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Chapter 288: Promoting Peace Through War

Lu Mansion.

Speaking of Wang Anshi, the first thing Lu Yao can think of is naturally the largest-scale reform he initiated in the Northern Song Dynasty, which was also considered by others to have had a serious impact on history. Historians of Wang Anshi's reform have different opinions. Some people say that his reform can be said to be

It severely hit the economy of the Northern Song Dynasty, causing the national power of the Song Dynasty to decline rapidly in the later period. However, some people admired Wang Anshi's courage to try.

In Lu Yao's view, although the reform was not inevitable, the act of being able to carry out the reform was already very impressive. And the failure of the reform should not be attributed to Wang Anshi alone.

Looking at Wang Anshi's reform, there are actually many reasons for its failure. First of all, there are problems with the starting point and motivation of Wang Anshi's reform, which was to strengthen and consolidate the Zhao dynasty.

The rule of the Zhao family is to promote the interests of the Zhao family, not to promote the interests of the whole society. Therefore, no matter how exquisite and perfect the form is, and no matter how fanciful it is, in essence, it is a departure from

The ultimate purpose of the founding law of human society. This means that Wang Anshi’s reforms are not conducive to promoting the common interests of the government and the people. His reforms are misaligned in the fundamental direction and starting point. Needless to say, the ultimate purpose or guiding ideology of Wang Anshi’s reforms

It was based on the special financial crisis and social crisis of the interest groups of the Song Dynasty that "gathering wealth" and "riching the country and strengthening the army" were regarded as the highest goals of the reform. As early as 1058, when he took office in Changzhou, he had written in "Wan Yan"

"Book" pointed out that the key to current problems lies in "ignoring the law" and "the problem lies in the lack of discipline in managing finances". It believes that "one of the Zhou rites, financial management is half of it", and believes that "since ancient times, in governing the world, insufficient wealth has always been a public nuisance to the world."

The trouble is that there is no proper way to manage wealth. Therefore, although the people are frugal, the people are not rich, and although they are diligent and diligent, the country is not strong." He also proposed that "because of the power of the world, we can generate the wealth of the world, take the wealth of the world, and provide for the world.

The principle of political and financial management is "expenses", and it is determined that: "Anyone who manages wealth should aim at gathering." However,

Although "gathering wealth" and "strengthening the army" are important, they are not the ultimate goals of the reform. Once "gathering wealth" is excessive and conflicts with the interests of the officials and the people, the basis of public opinion will be lost.

In fact, the officials and people who later opposed the reform attacked Wang Anshi for this reason. This was actually the main basis and point of view of the faction that opposed Wang Anshi's reform during Xining and Yuanyou's time and questioned his new law. As a representative of the anti-reform movement, Sima Guang believed that

, these wealth "are not taken from the people, how can they be taken from them?" Fan Chunren also said in his letter to Shenzong: "Wang Anshi changed the laws of his ancestors and suppressed financial interests, which made the people uneasy." Although some people admit that Wang Anshi's financial management

Thought is the way to make profits, but it is the strategy of "depriving the people to make profits". Even from the Southern Song Dynasty to the late

In the Qing Dynasty, most historians and thinkers also supported this view. When Qiu criticized the Qingmiao Law, he said: "It is beneficial to uphold justice and not to patent it." Secondly, Wang Anshi's reform was short-lived.

The reason is that the reform followed a principle that was contrary to the free governance of human society. In other words, the reform did not follow the principle of humane freedom of "treating people as human beings." There is no doubt that Wang Anshi's reform was to recognize the imperial autocratic regime.

The legality and rationality of the reform are the logical premise. Therefore, in terms of the essence of the reform, it is just a readjustment of the internal interest relationships of the imperial autocratic power. In fact, Wang Anshi's reform can not be said to be a structural and systematic change.

The social reform is not a structural change of the imperial autocratic regime itself, nor is it a reform that confirms the dominant position of "civil rights". Therefore, the reform is destined to be based on the freedom and interests of the Zhao family.

.Not only Wang Anshi’s reform was like this, but every reform in ancient Chinese dynasties was also like this! When the ultimate goal of the reform was established as "accumulating wealth" and "riching the country and strengthening the army", it also deviated from the lowest principles of humanity - "

Treat people as human beings." To put it bluntly, the reforms of the past dynasties are all comprehensive plunder of imperial power in the name of nationalization. They are all a process that continuously reduces the freedom and vitality of private economic subjects and constantly restricts the freedom of private wealth creation subjects. Just like Huang Renyu

As Mr. Wang said, Chinese politics "will never want private wealth to expand to a point where it is difficult to control and burden the security of the dynasty."

Finally, the reform violates the fundamental principle of justice and equality. Since the reform can ignore the principle of humanitarian freedom, it naturally violates the fundamental principle of justice and equality. Marx said: "Part of human rights are political rights, rights that can only be exercised with others. This

The content of this right is to participate in this community, and it is to participate in the political community and the country. These rights belong to the category of political freedom." Obviously, since the authoritarian reform violates the principle of political freedom, it must also violate the principle of human rights and political freedom.

The principle of equality. Because in an autocratic society, the highest power of the country is completely in the hands of the autocrat. Whether the economic equality and equal opportunity rights of every common people can be realized depends entirely on the will of the emperor. Therefore,

No matter how noble Wang Anshi's personal motives for reform were, how dedicated and hard-working he was, and no matter how perfect the new law was in form, etc., it would be difficult to achieve the intended purpose of the reform because the imperial autocratic regime itself violated the principles of justice and human rights.

It can only achieve some specific short-term goals, such as amassing wealth, easing local class conflicts and contradictions, etc. In any case, the general public will not be the ultimate beneficiaries of the reform. Instead, they will be more severely exploited in the name of the reform.

In other words, the imperial autocracy despises the human rights and equal rights of officials and people. On the one hand, it is reflected in the fact that the emperor has almost all power. He not only monopolizes the material wealth and spiritual wealth of the entire society, but also includes the wealth and life of every ordinary person.

Therefore, the emperor and his bureaucracy will enjoy and exercise all privileges. As far as the ordinary people are concerned, they have no rights. Therefore, all reforms centered on the stability of imperial power and its eternal power will not be enjoyed by the officials and the people.

I will support it from the bottom of my heart.

Reforms in history, whether political, economic, or social...why are there so few successes? These reforms deviate from the ultimate goal of social governance—increasing the total interests of the whole society and every citizen, and ignore the principle of humanity and freedom.

, violates the principle of justice and equality. Therefore, all reforms that seem to benefit the people are in fact torturing themselves while wearing the shackles of autocracy, and their fates are similar. Most of the results are to intensify officials' harassment of the people and their evil deeds.

The institutional excuses are nothing more than "

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"When prosperity comes, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer." All reforms that try to challenge or evade the path of human social governance cannot escape the fate of a short life. This is the biggest lesson and lesson learned from thousands of bones over thousands of years.


Generally speaking, Wang Anshi is a person who wants to do things, but this is a feudal society, and the final result of everything depends on the emperor's will. However, Lu Yao also knows very well that even if he knows all the history

We also know what kind of people Wang Anshi, Fan Zhongyan, Yan Shu, and Han Qi are in history, but he cannot change the direction of history, nor can he use his own ability to weaken the imperial power. Therefore, he can

All we can do is put more benefits into the hands of the people and find ways to make their lives better. This idea should be exactly the same as the original intention of Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi's initial reform. This is also

Why, after thinking about it, Lu Yao still felt that he insisted on seeing off Fan Zhongyan this morning despite the risk of suspicion and suspicion. He didn't want a generation of great talents to perish. Of course, the same is true for Wang Anshi, although he has not yet ascended the throne.

When he entered the stage of history, Lu Yao believed that for such a capable person, his idea of ​​reform could not have been formed in a day or two. Moreover, as a foreign official, Wang Anshi could better understand the development of different regions across the country.

It is different. Officials are corrupt and bend the law, and all kinds of unfair phenomena will be seen by Wang Anshi. At this time, let him step onto the stage of history, and he, Fan Zhongyan, Su Shi and others will make decisions based on the current situation.

The most correct plan, a new type of reform action, is the one that can truly benefit the people.

Therefore, Lu Yaocai recommended Wang Anshi to Yan Shu when he was in the prime minister's office.

But what Lu Yao didn't expect was that Wang Anshi would visit the Lu Mansion so soon?

When Lu Yao thought about it carefully, it was actually not difficult to understand. Ever since he mentioned Wang Anshi's name to Yan Shu, Yan Shu had actually not asked Lu Yao any specific questions about Wang Anshi. Needless to say, Yan Shu must have his own way.

Regarding the system of auditors, after Lu Yao mentioned Wang Anshi's name, Yan Shu must have sent someone to find out the news about Wang Anshi. Today's visit to Wang Anshi should also be arranged by Yan Shu for Wang Anshi's visit to Beijing. After all, who was invited by the prime minister?

Do you dare to come? When Wang Anshi visited Lu Mansion, Lu Yao didn’t think it was Yan Shu’s request. Although Lu Yao and Yan Shu recommended Wang Anshi, Wang Anshi didn’t know Lu Yao’s name at all, so when he learned from Yan Shu

When he learned that Lu Yao had recommended him, he probably felt a little strange, so it was reasonable for him to come and visit Lu Yao.

However, these were all things that Lu Yao figured out after he was surprised. He immediately asked Uncle Fu to invite Wang Anshi in. On the other hand, he also told Lu Xu that he wanted to borrow Lu Yao's help.

Xu’s study room is for one use only.

Lu Xu looked at his son with some surprise. You know, before, Lu Yao had never used his study room to receive others. Even if the two brothers Su Shi and Su Che came, Lu Yao would just

It was arranged for them to meet in the main hall. But today, Lu Yao actually told him that he was going to the study to discuss things with this person named Wang Anshi. For this reason, Lu Xu almost knew that Lu Yao attached great importance to it.

This guy's name is Wang Anshi.

But Lu Xu was a little confused. This was the first time he heard Wang Anshi's name. Wait, Lu Xu thought about it carefully. It seemed that he had heard Ouyang Xiu mention Wang Anshi's name before. Since he could get Ouyang Xiu's approval, he must be a

Everyone in the literary world, although Lu Yao has written few poems, his literary talent has been recognized by everyone. Therefore, if Lu Yao admires Wang Anshi because of his literary talent and invites him to the study, Lu Xu will definitely not believe it.

.The choice to go to the study to talk about things must also mean that it is very important for Lu Yao to talk to Wang Anshi. However, Lu Xu does not understand how Lu Yao met this Wang Anshi, and this person whom he has never heard of, has

Is there anything worthy of Lu Yao's attention? Apart from family members, Lu Xu has never seen Lu Yao respect someone so much. Even Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan have never received such treatment.

"Do you know this Wang Anshi? It seems that you attach great importance to and respect him." Lu Xu asked.

Lu Yao looked at Lu Xu and said, "Dad, this man has great talent, so I want to treat him with the best hospitality."

Lu Yao did not say the reason, but Lu Xu also knew that his son had his own ideas. And it could be seen from Lu Yao's eyes that Wang Anshi must indeed be a talented person, otherwise Lu Yao would not be like this.

Therefore, Lu Xu asked his men to tidy up the study and took out the tea leaves from his collection to entertain this person whom he had never heard of.

On Wang Anshi's side, he was in the Prime Minister's Mansion, which can be said to be the same as the modern interview. He met the Prime Minister Yan Shu with an uneasy mood. After communicating with Yan Shu, although he didn't know what Yan Shu's impression of him was.

, but Wang Anshi has figured out one thing. That is, through what method or who did Yan Shu know him? That is this man named Lu Yao.

Naturally, Wang Anshi had never heard of Lu Yao's name. Lu Yao was born and raised in Bianliang. It was precisely for this reason that Wang Anshi was even more confused. How did Lu Yao know about him?

He has never seen Lu Yao's face. It seems that the Prime Minister just didn't believe that Wang Anshi had not seen Lu Yao's face.

After leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion, Wang Anshi directly inquired about the location of the Lu Mansion, and wanted to visit Lu Yao in the Lu Mansion. After all, if he met Yan Shu this time, and could be reused by the court in the future and come to Bianliang, then

There is no doubt that Lu Yao is his boss. Even if he is not reused, this opportunity is given by Lu Yao after all. It is not easy for him to come to Bianliang once, so he must pay a visit to Lu Yao.

Of course, Wang Anshi was a careful person. He knew that it would be impolite to visit Lu Yao without knowing anything about him. However, he did not intend to learn about Lu Yao from Prime Minister Yan Shu. Instead, he went to visit Lu Yao.

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On the way to the mansion, I asked the passing people about Lu Yao's personality and actions. You must know that Lu Yao's impression among the people now is very different from when he was a playboy. Nothing else.

Just talking about the delicacies made by Lu Yao and the industries that have given many people employment opportunities are enough to make Wang Anshi admire him. Not to mention, the new Cuju competition that is about to be held, how can Wang Anshi

Unexpectedly, this was Lu Yao's idea that finally came true, and the fact that he was able to persuade the emperor to hold this competition shows that this person is also very talented in eloquence. In terms of literature, Wang Anshi is known as the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

One of the great poets, his "Ming Fei Trilogy" is very famous. On the way to Lu Mansion, when Wang Anshi asked the people about Lu Yao, he also heard that Lu Yao was not only in

He was very accomplished in various factories and gourmet food, and he was also outstanding in poetry and novels, and was even praised by Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi.

At this time, Wang Anshi didn't know much about Su Shi. In real history, Su Shi, like Sima Guang, was an opponent of Wang Anshi's reform. However, Wang Anshi was relatively familiar with Ouyang Xiu. He came to Bian last time.

When Liang made suggestions to Zhao Zhen, he was recommended by Ouyang Xiu. For Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi only admired him, and the poems and articles written by Lu Yao were actually recognized by Ouyang Xiu. This further deepened Wang Anshi's desire to meet

To Lu Yao's mood.

At this time, Wang Anshi arrived at the entrance of Lu Mansion and was taken to the main hall by Uncle Fu. Lu Yao had already gone to the study to wait for Wang Anshi. Lu Xu was sitting in the main hall. He wanted to take a look.

, what kind of person is Wang Anshi, whom his son values ​​​​very much.

When Wang Anshi saw Lu Xu, he could only salute respectfully because he didn't know who he was. Although he didn't know Lu Xu's name, Wang Anshi had already guessed Lu Xu's identity from his age and the way Uncle Fu looked at Lu Xu.

So Wang Anshi bowed and said hello to Lu Xu. The two briefly chatted for a few words. Through these simple conversations, Lu Xu learned about Lu Yao's recommendation of Wang Anshi to Yan Shu. Wang Anshi originally thought that Lu Yao had recommended Wang Anshi to Yan Shu.

Xu was aware of this matter, but it seemed that Lu Xu had just learned about Lu Yao's move. He also didn't understand why Lu Yao recommended Wang Anshi to Yan Shu, and judging from the results, Yan Shu's impression of Wang Anshi was also considered

Yes, if he hadn't been called to the Prime Minister's Mansion in Bianliang for a gathering.

As for Yan Shu, Lu Xu knew that he was always very cautious when hiring people. Since he was able to let Wang Anshi come to Bianliang, it means that there must be something powerful about this man.

Having already met and had a preliminary understanding, Lu Xu, without saying much, personally led Wang Anshi to the door of the study, indicating that Lu Yao was among them.

When Wang Anshi entered the study, Lu Yao happened to be pouring tea. When he saw Wang Anshi coming in, he was very respectful and asked him to sit down first.

Wang Anshi looked at Lu Yao. He originally thought that someone who could make so many achievements and achieve so much in such a short period of time would be about the same age as himself, but he never expected that Lu Yao would be such a young man.

After the two exchanged simple greetings, Wang Anshi first thanked Lu Yao for his recommendation and recognition, and then asked the question in his heart, that is, where did Lu Yao learn about Wang Anshi?

Lu Yao gave a perfect answer to this question, because Wang Anshi had just told Lu Yao that he was leaving Bianliang tomorrow, and Lu Yao calculated that he would not have time to visit Ouyang Xiu.

, so he said that he heard Ouyang Xiu mention Wang Anshi's name by chance before, and he also did some research and felt that Wang Anshi was a great talent, so he recommended him to Yan Shu.

Although he learned about himself through Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi was still very grateful to Lu Yao for giving him this opportunity. Then Lu Yao asked about Wang Anshi's affairs in the Prime Minister's Mansion. After listening to Yan Shu's questions and Wang Anshi's answers,

Lu Yao felt that according to Wang Anshi's current ability, he would definitely be appreciated by Yan Shu, and his recommendation could be considered to have achieved results.

Then, Lu Yao suddenly thought of asking Wang Anshi about the current situation in Song and Xia. Because in fact, Lu Yao already knew most of Wang Anshi's character and ambitions, and what kind of actions he would take next.

Therefore, Lu Yao did not plan to ask Wang Anshi to speak again in front of him regarding the reform. Moreover, it was probably not comprehensive now, and he had no way to give suggestions.

However, given the current situation, Lu Yao thought that today would be a good opportunity to ask Wang Anshi about his attitude towards this war.

"I wonder what Mr. Wang thinks of the current relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Xia Dynasty. Mr. Fan Zhongyan and Mr. Han Qi have already gone to the border as envoys today. What do you think?"

Speaking of Fan Zhongyan, he may not have much interaction with Wang Anshi, but Han Qi does have many connections with Wang Anshi. Like Su Shi, Han Qi is also someone who firmly opposes Wang Anshi's reform. This is much easier to understand than Su Shi. After all, Han Qi holds an important position.

, Wang Anshi's reform was to weaken Han Qi's power in disguised form, and Han Qi naturally would not agree to it.

Wang Anshi thought for a while and then gave his own suggestions.

"I don't know much about military matters, but I feel that with the current situation of our Song Dynasty, it is almost impossible to make Daxia surrender. However, if we easily recognize their status, it will be detrimental to our majesty.

It is also a serious loss. So, if you ask me what I think, I would say to use war to promote peace."

This is a very fresh idea that Lu Yao heard. If he thinks about it carefully, it is indeed a good idea.

Wang Anshi said that according to the current armaments and strength of the Song Dynasty, even if it could really win the war against Daxia, it would be impossible to completely destroy the other party and destroy the newly independent Daxia Kingdom, so the only option was to

It was through war to gain more benefits for the Song Dynasty. However, according to Wang Anshi, the Song Dynasty still had to recognize Daxia's independent status in the end.

When Lu Yao heard this, he was very satisfied with Wang Anshi's answer.

(End of chapter)

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