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Chapter 287 Wang Anshi's visit

"What did Lu Yao come here to tell you?"

The mission continued to travel and had already left Bianliang. On the way, Han Qi looked at Fan Zhongyan and suddenly asked.

In this situation, there should be no more eyeliners. Although Han Qi still had a bad impression of Lu Yao, he was also somewhat interested in the scene where Lu Yao came to the north gate to see off Fan Zhongyan, so he asked about Lu Yao just now.

What did Yao say to Fan Zhongyan? He knew that Lu Yao had a strong purpose in everything he did, and he would not say anything for no reason just to send Fan Zhongyan off.

Fan Zhongyan looked at Han Qi, and originally thought of telling Han Qi what Lu Yao had just told him, but thinking that Lu Yao had just said many times that he could not reveal a word to anyone, including Han Qi, Fan Zhongyan said: "

Oh, he told me some things to pay attention to during negotiations, and Lu Xu asked him to convey something to me about the map."

Han Qi knew Fan Zhongyan, and judging from Fan Zhongyan's expression, he should have said that. Fan Zhongyan probably didn't intend to tell him the details. But it was okay. After listening to Fan Zhongyan's words, Han Qi confirmed that the map was indeed not Lu's.

Yao did it by himself, and he came to see Fan Zhongyan off today probably because Lu Xu had something to tell Fan Zhongyan. However, Han Qi did not expect that the relationship between Lu Xu and Fan Zhongyan was not so good that he specifically asked Lu Yao to go here.

A trip. This is what Fan Zhongyan was thinking about after leaving Bianliang all the way. Admittedly, Fan Zhongyan also believed that the map Lu Yao gave him was not made by Lu Yao alone. The reason is very simple. Lu Yao is so young.

, he probably didn’t understand the military at all, so he would never be able to come up with such a detailed map with tactical guidance.

But having said that, even though Lu Xu, the Minister of Household Affairs, and Lu Yao made the map together, it can be said that Lu Xu and Fan Zhongyan have no personal relationship. Could it be that they just made it to prevent their son from being embarrassed at the Fan Lou night banquet?

A map? If that's the case, it's better to just tell Lu Yao to say something to stop him. Moreover, this map is very detailed. Even if Lu Xu thought hard for a long time, he thought about it now, but now that he thinks about it, he should be the first.

It was time to give this map to Zhao Zhen instead of himself, and there was no need for Lu Yao to come here specially to give it to him today and mention the things in the map.

Moreover, from the look in Lu Yao's eyes when he saw him off just now, Fan Zhongyan also felt that it was a little different from the past.

Could it be said that this map was really made by Lu Yao alone? Because there are some details that need attention, is it why he specially came to see it for himself today?

Although the possibility is unlikely, Fan Zhongyan still thinks it is possible.

As for whether this is the case, I am afraid we can only find out after Lu Yao succeeds in the imperial examination and enters the court.

At this time, in the palace, it was not yet time for the morning court. Zhao Zhen had just finished breakfast and was about to walk towards Qinzheng Palace. At this time, one of Tang Long's men had already arrived outside Zhao Zhen's dormitory and asked to meet.

This person was arranged by Zhao Zhen yesterday. This time Fan Zhongyan returned to Beijing, and it can be said that it caused a lot of noise. Moreover, as the emperor, Zhao Zhen also gave Fan Zhongyan enough face. Therefore, today Fan Zhongyan left Bianliang in the morning, and Zhao Zhen

Tang Long had been told before to send someone to see if Fan Zhongyan and his group were in the same situation when they left the North Gate as before when he was in power. Zhao Zhen was somewhat interested in who would go this time.

Send him off. Logically speaking, although the situation was completely different from when Fan Zhongyan was demoted from Bianliang, one was promoted and the other was demoted. However, Zhao Zhen felt that the scene should be similar. Although today is not the same as before,

No one went to see him off, but officials with a little bit of wisdom could see that although Fan Zhongyan's return to Bianliang seemed to be full of glory, whether he could really gain real power and stabilize his situation in the court, and even more

More still depends on the effect of his mission to the Song-Xia border. If the matter is completed, then everything will be easy to say. When Fan Zhongyan returns to Bianliang, he will definitely be reused. However, once something happens on the front line

The problem is that Fan Zhongyan may be abandoned again. Once this happens, it may be more difficult for Fan Zhongyan to return to Bianliang. Not only that, the same is true for Han Qi who followed Fan Zhongyan to the front line. Everyone

Knowing how important the position of Privy Councilor is, Zhao Zhen had actually hinted to Han Qi several times before, hoping that he would take the initiative to hand over his power. However, I don't know if Han Qi really doesn't understand or is pretending to be confused, and just doesn't want to give up.

His status as Privy Councilor. Therefore, this time Han Qi went to the Song-Xia border as an envoy to quell the rebellion and lead troops to fight. It is the responsibility of the Privy Councilor. Once the war goes unfavorably, Han Qi's status will definitely not be guaranteed. Therefore, with

Officials like Lu Xu, who have a very clear judgment of the situation, know that Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan are now grasshoppers on a rope. As long as this mission fails, endless darkness awaits them. As for Zhao Zhen,

This move can be said to kill two birds with one stone. If the war is judged, the people and officials will praise him and reward him based on his merits. Although Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi are still in the court, Zhao Zhen can give them their vacant posts.

, and soon after the imperial examination, some capable newcomers will enter the court, and Zhao Zhen will use them to redistribute power.

And once something goes wrong with Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi on the front line, although the Song Dynasty may lose some cities and land due to the defeat in the war, according to the current national strength, Daxia can directly take advantage of the situation and destroy the Song Dynasty.

That is completely impossible. However, because of the failed war, Zhao Zhen can take this opportunity to win over Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan, making them completely withdraw from the stage of history.

Precisely because they considered the significance of Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi's mission, although these officials all attended the Fanlou Night Banquet organized by Fan Zhongyan last night, few of them chose to see Fan Zhongyan off this morning. No matter how stupid they were,

Everyone who knows me should know that the emperor will definitely send someone to follow this kind of travel. If he rushes ahead to see off Fan Zhongyan at this time, Zhao Zhen will probably think that he is a member of Fan Zhongyan's party.

I couldn't explain it clearly at that time.

Therefore, when Zhao Zhen heard that Fan Zhongyan was traveling today, there were not many officials seeing him off, and he was not very surprised.

However, Zhao Zhen still asked about the attribute

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Next, can you remember which officials sent Fan Zhongyan off?

Tang Long's people were very reliable in doing things, and he immediately named a few names. It must be said that Tang Long's people had never disappointed anyone when it came to remembering details.

Zhao Zhen nodded. In fact, he had some calculations in his mind about the people who would see Fan Zhongyan off today. Most of these people's names were within the scope of Zhao Zhen's consideration.

Of course, there are also some people whom Zhao Zhen did not expect, or people who Zhao Zhen thought would go to see Fan Zhongyan off, but actually did not show up at the scene.

But what his subordinate said next made Fan Zhongyan stay where he was for a few seconds.

"Your Majesty, in addition to those people mentioned before, Mr. Xiao Lu also went to see Mr. Fan Zhongyan off."

"What? You mean Lu Yao?" Zhao Zhen confirmed the accuracy of the news again.

The subordinate nodded and said, "Yes, and Mr. Xiao Lu rode there alone and barely caught up with Mr. Fan Zhongyan. Judging from his expression, he should have gone to see Mr. Fan Zhongyan off specially."

Zhao Zhen thought for a while, maybe it had something to do with the map Lu Yao gave yesterday, so he said, "Did you hear clearly what they said?"

"No," the subordinate shook his head and said, "The voices they spoke were very low, and they were in the middle of the team. I couldn't get close enough to listen."

On the way to the court, Zhao Zhen kept recalling what Tang Long's subordinates said to him this morning. Lu Yao went to see off Fan Zhongyan. In fact, for Zhao Zhen, it should be considered an unexpected and reasonable thing.

After all, Lu Yao also attended last night's banquet and was given what can be said to be the most valuable thing at last night's party, which was the map. Later, after analysis by Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhongyan and others, they all felt that the map

It should be something Lu Yao and Lu Xu made together. Moreover, Lu Yao has always been a person who doesn't care what faction he belongs to. He goes his own way. Even if he went to see Fan Zhongyan off today, Zhao Zhen would not think that Lu Yao is from Fan Zhongyan's faction.


However, what interests Zhao Zhen more is actually the reason why Lu Yao came to see Fan Zhongyan. It would have been fine if it was just a simple farewell, but the two of them still exchanged a few words, but the content of this conversation, Zhao Zhen should be forever

Won't know anymore.

No, there is another way...

Back to Lu Yao, after sending Fan Zhongyan away, he returned to the Lu Mansion and began to think about his arrangements for the next few days.

It should be said that Lu Yao can take a day off today. He has been operating the bank for a day since it opened yesterday, and the income is quite considerable. Moreover, the work efficiency of Lu Hao, Xu and Zhang Mou is also relatively high. Although from today

From the beginning to the end of the Grassroots Team Cuju Competition, the members of the Grassroots Team will not come to the bank to work for the time being, but today's customer flow should not be more than yesterday. According to the current manpower, everyone can be busy even if they are a little tired. As for the bank,

There is no need for Lu Yao to worry too much for the time being. After all, the first batch of money has been distributed. The next thing to worry about should be the issue of fund recovery after the test results are announced. Therefore, there should be far fewer people applying for loans.

Lu Yao doesn't need to worry about the bank's problems. The next thing he needs to focus on is related to the Cuju competition. Tomorrow morning, Lu Yao and Tang Xi will go to the outer city district to see Chen Chen's father, the old Chen's family.

Go to the old building to inspect the three merchant families in the food street. And Lao Chen’s old house should be successfully renovated tomorrow and turned into a food production base specially prepared for the food street that is about to open. Wait until then

After the official start of the new Cuju competition, Lao Chen and three other families should prepare delicious food here. As for transportation, Lu Yao has also informed Zhao Hu in advance, so it should not be a problem. This is the only possibility now

The variable that exists is how well these three families prepare the delicacies and snacks that Lu Yao gave them to make. This requires Lu Yao to go to the site to check tomorrow morning.

In addition to the food street, there is no need to worry too much about the hot pot restaurant. The hot pot restaurant is being renovated during this period. It needs to wait until the first round of the Cuju competition is over before the decoration can be completed. As for the manpower of the hot pot restaurant, Lu Yao has already found someone.

Manager Yang Tao and some of Tangxi's subordinates will also be assigned to work in the hot pot restaurant. As for the marketing of the hot pot restaurant, it is left to Zhang Maocai. After all, whether it is the outer city or the minister of the DPRK, Zhang Maocai can still speak.

, the most important thing in the catering category is whether the initial reputation can be expanded. Regarding this, Lu Yao feels that the deliciousness of his hot pot should not be a problem when paired with Zhang Maocai's marketing genius.

As for the supply of ingredients, Zhao Hu has already set up an exclusive area for the hot pot restaurant. As for Yang Tao, he is still living in Zhao's house. Once the Tigers' schedule is over, he will go to work in the hot pot restaurant.

, even though Yang Tao was half a servant of Zhao Hu, he should be able to communicate with Zhao Hu about the hot pot restaurant with ease, and there would be no problems between the two of them.

These two food-related matters have been taken care of, and now there is more than a week left before the imperial examination. Therefore, there is only one most important thing left at the moment, and that is the new Cuju competition. It can be said that the current official competition,

The only thing left to do is to wait for it to arrive. Lu Yao has considered every aspect very comprehensively, so there should be nothing wrong.

Lu Yao called Tangxi and asked him to find a way to send a message to Zhe Kexing, saying that he would go with Zhe Kexing the day before the official game started, which was the day when Chen Chen's grassroots team and Wang Da's Huangtian team were training.

The Bird's Nest Stadium undergoes final inspection.

Just after explaining the matter, after Tang Xi left, Uncle Fu found Lu Yao and said that Lu Xu asked him to go to the study.

Lu Yao came to the study and found that Lu Xu had also gotten up very early today.

The father and son then started a brief conversation.

"Send Fan Zhongyan away?"

"Well, let's send it off."

"You told him a lot about the map, right?"

"Well, I still have to tell him some details."

"You'd better tell me what you said to him and what's recorded on the map."

"Dad, what do you mean..."

Lu Xu pointed at the ceiling, and Lu Yao reacted instantly. Before Fan Zhongyan left Bianliang,

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The one who has been under surveillance was none other than Zhao Zhen. At yesterday's night party, Lu Yao made everyone think that the map he gave to Fan Zhongyan was something he and his father Lu Xu made together, and the original plan had been successful.

But this morning I went to see Fan Zhongyan off again. There is no doubt that Zhao Zhen should know about this. In this way, Zhao Zhen must know what Lu Yao said to Fan Zhongyan, and in order not to expose it, Zhao Zhen

He and Zhao Zhen would also think that it was Lu Xu and Lu Yao who made the map together, so he would definitely ask Lu Xu. After all, in his opinion, it was Lu Xu who told Lu Yao the plan and then passed it.

Lu Yao conveyed it to Fan Zhongyan, but Lu Xu himself did not show up due to his identity.

Moreover, it is very likely that the time of inquiry was after today's morning meeting. The real situation is that Lu Xu does not know much about the map at all. It was a map completely made by Lu Yao, so if Zhao Zhen asked Lu Xu

If you don't get a satisfactory answer, it will be difficult to handle.

Lu Xu was very supportive of what Lu Yao was doing. Even if it would increase his own risks, he did not refuse Lu Yao's behavior of sending Fan Zhongyan off this morning. If what he did caused trouble to his father, then Lu Yao would feel

He felt very sorry. So he immediately told Zhao Zhen all the details recorded on the map and what he had said to Fan Zhongyan this morning.

After Lu Xu heard this, he was a little surprised at first. After all, Lu Yao was able to do so many things recorded in this map, and most of them were military knowledge. Some of them he was not very clear about, but Lu Yao was able to do it so perfectly.

Fortunately, Lu Xu thought that what Zhao Zhen asked him more today should be what Lu Yao said to Fan Zhongyan, so there would be no more doubts. If he had to tell it from beginning to end, I am afraid that Lu Xu himself would have said it in some places.

not understand.

After a discussion between the father and son, Lu Xu finally memorized all the details on the map Lu Yao made, and then went to court.

On the Tangxi side, they also left the Lu Mansion to find a way to find Zhe Kexing. On the other hand, Xu and Lu Hao also went to the bank. Lu Yao originally wanted to go with them to have a look, but he was met by two people.

When someone refused, Mr. Xu said that if there were no unexpected situations or very important things, there was no need for Lu Yao to go to the bank every day to keep an eye on him. He had his own things to be busy with, and it was rare that Lu Yao could rest today.

One day, before Chen Chen actually became the housekeeper, Mrs. Xu said that she would bring back the bank's accounts to Lu Yao every day. Seeing that Mrs. Xu was so confident, it seemed that there must be nothing wrong with the bank, so Lu Yao agreed.

I won’t go to the bank today.

For a moment, Lu Yao had a rare day off today, and he got up relatively early this morning, so Lu Yao decided to go back to the room and take another nap.

It was already noon when Lu Yao woke up again, and Tang Xi had not come back yet. After questioning, he found out that Lu Xu and his mother Yan had already eaten. So Lu Yao immediately left the room and went to the study to find Lu Xu again.

Confirm the situation.

"I told His Majesty the details you told me. Although he still had some doubts and didn't know why I emphasized those two places, in the end, it seemed that I had a thorough understanding of the map. I felt that he

I already believe that this map was made by the two of us."

Hearing what his father said, Lu Yao felt relieved. If Zhao Zhen felt that Lu Yao had made this map himself, that would not be a good thing. Now, he still had to bear it.

Afterwards, Lu Yao went to the kitchen to have lunch and then came to the main hall to sit for a while.

In the afternoon, Tangxi returned to Fuzhong. He had already contacted Zhe Kexing and made an appointment for Lu Yao. The day after tomorrow, that is, the morning before the official start of the Cuju competition, he went to the Bird's Nest Stadium for a final inspection.


That morning, Wang Da's Huangtian team was training. Lu Yao felt that this time choice was very good. If he chose the half day of Chen Chen's training to inspect, he might be said to be looking for an opportunity to teach alone before the official game.

Chen Chen, if you choose this time now, it will not be true.

Then, when Lu Yao saw Tang Xi coming back, he took advantage of today's rest time to go back to his room and do his "homework." The homework mentioned here must be different from the homework he usually thinks of. For Lu Yao, he

His homework is to write novels for Han Yunyu and Cao Han. Different from the beginning, now Lu Yao only smiles when he writes his own original novels, and "The Story of the Stone"

It was an expressionless copy. However, Mr. Cao's Dream of Red Mansions was already an invincible existence. Even if the original party didn't move, it was enough to make Han Yunyu mesmerized.

It took Lu Yao an hour to finish writing the two manuscripts for the Cao family and the Han family and handed them to Tangxi. After receiving the manuscripts, Tangxi left the Lu family and went to the Cao family and the Han family to deliver the manuscripts.

When he was at the door, Tangxi saw a middle-aged man wandering outside the Lu Mansion. Tangxi took a closer look and found that he had no impression of this man. It seemed that it was his first time coming to the Lu Mansion.

Tangxi saw that he was a little sneaky, so he walked up to ask. The middle-aged man said that he came to the Lu Mansion specifically to ask for an audience with Mr. Lu Yao.

The person who came was very polite and did not look like someone who was here to cause trouble, so Tangxi called Uncle Fu to continue talking to the person and then left.

After a brief communication with Uncle Fu, he asked the man to wait outside, while he went to the main hall to report to Lu Xu and Lu Yao.

"A guest came outside and said he was looking for the second young master." Uncle Fu said.

Lu Xu asked softly who he was. Although Lu Yao was well-known now, he knew the people who came to visit him. However, judging from Uncle Fu's tone, everyone should not be very familiar with this guy who came today.

"The man said his name was Wang Anshi and he came specifically to thank Mr. Xiao Lu for his recommendation."

When Uncle Fu mentioned the three names Wang Anshi, the tea cup in Lu Yao's hand suddenly fell to the ground. This move made Lu Xu a little surprised. Lu Yao could be so panicked sometimes?

"You mean, the person who came is Wang Anshi?" Lu Yao confirmed the identity of the person with Uncle Fu again.

Afterwards, Lu Yao immediately asked Uncle Fu to invite the visitor in, and turned to Lu Xu to express that he hoped to borrow the study room.

(End of chapter)

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