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Chapter 433 Laura and Lothric in the universe

Chapter 433 Laura and Lothric in the Universe

In the universe, since the appearance of the Lothrik Expeditionary Force, the entire galaxy has become aware of this powerful and unrivaled army.

The commander of the expeditionary force, known as Lorian, conquered planet after planet with a sword burning with flames.

When the light belonging to Lothric lights up in the hands of another one who looks a little weak and is called the Nameless Man, all Lothric expeditionary forces on the battlefield will be healed of any injuries and even resurrected.

The iconic dragoons of the Lothric Expeditionary Force and their invincible thunder swords. This army that is not afraid of death and the huge battleship carrying the church became another empire rising in the galaxy.

In the past, the Milky Way was divided by three major empires. They and some small powerful planets formed the basic system of the Milky Way (mainly the movie universe).

The Kree are like crispy creatures in the universe, full of aggression. After killing their old enemies the Skrulls, under the command of the supreme intelligence, they invade every inch of the outside world.

The Xandar Army Star Corps, or the Nova Corps as they are called. Initially, the Nova Corps was only formed by Xandar's space militia and exploration organization, and later developed into a force of 500 people ranging from medics to centurions.

The Nova Corps has been reformed, with the Nova Centurion as its leader and director. At the same time, the Centurion distributes the infinite energy generated by the supercomputer life Worldmind according to the Nova members.

The Shi'ar Empire is a humanoid race with both bird and mammal characteristics. It has established a galaxy-wide empire in the so-called Shi'ar galaxy, with Awakening in the Eagle's Nest as its home planet. But because of their location

Thailand is so remote that no one can reach the Shia Galaxy without guidance, so their name is only spread in the ears of some ancient people and high-level officials.

Now Lothrik's entrance has broken the original calm.

As a cosmic-level good old man, the Nova Corps will only call on Lothrik to base peace on the basis of peace and avoid causing more tragedies.

As for the Shi'ar Empire, no news came out at all.

So the only people who had the most friction with Lothric were the Kree.

Lothric had many battles with the Kree in the dark and light, and even once caused the Kree to lose a large number of troops and habitable planets.

This also gave rise to different voices within the Kree. The Kree commander who had fought against Lothric in the past, Ronan the Accuser, was expelled from the galaxy controlled by the Kree on an excuse.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see which exile can use a Kree super battleship - the Dark Star? This is not expulsion, it is clearly the Kree looking for a breakthrough.

Ronan the Accuser traveled around the galaxies, attacking other small planetary regimes to obtain supplies, while constantly causing more trouble for the Lothric Expeditionary Force.

At the same time, Ronan also began to search for the original power of the universe, trying to break the strategic confrontation.

Morag, a planet that once had a high degree of civilization, was abandoned for unknown reasons.

Lara Croft, an adventurer from Earth in the past, has now arrived on this planet driving the Jackdaw.

Laura on the bridge held an electronic map, compared it with the star map, and said without raising her head: "Jonah, check the status of the Jackdaw, and scan the surface of the planet for possible remaining buildings."

As the pilot, Ross looked at Laura who was in working mode, leaning on the rudder, slowly lighting up the cigar and taking a puff.

The cigar smoke drifted to Laura's side, and the sweet smell of smoke made her raise her head and said, "Uncle Ross, aren't you going to return to Earth to be with Reyes and the children?"

"I didn't know I had a child until I was 52 years old. In the past, I could handle my single life by myself. But now, Alyssa needs me to take care of her schooling and life. Reyes is tired enough as a mother.

We need to earn more to create a better life for their mother and daughter."

At this point, Ross seemed to have remembered something, put out the cigar and put it back in his breast pocket.

Seeing Ross's actions, Laura felt a little pity for Ross and asked: "No way, you have to smoke a cigar separately now?"

"It's worth saving a little bit. If we really find that cosmic spirit ball, how much reward can we get?"

After checking the news and internal information from some channels, Laura said: "It depends on the situation. The collector in the land of ignorance gave a price of 4 billion. In comparison, the accuser Ronan gave a livable stone."

The coordinates of the planet are only taxed to the Kree Empire. Lothric paid a price of 200 million and a batch of priceless keystone metal."

Laura said this and shrugged at Ross.

The name of Lothric is already known to everyone on Earth, and now that there is an expeditionary force of Lothric in the universe, it is obvious who Laura wants to make a deal with.

After all, we are all from the same hometown, so it is better to be familiar with each other if we can cooperate. Besides, if there is something fishy in Lothric, Laura can also go back to Earth to complain. It is really impossible to bring out the greedy people, since everyone is in the Earth circle anyway.

If it's bad, your reputation won't be good either.

At this time, Jonah, who was inspecting the hull, hurried back and said: "We are not the only ones here! The external detector sensed that a battle had just occurred on this planet!"

Laura and Ross looked at each other and quickly arrived at their positions.

"Activate all defense systems and get the gunner's position. Ross, prepare to set sail!"

The Jackdaw instantly entered a state of combat readiness. As a sailing ship, the Jackdaw's level at this moment has surpassed most battleships in the universe. It instantly reached the ultimate speed in the atmosphere.

The Jackdaw rushed towards the location where the battle took place, only to see the back of a six-winged spacecraft that looked like an eagle entering the jump channel.

Ross checked the space information returned by the Jackdaw and said: "Laura, that is the fixed passage to Xandar! However, we have another trouble!"

On the ground, the Kree who also found this place began to shoot at the Jackdaw indiscriminately.

The spaceship that had just entered the jump channel was Star-Lord Peter Quill from the Predator. Through the information from the Predator, he learned that the Cosmic Spirit Orb was a high-value target.

Yondu of the Predator is his caregiver and captain. However, for twenty years, Star-Lord has been living with the threat of Yondu's "If it weren't for me, they would have eaten you long ago. They have not eaten the people on Earth."


Star-Lord tried to find the cosmic orb first, and got a large sum of money to escape from the predators. However, when he found the cosmic orb, he had a firefight with the Kree forces.

Star-Lord escaped from the planet by relying on his skills honed in the Predators.

Later, Laura bore the Kree's incompetent wrath for Star-Lord.

The Jackdaw's energy shield resisted the Kree's artillery fire. Laura took a look, shrugged and said: "It seems we are going to miss a planet! Jonah, fire!"

Under the firepower of the Jackdaw, the Kree could only keep hiding.

Ross found the right moment, opened the Jackdaw's jump channel, followed in Star-Lord's footsteps, and headed for Xandar.

Xandar can be said to be one of the few peaceful places in the universe. Except for occasional frictions with the Kree, as a good gentleman of the universe, anyone can live peacefully without violating the laws of the Nova Corps.

it's here.

Star-Lord was holding his Sony Walkman TPS-L2 tape player, which had not broken for twenty years, and walked to the place where the broker was with dance steps that others could not avoid.

The broker on Xandar originally hired the predator Yondu to find the cosmic orb for him. When he saw Star-Lord, Yondu's crew member, he was a little surprised.

"Yondu isn't with you?"

"He originally wanted to come in person, but he could only send greetings. He said that your eyebrows are the coolest in the universe..."

Star-Lord used his own methods to flatter him. The broker ignored the problem of Star-Lord coming alone and started to check the cosmic spirit ball.

However, the broker did not tell Star-Lord the actual value of this cosmic spirit ball. He just wanted to get rid of Star-Lord with a little money, and then he could exclusively enjoy the collector's 4 billion remuneration.

Just as the broker placed unique equivalents on the table, Star-Lord suddenly asked: "What on earth is this? I had a narrow escape to get it..."

"There are risks in your line of work. I can't disclose customer information..."

"A mechanical head, and the subordinate who claims to be Ronan is also looking for it..."

Before Star-Lord finished speaking, he was interrupted by the broker.


The broker panicked. Ronan was a greater threat than the collector's four billion. Between money and his life, the broker rationally chose his own life.

Now that he has met Star-Lord, it is only a matter of time before he finds him.

The broker didn't even think about trading with Ronan. That Kree lunatic is crazy! Only a fool would believe what a lunatic says!

The broker put the cosmic spirit ball back into Star-Lord's arms, and while pushing Star-Lord out of his house, he said: "Since Ronan is involved, I will not get involved..."

Star-Lord stepped back and asked loudly: "Who is Ronan?"

"A Kree fanatic is wanted by Lothric. Unless Lothric kills him, he will not give up even if Xandar is destroyed!"

Star-Lord, who was locked out, was still thinking about the broker's words. He didn't expect that he was now being targeted by many parties.

Jonah was tasting Xandar's weird delicacy, which was the meat of a void creature. After it was cooked, with every bite he took, he could hear the void creature's dying cry. It was like crawling on the void creature,

Enjoy the authentic food.

While filling his mouth with food, Jonah asked Laura who was watching the scenery: "Are we going to snatch it back from that guy?"

Looking at a gray-haired earthling holding a young alien woman, Laura shook her head and said: "In a sense, our archaeological discoveries have been a step behind others, so this is the result of others.

Ethically, we cannot register or publish publications first..."

"But he was robbed..."

"It's not right for others to snatch archaeological discoveries...what did you say?"

Jonah pointed to the distance, where Star-Lord was competing for the cosmic spirit ball with an green-skinned lady. At the same time, a tree man and a raccoon intervened, and the four of them sat in a huddle.

Laura looked around and saw that Xandar's new army had surrounded the four of them.

Laura patted Jonah and said maliciously: "Xandar's laws are strict, but we can ask the prison guards if a group of prisoners' personal belongings can be lost..."

Jonah took the last bite of food, recalled the weird scream, and said: "Laura, you have become bad too! The devil must have tempted you!"

"No, this is what I learned when I inherited the title of Earl of Crawford..."

Crime in Nova has reached an extremely low level, and crimes often come from ethnic groups outside the Nova Empire.

In order to prevent them from causing more damage, all foreigners will be exiled to the prison Klin in this meteorite belt.

It is said to be a high-security prison because it is remote and without spaceships, only a few small ships can kill everything here.

Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, who were robbing him of his belongings, also met at this moment.

Gamora is the last survivor of the Zehouberi people who were destroyed by Thanos. Although she is the adopted daughter of Thanos, she clearly remembers the moment when her homeland was destroyed.

While Gamora serves Thanos, she also looks for opportunities to weaken Thanos' power. Everything Thanos wants to gain will be blocked by her.

Rocket Raccoon is an alien raccoon that has been genetically modified and has human intelligence. He is agile and agile, proficient in various weapons, and is a sharpshooter. After he and Carl escaped from the hell of modified animals, they picked up the

Groot, the tree man. From then on, he worked with Groot as a bounty hunter.

Now, after a brief exchange, the three of them and Kazuki have reached a preliminary cooperation, with Rocket Raccoon researching the plan and the others cooperating.

But unexpectedly, the tree man Groot couldn't understand that the plan meant that he would do it later when he was ready, so Groot completed his part first.

So Star-Lord and others were forced to start a plan to escape from the prison.

So when Laura rushed to Klin Prison, she saw the tail flame of the Star-Lord Milano disappearing into the jump channel again.

Ross looked at the information on the screen and said: "Laura, they went to the Land of Ignorance, which is the famous lawless zone. We shouldn't go there. We might as well just tell this information to the Lothric Expeditionary Force...


Continuous failure is not a problem, the problem is that this matter will eventually lead to a confrontation between the Kree and Lothric.

In this kind of cosmic war, it would be better for the insignificant Jackdaw to escape in advance.

"Perhaps we should prepare with both hands? Get the cosmic spirit ball, and wait until the Lothrik expeditionary force arrives to win?"

Ross looked at Laura. Laura, who had already made a decision, was not asking, but just telling him her opinion.

"Okay Captain! Target the Land of Ignorance and prepare to jump."

(End of chapter)

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