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Chapter 437: A New Member of the Jackdaw

Chapter 437 New members of the Jackdaw

On the Jackdaw, Greedy looked at the vines that had been scattered all over the ground, looked around with interest, and said: "You still have a chance, come out and I will spare your life..."

Smurfette Nebula doesn't care about this kind of threat. Her mechanical body has made her abandon most of her physiological signals. She doesn't believe that this person who just appeared can see where she is.

Laura and others followed Greedy, full of sympathy for the hidden nebula, and how brave they would be to attack this demon.

The nebula suddenly appeared from behind the canvas of the mast, fell straight down from the head of the greedy man, and the mechanical arm penetrated directly into the head of the greedy man.

However, during the landing process, Nebula maintained her assassination posture and was directly imprisoned in the air.

Perhaps this cannot be called imprisonment, but the time around her is slowed down. Nebula is like an enemy in bullet time, showing slow motion in front of Laura and others.

Greedy waited until Nebula hit the ground, slowly punched again, and then dodged in cooperation.

Looking at Laura and others, Greedy said: "Okay, now it's time to deal with our problems! How dare you cross me and look for help from others! This is not good publicity for my reputation as a devil! Which

Are there devil believers who lack money but have strength? You are slandering me!"

Ross and Jonah smiled bitterly. They were not prepared to defend themselves. After all, the Greedy Man only recognized Laura at first. Laura pulled them on board the ship. It would not be beneficial to them to argue in front of the Greedy Man.

Laura took a step forward and defended; "Adventures in space are very dangerous, and Jonah is also thinking about my safety. Besides, Ross is the driver, and it is pitiful enough for his fifty-year-old father to make money away from home.

It’s over!”

"You are blaming me! Is it all my fault?"

Greedy tilted his head to avoid Nebula's slow motion, looked around the Jackdaw, and said, "It seems like it's really my problem!"

At the moment, the Jackdaw only has three crew members: Laura, Jonah, and Ross. The adventure of these three people in the universe is indeed very dangerous.

Greedy pointed at Rose and said: "Tomorrow morning, when Reyes passes by the convenience store, he will win a Powerball lottery ticket. Does this make you feel at ease?"

Ross breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and took a step back, indicating that he had no objection.

"As for you... you look strong, then take this!"

Greedy threw Jonah a pair of gloves, which looked like stone but had traces of fire flickering in them.

The glove covers the entire arm and looks like a short beak or pliers.

[Demon Finger Tiger: A demonic fist with the power of fire. It can release its power through combat skills. When held with both hands, it can be equipped on both left and right hands. Combat Skill: Flame Tail. Fill both fists with flames, and then spread out the hands.

With the arm, you can beat the enemy as much as you want while turning. When you use heavy attacks while turning, you can hit the fist to the floor.】

After getting the equipment, Jonah quickly became familiar with the use of the Devil's Finger Tiger, and began to wave the flaming fist on the deck of the Jackdaw.

Everyone on the Jackdaw got what they wanted, except Smurfette, who had given up resistance.

Nebula lay helpless on the deck, letting others walk around beside her until the Greedy One removed the power from her.

When Nebula noticed that the restraint was lifted, she immediately knelt down in front of the greedy one.

"I can serve you, please give me strength!"

Nebula's behavior was a bit impatient. The energy index of the weapon that Greedy had just given to Jonah had exceeded the upper limit of her detector.

"Tsk tsk, you just wanted to attack me, and now you want my power?"

Nebula gritted his teeth and said, "As long as I have the strength, I can contribute everything I have!"

Greedy Man waved his fingers, and Nebula floated in front of Greedy Man. The sound of mechanical creaking and pain made Nebula groan involuntarily.

The Greedy One has returned to his former treasure chest appearance, with sharp teeth and a scarlet tongue right next to Nebula's head. With just one sip, he can swallow Nebula whole.

"Let me see what you have...a heart full of anger and revenge, and a desire for family affection and recognition. Oh~ I saw a little girl holding her legs and crying after the battle!"

Greedy's words sent shivers down Nebula's spine, as her heart was actually seen through by the monster in front of her.

After the fear, Nebula gradually became determined: "I can give everything!"

"No! You're too ugly!"

The stunned Xingyun didn't expect that this was the reason for rejection.

"Besides, I didn't say I won't pursue the attack you just made! This is an offense to me!"

Greed's slender fingers traced Nebula's face, but the touch with body temperature made Nebula feel extremely cold.

"Oh, it seems that your skin color is caused by mechanical modification that reduces the blood flow of the original body. The survivors of the Lufenmod people seem to be valuable for collection!"

With such words, Nebula struggled in horror, but she could only watch Greedy Man waving his fingers and peeling off all the mechanical bodies from her body.

With the control of the greedy one, Nebula's remaining body began to be rebuilt, and bones, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles began to grow.

Finally, a wonderful body appeared in front of the greedy one. She had the same skin color as the people on earth, but her body proportions were more perfect.

Nebula looked at her hands and touched her face. The warm touch made her understand that she was out of touch with her previous mechanically transformed body.

Laura looked at the naked Nebula, took off her clothes and wrapped her up.

The greedy man said: "It seems that you are very satisfied with this body! The next step is the punishment and the price! Hmm... let me think about it, what should I do... I have it!"

Greedy stretched out his hand with evil intentions, and a special chain appeared on Nebula and Laura.

"You have to stay with Laura every step of the way. Any revenge and revenge will go away with you, and you will not be able to cause any intentional or unintentional harm to the people on the Jackdaw. This price will last until Labor

The moment of death!"

Nebula immediately stood up angrily, wanting to reach out and grab Greedy. However, her body did not act according to her own consciousness, and she stood quietly like a puppet.

Greedy nodded with satisfaction and said to Laura: "I want to give you, Lara Croft, the honorable responsibility of being the administrator of my collection. For this, I want to reward you with endless life!



Nebula's painful howl startled Laura who was about to refuse.

Laura looked at the hint of Greedy's winking at her, and complained feebly about Greedy's little actions in her heart.

In this way, a Nebula full of resentment was added to the Jackdaw, and he could only follow Laura at all times.

On the other hand, Gamora and others also received rewards from Lothric.

The equivalent of 200 million, and an exclusive cold weapon built according to their requirements. When Star-Lord wanted to modify his Miranor with keystone metal, he only received a complaint from the Knight of Lothric.

“We don’t plate garbage!”

"Hahahaha! He said your spaceship is garbage!"

Rocket Raccoon's complaints and ridicules accompanied the Milano's takeoff and Star-Lord's rebuttal, which began to give the spacecraft more vitality.

Gamora also smiled and looked at everything in front of her. She had not felt such happiness and freedom for a long time.

However, when Gamora touched the items in her arms, she felt a little hesitant about the next adventure.

In her arms was another reward from Lothric, an opportunity to call on Lothric's fleet.

As the adopted daughter of Thanos, Gamora has learned about the most powerful people in the universe and various magical abilities. Predicting the future is not a magical ability, and Lothric will never miss the target.

In this way, the Guardians of the Galaxy, who failed to create a real name, began their life of earning more bounties.

"Quil! How dare you take my things to exchange for money! Boy, I already know everything you did! Take out my share!"

Suddenly, a voice belonging to Yondu came from the Mirano's communicator.

The battle in the Lawless Land spread to the entire galaxy with Ronan's death, and the true purpose of Quill and others' obtaining the Cosmic Spirit Ball was also revealed.

After learning what Star-Lord had done, he couldn't suppress the panic in his heart. Yondu used various methods and finally found Star-Lord.

"No! Don't think about it! I won't give it to you. Now I have my own team! I want to go out independently!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! If it hadn't been for me, you would have been eaten by others. They have never eaten the children of the earth! You took something that belonged to the predators, and now I want my due share


"I told you that was impossible!"

While rejecting Yondu, Star-Lord turned on the jump engine of the Milano. After following Yondu for such a long time, Star-Lord traveled to almost every place in the galaxy, but there was always a star field that Yondu never found.

Take him there.

At this moment, in order to avoid Yondu, Star-Lord began to jump to that star field.

Yongdu put down the communicator angrily and said: "How dare that boy disobey my order!"

Yondu's deputy Kraglin said: "In fact, Captain, Quill has been disobeying your orders!"

"I protected him for twenty years!"

"But you never told Quill about his life experience!"

Yondu touched the player in his arms. It was found at the flea market and was intended to be a gift for Star-Lord.

Yondu said: "When Starkar rescued me after being a war slave for twenty years, he didn't say much. I was just following the tradition of the marauders!"

Yondu had been a war slave for twenty years, and he had a new life after joining the Predators. He thought he was adhering to the tradition of the Predators, but he didn't know how to educate his children.

"So where are we going?"

Yondu pulled the star map aside and found the location of the Star-Lord Milano on it.

"We have to find Quill, or his father will eat him!"

(End of chapter)

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