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Bianliang Time Moon Chapter 438: Turn Enemy into Friend

Li Cheng, who had been eliminated in the martial arts contest, stood up from the ground and looked at the big man with a slight admiration at the side who had just given him a back fall. He had already completed the task. Since he could ensure that he would get the

After getting the money, Li Cheng is now very interested in Fangzhuang's team and the big man. As for the big man, Lu Yao and Fangzhuang had said before when they were discussing that if they could compete in this arena competition,

After getting to know some Kung Fu masters, it was the most suitable thing to join a martial arts gym. Therefore, the big man felt that Li Cheng was very powerful in Kung Fu, so he did not refuse to talk to Li Cheng.

The two people didn't know it unless they chatted. It turned out that they were all traveling together. Li Cheng turned out to be a bodyguard. He had been operating in the area of ​​Cangzhou, Hebei Province. Just based on this scope of activity, the big man already knew that Li Cheng was a bodyguard.

A higher-level master in the division.

Bodyguards first began in the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, with the development of commerce and the increasing circulation of property, the bodyguard industry emerged to protect the safety of people and property in circulation. It was equivalent to a combination of express delivery and armed escort.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the industry reached its peak. The image of those bodyguards with unique skills is still talked about by martial arts fans. However, due to various reasons, this industry disappeared for a time.

When ancient people transported valuable goods, for the sake of insurance, they usually hired bodyguards to escort them all the way to ensure safety. Being a bodyguard is not easy. It is a knife-edge job. In addition to having a sense of responsibility, strong martial arts, and a wide network of contacts.

Traveling as a dart is a very hard job. Not only do you travel day and night, but you also have to sleep in the open air and face various dangers. Therefore, when the dart masters take care of their apprentices, they will teach them the skills of "three understandings and one disapproval".

The land has become a rule.

One needs to be able to set up a stove

Because escorts are often in barren mountains and ridges, with no village in front of them or no shop behind them, so in order not to go hungry, they have to rely on their own efforts and set up a stove to cook meals to satisfy their hunger.

Second, you must be able to repair shoes

Shoes play a very important role in the journey of escorts. They spend most of their time walking, and it will be very painful not to have a pair of shoes that fit their feet. Although you can prepare shoes or buy shoes along the way, new shoes are not necessarily

Fit your feet. Therefore, the escorts must be able to repair shoes so as not to affect walking.

Third, if you know how to get a haircut

Escorts sometimes stay away for months at a time, and they are most likely living in a harsh environment. They are dusty and miserable. They occasionally pass through towns and villages, and they inevitably have to visit local forces. China has always paid attention to etiquette, and it is normal to visit others.

They will make themselves clean and presentable before leaving. At this time, the escort must learn to cut hair and dress themselves up. In this way, not only will they not lose their status, but they can also show the strength of the escort agency.

In addition to the "three meetings", there is only "one no".

This "one no" means not washing your face

In the process of escorting, "wash your face" and "get home" are synonymous. In the jargon of escorts, "it's time to wash your face" means it's time to get home.

The reason is that not washing your face is actually to protect your skin. People who have experience in extreme adventure sports will understand that outdoors, the wind is freezing in winter, the wind and sand blow on your face in spring and autumn, and the sun is blazing in summer. After washing your face with soil and alkali, the strong wind will

If you blow it, your face will be easily injured, and it will hurt like being cut by a knife.

"Without rules, there is no rule." Every walk of life has its own way of survival and rules. The cultural nature of the bodyguard industry determines the particularity of its rules.

From Kyakhtu to Wuyishan, from Zhangjiakou to Laohekou, from Dihua to Foshan, from Mengzi to Fengtian, on the thousands of miles of business roads, goods are exchanged by carriages, horses, boats, camels or shoulders.

The delivery of money is inseparable from the escort of the Escort Bureau. There are hundreds of merchants lined up, not facing each other from head to tail, with guard dogs passing by, and the sound of camels and bells that can be heard for miles.

There are several divisions and more patrols. Wherever the business is opened, the escort agency will be set up. I think back in those days, the brands of Sanhe Escort Agency, Xinglong Escort Agency, Invincible Escort Agency and Changsheng Escort Agency were so famous and noisy.

Famous and loud.

The escorts in the escort agency must be tough guys with strong martial arts skills and excellent kung fu. They wear leggings and wristbands, a leather jacket and breeches, a scarlet belt around their middle, and a seven-star scimitar in their hands. The escort's last name is embroidered on the wolf-tooth escort flag.

.Looking at this golden banner, the robbers and thieves are afraid of the news while the bureau is still intact, and the bandits are retreating in the green forest without a fight. In September outside the Great Wall, in the desert wind, Dai Shi is leading the way, majestic from all sides; in the summer of Lingnan, the jungle is full of miasma,

The chariot escort ran forward and guarded the rear, looking around; yellow clouds and white snow, withered trees and decaying grass, Zhang's escort slept in the open air, sleeping in cold quilts; the chickens sang in the thatched shop, the sun was red at noon, An's escort pushed dry and stayed in the damp, walking on the grass and exhausted from fatigue.

At that time, Dashengkui and Fusheng Gong's businesses in Qi County were frequently robbed on their way to and from Mongolia. Every time an accident occurred, money losses often amounted to tens of millions. People called for help without help, and countless people perished in the desert. Later, Dai was invited to come out and live in seclusion in the countryside.

Dai Kui, the successor of Xinyiquan, sent out escorts to subdue the notorious bandit leader "Liu Shier" and his accomplices during a robbery, eradicating the bully forces that harmed the party, and the road to tea and fur was smoothed. If

When encountering criminals who are reckless, take risks, and risk their lives to offend, bodyguards will risk their lives and go through fire and water, and die in the line of duty. There are many people who die violently. Unparalleled people, outstanding martial arts skills, and the professional character of not being afraid of danger and not giving up even in the face of danger are the qualities of bodyguards.

The credibility and reputation of a division lie in it. Of course, extraordinary courage and far-reaching strategies are also indispensable. In addition, whenever you encounter a road with a river and no bridge, and you are wading forward, the camel will often reverse and overturn, and the cargo will sink.

Unfortunately, people and animals are flooded with water, and life and death are uncertain. Every time when the wind blows, sand and rocks fly, roads are filled with people, and the direction is lost for a day, and water sources cannot be found for several days. Every time there is a sudden illness or plague, we have to resign ourselves to fate and do nothing.

The caravan has set out in winter and spring, but has not yet returned at the end of autumn. When it left, it was in full order and full of vitality. When it returned, it was incomplete and withered, and it looked haggard. The escorts lived and died on the road, and how could they know the merchant's home?

The bodyguards didn't know what was in the cargo box or how much it was worth. All it took was a seal from the owner of the cargo, which was an ironclad contract. The owner never questioned whether the bodyguard would exchange the soft goods and whether the goods would be exchanged.

The silver ingot will be lost and leaked. With the sublimation of life and death, risking life and forgetting death, what else can't be trusted? Doing business is nothing more than integrity, and being a dart is nothing more than sincerity, and everyone is a person who abides by justice.

After the Daoguang year, the banknote industry emerged, and only one letter was required for financial exchanges between the two places. This not only reduced transportation costs and shortened the communication time, but also made it safer and more reliable. As a result, the role of the escort agency declined. Then came a

The next major social turmoil not only made the bodyguard bureau useless, but also caused the business to suffer losses. Bodyguards suppressed petty thieves, and business prosperity depended on the fortune of the country. Just as no matter how high the wall was, it could not stop the government from confiscating homes, no matter how strong the bodyguard was,

The division can't withstand the bandits' attack and sneak into the camp. The guards are protecting the interests of their own family. The bandits only want to have food to eat and clothes to wear. Bandits are everywhere, the people are in dire straits, there are internal and external troubles, and the country has no peace.

, millions of soldiers are still throwing eggs and stones, but only a small amount of money. How can a few bodyguards have the power to make a difference and be of omnipotent use.

The escort industry developed from the Song Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the final Ming and Qing Dynasties were also the peak of its development.

At that time, most of the people who had the financial resources to ask for escorts were wealthy families, and the items transported were also very valuable. It is imaginable that the burden on the shoulders of these escorts was heavy. As an ancient special service industry, the purpose of the escort agency was to

To make money by walking darts, since you want to make money, you can't just rely on force to fight and kill. The social relationship of the leader who is responsible for walking darts is obviously also an important part. This is why the bodyguard masters who have been handed down say that running darts depends on face.

important reasons.

In ancient times, escort masters traveled long distances every time they sent out escorts. In addition to facing dangers and protecting and transporting items along the way, the most important thing was how to ensure rest.

The escorts at that time generally chose to take the main road when escorting escorts, and the forest paths were basically untouched, because this could minimize the risk of encountering bad guys.

At that time, there were many inns on both sides of the official road, ranging from low-end to high-end, and ordinary travelers would choose hotels that looked more luxurious, but escorts were different. They would use a "three-no-stay" principle first

Screen and select those who meet the requirements before making the final selection.

This so-called three-no-stay principle refers to: "Don't stay in new stores, don't stay in stores that have changed owners, and don't stay in prostitutes."

When the ancient escorts sent out escorts, they would usually choose a few old escorts to lead the battle. These people were very familiar with the inns along the way, got along well with the innkeepers, and had some fixed places to stay.

They are generally very cautious when doing things and will eliminate all uncertain risk factors. Therefore, they dare not easily choose new stores that do not understand the details.

Stores that change owners are much the same as new stores. Although the store may be an old store, as the boss changes, the employees inside are often new faces. The good and evil of these new faces cannot be immediately distinguished, and there is a certain danger.


In addition, gangsters often robbed stores at that time. Maybe one of the clerks was the bandit who robbed the store. Therefore, the escorts would not stay in this kind of hotel until the situation was clear.

I was made into a human meat bun in my sleep.

The so-called prostitutes refer to those hotels that not only receive normal tourists like ordinary hotels, but also accept prostitutes, relying on prostitutes to attract a large number of prostitutes.

At that time, some inns were far away from towns, and there were no brothels nearby for travelers to entertain themselves, so they started a joint operation.

Although this kind of prostitution shop is an old shop, the people who come here are generally not good people. Those who dare to come to prostitutes are either rich or powerful people. In order to avoid risks and unhappiness,

If it is necessary trouble, the escorts will naturally not choose to live here.

What's more, sometimes the escorts need to escort the female relatives of the clients on their way, which makes it even more inconvenient to stay in a prostitute.

Therefore, escorts generally only choose those old shops that they know well, or those that have deep trust in the boss. However, even so, they must conduct detailed inspections before entering the shop. Just like choosing a shop, they need three rules:

This is the so-called "Three Essentials for Entering a Store".

After they enter the store, they must check whether the customers in the store have any strange appearance, and do not accept those who look cruel and treacherous; whether there is any odor in the street outside the store, and reject those who have odor in the street; and whether there is any odor in the kitchen, and whether the food has odor.

These three things are to ensure that there are no vicious-looking people in the store, that there are no villains ambushing outside the store, and that there are no drugs in the food.

After confirming that the surrounding environment is basically safe, the escorts will go to the store to rest.

When the escorts check in, they will select a person to look after the horses and vehicles outside so that they can escape the scene directly in the event of an unexpected incident. It can be seen that the escorts are very cautious and extremely responsible for escorts.

Those who go upstairs to rest are also different from other passengers. First of all, when they sleep, they put their heads against the window instead of the edge of the kang. The reason for doing this is to be able to hear the movement outside the window so that they can make decisions in the shortest possible time.


Moreover, when attacked by a thief, you can stand up directly without having to get out of bed, which saves a certain amount of time and energy.

In order to respond faster when emergencies occur, the escorts' shoes are also placed with the toes pointed outwards, making it easier for them to stand up quickly when responding to emergencies.

In addition to the unique sleeping direction, the escorts also have a "three inseparability" requirement when sleeping, that is, weapons and clothes cannot be left behind, and horses cannot leave the yard.

These rules are customized to allow the escorts to have the ability to resist and escape in emergencies, and to reduce the probability of the escorts' lives being threatened.

In addition to taking land routes, ancient escorts also had to travel long water routes in some specific routes. When escorts took boats, they did not follow the same principles as on land, but there were also some unwritten rules.

For example, escorts usually choose to rest during the day and start their activities in the evening, because if someone wants to rob an escort, they will definitely wait until the night is quiet to do so. This will ensure that the other party will not know who they are and will not know who they are.

To make matters worse, the escort's move was to prevent the enemy from attacking at night.

In the process of escorting escorts, in addition to being vigilant at all times, escorts also have some unique taboos. If anyone violates these rules, he will not only make his fellow escorts unhappy, but may also be severely criticized or even

Substantial penalties.

It's okay that the escorts are transporting goods. If someone violates the taboo when transporting "guest escorts", they may make a big mistake. Guest escorts means that the escorts are transporting people instead of goods.

We mentioned earlier that most of the people who had the ability to hire bodyguards in ancient times were high-ranking officials, and their identities were generally highly confidential and could not be publicized. If any bodyguard became curious about the identity of the guest and asked frequently, it might incur the guest's suspicion.

Be careful, this will not only bring bad reputation to the escort agency, but may also cause unnecessary trouble, so this is something you must not do.

Secondly, ancient nobles often had three wives and four concubines. If a noble's guest bodyguards were needed, his wives, concubines, and children would usually follow the bodyguard team.

When some young escorts see the beauty of these women, they sometimes make provocative moves, which will inevitably anger their aristocratic employers. This is obviously against the professional ethics of the escorts, and may even damage the reputation of the escort agency.

produce a bad impact.

Therefore, experienced escorts generally only have contact with male customers, and try to avoid communication with female relatives, and even eye contact will be avoided as much as possible, because this can not only alleviate the employer's concerns, but also avoid causing big trouble for themselves.


In the process of bodyguarding, the bodyguard team often encounters harassment from bandits and bandits. Although the bodyguards are generally able to repel these people, they must never take credit from the guests.

Because this will make the guests feel that those robbers and bandits are the actors they invited in order to extort money from them. This will obviously destroy the trust of the employer in the escort, and will obviously be very detrimental to the subsequent work.

Moreover, at that time, as long as they could successfully deliver their employer to the destination, these people would usually spend a sum of money to reward the escorts who escorted them all the way, so the escorts did not have to rush to receive the rewards.

In addition to these taboos, escorts are also very particular about escorts. Some powerful escort agencies like to raise the escort flag during escorts and let the escorts advance with gongs and drums. This is the so-called

The martial arts escort.

Because when walking escorts, you will inevitably encounter some bandits and robbers on the way. When these robbers rob escorts, they must look at the escort flags. If they are escorts protected by a powerful master, they will definitely not dare to take action easily. Over time, the escorts will

The flag became the symbol for the escort to send out escorts.

And those escort agencies that are less powerful will hide and sneak through some dangerous sections. This is the so-called stealing escorts.

But no matter what escort agency, when passing through the boundary of Cangzhou, they will invariably put away their escort flags and move forward quietly. This is mainly because there were many people practicing martial arts in Cangzhou at that time, and most of them had also been escort masters.

A veteran in this industry.

If you are a bodyguard in Cangzhou, you will be considered to be a show of force, and if you really anger the senior, the consequences are really unimaginable.

As for Li Cheng, who can work as an escort in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, his kung fu can be said to be very powerful, and his connections and emotional intelligence should be very high.

After some exchanges, Li Cheng and the big man felt that they had met too late. Li Cheng suggested that now that his team had been eliminated, he wanted to invite the big man out to eat, drink and make friends. The big man looked at it

With Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao in the stands, he knew that if he continued to stay here, he could only be a spectator and could not help Fang Zhuang and Lu Yao. It was better to seize this opportunity and help the five members of Li Cheng's team.

By building a good relationship among individuals, all five of them can become participants when the martial arts gym opens. With Li Cheng joining the martial arts gym, the business will definitely be booming. The big man who made up his mind accepted Li Cheng's invitation.

Li Cheng was very happy, and then he motioned to the four eliminated people and the big man to wait for him here for a while, while he turned around and went directly to the attic.

Naturally, what he was looking for was Cao Guojiu. At that time, Cao Guojiu promised to give him half of the reward in the early stage, and the two parties agreed to wait until after the game to find him to collect the other half. At this time, Li Cheng came up to the third floor.

I just asked Uncle Cao Guo for money.

Although it is no secret that he has arranged the team and Fu Shaolong's affairs now, especially since these three levels are all officials he is familiar with, Cao Guojiu does not want to communicate and contact Li Cheng head-on. After all, he

You still have to consider your own image. Seeing Li Cheng coming up, Cao Guojiu gave Cao Ping a look. Cao Ping naturally knew what was going on, so he called the housekeeper of Cao Mansion. Then, the housekeeper found

Li Cheng went to a deserted corner and paid him the other half of the fee. Li Cheng took the money without saying much, and went directly to take the big man and four other team members out of the arena.

Walking in such a cool and unrestrained way.

"Dad, do you think they have completed their mission? I always feel that it is not worth it." Cao Ping looked at Li Cheng who was leaving and turned to Uncle Cao Guo. Although he did not say it clearly, the meaning behind Cao Ping's words was,

I just feel that the reward they gave Li Cheng is a bit too much. Although the competition has been going on so far, the number of people eliminated by Li Cheng and the others has already reached double digits. However, the most important opponent, Fangzhuang’s team, Li Cheng

They tried their best but only eliminated one person in the end. In Cao Ping's opinion, at least half of the people in Fangzhuang's team had to be eliminated before Li Cheng's team could be considered effective.

In this regard, Cao Guoshu thought it was okay. Originally, there were only forty people participating in this competition, and the five people from the Fangzhuang team and the other five contestants were all added due to changes that occurred later.

Players, Li Cheng and the others were able to eliminate one of the expert Fangzhuang's team in the face of such changes. As Li Cheng, this is already a good result. In this regard, Cao Guojiu is still relatively fair and just.


Of course, the reason why he thinks so is because Cao Guoshu has absolute confidence in the kung fu strength of Fu Shaolong's team. He believes that after one person from Fangzhuang's team is eliminated, the four of them will face Fu Shaolong's team.

There is absolutely no chance of winning.

Seeing Uncle Cao Guo's attitude being so firm, Cao Ping couldn't say anything else. After all, there were Han Yonghe and others on this floor.

On the field, everyone in Fangzhuang's team also noticed the big man's behavior, but as partners who got along day and night, they understood that the big man couldn't possibly want to join Li Cheng. The guy must have had his own purpose in leaving like this.

What's more, if he continues to stay, it will indeed have no effect other than shouting for cheers. On his side, he still has to focus on the current game as the focus.

So, Fangzhuang gathered the remaining four people together. Although everyone spent some energy, they were not seriously injured. It seemed that they were still capable of fighting against Fu Shaolong's team.

Next, it depends on the outcome of Fu Shaolong's battle with those seventeen people.
This chapter has been completed!
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