Baron Strucker was operating the equipment on the side, just like the villain talking before winning, explaining everything to Steve.

"Ever since we stole the alien's scepter, we have been waiting for this opportunity. Who else has more appeal than you, Captain America?

Moreover, we also got the stone tablet leading to the God of Hydra before. The hive imprisoned on the alien planet was too weak and did not have a suitable body. So we thought of you, the first super soldier in history.

Just imagine, the identity of Captain America, coupled with the ability of the Hive, can summon ordinary people and control all the Inhumans at the same time. What a great power this is!"

Baron Stecla inserted the spiritual scepter into the mechanical arm and pointed it at Steve on the test platform.

"Imagine that such a person will become the new leader under the control of Hydra!"

"And you! You are the carrier of our will, the new Hydra captain!"

(End of chapter)

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