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Bianliang Time Moon Chapter 430: Start of the game

In ancient society, there were four classes of people: scholars, farmers, workers, and merchants. Scholars were the lowest nobles, and farmers were common people. In the era of focusing on agriculture and suppressing commerce, craftsmen and merchants were relatively low-status people. Untouchables were the four common people.

There is a lower existence below the social pyramid, which is the group of people at the bottom of the social pyramid, those who have fallen into the "dust". They are too low to appear in the hierarchy of the social pyramid, and are not even called citizens. Their legal status is the same


In a society that keeps slaves, untouchables are slaves. In the Shang Dynasty, slaves were called "servants, slaves, concubines, ministers, and zai" (the original meaning is sinners who serve as domestic slaves). In the Zhou Dynasty, slaves were called "zao, yu, li, liao".

, servant, platform", etc., slaves can be given away, bought and sold, pawned, and even used as "human sacrifices" and "human sacrifices" like animals. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, slaves were called "human slaves", "human concubines" and "luer"

Slaves are all untouchables.

Untouchables were opposed to good people (good people), and were systematically and systematically oppressed. The initial formation of the untouchable system (or the good and untouchable system) was during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. During this historical period, wars were frequent, and tribes and military households appeared.

, miscellaneous households, Lehu and other untouchables who have been inherited from generation to generation. From the nine-level Zhongzheng system in Cao Wei to the household registration system in the Northern Wei Dynasty, a systematic and codified hierarchical system of good and bad people was established. The so-called "household registration" means being included in the household registration

, are free people (good people), the so-called "equal people" means that civilians are all equal before the law. However, there are still some non-registered households, which are non-free people, that is, untouchables. Untouchables are registered separately and are called untouchables.

Personal rights are expressly limited, and same crimes are punished differently. They cannot enjoy equal legal status with civilians, nor can they marry civilians.

The Sui and Tang Dynasties were the mature period of the good and untouchable system. The "Tang Laws" fixed the rights and obligations of good people and untouchables in the form of a code. Good people in the Tang Code include officials at all levels and people with registered households. Untouchables refer to people who have no land in prefectures and counties.

Non-free citizens who have no legal status or are classified as lowly..5

The difference lies in whether they are slaves in the government or in private households. Accordingly, they are divided into official untouchables and private untouchables. Official untouchables include official slaves and maids, official households (households), miscellaneous households, working and music households, etc.; private untouchables include private slaves and maidservants, tribes and maidservants.

, guest girl, waiting with you.

Official slaves and maidservants mainly come from prisoners of war, criminals and their families, and hereditary slaves; official households and miscellaneous households mainly come from criminals who were subjugated to the government and their descendants; craftsmen are mainly recruited from the private sector; Lehu (musicians) mainly come from former dynasty musicians.

And people with dignified appearance or musical talents selected from the criminals who were imprisoned in the government during this dynasty, such as Taichang Yinshengren.

Private slaves mainly come from official slaves, good men who sold themselves or were robbed and sold, hereditary slaves; Buqu, guest girls (daughters of Buqu) mainly come from bankrupt poor people who sold themselves into slavery or slaves were freed; while the slaves are short-term leased


At the turn of the Tang and Song Dynasties, great social changes occurred. The urban commodity economy developed, land ownership changed, and personal dependence relationships also changed.

By the Song Dynasty, the employment relationship had become the mainstream of society, and the tribes, official households, and miscellaneous households that were originally untouchables had basically disappeared. There were very few cases of people like Zhao Pan'er who were imprisoned as slaves in the government due to crimes. The system of exiling criminals as slaves had not existed in the Song Dynasty.

Gradually stopped. During the Renzong period of the Song Dynasty, the employment of slaves was legalized and called "human power" and "female servants". They became the main body of the slave class, and their status belonged to the legal good people. Although the system of slaves and slaves has always existed in ancient society,

But in a legal sense, the systematic system of good and bad people had already disappeared in the Song Dynasty. As for whether the specific time of its demise was in the Northern Song Dynasty or the Southern Song Dynasty, there is still controversy in the historians.

Generally speaking, compared to the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, the status of untouchables in the Song Dynasty was relatively high. The majority of hired slaves in the Song Dynasty were good men in legal status, and they formed "contracts" with their employers in the form of contracts.

"Master and servant status", the status is equivalent to or even higher than that of the tribes in the Tang Dynasty, and two levels higher than the slaves in the Tang Dynasty. The hired slaves in the Song Dynasty are no longer "animal products" or "things", but have certain

"People" with personal rights, their personal rights are taken seriously. Slaves can marry people other than slaves. Masters cannot lynch slaves at will. If masters kill slaves, they will be sentenced to death according to ordinary people's laws.

The official households and miscellaneous households in the Song Dynasty have different meanings from the official households and miscellaneous households in the Tang Dynasty. The official households in the Song Dynasty refer to the families of high-ranking officials, while miscellaneous households refer to prostitutes. The miscellaneous households in the Song Dynasty can be divided into public and private households.

Official prostitutes were under the management of the Department of Music and Music, and were exclusively used to accompany government banquets for entertainment. Their status was lower than that of hired slaves. The Song Dynasty stipulated that court officials were not allowed to have affairs with miscellaneous households in order to protect the reputation and face of the court.

The humble slaves (official and private slaves) in the Tang Dynasty were in the Song Dynasty

In the Yuan and Ming dynasties, the system of slaves who were not prisoners of war or criminals was restored, and the status of these untouchables (expelled people) was still like that of animals.

In the Tang Dynasty, the status of Gong Lehu was between official households and miscellaneous households, already higher than that of tribes. In the Song Dynasty, the official craftsmen were hired, so the status of Gong Lehu was naturally more relaxed and close to good people.

The household level system in the Song Dynasty was far more complete than that of the previous dynasties, and its importance in the tax and servitude system was even more prominent. The transfer and change of the two taxes stipulated the principle of first getting rich and then poor, and from the nearest to the farthest. The upper households were often given more weight than the lower households.

Others, such as Hemai, Yicang, Kepei, etc., have similar regulations. In disaster years, according to the level of the household, the tax of the lower household will be exempted or reduced first, and relief will be provided to the lower household. In terms of labor, the Northern Song Dynasty

In the early and mid-term, the first and second-class households were appointed as chiefs, household heads, lizheng and yaqian, the third-class households were appointed as archers, and the fourth and fifth-class households were appointed as young men. Labor servants were assigned, and sometimes each household was assigned according to the regulations of the household class.

The number of wives. The ancient regime implemented the household-level system in order to maintain the stability of the rule. The purpose was to strengthen the trust and acceptance of the peasants in the imperial government, and at the same time to increase more taxes and servitude. But in the process of implementation, first of all

It was the landlords and local tyrants who destroyed the household class system. Rich households colluded with local officials and often transferred taxes and servitude to poor lower households. Poor and lower-middle peasants who could not maintain their lives turned into bandits. This is also the so-called peasant uprising.

Landlords occupy land, and the main means of exploiting customers is to collect land rent. The tenancy relationship has become the main form of exploitation in the Song Dynasty. There is an oral or written lease contract between the landlord and the tenant. The more popular method of exploitation in the early Song Dynasty was the share-tenancy system.

, land rent generally accounts for more than 50% of the harvest. A few customers have their own cattle, and the income from farming is generally divided in half with the landlord. A considerable number of customers do not have cattle or farm tools, so they rent from the landlord, and generally have to hand over more than 60% of the harvest.

To the landlord. Another method of exploitation is the fixed-rent system, in which the landlord sets a fixed rent. Under the tenancy system, the tenants have more control over production, but the landlord can increase the rent at will.

Craftsmen are the direct producers in the handicraft industry. Most of the official handicraft industries in the Song Dynasty adopted a "post-employment" system between conscription and recruitment. Craftsmen were recruited in turns to serve, and were given employment wages and food money. Private handicraft industries generally adopted and employment.

The employer and the craftsman generally use the labor-employment system based on mutual consent. The government-run handicraft industry also adopts the labor-employment system. In some economically developed areas, there are many machine households, such as Zizhou (now Santai, Sichuan), where there are thousands, but

Ji households are often forced to weave silk by the government or officials, and are paid less or in arrears, resulting in bankruptcy and unemployment.

There are also many wealthy businessmen living in the prefecture and county towns. There are many wealthy businessmen in Bianjing with assets worth one million, and those with assets exceeding 100,000 are "everywhere". For example, the famous "Big Tong Zhang", "Longing up the capital with wealth",

Many scholar-bureaucrats also took advantage of every opportunity to traffic goods, make huge profits, and "get rich every day." The society gradually changed the traditional concept of looking down on merchants, and merchants became one of the "four people" (scholars, farmers, industry, and merchants) in the feudal country, and achieved "all the benefits".

The state allowed "geniuses and strangers" among merchants to take part in the imperial examination, and also allowed their children to take part in the imperial examination. Merchants could also manage tax revenue for the feudal country by accepting recruitment from the court, pay money and millet to the government, and serve as attachés on envoys.

, marrying clan members or officials, making friends with powerful people, and other means to obtain an official position. Businessmen generally purchase land and convert part of their commercial capital into land, turning themselves into simple landowners or businessmen and landowners.

The slaves who work for landlords and wealthy families are partly employed, and partly from trade or debt repayment. The hired slaves are legally called "human workers" and "maids". Human workers and female servants generally have employment contracts with their employers.

State the time limit, wages or body money, etc. The law stipulates that the master is not allowed to kill slaves at will, and is not allowed to stab their faces privately. The status of slaves is much higher than that of previous generations, which marks the further weakening of the remnants of slavery in Song Dynasty society.

After understanding this, we can know why the forty contestants who were originally selected by the Cao family to participate in this competition were so hostile to the ten common people contestants, mainly Fangzhuang and Xiaopang. After them

It seems that these people are not worthy of entering this courtyard to watch the competition. The Cao family has given them a lot of face by letting them come in to watch this arena competition. They are actually not satisfied and want to participate in this competition.

The martial arts competition to recruit a bride.

So what is the identity of Miss Cao Han, and how could she marry an ordinary person? This idea is deeply rooted in the hearts of each of these forty people. Even Fu Shaolong is no exception. He also feels that only

Only a young master from a wealthy family like himself can be worthy of a wealthy lady like Cao Han.

At this time, the competition on the field had also begun. Lu Yao's team chose to do the opposite. They did not rush directly to the center of the ring after Cao Ping announced the start of the competition to ensure that they would not be eliminated soon.

On the contrary, Lu Yao chose the area on the left in order to save his energy to the greatest extent. This was the key to staying until the end.

Lu Yao looked at the situation on the court and discovered that besides himself, there was a group of people who had also made the same choice as him, except that they were on the other side, and they were also five people. Needless to say, these five people

This is the team led by Fu Shaolong.

"I really didn't expect that they would choose the same tactics as us." When Fangzhuang and Xiaopang were chatting with Lu Yao, they actually didn't pay much attention to Fu Shaolong.

Although in terms of status level, Fu Shaolong, as the son of Fu Bi, is not sure how many levels higher than Xiaopang and Fangzhuang. In terms of education, conversation, and conduct, he should be better than Fang.

Zhuang and Xiaopang are much stronger. But even so, Fangzhuang and Xiaopang, as people at the bottom, still think that Fu Shaolong is just a man with good fortune and bad luck. Just like the upper class people look down on the common people.

, the common people at the bottom also think that those so-called dignitaries are just people who don't eat the fireworks of the world, pretend to be aloof, but actually don't know anything. None of them will care about this so-called human world.

Sufferers only think about their own things.

In addition, from the perspective of Fangzhuang and Xiaopang, Fu Shaolong's participation in this contest to recruit a bride did not have any political purpose like Lu Yao did. They only knew that this Fu Shaolong was a **

For the child of the * family, someone will naturally arrange everything for him, so there will be a situation where he is finally determined to be the winner of this competition. In their opinion, maybe this Fu Shaolong does have some skills, otherwise a

For a person who knows nothing, even if he wants to participate in this martial arts competition and is appointed by default, various accidents will still happen. But in the eyes of Fangzhuang and Xiaopang, Fu Shaolong's kung fu should not be too high. He is still

He has to rely more on the other four people in the team to protect him and strive for the final victory.

Therefore, they believe that the core of Fu Shaolong's five-person team is not actually Fu Shaolong. In modern terms, Fu Shaolong can be said to be a gangster who follows the four masters until the end and waits until the field is cleared.

Just give him the victory. Regarding this, Lu Yao had expressed to Fangzhuang and Xiaopang before that Fu Shaolong was Fu Bi's son no matter what. Even if there was a team, his own kung fu and

The thinking ability should not be underestimated. Although Fangzhuang and Xiaopang nodded on the surface at the time, they still did not take Fu Shaolong seriously in their hearts. However, now that the game officially started, Fangzhuang and Xiaopang discovered that everything Lu Yao said was true.

That's right. Fu Shaolong was actually able to think of the same strategy as Lu Yao. He did not run in the direction where there were many people. Instead, he chose the area on the right to wait and see. This was also the form of the observation field, and

Save your energy.

What Xiaopang and Fangzhuang didn't know was that Fu Shaolong didn't originally plan to adopt this strategy. According to his previous thoughts, since everything was already decided, and there were five people on his side,

In addition, there are five people on the field who can be considered as people on one's own side. In this case, entering the center of the field as soon as possible and starting to eliminate other people, a quick victory is the best strategy. However, Fang Zhuang and ten others

The addition of three common people completely disrupted Fu Shaolong's plan. At first, he did not take these ten people seriously. He only thought that they should be people who came to join in the fun, and their fighting power was definitely not enough. But later Fu Shaolong saw that they were just people who came to join in the fun.

Fangzhuang was with Xiaopang here. Although the five members of his team were not too surprised that Fangzhuang defeated Wu Long with one move, it was still a wake-up call for Fu Shaolong. Others could not guarantee it.

But this contestant named Fangzhuang must have come well prepared, and his purpose is very clear, that is, he is here to win the final contestant. In this case, I don’t know the details of the opponent, but I can feel it.

As a master, if he still goes to the center of the field to join in the melee as before, then his physical strength will be exhausted very quickly. When the physical strength on his side is exhausted, if

If Fangzhuang and the others take action, his side will be in great danger. Moreover, Fu Shaolong doesn't know whether Fangzhuang and the others will be as eager to show off their strength and join the melee after the game begins, or whether they will choose to wait and watch to save energy.


Therefore, Fu Shaolong's order to his men was not to act rashly, but to keep their eyes on those people, mainly Fangzhuang, to see their actions. After the game started, Fu Shaolong found that Fangzhuang and the others were not in a hurry.

Going to the center of the field, it was obvious that they were recuperating. So, in response to the decision made by Fangzhuang and his team, Fu Shaolong told the other people in the team that he also chose to stay on the other side and wait until

Let’s wait until the other party takes action.

As for the remaining five people in the team, Fu Shaolong didn't care much. He knew that the core strength was his five people.

Although there are ten people in Fangzhuang's team, five of them are ordinary people who just decided to participate in the game today. Although before the game started, they all expressed that they would obey Fangzhuang's command. But after the game started,

When they saw that Fangzhuang did not intend to dispatch immediately, but watched the excitement from the sidelines, they naturally could not understand the secrets. Therefore, less than five minutes after the start of the game, the other five people

They couldn't stay still anymore. They felt that in this kind of situation, they should win openly and show off their skills. Hiding in such a place was not an option, nor was it the way they wanted to win. Therefore, the five people just

They all rushed to the center of the ring one after another and began to join the melee.

So, what happened after the game started was that the team led by Fu Shaolong and the team led by Fang Zhuang, in the eyes of outsiders, were on the left and right sides of the field and stood still, while the middle of the ring was fighting very fiercely.

And the reason why no one else will challenge Fu Shaolong or Lu Yao's team in the initial stage is because these ten people, a group of five people, are obviously well prepared, and they are

Appearing in the form of a small team. If one or two people blindly want to challenge them, then they will naturally be eliminated. What's more, Fangzhuang has just demonstrated his strength. Those who feel that their kung fu level is not as good as Wu's

The dragon guys would never take the risk to challenge Fangzhuang and the others.

All this was seen by the officials watching the battle in the attic.

"What is the origin of this group of people? I don't believe that Fangzhuang is an ordinary person." At this time, the person who is most concerned about this game, besides Cao Guojiu, is Fu Bi. This group competition is related to them.

The future of a wealthy family is not just as simple as an engagement.

Yan Shu on the side looked at Fangzhuang's team and said: "That's true. If it were just ordinary people, how could five people choose to gather together directly after the start of the game? And I think they are all people who listen to Fangzhuang. You

Looking at the man wearing the mask, I would say he is on par with Fang Zhuang in kung fu and is a player who specializes in eliminating people."

Fu Bi frowned.

On the third floor of the attic, Uncle Cao Guo looked at the situation on the field and asked Cao Ping: "How can this man wearing a mask be allowed to join this game? If he wins, taking off the mask will make him look ugly.

What should people do?"

Han Yonghe, who was watching the excitement, was not worried about this and said: "I think Cao Ping must think that he and Fangzhuang are together. Even if this person can stay until the end, he must stay with Fangzhuang."

In the end, a person of his status is just paving the way for Fangzhuang, so that’s why I didn’t care about his mask just now.”

In fact, Cao Ping had not recovered from the heckling atmosphere called by Xiaopang just now, so when registering, he did not ask too much about Jin Yu. But now he heard that Han Yonghe had found a very good person for him.

Cao Ping nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, now it is obvious that this guy is following Fangzhuang."

Uncle Cao Guo snorted and didn't say anything else. What Lu Yao didn't expect was that the original purpose of wearing this mask was to draw everyone's attention to Fangzhuang, so that he could hide his identity.

, and secondly, you can prevent yourself from becoming so prominent.

Unexpectedly, although most of everyone's eyes have been on Fangzhuang,

But he became the second focus of everyone's attention. However, no one knew the true identity of this man named Jin Yu. They just thought that he was a thug in Fangzhuang's team, and because of Lu

The mask worn by Yao aroused a stronger curiosity, which Lu Yao did not expect.

Back to the game, except for the five people from Lu Yao's team and the five people from Fu Shaolong's team, the battle between the other thirty people on the field was very fierce. Although the two teams were standing on the left and right sides,

However, thirty people were engaged in a melee in the central area, and the scope of the impact was getting wider and wider. After five minutes, players who were eliminated began to appear. As Lu Yao expected, he just left the team and went straight to the central area.

Of the other five common people, about ten minutes had passed since the opening, and three of them had been eliminated. The remaining two, seeing that the momentum was not right, were also preparing to return to Lu Yao's side.

However, when they came back, they happened to bring two people who were chasing them. Now, the first and second opponents of Lu Yao and his team were determined. Those two people may be

Because the two civilian players were too weak, their eyes were full of disdain for Lu Yao's team.
This chapter has been completed!
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