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Bianliang Time Moon Chapter 436 Surrounded

While Lu Yao and others were flexing their muscles in the arena, Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi, who were far away at the border, were also negotiating with Daxia. At the same time, Wang Anshi and Lu Yao proposed to first find out the opponent's military strength.

Deployment and equipment, as well as investigation of some surrounding environments are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

If normal historical development were followed, Li Yuanhao would take the initiative in the war between Song and Xia, and the final result would be a peace negotiation between Song and Xia.

The Qingli Peace Agreement was a peace agreement reached between Song Renzong and Xixia in the fourth year of Qingli (1044, the seventh year of the Western Xia Dynasty's ritual ceremony). After the Song-Xia war broke out, the Song Dynasty suffered repeated defeats, suffered heavy losses, and shocked the government and the public. Moreover, military expenditures were huge and the people were burdened

Xixia also suffered serious losses in the war with the Song Dynasty. Because the two sides stopped trading with each other, Xixia's domestic supplies became increasingly scarce, so they sent envoys to negotiate peace with the Song Dynasty. In October of the fourth year of Qingli (1044), the two sides agreed: 1 Xixia leader

Yuan Hao agreed to cancel the imperial title and be canonized as the Lord of Xia by the Song Dynasty; 2 The Song Dynasty gave Xixia 130,000 pieces of silk, 50,000 taels of silver, and 20,000 jins of tea every year. There were also other annual rewards, totaling 150,000 pieces of silk, and 150,000 pieces of silver.

70,000 taels, 30,000 jins of tea; 3 re-opened trade with Baoanjun (now Zhidan, Shaanxi), Gaopingzhai (now Guyuan, Ningxia) and other border settlements. It is known as the "Qingli Peace Conference" in history.

In October of the first year of Baoyuan of the Song Dynasty (1038), Yuanhao (also known as Xiaoxiao), the vassal king of Xiping in the Northern Song Dynasty, proclaimed himself emperor. The country was named Daxia, the reign was named Yanzuo, and the history was called Xixia. The next year, Song Renzong issued an edict to seize Yuan Hao's possessions.

In the Song Dynasty, he was given official titles and surnames, and the Jiedu envoy of the Dingnan Army offered a reward for his head. Yuan Hao then sent troops to attack the Song Dynasty, provoking the Song-Xia war, which lasted from the first year of Kangding (1040, the third year of Yanzuo's reign of Heaven's Rite and Law) to the second year of Qingli

(1042, the fifth year of Yanzuo's reign) successively defeated the Song army at the Battle of Sanchuankou, the Battle of Haoshuichuan, and the Battle of Dingchuanzhai, captured Song generals Liu Ping and Shi Yuansun, and killed Ren Fu and Ge Huaimin. The Song Dynasty was powerless.

After Xixia was eliminated, the peace opinion prevailed, but Xixia was defeated by Jingtai, Zhiyuanzhou of the Song Dynasty during further attacks, and was unable to achieve its goal of "visiting the Wei River in person and directly occupying Chang'an".

As the militarily dominant party, Yuan Hao decided to cease war and negotiate peace mainly for three reasons:

Years of war have made Xixia's fragile economy no longer able to bear the burden of continuing large-scale wars, leaving everyone in poverty;

Due to the strategies of Fan Zhongyan and others who knew Yanzhou in the Song Dynasty, the military defense capabilities of the Song Dynasty were significantly strengthened. They also strengthened the walls and cleared the fields, strictly guarded the city walls, and did not engage in direct confrontation with Xixia, making it difficult for Xixia to make new achievements.

After the Khitan took advantage of the war between Song and Xia to ask for more coins from the Song Dynasty and was satisfied, they then put pressure on Xixia. Yuan Hao and the Khitan were at odds, and Xixia faced a dangerous situation of being attacked by the two major powers.

Compared with the supplies gained from the war between Song and Xia in the Song-Xia war, Xixia's gains outweighed its losses. Before the founding of the country and the proclaimed emperor, Xixia could receive an "annual gift" of ten thousand taels of silver from the Song Dynasty every year.

Thousands of pieces of silk and 20,000 guan of money were an important source of income for the Xia State. In the border settlements, the Dangxiang people also exchanged the green and white salt and livestock products produced within the territory for grain, tea and other handicraft products of the Song Dynasty. These materials

They are all necessities of life for the people of Xia State. Today, the Song Dynasty implemented an economic blockade policy, stopped "yearly gifts", closed the market, prohibited the entry of green and white salt, and prohibited bilateral trade, thus dealing a fatal blow to Xia State's economy. In

In the war between Xia and Song Dynasties, although the Xia Kingdom won a victory, the country also suffered many casualties. As the saying goes, "Injury to the enemy by one thousand will cost you eight hundred." This led Yuan Hao to recruit more and more troops to launch the war.

Difficulties. According to the military system of Xixia, the youth of each tribe are engaged in production in peacetime. In wartime, everyone is a soldier, either as a regular soldier or as a handyman. At the sound of a call, they are led by the tribal leader and dispatched immediately. They also have to provide their own horses and

Food. After Yuan Hao became emperor, he used troops against the Song Dynasty for many years, leaving no one to cultivate the fields and no one to graze the cattle and sheep. Even many tribal leaders opposed further war.

In short, due to the heavy losses of manpower, material resources and financial resources due to successive years of war, a serious economic crisis occurred. Xixia's "finance was not provided", which seriously hindered the economic and social development of Xixia. In addition, due to the interruption of private trade, the people of Xixia "

There was no tea to drink, and the clothes were expensive." There were many complaints, so that there were rumors among the people that they were "not as good as they were." In addition, there was a rift between Xixia and Khitan. Therefore, Xixia was willing to negotiate for peace.

In the first month of the second year of Kangding (1041, the fourth year of Yanzuo's reign), Yuanhao sent people to Jingyuan to beg for peace. He also sent Gao Yande, the leader of Gui Saimen Village, to Yanzhou, and agreed with Fan Zhongyan, who knew Yanzhou, that he would arrive on the 29th of the first month.

After Fan Zhongyan of the Security Army saw Gao Yande, he realized that Yuan Hao was not sincere and had no reputation, so he did not dare to report it to the Song court, so he sent prisoner Han Zhou to bring a letter of persuasion written by him and send it to Yuan Hao together with Gao Yande. February

While Yuan Hao launched the Battle of Shuichuan, he asked his confidant Ye Li Wangrong to reply to Fan Zhongyan with even more arrogant words. Fan Zhongyan burned the letter in front of the Xixia envoy and reported the copy to the Song court. He was then demoted due to the private correspondence.

He also transferred to know Yaozhou, and Song Renzong knew Yanzhou with Pang Ji.

In the second year of Qingli (1042, the fifth year of Yanzuo's reign of Heavenly Rituals), Pang Ji reported that Yuan Hao had been defeated by Xi Siluo, the Yeli family was in rebellion, drought and rat plagues occurred, and a serious economic crisis occurred, and he wanted to ask for peace. So he let

Liu Zheng, the Zhibaojun, wrote a letter to persuade Yeli Wangrong to surrender. Yeli Wangrong pretended to send Langmi, Shangbeg, Mei Niang and other three people to Qingjian County to ask for surrender. Zhong Shiheng, an educated Qingqing Jiancheng, also sent his subordinate Wang Song with wax.

Shu Ye met Ye Li Wangrong and tried to drive a wedge between Yuan Hao and Ye Li Wangrong. Ye Li Wangrong reported it to Yuan Hao. Yuan Hao was originally on guard against the Ye Li family, so he became more suspicious of Ye Li Wangrong and imprisoned Wang Song.

In the cellar, he sent his coach Li Wengui to the Song Dynasty to express that the Xixia country was exhausted and willing to negotiate peace. Pang Ji did not believe his words and detained Li Wengui in Qingjian City for several months. After the Battle of Dingchuan Village, the Song Dynasty became "increasingly tired of it"

Soldiers" and had no intention of fighting again. The Khitan envoy also said, "Yuan Hao wanted to return to the Southern Dynasty but did not dare. If the Southern Dynasty welcomes him with good courtesy, he should clean up his mind and make a new start." So the Song court ordered Pang Ji to recruit him in late October

He accepted Yuan Hao and asked Yuan Hao to declare himself a minister to the Song Dynasty. Pang Ji then returned Li Wengui and sent a message to Yuan Hao, "Repent and do good, and I will become a minister and return the money to bring peace to each other's people. The court will treat your lord with more courtesy than before."

Yuan Hao was unwilling to initiate peace talks on his own. Seeing that Song Fang went to make peace first, he released Wang Song. More than a month later, he sent Li Wengui with Ye Li Wangrong, Ye Li Wangling, Wei Minghuan, Wo Yuzheng and others.

He sent a letter to Yanzhou to discuss peace with Pang Ji, but he still refused to give up his title, saying, "If the sun is in the middle of the sky, we can only follow the sky to the west, and An can go against the sky to the east." However, the Song Dynasty still allowed peace talks, so Pang Ji

There were repeated negotiations with Li Wengui, the envoy of Xixia, around the issue of "false title", but they never broke down. The two parties agreed that only when Yuan Hao deposed his imperial title could his credentials be conveyed to the Song court.

In the first month of the third year of Qingli (1043, the sixth year of Yanzuo's reign), Yuan Hao sent He Congxu, the envoy of Liuzhao and the governor of Yizhou, to the Song Dynasty with his credentials, claiming to be the son of the Song Emperor, that is, the "Nan Bang Ni Ding Guo Wu".

He wrote to his father "Emperor of the Song Dynasty" in the morning. The Song court approved him to come to Kaifeng, and agreed to ennoble Yuan Hao as the Lord of Xia, open the forgery field, and provide silk, tea and other "annual gifts". In April, the security army judge Shao Liangzuo was sent to sign the letter.

He went to Xixia as an envoy with the title of Zhulang. At the end of July, the Xixia envoy Lu You Ruding, Xingshe Liao Li and others came to Kaifeng with Shao Liangzuo. Song Renzong received them at Zichen Hall. Xixia made eleven requests, including:

Ask for peace; ask for the Song Dynasty to cut off land; ask for the Song Dynasty to cut off households; ask for trade with Kaifeng; ask for the Song Dynasty to stop repairing border towns; ask for the Song Dynasty to send courtiers to receive Xia envoys; ask for the title of male but not minister (retaining the "false title");

Selling green salt; asking for advancement, serving the Qianyuan Festival (the birthday of Song Renzong) and congratulations; asking for yearly gifts; asking for oaths and edicts.

The officials of the Song Dynasty were opposed to most of Yuan Hao's demands, especially the one of "calling him a man but not a minister". In August, the Song Dynasty sent Zhang Zixu, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, and Wang Zhenglun, the Right Attendant, on an envoy to Xixia. In December, Yuan Hao sent another envoy to Xixia.

Zhang Yanshou went to the Song Dynasty as an envoy. At this time, Yuan Hao faced the threat of the Khitan, so he compromised with the Song Dynasty and agreed to become a minister. Afterwards, negotiations mainly focused on the amount of annual gifts. In May of the fourth year of Qingli (1044, the seventh year of Yanzuo)

Later, Yin Yuze and Yang Shousu were sent to the Song Dynasty as envoys to finalize the conditions. In September, Yang Shousu was sent to submit an oath to the Song Dynasty to abide by the content of the peace agreement. Song Renzong issued an oath edict on the second day of October, marking the completion of the Qingli peace agreement.

The content of the Qingli peace negotiation was: Yuan Hao deposed his imperial title, became a minister to the Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty canonized him as the Lord of the Xia Kingdom;

The Song Dynasty gave Xixia 130,000 pieces of silk, 50,000 taels of silver, and 20,000 jins of tea. In addition to the Qianyuan Festival and Hezheng gifts and the midwinter gift of seasonal clothes, the total was 150,000 pieces of silk, 70,000 taels of silver, and 20,000 jins of tea.

Thirty thousand catties, in addition to the Xixia king's birthday gifts of two thousand taels of silverware, one thousand pieces of fine clothing, and two thousand pieces of miscellaneous silk as birthday gifts; the generals, soldiers, and households captured by both sides during the Song-Xia war will no longer be returned to the other side


From then on, if the people on the border between Song and Xia fled to each other's territory, they could not send troops to pursue them, and both sides would return the fleeing people to each other; in the Song-Xia war, the Song Dynasty occupied by Xixia took over the territory of Kaochuan, Sickle, Nan'an, Chengpingdi and other border areas.

All Han residential areas were demarcated from the middle; both Song and Xia were free to build castles on their own territory.

After the Qingli Peace Agreement was reached, Song Renzong sent Zhang Zixi and Zhang Shiyuan as chief and deputy envoys in December of that year. They named Yuanhao the Lord of Xia and gave him the "Seal of the Lord of Xia" with a gold-coated silver seal. However, Yuanhao pursued the policy of being an external king and an internal emperor.

, and in order to support one side's sole emperor status, he was unwilling to receive the envoys of the Song Dynasty with guest courtesy in front of the people of Xia State, exposing his vassal status to the Song Dynasty, and blocked the envoys sent by the Song Dynasty in Youzhou (today's Jingbian, Shaanxi)

East), set up a embassy and settled them to prevent them from going to Xingqingfu, the capital of the Xia Kingdom. At the same time, the Song government also decided to set up two offices in Anping of the Baoan Army (today's Zhidan, Shaanxi) and the Zhenrong Army (today's Guyuan, Ningxia).

The trade between the two sides resumed, but the sale of green salt in Xixia was prohibited. The peace between Song and Xia lasted for less than twenty years. During the Jiayou period of Renzong of the Song Dynasty, Xixia invaded the border again, and the Song Dynasty stopped annual gifts. After Song Shenzong, Song Xia

Peace and war are unpredictable, and the Qingli Peace Conference is often difficult to implement. After the Southern Song Dynasty, Song and Xia did not border each other, and the Qingli Peace Conference existed in name only.

At this time, Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi were in the camp, discussing the next strategy.

"The most important thing for us now is to stabilize each other and not start a war so quickly." Fan Zhongyan thought for a moment and then said.

Han Qi nodded, he also knew that starting a war at this time would be harmful to the Song Dynasty, and then said: "I think the emperor wants to wait until a new batch of talents appear, and then select some capable people among them.

, let them come to this borderland."

Fan Zhongyan frowned. He naturally knew that there was nothing wrong with what Han Qi said, but when he thought about the emperor's purpose of sending new people here, Fan Zhongyan became a little upset.

"I hope that the people on the list this time will no longer be mainly scholars. Our country still needs some generals who can lead troops to fight. The current situation is no joke."

After saying this, Fan Zhongyan thought of the Daxia army he had seen before. Both in terms of military appearance and combat capabilities, Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi agreed that they should be above the Song Dynasty's military strength.

Of course, it doesn’t matter how many soldiers there are. The main thing is who leads the troops. Since ancient times, there have been many battles in which the weak defeated the strong and the small defeated the large. Therefore, this is what Fan Zhongyan hopes to be among these people who can be named on the gold list.

Military genius appears.

"What do you think of Lu Yao?" Han Qi said from the side.

Fan Zhongyan was a little surprised. He looked at Han Qi. In his impression, Han Qi's relationship with Lu Yao could not be said to be very good, at least not that they liked him. However, at this time, the first thing Han Qi thought of was Lu Yao.

, indeed there was something that Fan Zhongyan didn’t expect.

Seeing Fan Zhongyan's expression, Han Qi naturally knew what he meant, so he continued: "I know what you are thinking, sir. Regarding Lu Yao's personality, I have always felt that this person is a bit informal. However, he is good at poetry.

He is indeed a talented person. As for leading troops to fight, we need to investigate more, but when we were in Fanlou, the suggestions made by Lu Yao were very good. At present, our army has also sent soldiers to those important locations.


Fan Zhongyan nodded and said: "You are right. I don't know why, but I always feel that Lu Yao's talent should not only be limited to the literary aspect of reciting poems and composing poems, but he should also be a good hand in leading troops to fight.

, no need to read, he will definitely be on the list for this imperial examination, and then he should get married to the Miss Han family, and after that, your Majesty will definitely send him to be imprisoned here if nothing else happens."

"Well, calculated this way, the time is neither too long nor too short. Before that, we still have to deal with the opponent as much as possible." Han Qi said.

At this time, the central figure in the conversation between the two, Lu Yao, was working hard in the arena competition.

Under the mask, Lu Yao sneezed, wondering who was talking about him.

The situation on the field at this time is that as Fangzhuang's team entered the central area of ​​the ring, the fighting became more intense. Although most people did not want to provoke Fangzhuang and the others, because of their joining, their activity area began to change.

As the numbers got smaller, there was no way to avoid more fights between them. In addition, the teams of Li Cheng and Fu Shaolong were still eliminating players, so fifteen minutes after the start of this competition,

There are exactly thirty players left, and among these thirty players, three appear in teams. There are three teams in total, and among these three teams, the weakest one should be

Li Cheng's team. After all, there are only three people left in their team, and in terms of kung fu strength, they had played against Fangzhuang's team before and had already eliminated two people. Although the team leader Li Cheng's kung fu strength

Not bad, but in the one-on-one duel with Fangzhuang, he did not take advantage and was almost eliminated. This team secretly arranged by Cao Guojiu, if Li Cheng is eliminated, the remaining people will be a mess. Except

Apart from these three people, the rest is a team of five people. There are two teams in total. In the eyes of outsiders, they are the team led by Fangzhuang and the team led by Fu Shaolong. However, the ordinary people present present now,

I only know that the five people in Fangzhuang are in the same team, and they haven’t seen any clues about Li Cheng and Fu Shaolong’s team. However, in their opinion, they are all common people and should stick together, so the five people in Fangzhuang chose

There is nothing wrong with collective action, otherwise the final result will be that they will be eliminated directly like the few common people players in Yiyi. These common people think that there should be only Fangzhuang team on the field, but the officials watching the game in the attic

Everyone, they all know what uncle Cao Guo is planning by now. They are also watching the teams of Li Cheng and Fu Shaolong. Among them, the officials are divided into two groups. On one side is Cao Guoshu.

Guojiu and Cao Ping are the officials who have a good relationship with the Cao family and want to see Fu Shaolong win the final victory. On the other side, Han Yonghe is the leader and they hope that Fangzhuang's team can win the final victory.

of victory.

In addition to the thirteen people from these three teams, there are still seventeen participating members on the field. They are all among the previous forty contestants. These people can remain on the field for a quarter of an hour without being eliminated.

It shows that their kung fu is pretty good. After all, they can still survive under the siege of Fu Shaolong and Li Cheng. The next battle will only be more cruel because Fu Shaolong's team joins the battle.

, which means that the Cao family must speed up the pace of the game and eliminate the remaining seventeen people as quickly as possible.

On Lu Yao's side, that is, Fang Zhuang's team also began to change their strategy. From the beginning, Lu Yao and Fang Zhuang's plan was actually to wait and watch on the sidelines to save energy. But as the game progressed,

Obviously Li Cheng's team could not let Lu Yao and the others rest any longer, so the opponent chose to take the initiative to attack. Although the effect was not very good, the physical strength of the five members of Fangzhuang's team was also consumed to varying degrees. In addition,

On the other hand, the reason why Lu Yao did not take action was because Fu Shaolong's team had adopted the same wait-and-see attitude from the beginning. However, as the game progressed, Fu Shaolong's team had already entered the center of the field to join the melee.

, it’s not that Fangzhuang’s team can’t continue to adopt a wait-and-see attitude at this time, but in this way, after the other players are eliminated by Fu Shaolong and Li Cheng’s team, the number of people left must be larger than their own.

The five-person team has a large number of people. In this case, you will fall into a very passive situation. The opponent will fight with more and less. Instead of trying to solve the problem then, it is better to join in the melee now.

In the situation, what they want to do is naturally different from Fu Shaolong and Li Cheng. Their first goal is Li Cheng's team and eliminate them. In the end, there are five people from their own team and Fu Shaolong's team left on the field.

Lu Yao's plan is for two teams of five or ten people to compete.

Therefore, the current Fangzhuang team has entered the central area of ​​the arena to look for opportunities. However, at this time, the teams of Li Cheng and Fu Shaolong misjudged the dynamics of the Fangzhuang team. They felt that the current strategy adopted by the Fangzhuang team

Like themselves, they should also eliminate the other seventeen players. They had no idea that they had become the opponent's primary target for elimination.

On the field at this time, one of Li Cheng's team was about to give a last blow to a player who was not as good as him to eliminate him. However, this move was blocked by one person.

The person who blocked him was none other than Xiaopang in Fangzhuang's team. Because Xiaopang was the first person to propose that the common people should join this competition, all the contestants had some feelings for him.

Impression. Xiaopang took action to prevent Li Cheng's team members from eliminating the others. This move surprised everyone in Li Cheng's team. It must be said that Fang Zhuang and others eliminated two members of Li Cheng's team in order to avenge the two common people players.

members, including the two previous pursuers, they can still understand that after all, they are all contestants competing as ordinary people. But now, the ones they eliminated are the people from the original forty contestants. Why did Fangzhuang

Is the team going to help them now?

Li Cheng really didn't understand, because the three of them were acting together, so Xiaopang's behavior just now made Li Cheng and the three of them alert. And then they discovered that including Fang Zhuang and the masked man

All five people from Fangzhuang's team formed a circle, directly surrounding the three of them.

"Are you going to eliminate us?" Li Cheng is not a fool. This formation reminds him of the situation when Fangzhuang and the others eliminated the two pursuers. It seems that the other party is very confident in their own kung fu. They are

We should take this opportunity to directly eliminate our own team.

Uncle Cao Guo, who was in the attic, was very surprised when he saw this scene and said: "Why did they directly target Li Cheng and the others? Shouldn't we first eliminate those contestants with weak kung fu at this time?"

Han Yonghe on the side smiled slightly and said: "I think there is nothing wrong with the strategy they adopted. They will deal with Li Cheng's team first, and then they can compete with Fu Shaolong's team in the end."

This chapter has been completed!
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