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Chapter 100: Block him after school?

The whole class was spent learning simple greetings for peers. Yang Yungong took the trouble to correct and point out a bunch of kids who had just entered school. Of course, if there were those who deliberately didn't study hard, he would not hesitate to give a few words of admonishment or even slap his palms.


After class, Yang Yungong asked everyone to practice more in their spare time, and then announced that other teachers would teach them literacy in the next class.

After he left, a group of children started laughing and playing, using the hand-over gesture they had learned before, and they had a great time coming and going.

Yunjing studied it very seriously and finally mastered this etiquette. After practicing with each other and others, even Yang Yungong could not find any faults.

He did not receive praise, but in Yang Yungong's view, he was Shan Changshou's apprentice after all, so it was reasonable to learn faster and better than others...

Yunjing's senses are very sharp. During class, although he was studying attentively, he always felt that someone was paying attention to him. After paying attention for a while, he found that the person paying attention to him was actually the new Lin Yexing, who seemed to be vaguely aware of him.

Yueyue is still a little hostile!

This made him confused. He thought to himself that he had never offended this guy and had never known him before.

Just when he was a little confused after class, that little kid Lin Yexing jumped out immediately. He shouted in front of the whole class: "Who is Yun Jing?"

That guy, with a tugged look on his face, clearly saw the cloud scene, but pretended not to notice and looked away.

What kind of trouble is this guy trying to make?

Yunjing didn't find it strange that the other party knew him. He had introduced himself in the morning, and he could find out by just asking around from other classmates.

Standing up, Yunjing learned the peer salute from the previous class. He made a fist with his right hand and covered it with his left hand. His thumbs were parallel to each other. Because the other person was bigger than him, his left thumb was behind him. He cupped his fist in front of his chest, gently pushed forward and saluted, and looked at the other person.

Question: "I'm Yunjing, what can I do?"

The other party then looked at Yun Jing, obviously a little surprised. He seemed to want to find fault with Yun Jing, but with Yun Jing's set of etiquette, he couldn't find any fault, so he was still vaguely embarrassed. He quickly calmed down.

, he bowed to Yun Jing in a polite tone and said in a somewhat arrogant tone: "It's okay, my name is Lin Yexing, I just want to get to know you."

Yunjing clearly felt that the other person's same salute was a provocation, as if he was comparing who could learn better.

Although he was confused, Yunjing still nodded and said calmly: "Hello, I am Yunjing, nice to meet you."

"Don't be too eager to be happy. I want to get to know you, not just to be friends with you. I heard that you have Mr. Li as your teacher, so I specifically want to get to know you. What I want to say is that I will never lose in all my studies in the future.

This is for you. If you are worse than me, when I say something to you, please don’t say that I bully the little ones and make them cry." After saying that, he glanced at Yun Jing, as if he wanted to remember him seriously, and then nodded.

He raised his head, then raised his chin slightly and turned around like a proud little rooster.

Yun Jing was speechless, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry, thinking to himself that this guy was actually 'declaring a challenge'!

Children, although Lin Yexing is one or two years older than they look, he can't hide the truth. Through his few words, Yunjing has roughly guessed why he treats her unkindly and even hugs her.

There is a certain amount of hostility.

It is estimated that that guy once wanted to become his master Li Qiu, but failed, so this happened. Yunjing felt that this reason was very close to ten.

Maybe the other person came here specifically to study, just for him. Yunjing was a little helpless, who could he talk to to explain this matter?

After the apprenticeship was successful, he learned that someone once wanted to become his master but failed. Yunjing probably expected that such a day would come, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Gee, little brat, you are quite boring.

Yunjing didn't care. No matter what the other party's purpose was, in the end, in his opinion, it was just a child's unreasonable troubles. How could he really get into trouble with such a kid?

In short, my future study career will probably not be boring.

He didn't mind, but Wang Bolin and others did. After Lin Yexing left, Wang Bolin, Chen Yijian, and Zhou Jintai all came to Yunjing.

Especially Wang Bolin, he looked very loyal and said, "Yunjing, that guy is so stinky, I can't stand him, why don't we beat him up after school and kill him... Uh.

...Hmm, energy? Yes, energy!"

"That's right, regardless of whether he is from the county town or not, we and I will block him after school. Although he is older than us, there are four of us!" Chen Yijian agreed and made suggestions.

The little fat guy Zhou Jintai was obviously a little timid. He said: "I also agree. I will give you a break when the time comes..."

Yunjing couldn't laugh or cry. Why, you still want to say harsh words to make the other party stay away from school?

It's only the first day, do you really want to sort out all the nonsense in your academic life?

He is really a little brat, he thinks about things as soon as they come up, and he doesn't care about anything when his brain gets hot.

Yun Jing said with a smile: "It won't be a problem to block him after school, and it won't be a big deal either way. Didn't he say we have to study harder? Then we will study seriously in the future and surpass him. Let's see if he can still be proud by then."

Children's interest comes and goes quickly, and Yun Jing's words are reasonable, so they don't insist on blocking people after school.

Wang Bolin nodded and said: "That's right. Let's try our best to learn better than him. Then we'll see if he still has the dignity to do it."

"That's right, let's learn better than him and let him go back to the county in despair." Chen Yijian nodded in agreement.

Little fat Zhou Jintai was speechless, scratched his head and said: "Yeah, that's it."

This matter has been resolved for the time being. Yunjing changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's not talk about him. How about we practice the etiquette we learned before?"

"Ah? Forget it, my stomach is bloated, let's go pee?"

"Yes, pee, see who can pee farthest!"

They obviously don't want to practice. Yunjing is speechless. He just said that he must study seriously. Have you forgotten now?

Not to mention, he was also a little bloated, so he said, "Let's go then."

Then, the four people who had vaguely formed a small circle went to the toilet together...

The second class in the afternoon, which was also the last class of the day, came with an old man who looked to be about fifty years old. He was not as stern as Yang Yunchong, but instead had a kind face and kind eyes. His name was Qin Xishi.

He specializes in teaching literacy to children like Yunjing and others who are new to school.

Because it was the first class, he did not teach Yunjing and others to recognize the words in the book, but taught them to write their own names.

He first asked the twenty children in the class who could write their own names. If they could, they would practice it on their own first. If they couldn't, he would teach them one by one.

When he came to school this morning, Yun Jing was still wondering why the master didn't prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone for him. When he was learning to write his name, he understood that it was because it would most likely not be used in class, at least for now.

Their desk is not just a simple desk, but has something inside it. When the wooden board on the surface is lifted, there is a layer of fine sand inside, and a wooden stick the size of a writing brush.

This is for them to practice calligraphy.

The design of the desk is exquisite. After writing text on the fine sand, you only need to pull a wooden bar on the side to smooth the fine sand and write again.

Yun Jing understands that paper is very expensive here. Practicing writing in this way can save a lot of money. If you practice writing on paper from the beginning, even a moderately wealthy family may be impoverished.

When it was Qin Xishi's turn to teach Yunjing to write his name, he also taught him to use the wooden stick used for writing on fine sand as a brush.

He taught Yunjing carefully, teaching Yunjing to write his name stroke by stroke, and also explained to him the pronunciation of Mandarin and the meaning of the two words separately.

Oh my god, Yun Jing has been in this world for more than six years, and he can finally read and write his own name. It's so gratifying.

After confirming that Yunjing had learned to read and write his own name, Qin Xishi went to teach the next one and praised Yunjing, saying that he learned better and faster than others.

This made Lin Yexing at the back curl his lips. For a long time, the guy named Yun Jing couldn't even write his name, so he wasn't very good. Mr. Li actually accepted him as his disciple instead of me. It's just... just... hum.


Although he learned to read and write his own name in one go, Yunjing still consulted Mr. Qin Xishi repeatedly and carefully to make sure there were no mistakes before resting assured. After he taught others, he took the trouble to read and write on the sand table over and over again.

Practice writing your name.

Cloudscape, cloudscape, cloudscape...

His name does not belong to any words in his cognition. Over and over again, he seems to want to carve these two words into his soul!

In this class, twenty children who had just entered school spent their time learning to read and write their own names, regardless of whether they could read or write their own names.

At the end of class, Mr. Qin Xishi handed out five pieces of paper one foot square to each person. The name of the person who handed it out was written on the top one. It was the kind that was opened one by one. He asked Yunjing and others to go back.

Then he used a brush to practice on the paper. Five pieces of paper had to be filled up, and he would check it the next day.

This is considered as homework after class.

Yunjing knew that these practice papers cost money, but the master had already taken care of them for him, so he didn't have to worry about it...

This chapter has been completed!
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