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Chapter 436 Officiant and Knight

Chapter 436 The Priest and the Knight

It was finally time for Lothric's Emperor-class battleship to activate, and the flashing light from its energy shield had illuminated the entire lawless land.

What's even more frightening is that countless flying dragons poured out from the battleships and joined the battle.

Regarding war, the entire world is struggling on the edge of life and death, let alone the Lothric knights who are struggling to survive in this world.

The elite of hundreds of battles can no longer describe these warriors. If we want to describe them, we can only say that they are the lucky ones who survived from the ashes!

And the flying dragon that inherited the blood of the ancient dragon was far from an opponent that the Kree's Death Star gunship could withstand.

If you want to defeat a flying dragon and the knight on it, you must first resist the attack and defense team of knights, and also resist the flying dragon's claws and dragon flames.

After surviving this wave, you can then find a way to break through Lothric's special armor made of keystone metal, so that the knight inside can be injured.

And those Death Star gunships that Ronan obtained from Thanos due to their sheer numbers can only be described as walking powder cans. The dragon's flames and thunder and lightning can turn these gunpowder cans into brilliant fireworks.

On the ground, Ronan held Drax, who was attacking him, with one hand. The Avenger whose home he had destroyed did not attract much interest from Ronan.

Too many people died at his hands, and he was not in the mood to remember those unnecessary names.

Even Ronan didn't need to use his hammer against Drax.

Speaking of the weapon in Ronan's hand, it looks like a pickaxe and hammer with one end big and one small, but in fact, it is an all-purpose weapon created by the supreme wisdom of the Kree people.

With this hammer, Ronan can have the ability to emit energy, absorb energy, manipulate energy, and create shields. He can even create positions.

Just when Ronan was about to crush Drax to death and search for the cosmic orb, Star-Lord's support arrived.

As a child raised by Yondu the Predator, Star-Lord became an outstanding marksman and pilot under his training.

The energy ammunition fired by Star-Lord's elemental gun accurately passed Drax's body and hit Ronan who was holding him.

The bombardment of energy made Ronan loosen his grip on Drax with some pain, and Drax only had some time to breathe.

Star-Lord did not stop his attack and pushed Ronan back.

Arriving next to Drax, Star-Lord supported him and said, "We have to leave here first. Gamora has already sent the gems to Lothric's battleship."

"This is my revenge! If I can't kill Ronan, my wife and daughter's souls will never rest in peace!"

Drax was unwilling to retreat. His enemy was right in front of him, and he could not forgive himself for losing this opportunity.

After charging towards Ronan this time, Drax began his own desperate fighting style, completely ignoring the damage he suffered and just wanted to insert the knife in his hand into Ronan's body.

What Star-Lord said to Drax just now made Ronan alert.

He used his omnipotent weapon to launch his stance and eject Drax. Ronan stared at Star-Lord, recalling Star-Lord's words just now, and said: "Gems? What you got are gems? What Thanos expected to get was...infinity gems!


"Hahahahahaha!!!! There are infinite gems in the cosmic spirit ball!"

Ronan opened his hand and guessed the true identity of the cosmic spirit ball.

No matter what kind of Infinity Stone it is, it has the power to destroy the world, so Ronan will not be obsessed with the specific ability of the stone, but will only long for it.

"Then you will be disappointed! Look above your head, the gem is already in Lothric's hand, it is the Lothric who made you run for your life!"

Star-Lord pointed to the Emperor-class battleship above his head with his hands on his hips, removed his helmet, and kept winking at Drax beside him.

However, the stubborn Drax couldn't understand what Star-Lord meant at all. He asked loudly: "Is there something wrong with your eyes? This is battle time, you should see a doctor in advance!"

"This is a hint! A means of contact tactics!"

Drax didn't take it seriously and retorted: "You bitch, a real man's battle should be fought head-on!"

"But you can't beat him at all!"

"Revenge doesn't care about strength, it only cares about the result!"

Star-Lord and Drax were arguing. The two ignored Ronan and acted as if there was no one around, almost fighting each other.

Ronan couldn't stand this kind of neglect. She was eager to seek revenge from him just now, but now it's like this? It feels a bit like Sweetie before marriage and Mrs. Niu after marriage.


Ronan aimed the hammer at Star-Lord and Drax, and the energy on the hammer gathered, preparing to kill them both in one blow.

But Star-Lord and Drax stood there openly, not minding Ronan's attack preparations at all.

Star-Lord pointed behind Ronan and said, "Maybe you should look back!"

In this case, Ronan hesitated. What if this was a trick and the two of them ran away as soon as he turned around? But if there was really a problem behind him, wouldn't he be hurt behind the scenes if he didn't look back?

During these few seconds of hesitation, Ronan heard the sound of the engine behind him.

Only then did Ronan turn around, only to see a raccoon driving a spaceship, grinning and rushing towards him.

Ronan was pinned down by the Milano piloted by Rocket Raccoon, and his position could not be found in the smoke.

Rocket opened the cockpit and shouted to Star-Lord and Drax: "Get on the ship quickly! Those Lothric people will start a cleansing here."

Star-Lord entered the cockpit, took over the driving authority of the Milano, and asked the rocket: "Have you delivered the things?"

"Other than the fact that they wouldn't let me beep on the boat, everything went smoothly!"

"What is Dudu? Why don't they let it?"

Rocket Raccoon spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, I've already taken care of it on your ship!"


Before Star-Lord finished speaking, Rocket pulled the joystick sharply, and the Milano accelerated violently towards the sky.

The curse words he originally wanted to say failed to come out. Looking at the rocket controlling the spacecraft, Star-Lord said with some despair: "Tell me, you will wash your hands after too much!"

"What? You still have to wash your hands after digging that thing?"

The Milano flew towards the battleship amid Star-Lord's crusade against Rocket Raccoon.

On the battleship, Gamora was a little worried as she looked at the battle below. Even though the combat effectiveness of the Lothrik Knights had surpassed the fleet brought by Ronan.

However, in the face of the suicide charge of the Death Star gunships, many dragons and knights still fell. In this kind of battle situation, if you lose the sky, you lose your life.

Gamora looked at the unmoved Lorian, sorted out her equipment, and prepared to go down personally.

Laura hurriedly grabbed Gamora and asked: "What are you going down to do now?"

"Ronan is the commander of this fleet. Only by killing him will we win. The rocket just sent a message. I don't think Ronan will die in the collision. Moreover, the enemy has not fallen into chaos of losing command."

Gamora was a little anxious, eager to see Ronan lose power. However, contrary to expectations, the Kree's various aircraft began to divide the battlefield in an organized manner, relying on their numbers to attack the flying dragons in many ways.

Laura stopped Gamora and said pointedly: "Don't forget, in this kind of battle, personal power can no longer play any role. Uh, I'm talking about your and my power...

Also, Lothric hasn’t panicked at all so far, which also shows that they are prepared. Be patient and keep watching..."

On the ground, Ronan looked at the dust all over his body and the vague pain in his back. This made him, as a Kree accuser, even more unhappy with the enemy in front of him.

The previous battle with Lothric, and the fact that the Infinity Stones were on the battleship in front of him, all old and new grudges were settled. Ronan was preparing to fight Lothric here to the death.

Ronan's vehicle, the Dark Star, also started its own actions.

The Dark Star was like a twisted twist, constantly changing its shape, rising to the same position as the Emperor-class battleship.

The Death Star gunships obtained from Thanos became Ronan's consumables. He unscrupulously sent these cannon fodder to die, thereby opening a shortcut to the battleship.

When the Dark Star's shape became regular and the twist turned into a cuboid brick, Ronan's own fleet popped up in each deformable area.

The Dark Star is a mothership, and each deformation area is an area where ships are parked. The Dark Star seems to have disintegrated on its own, with hundreds of huge spacecraft appearing before everyone's eyes.

The accuser's own armed force, the power that established his reputation, is now on display in the lawless zone.

Rocket looked at the situation in the distance and expressed his feelings for everyone on the Milano: "We are finished..."

The Milano stopped next to Gamora, and Star-Lord shouted to Gamora: "We have to leave, this is no longer a battle we can participate in!"

Gamora shook her head and responded to Star-Lord: "But where can we escape?"

"I can take you to join Yondu's team, and the power of the Reaver can help us!"

"You don't understand! Peter, if we don't stop Ronan now, we won't have a chance in the future!"

The conversation between the two gave the surrounding atmosphere a hint of sadness.

"I said, are you a little too pessimistic?"

A slightly teasing voice came from behind Laura, and Greedy appeared at some point.

Greedy took out a deck chair, placed it on the ground, and lay straight on the battleship, watching the upcoming battle.

Various drinks appeared on the small table next to the Greedy Man, and Laura reached out to take them out politely and greeted everyone.

This strange situation left everyone present confused.

The greedy man threw several gold bricks to Laura and said unhappily: "As my subordinate, you are actually short of money? If I hadn't come quickly, I would have become a joke to the devil!"

Laura didn't refute, just smiled and put the gold brick away.

Seeing that Laura seemed to know the person who had just appeared, Star-Lord and others also came over, wanting to learn more information.

"Battles in the universe can indeed be simply thought of as whoever has more ships and whoever has bigger ships has a greater advantage.

But there are always exceptions. For example, some strong men can destroy a fleet with their physical body alone. In this case, it is not the fleet that can decide the outcome..."

After taking a look at Lothric's church, the greedy man continued: "For example, the three pillars of Lothric are not just knights. The chief priest and the sage have not taken action yet..."

As the Kree fleet approached step by step, a group of people wearing black robes appeared on the deck of the battleship.

Their stature is generally smaller than that of Lothric knights, and their figures under their black robes appear to be a bit stooped.

But when the holy bells in their hands began to shake, their bodies began to bloom with milky white light. These lights connected together and spread to the entire battlefield.

Dragon roars suddenly erupted on the battlefield, and the fallen knights and flying dragons appeared again.

All the knights and dragons of Lothric were bursting with blood-like light, emerging from the seams of their helmets.

Greedy said: "Look, with the support of the chief priest, these Lothric knights are immortal existences! Then there is Lothric's combined tactics, no one can survive the thunder and fire!"

Having said this, Gamora seemed to remember something and looked in the direction of the church, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see.

Gamora asked: "Didn't you just say that a strong man can change the situation of the battle? As far as I know, Ronan's strength cannot be underestimated, and these warriors are no match for him."

"I know what you want to say. To deal with an enemy like Ronan, Lorien doesn't even need to take action. The Knight Pillar can kill him!"

Although it is still unclear who the Knight Pillar is, the strong flash on the Dark Star provides direction for those who are coming again.

On the Dark Star, which had stopped twisting, three unusual knights appeared. They were tall and their armors glowed with platinum light.

Their weapons are exactly the same as ordinary knight squads, and the power they can exert is unusual.

The knight with the great sword drew thunder and lightning into the void, and thrust the great sword into the Dark Star's armor. The blooming lightning pillar melted the Dark Star's armor in an instant, opening up the passage in.

Seeing this scene, Gamora and others were still shocked that they could penetrate the battleship's defense with their bodies, but Greedy clapped his hands and said: "It seems that the battle has been decided. Now it's time for you to get your rewards. We

I won’t disturb you. Laura, it’s time for us to leave.”

Instead of answering questions from Gamora and others, Greed took the lead in taking Laura and others to the Jackdaw.

Rocket Raccoon was confused, looked at everyone and asked, "Is he bragging?"

"I'm Groot!"

Rocket looked at Groot and asked in disbelief: "You don't think so? When did you feel this way?"

"I'm Groot!"

While Rocket Raccoon was arguing with Groot, the Dark Star exploded in the distance, which meant that the battle between Lothric and Ronan the Accuser was over.

Seeing the flying dragon and knights resting on the deck again, Rocket Raccoon looked around and swallowed involuntarily.

"Do we really want to ask these cold-blooded immortals for money?"

(End of chapter)

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