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Bianliang Time Moon Chapter 437: Attack with all strength

Guo Shuo



�This golden feather�

His real identity is Lu Yao


Why is he still there?



"The one who rejoices in misfortune"

What did Uncle Cao Guo say?

no doubt


among those who fight


The one who hopes Fangzhuang wins is...

�Forever together




The angle from which I stand is naturally to go to Fangzhuang.

Thinking about the next strategy

At this time

The other party counts Fu Shaolong and Li Cheng's children.


There are eight people in total



�Although there are five people now

�But next�


What time




The situation on the field



�Although other


You may not have it in your hand


The opponent's banker



�But no�


�They all fight on their own

�Only by �

personal or

�is formed temporarily�


Defeat Fangzhuang's little girl

It's absolutely impossible

�Even if it's Li Cheng's�

�Three people were dispatched

�Including Li Cheng


Everyone has seen the final result

�Two people eliminated

�Li Cheng almost came�

Defeated by Fangzhuang


�In fact, other people on the field�



For Fangzhuang, members

�is very small


�It belongs to Li Cheng and Fu Shaolong.


Maybe later

�To myself�



What to say

�There are eight people on the other side

�There are only five people here



The members of � have already shown their strength

�Fu Shaolong's side

�Because of his�


After the game, there will be



Then go to the central area

Join the melee

�Their opponents�


This book





�face them

�Even if you show your own


�But the strength is in the end�


�How many skills are hidden?


Not sure


�Fangzhuang Xiao�

At this time




Li Cheng and Fu Shaolong


�Go find it first�


Seven people started

�is a very incorrect decision

on the contrary

�Just because I have enough confidence in myself


As they are now


�Is to eliminate Fu Shaolong or � as much as possible?

�Li Cheng�

�people among

Come for yourself

later time

�The decisive battle�



Now this situation

�give way�


Players survive longer

�come to �

�Eight people form a physical waste�




�This should be why�

What happened to Fangzhuang Xiaoxu just now?

Come to the rescue


hand's hand


This is

kind of signal


Most of the seven people did not want to challenge Fang Zhuang and the others

�But that doesn’t mean no one has this idea

But it just happened



�It's equivalent to Fangzhuang giving it to them�



�At least at this stage

Fangzhuang and the others are not

�With this�



hand as target


It was Li Cheng who was dealing with

Now that this signal has been sent



Seven people should

It’s the mind that leads the mind

�Both parties�

The water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river




Choose Fangzhuang

�As an opponent


�The rest is Fu Shaolong's�

�Five-person small�

Got it


The beginning time

�Everyone still�



�But now on the field�

The players have almost been eliminated.


�Everyone's camp�

Everyone can already see it


�Fu Shaolong's Five-person Villa�

Basically, everyone






Looking at the situation

�It is not difficult to see Li Cheng�s

� and Fu Shaolong's �

�is the same�


in this case



The first dynasty of Li Cheng

�launched an attack

�this way�




Player's home page

The task is

Eliminate Fu Shaolong's five-person team


These five people entered the Central District



Beginning to go crazy





Everything is covered

Someone is watching


�want to hide�

Can't hide

�with its




Take the initiative and eliminate these five people first.

Therefore, after Han Yonghe said these words, Cao Guoshu and Cao Ping also noticed that the situation on the field had changed. Currently, on the left side of the arena, there were mainly Fangzhuang's five-man team and the people surrounded by them.

Li Cheng's three-person team was the main one. On the side near the right area, there were more than ten contestants. They all stopped fighting among themselves and walked towards the direction of Fu Shaolong.

Obviously, we need to get rid of Fu Shaolong's team first.

"I think it is Fu Shaolong's team that is in danger now." Han Yonghe looked at the situation on the field and said to Cao Guojiu on the side.

However, Cao Guoshu didn't care at all about Han Yonghe's ridicule. Although he and Cao Ping both saw the situation on the field and knew that Fu Shaolong's team was now under siege, they

Their expressions told Han Yonghe that they were not worried about this kind of thing at all.

"If that's the case, I'd be relieved," Cao Guojiu said. "Originally, I planned to let them attack each other and eliminate some people. However, it took too long, and both skills were very weak.

Even bad people can fight back and forth. But if they all attack Fu Shaolong's team now, there is no doubt that these more than ten people will be eliminated soon."

The reason why Uncle Cao Guoshu said this was because he had full confidence in the kung fu strength of the team he arranged for Fu Shaolong. Moreover, Cao Ping had already figured out the identities and kung fu skills of these more than ten people before the game started.

After analysis, they could not be the opponents of Fu Shaolong's team, so Cao Guoshu was basically not worried at all about Fu Shaolong being eliminated.

What really worries Cao Guoshu and Cao Cao is the other side of the arena, where Li Cheng's three-man team faces Fangzhuang's five-man team. The two sides have played against each other before, and Li Cheng's team can be said to have lost soldiers and generals.

Two people were eliminated, and Li Cheng was almost eliminated. Now facing Fangzhuang and the others, it was impossible to escape. Cao Ping could see that the five-person team in Fangzhuang cooperated very well. If he wanted to start from this

It is impossible to find a breakthrough in the formation of five people. Moreover, because the five people on Fu Shaolong's team are restrained by other contestants, they cannot spare any time to help Li Cheng's team at this time.

It should be said that all of this was designed by Fang Zhuang, with the purpose of eliminating Li Cheng's team at this stage.

At this time, Li Cheng no longer thought about eliminating these five people, because it was impossible. However, he would take advantage of this opportunity to exert his full strength and consume their energy as much as possible. If he was lucky,

It would be great to be able to eliminate one or two people from Fangzhuang's team.

This was Li Cheng's current thought, so he whispered something to the two men beside him.

Fang Zhuang and the others who surrounded Li Cheng's team naturally saw the other party's strange behavior. Originally, Fang Zhuang thought that Li Cheng was a very impatient guy. After the previous confrontation, he was able to determine that this was a man who was very confident in his martial arts.

And they are arrogant people, so in Fangzhuang's view, it is very easy to eliminate them now that they are surrounded. Therefore, when facing the encirclement of five people from his own team, he should

He can only adopt a life-threatening strategy like a reckless man. According to his understanding of Li Cheng, he should not be able to think of any better solution in this situation.

Therefore, Fangzhuang was very surprised to see Li Cheng communicating quietly with the two men. In his opinion, Li Cheng was not strong in strategy. However, Jin Yu, who was wearing a mask next to him, was

Lu Yao touched him lightly, and the meaning was very clear, that is, to tell Fangzhuang not to underestimate the enemy. Fangzhuang came to his senses, the so-called soldiers need speed, since they have already formed the momentum to surround the opponent, they should not

After giving the opponent time to think about countermeasures, you should use the shortest time and the least amount of physical energy to deal with the opponent.

"We can't underestimate the enemy. Let's fight quickly and get rid of the three of them together." Fangzhuang said here.

The next second, five people, including Fangzhuang, began to move quickly, targeting Li Cheng's three-man team.

However, Fang Zhuang believed that in this situation, Li Cheng and the three of them should have just discussed how to deal with this situation and defend. However, what Fang Zhuang did not expect was that after the five of his own people took action, Li Cheng's three

The human team actually rushed towards their own team.

Do you still choose to attack in this situation? Do you want to find a breakthrough to break out of the encirclement, or do you have other plans? The formation of your team is very intact, and it is not easy to eliminate people in the team.

It was an easy thing, but the strategy adopted by Li Cheng really confused Fangzhuang.

However, Fangzhuang soon understood what Li Cheng's strategy was.

These three people did not choose to break out separately. After all, when the total number of people is not dominant, it is not normal to want to break through the siege directly, or to attack separately, and find opportunities for one or two to escape. They have already done so before.

I have seen how powerful the cooperation of my team is. Therefore, it is a very correct choice to choose to concentrate now. However, the three of them chose to focus on one direction, that is, to launch a fierce attack on one person in the Fangzhuang team. The target was exactly

He is the remaining member of the team except Lao Ma, Xiao Pang, Lu Yao and Fang Zhuang. Because he is the tallest among the five, Lu Yao and the others call him Big Man. When this person was working as an escort

, mainly because he is very proficient in the use of weapons, not to mention swords, guns and sticks, and his kung fu is more combined with these weapons. However, this characteristic of his came to this competition in the martial arts competition.

, but there is no place for him to use it, and it has become his biggest weakness. The main competition in this competition is boxing and kicking skills, which means fighting with bare hands, and no weapons are allowed to be used. Therefore, the big man’s boxing and kicking skills are actually here

Fangzhuang's team should be considered the weakest. I'm afraid Li Cheng was able to make a judgment on this just now when he saw Lao Ma and the big man fighting against his player. They analyzed it with five people from the other team's team.

Afterwards, it was judged that the big man should be the weakest in kung fu among the five people. Therefore, the three of them gathered their strength to eliminate the big man, and then wait for an opportunity to break through, or in other words, consume Fangzhuang to the maximum extent.

The physical strength of the team.

This decision is very correct. Li Cheng and the others have thought about it. Although the remaining seventeen people are not very strong, if it is a desperate fight, they should still be able to eliminate one or two people from Fu Shaolong's team.

Yes, in this case, if the three people on our side are eliminated under the siege of the opponent's five people, and the opponent still has five people, then in the final decisive battle, Fu Shaolong's side will become the weaker side. If this is the case, now we can

What he did to help Fu Shaolong's team the most was to eliminate as many people as possible from Fangzhuang's team. Even if he replaced them one by one, there would be no problem. So, Li Cheng led his two men towards the big man.

Launched an attack.

Naturally, Fangzhuang couldn't allow this to happen, so everyone immediately ran towards the big man.

However, now that Li Cheng had formulated a strategy, he had already thought of a way to deal with it. He decided to deal with the big man himself, and then his two men were responsible for escaping the other four members of Fangzhuang's team. Although Li Cheng faced the other party

Zhuang has some disadvantages, but he is still confident that he can defeat the big man, and he will eliminate him as quickly as possible.

Fang Zhuang and the other four team members immediately wanted to stop Li Cheng's plan. However, the situation changed to the same two-on-one situation as before. However, in order to support the big man as quickly as possible, Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao formed a team.

, then Xiaopang and Lao Ma are a team, and they must use the fastest speed to break through Li Cheng's two men.

On Li Cheng's side, he also started to attack the big man. Li Cheng knew that if he delayed for one more minute, his two men would be more dangerous, so Li Cheng did not intend to save his strength to deal with the big man.

He directly used all his strength. If the big man had a handy weapon next to him, he might be able to compete with Li Cheng, but now he was bare-handed and the opponent was a master of Tan Kou. He wanted to compete with Li Cheng.

It was very difficult for him to be evenly matched. Although I learned some boxing and kicking skills from Fangzhuang and Jintai during this period, it was impossible to face Li Cheng quickly. After more than a dozen moves, the big man

It has gradually fallen into a disadvantageous position.

Li Cheng continued to pursue the victory, first with a feint, and the big man had no choice but to lean his upper body back. But Li Cheng was waiting for this opportunity, squatted down, swept his legs, and kicked the big man down.


The big man who fell on the ground struggled to get up, and was punched by Li Cheng again on his right shoulder. Then a violent storm of fists hit Li Cheng's body. His body began to fall backwards uncontrollably. Li Cheng

I thought about just knocking the big man out of the ring.

On the other side, seeing that their form was not quite right, Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao naturally accelerated their attack pace. Although Li Cheng's men were all martial arts masters, Li Cheng was naturally the strongest in kung fu among their team.

, As for the other four team members, maybe for ordinary contestants, their kung fu is pretty good, but when faced with the attacks of two masters, Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao, it will still be very difficult to withstand.

"Hurry, the big guy can't hold it anymore!" Fang Zhuang shouted loudly, and then immediately began to attack the person who was blocking him.

That person obviously did not expect that Fang Zhuang would become so angry. In his opinion, the big man should be just an ordinary member of Fang Zhuang's team. Even if he was eliminated by Li Cheng and the others, it would not be a big deal. He really did not expect that Fang Zhuang would become so angry.

Zhuang actually used all his strength to rescue him, but now there is no time to think so much. Facing Fang Zhuang's attack, naturally he cannot choose to fight head-on. He knows that he is not his opponent, and all he can do now is to delay

Time, so when facing Fang Zhuang’s fierce attack, the only choice he can make is to avoid its sharp edge. In his opinion, among Fang Zhuang’s team, Fang Zhuang is probably the most powerful in kung fu. As long as he avoids the confrontation with him,

He should still have the strength to fight against the man wearing the mask, so he can deal with it a bit.

As a result, Li Cheng's subordinate immediately dodged Fangzhuang's attack and flew toward the masked Jin Yu on the other side.

"This guy..."

Lu Yao couldn't help but feel a little funny. It seemed that he was wearing this mask, and his performance from the beginning of the game to now had made everyone think that this team was led by Fang Zhuang, so the other party thought this was called Jin Yu

The guy must not be as powerful as Fangzhuang, so it makes sense to take this action now.

However, he was wrong in his estimation.

When he rushed in front of Lu Yao, Lu Yao chose the move that Fangzhuang had used before, the inch punch, and this punch hit the man's chest directly. If Lu Yao hadn't deliberately avoided the vital position,

This punch would probably hit the opponent's heart directly, which would probably kill someone.

Therefore, Lu Yao punched the opponent on the chest, but the strength and speed of the punch made the opponent unable to react at all. The next second, he felt dizzy, accompanied by pain, and...

A feeling of suffocation also came along with me. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I fell to my knees.

"Just leave like this." Fang Zhuang's voice came to his ears. This was the last thing he heard before the member of Li Cheng's team lost consciousness.

Then, he was pushed lightly by Fang Zhuang and pushed out of the field, eliminating him from the game.

Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao didn't stop and immediately ran towards the big man's location.

However, it was still a step too late.

When they arrived, Li Cheng had already forced the big man to the edge of the ring. It seemed that he only needed one more punch to eliminate the big man.

Li Cheng naturally also caught a glimpse of Jin Yu and Fang Zhuang. He thought in his mind that although his team eliminated one person, the three members of his team were destined to be eliminated by the other side. Now he can eliminate one person from the other side.

, which is also very beneficial to you.

Therefore, after Li Cheng finished thinking like this, he punched the big man in front directly to eliminate him.

However, something happened immediately that neither Lu Yao nor Fang Zhuang expected. The big man actually stabilized his body and stood on the spot. However, although his body was stabilized, there was nothing he could do about it.

He took up his posture to block Li Cheng's next attack.

However, the big man immediately got into a stance, and then actually took two of the opponent's punches.

The corners of the big man's mouth were already bleeding, and then he roared. Taking advantage of Li Cheng's surprise and the gap between his fists, he directly lowered his upper body, then opened his arms, and actually hugged Li Cheng with both hands.

"What are you going to do? Let go!" Li Cheng saw that his two punches had no effect. Although the opponent was seriously injured, he had not been eliminated yet. He thought about closing his fists and continuing to attack, but unexpectedly the opponent hugged him directly.

Could it be... A bad premonition appeared in Li Cheng's mind, and then, he hit the big man on the back with his fist crazily, but the other man didn't move a step.

"Does he want to die together with Li Cheng?" Fangzhuang and Lu Yao were also very surprised when they saw this situation.

The big man held back the severe pain, roared again, and then directly picked Li Cheng up from the ring.

"Since you want to eliminate me so much, let's go out together. Our team can still win without me!"

After saying this, the big man threw him directly on his back. Amidst the exclamations of everyone, he fell directly to the sidelines with Li Cheng. In this way, although the big man was eliminated, he was also eliminated at the end.

There was a one-for-one exchange with Li Cheng. Now there is only one person from Li Cheng's team left on the field. However, the one who stayed on the field, the remaining member of Li Cheng's team, saw his captain,

There was another one who was eliminated, and his own side instantly lost all fighting spirit. Originally, he could still hold on under the attack of Xiaopang and Lao Ma, but all this was based on the fact that he felt that Li Cheng would be there.

Under the premise of helping him after eliminating the big man, but now although the opponent has eliminated one person, the captain of his side has also been eliminated. This mood was suppressed in an instant. He lost his fighting spirit and was less than ten

He was immediately eliminated by Xiaopang and Lao Ma.

At this point, the remaining three people from Li Cheng's team have also been eliminated by Fangzhuang's team. However, unlike last time, they escaped unscathed. In order to eliminate these three people, Fangzhuang's five-person team also sacrificed one person's life.

The price. The big man and Li Cheng chose to be eliminated together. It was a very correct choice to make that decision under the circumstances just now. If the big man did not choose to die together with Li Cheng, then it is very likely that the final result would be that he would be eliminated.

After being eliminated, the remaining Li Cheng can continue to cause physical exertion to Fang Zhuang, Lu Yao and others. Instead of that, it would be better to eliminate himself and Li Cheng together. This result will obviously be more acceptable.

Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao naturally knew that there was no problem with the choice of the big man under the circumstances. However, this result directly reduced their team to one player, and it would be difficult to handle the next step.

This chapter has been completed!
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