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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 419 Thinking

Let's talk about Lu Yao sending Yang Tao away. After learning from him about the wedding preparations of the Cao family and Fu Bi, his mood was also very complicated.

After leaving Jiuzhongxian, Lu Yao got on the carriage, driven by Tangxi, and headed back home.

What tactics did Fu Bi's son Fu Shaolong prepare for this competition? Judging from the fact that both Fu Bi and Cao Guojiu began to prepare for marriage, the final winner of this competition has been determined

Yes, it's just a formality to make Cao Han pay more attention to Fu Shaolong.

Is this guy really a martial arts master? Lu Yao sat in the car, looking at the mask in his hand, and felt a little confused. He couldn't help but start to think of the development of martial arts in the Song Dynasty, and wanted to draw conclusions about Fu Shaolong's current situation.

At this stage, how far can his martial arts cultivation reach?

When it comes to martial arts, it can be divided into military training and civilian martial arts groups.

The army of the Song Dynasty implemented a recruitment system. Through recruitment and martial arts examinations, martial arts talents and military training adopted a unified "teaching method" and formulated unified assessment standards. The standardization and systematization of military training promoted the improvement of martial arts. This

During this period, the types of weapons greatly increased, their shapes were complex, and various weapons and martial arts showed a diversified trend. At the same time as the development of military martial arts, folk martial arts flourished, and folk associations were very common. The prosperity of commerce and the growth of the citizen class promoted the development of urban culture.

Development. Not only martial arts associations with fitness and entertainment as their main purposes have appeared in the city, but also mass entertainment venues "Washe" and "Goulan" that meet the entertainment needs of citizens have appeared. There are rich martial arts performances in Wase and Goulan.

Colorful and large-scale. In addition to competitive wrestling and hand fighting, Taozi martial arts developed greatly in the Song Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, there was a long-term confrontation with the Xia, Liao, and Jin ethnic minority regimes, and wars continued. Military preparations were put on an important agenda. Military skills widely used in wars became the focus of the Song army's training, that is, "teaching war and defense" and "training the army."

.Since combat is mainly based on bow and crossbow shooting, and is used in conjunction with various weapons, there are clear regulations on teaching archery, teaching swords, and teaching spears. According to the second volume of the first volume of "Wu Jing Zong Yao": "As for the use of weapons for holding troops,

There is also a method to the blade. Anyone who teaches swordsmanship should first learn how to hold it and then get used to it."

During the second reform period, the "Teaching Law" was promulgated many times, which clearly stipulated the training content, training methods, and equipment used, and became a code for guiding training. The "Teaching Law" was promulgated in September of the second year of Yuanfeng (1079 AD).

In the "Image of Teaching and Combination", there are Dharma images for shooting on foot, shooting arrows, moving hands and feet, shooting on horseback, using horses and spears, fighting in the field on horseback, etc., so that the soldiers can recite and practice them.

The promulgation of "Image" has a positive guiding and promoting role in military training.

There are also clear and detailed regulations on the martial arts assessment of the Song Dynasty army. The assessment of the crossbow level of the sergeants mainly depends on the "bow and crossbow fighting power" and the accuracy of archery. In October of the first year of Yuanfeng (AD 1078), the imperial edict was issued

"The Examination of Military Skills in the School in Beijing" is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. According to Volume 293 of "Changbian": "In infantry shooting, if you hit three out of six shots, you will be the first; if you hit two, you will be the second."

and so on; the first one is the third class"; "The gun and sword are both ranked hand-to-hand, and the winner is the best." It also stipulates that "the one who beats three people in spear and sword skills will be regarded as outstanding in martial arts." In order to achieve

Under unified assessment standards, all Taoist Imperial Guards "practice martial arts day and night."

The rulers of the Song Dynasty attached great importance to the summary and promotion of military training experience. In the fourth year of Qingli, the "She Qin Ge" was promoted among the armies, and in the Yuanfeng period, the "Southeast Crossbow Array Method" was promoted. The promotion of training experience and the implementation of the teaching method were all based on

Full-time instructors - "teachers" were implemented. In the fourth year of Qingli (1044 AD), "officials were sent to teach Hebei sergeants in Shaanxi formations", which meant that the central government sent instructors to implement the teaching method. Wang Anshi's "The Art of War" even more

It was established as a system, that is, the central government would send people with high martial arts skills to serve as instructors in various armies, "to make the soldiers know their generals and to train their soldiers." In order to meet the needs, short-term training or rotating training methods were also adopted at that time.

Grassroots instructors. In the second year of Yuanfeng, Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty promulgated the "Law of the Prefecture-wide Integrated Teaching and Chief Security Officers", which stipulated that every two counties should set up a "teaching field" to focus on the chief security officer training. In this way, a training network was formed from top to bottom.

The unified requirements issued by the imperial court are reviewed step by step and inspected every year. The instructors only have the responsibility of training, but do not have the power to command the army. Therefore, their main energy is spent on studying martial arts, which is very important for improving the level of training and weaponry skills.

All are of great significance.

There are many kinds of weapons in the Song Dynasty, with complex shapes and diversified characteristics. Bows and crossbows are the main long-range weapons of the Song army. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Huayue wrote in "Cuiweibei Zhenglu·Gong Zhi": "There are six out of thirty weapons, and

The bow is the first; there are eight out of ten martial arts skills, but the bow is the first." As a long-range weapon, the crossbow occupies an important position in military equipment. The Divine Arm Bow is an excellent crossbow weapon developed by Song Shenzong, with a long range

It is more than 240 steps away, about 372 meters away, and "still penetrates the elm wood without half a pole", which shows its power. Although the Song army mainly focused on shooting with bows and crossbows, they also paid attention to the reasonable deployment of various weapons.

and practice. "In addition to practicing bows and crossbows, horse and infantry troops must also learn knives, swords, iron whips, short spears and the like." ("Collected Works of Mr. Henan") As a short weapon, knives were further improved in the Song Dynasty.

The long and narrow square knife head was changed to a sharp front and an oblique shape, with a hand guard, and the large oblate ring and bird and animal ornaments were removed. In addition to hand knives, various long-handled broadswords also appeared, with names such as

Knife, bent knife, Yanyue knife, halberd knife, eyebrow-tip knife, phoenix-mouth knife, pen knife, etc. During the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, a kind of "slashing saber" was also made.

It is a large ring." The sword was regarded as a weapon in actual combat at that time.

The types of guns in the Song Dynasty were relatively complex. According to the "Illustrations of Equipment" in Volume 13 of the Song Dynasty's "General Martial Arts", the guns used by infantry and cavalry included double-hook guns, single-hook guns, ring guns, plain wood guns, and crow-necked guns.

There are nine types of guns, awl guns, shuttle guns, mallet guns, and Taining pen guns, which are called "gun-knife colors." These guns use wood as the shaft, with an upper blade and a lower sword. The cavalry uses a gun with a barb on the side.

There are rings on the pole, such as double hooks, single hooks and other guns; the guns used by infantry are straight blades without hooks, such as plain wood, crow neck and other guns. The awl gun has a four-edged blade and is "indestructible". Taining pen gun

, a small iron plate is installed a few inches below the blade, and there are blades around it, so that the enemy "cannot catch". In addition to the above-mentioned gun types, there were also guns specially used for siege and defense in the Song Dynasty. The types of guns during this period were not only large-scale

It surpassed the Tang Dynasty, and the techniques have also developed. Spears are mainly used for direct thrusts, and soldiers are trained to "stop and raise their hands to stab, taking forty as the basis" ("Song History" Volume 195 "Bing Zhi").

Forty consecutive stabbings were not only an assessment of the soldiers' skills, but also an assessment of their physical strength and arm strength. At that time, "there were five or six hundred strong gunmen who could stab", which shows that "the stronger the force, the stronger the force."

The higher the fighting power, the higher the fighting power" (Wang Qi's "Xu Wen Tong Kao" Volume 164 "Military Examination·Jiaoyue"). In the Song Dynasty, in addition to common weapons such as guns and knives, there were also tribulus, garlic, axes, and sticks.

, iron whip, iron mace and other miscellaneous weapons.

There were also martial arts performances in the army of the Song Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the army recruited some artists who were good at martial arts and acrobatics to specialize in skills for performances. Meng Yuanlao wrote in the seventh volume of "Tokyo Menghua Lu" "Jiadeng"

"Baojinlou Army Presents Hundreds of Plays" records the grand occasion of the performance at that time: "There were more than a hundred soldiers with colorful makeup, light and healthy soldiers in the front line, flags, each holding a pheasant tail barbarian sign and a wooden sword, and they first formed a line, worshiping and dancing, changing to open the door and seize the prize."

Wait for the formation on the bridge, and then form the Yanyue formation." "The club resumes the barbarian order." "The two people in the formation come out to dance, like stabbing each other, one is in the posture of fighting hard, and the other is in the position of a dead servant. There are five players on the stage.

Seven pairs, either with spears against cards, swords against cards, etc."; "either holding knives and axes, or pestles and sticks, etc."; or "holding real knives, fighting and stabbing each other, making a gesture of breaking the face and cutting the heart, which is called

"Seven Sacred Swords". These martial arts performances include not only individual training and sparring, but also collective performances of more than a hundred people. This shows the large scale.

Martial arts performances in the military also include "sword dance", "sumo wrestling", etc. This kind of martial arts performance activities carried out according to prescribed procedures and prescribed movements will have an important influence on the development of martial arts in later generations.

The martial arts examination system was abolished in the late Tang Dynasty, and the martial arts examination system was reinstated during the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty. "Song Hui Yao Collection·Selection" records: "On the 23rd of the second month of the seventh year of Renzong Tiansheng's reign, the martial arts examination system was established." This is the martial arts examination of the Song Dynasty.

A sign of the official establishment of the subject. Starting from the seventh year of Tiansheng (AD 1029), the military examination was established along with the Jinshi Zhuji. Before the Yingzong established the system of one tribute examination for three years, the military examination tribute election had no regular schedule. Zhiping (1064 AD)

After the year ~ 1067 AD), the military examinations followed other regular selections and paid tribute every three years. During the Xianchun period of Du Zong (1265 ~ 1274 AD), it did not change.

The martial arts examination procedures in the Song Dynasty were more complicated than those in the Tang Dynasty. In addition to the three examinations of Jie, Province, and Palace, there was also a competition. The competition was a qualification test before the Jie examination, also known as the "introduction test". The competition was supervised by officials from the Ministry of War in the capital.

The marginal area is presided over by the Commander-in-Chief, and is divided into two categories: martial arts and Cheng Wen. The "Explanation Examination" is presided over by the Ministry of War, and the exams are divided into Bow and Horse Martial Arts and Cheng Wen Exams. Among them, the Cheng Wen Exam tests the art of war in the "Seven Books of Martial Arts" or

Strategy questions. The so-called "provincial test" is the test of the Ministry of War. The test of martial arts by the Ministry of War is usually divided into bow shooting, bow and horse shooting, crossbow riding, wielding weapons, knives, guns, etc. Generally, the bow and horse are tested first, and those who are not good at bow and horse are eliminated.

Cheng Wen includes Ce Wen and Mo Yi. The so-called "Mo Yi Test" is to explain the great meanings of military books such as "Tao", "Lue", "Sun", "Wu" and "Sima", "so as to be able to use one's own ideas or draw comments from predecessors"

"Those who explain the meaning clearly and clearly are the masters." (Volume 10 of "Acrobatics of the Government and the Wilderness Since Jianyan") The so-called "Ce Question" refers to the subject of current affairs, border defense or historical affairs involving military aircraft, and is limited to 700 words in writing. Zhenzong Xianping

There have been "palace examinations" during the 19th century, but they have not been customized. In the eighth year of Renzong's Tiansheng reign (1030 AD), "twelve people were personally tested in martial arts", which can be regarded as the beginning of the palace examination. Although the palace examination also included a review of bow and horse martial arts

, but focused on policy questions. Compared with the Tang Dynasty, the martial arts examinations in the Song Dynasty added Cheng Wen. The "Qiao Guan" and "weight-bearing" selections in the Tang Dynasty were no longer included in the martial arts examination subjects in the Song Dynasty.

The martial arts of the Song Dynasty began in May of the third year of the Qingli reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty (1043 AD), and was abolished in March. The martial arts was reestablished in the fifth year of Xining of Shenzong (1072 AD). "The number of martial arts students was one hundred." At that time,

There are different regulations on the qualifications for martial arts admissions: low-level officials, disciples, and civilians who have no taste in Beijing can be admitted after being recommended and assessed by Beijing officials; martial arts candidates recommended by local officials can be admitted without taking the examination.

The method of memorializing martial arts students was still used until the Yuanfeng period. During the Chongning period (1102 AD to 1106 AD), various states established martial arts schools, and most of the martial arts students in the capital were selected and promoted by local examinations. By the second year of Xuanhe

(1120 AD), Yinzhou County martial arts was discontinued, and Yuanfeng method was used to recruit martial arts students. In the 16th year of Shaoxing (1146 AD), martial arts was re-established in Lin'an Prefecture. The Ministry of War issued a martial arts regulations and abandoned the recommendation

The old practice of exemption from examination. From then on, taking the entrance examination became the only way to obtain martial arts student qualifications.

There are three levels of martial arts: upper house, inner house, and outer house. The examination standards are determined according to the grade. From Qingli to Xining years (1041 to 1077 AD), martial arts teachers were called professors, and those who trained civil and military officials who knew the art of war were responsible.

After the restructuring of Yuanfeng (AD 1078~AD 1085), professors were changed to doctors and martial arts edicts were added. In addition to studying the art of war and practicing bow and horse, the martial arts courses also explained "the success or failure of military use in the past dynasties, and the loyalty of previous lives." Academic system

After three years, they were awarded the title after examination. The establishment of martial arts improved the theoretical cultivation of martial arts practitioners, promoted the integration of martial arts with military strategies, and promoted the development of martial arts training theory and tactical thinking.

Thinking of this, Lu Yao couldn't help but think for a moment. Maybe Fu Shaolong was a talent preparing to pass the martial arts examination. Thinking of this, it was not surprising that his martial arts skills were superb.

During the Song Dynasty, a large number of martial arts associations appeared among the people, which formed a major feature of the development of martial arts in that period. The society of the two Song Dynasties was very regional, and the centripetal force of rural communities was very strong, and the rural martial arts associations were based on rural communities.

The "Bow and Arrow Society" is one of these martial arts associations. "Since the peace talks in Shuichanyuan, the people have united themselves into the Bow and Arrow Society. Regardless of the family's wealth, there is only one person in each household. They also recommend each other to choose a family.

The person who is admired by the people for their talents and martial arts skills is the head of the society, the vice-president of the society, who records affairs, and is called the leader."

In addition to the Bow and Arrow Society, from the end of the Northern Song Dynasty to the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, rural residents in various places also organized the "Loyalty Patrol Society", an anti-golden martial arts organization that "integrated soldiers into farmers". "Everyone unites with the number of people in the village and selects those who are feared by the powerful and right-wing people.

He is regarded as a first and second officer, and he has a spear, a staff, a weapon, and armor." (Volume 177 of "Annual Records since Jianyan") It is not only "farming according to the season", but also "teaching martial arts" and "preparing for war against thieves". Zhongyi Tour Society

At that time, it spread all over Shaanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shandong and Fujian provinces, and developed on a large scale. In rural areas, there were also martial arts associations in the form of "she", "fort", "shanzhai", etc., such as "stick society", "bawang"

"Society", "Desperate Society", etc. These organizations are small in scale and mostly combine labor and martial arts. The purpose and scope of the martial arts activities organized by rural associations are also different, either to "correct among themselves and protect the countryside", or

"Separately occupying mountain strongholds and gathering together to protect themselves." Some are to defend against foreign invasion, and some are to resist feudal oppression and exploitation. The common denominator of these association activities is that they all have a strong military training nature. They "gather together to practice martial arts" to practice

Bows, crossbows, knives, and spears are mainly used, highlighting the practicality of martial arts.

With the prosperity of the commercial economy in the Song Dynasty, the citizen class grew, and the citizens' demand for cultural life also continued to expand and improve. Therefore, martial arts societies with the main purpose of fitness and entertainment emerged. In Lin'an Prefecture (now Hangzhou), the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, "struggles for friendship" appeared

The "Kakuda Club", the "Sumo Club", the "Jinbiao Club" for bow and crossbow shooting, the "Arrow Crossbow Club", the "Erotic Strategy Club" for making sticks, etc. Most of these clubs are white, and their members are

The societies vary. For example, the members of the Archery Crossbow Society are mostly samurai and wrestling members, and the Sumo Club is mostly composed of powerful hornfighters. The "Shooting Water Crossbow Society" is a "first-class wealthy man.

"Fashionable children and idlers practice it". ("Meng Liang Lu·Society") Some of the participating members do this for a living, and some do it for entertainment and physical fitness. Martial arts activities are not only an integral part of citizens' life

, and became an indispensable performance item at folk performing arts gatherings and entertainment venues. The emergence of folk martial arts associations in the Song Dynasty promoted the socialization and sportsization of martial arts.

The Song Dynasty inherited the legacy of the Five Dynasties, and jousting activities became more and more prosperous. The forms of activities can be roughly divided into two categories: one is usually performed in civilian entertainment venues such as tile houses; the other is formal competitions, with the nature of so-called "beating" For example, in the Southern Song Dynasty, when there was a competition on the terrace at the south peak of Lin'an Huguo Temple, the most powerful people from various prefectures and counties had to be selected to participate. "Only those who have no opponent in the world can win the reward." ("Meng Liang Lu" Volume 20 "Jiao Du" 》) At this time, sumo wrestling competitions were conducted regardless of weight or level. Victory was determined by skill, wisdom, and courage, and emphasis was placed on methods and techniques. Song Dynasty Luzi's "Wrestling Notes: Statement of Purpose" said: "Those who wrestle, declare Courage means skill and wisdom. However, by using it to decide the outcome and being agile, those who watch will be far away from cowardice and become strong men, already brave and quick." The competition at that time had formal rules - "community rules". The most important of the community rules The principle of competition is to ensure fair competition between both parties and prohibit the use of unfair means. The referee who enforces the rules in the competition is called "Deployment", and the deployment must explain the rules to both contestants before the competition. This kind of wrestling-style competition has become more popular in the Song Dynasty. Complete rules and methods are one of the ancient Chinese martial arts competition forms.

"Jiaodian", which is a performance, was also particularly prosperous in the Song Dynasty. It was not only performed at the Song palace banquets, but also a very popular event in the city's tile houses. In addition to men, women also participated in sumo wrestling. Sumo wrestling is generally There are two people competing, and there is also a sumo performance in which one person pretends to be two people, which is called "Qiao Sumo".

The costumes of sumo wrestling follow the old system since the Han and Tang Dynasties. During the competition, both parties are completely naked in the upper body and barefoot in the lower body. Only shorts are tied around the waist and hips. The head is usually styled in a bun without a crown, and sometimes boots or shoes are also worn on the feet.

The carriage stopped and it had arrived at Lu Mansion.

It's not summer yet, but the breeze blowing on a spring night still makes people feel a little cold.

At this time, in the Lu Mansion, Lu Hao and his wife Xu were taking care of Lu Yao's niece, Lu Qiaoqiao. Lu Xu knew that Lu Yao came back late every day, so he was resting in the room at this time. The whole Lu Mansion looked like Very deserted.

Lu Yao didn't say a word after getting off the car. Tangxi followed Lu Yao into the house. This was the first time Tangxi saw such a young master.

When Lu Yao arrived at the door of his room, Tang Xi saluted and was about to leave. However, Lu Yao, who had already entered the room, suddenly said, "Tang Xi, what kind of person do you think Cao Han is?"

Tangxi did not expect that Lu Yao would ask these words after being silent for a long time, but he still answered very seriously: "Miss Cao Han is a rare temperament among women. She has a straightforward personality. I think she and the young master have a calm personality." It goes well together.”

"Really?" Lu Yao thought for a while and said: "Then do you think that the Cao family did not tell Cao Han about this martial arts contest to recruit a bride? If she knew that Uncle Cao Guo and her brother Cao Ping did this behind her back, Once it comes out, what will be the result?"

"I think," Tangxi said, "Miss Cao Han must be very angry."

When Lu Yao heard this, he sighed first, then nodded and said: "Yes, no one would accept such a marriage suddenly being arranged for him, and he didn't know it, let alone Cao with such a personality. Damn it, she and the others in the Cao Mansion will definitely have a huge quarrel."

After saying this, Lu Yao thought to himself, if it were Han Yunyu, it would be the result of resignation. The biggest difference between Han Yunyu and Cao Han is their understanding of themselves. Han Yunyu feels that she is a young lady of the Han family, and she should marry

In a family that is beneficial to the Han family, Han Yunyu actually doesn't care much about who the other party is. Otherwise, she would not have acquiesced to her father Han Yonghe and Lu Xu of the Lu family even though she knew that she was a playboy before.

Cao Han is different. She is the kind of person who is determined to marry the person she likes. This is also the most important reason why Lu Yao likes Cao Han now. Compared with the women of the Northern Song Dynasty, she is

It’s no exaggeration to describe it as fresh and refined.

"Sir," Tang Xi continued, "what do you think will happen next if Miss Cao Han does not agree to hold this contest to recruit a bride?"

The reason why Tang Xi said this was that if Cao Han did not agree to this martial arts contest, uncle Cao Guo would directly arrange Fu Shaolong for Cao Han to marry. This would affect Lu Yao's kung fu training in the past few days.

It seems very unnecessary.

Lu Yao shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Everything must be arranged. Even if the result has been decided, this formality still has to go. Otherwise, how can we show the prestige and face of the Cao family? Regardless of whether Cao Han agrees or not, this competition to recruit a bride is

These are all imperative things, and our training is not in vain. What I am worried about now is..."

Tangxi saw Lu Yao thinking and said, "What are you worried about, Master?"

Lu Yao shook his head, saying it was nothing, and asked Tangxi to go back and rest first.

After Tangxi left, Lu Yao lay on the bed, thinking about Cao Han, and couldn't help but worry about her.

If she disagrees, what measures will the Cao family take against her?

Look at the Grand Prime Minister of the Northern Song Dynasty and remember the domain name []\
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