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Chapter 120 Something happened!

Yunjing couldn't help but laugh and cry and didn't take it to heart that Lin Yexing regarded him as his 'lifelong enemy'. To him, Lin Yexing was just a little brat in the late stages of one-child syndrome, so he didn't need to pay attention to it.

During this midsummer holiday, Yunjing went home once. When his family learned that he had won the first place in the school assessment, they were so happy. For this reason, the family even killed chickens and ducks to celebrate. The so-called celebration mainly meant

It is to worship ancestors and 'tell' them the good news that there are future generations in the family who will be successful.

That day, Yunjing's grandfather Yunlin got a jar of rice wine that he had kept for who knows how long. He drank it very drunk, and even had a happy smile on his face when he was drunk.

He has a bad ability to drink, and he got drunk after just half a bowl of low-alcohol rice wine.

Yunjing completely understands this kind of drinking capacity. After all, considering the situation in the family, wine is a luxury item. You can only drink it a few times throughout the year. How can you have so much wine to practice your drinking capacity?

As expected by Yun Jing, when he returned this time, his younger brother Yundong was gradually taking over the family's cattle herding job.

However, Xiao Yundong was not as obedient as Yun Jing before. Every morning when he got up to herd the cows, it was as if his life was at stake. He would go out crying. Why was he crying? Naturally, he wanted to stay in bed and be beaten.

Yun Jingxin said, brother, just enjoy the days of herding cattle. When you can work slowly in two years, you will understand how happy it is to herd cattle now...

Little Yunxi is now over half a year old, can turn over, and is slowly starting to practice crawling.

The past few years have been relatively smooth. The villagers have had bumper harvests every year after using farmyard manure, and their lives are getting better and better.

It is a pity that there are not many families with large livestock in the village, and most families do not have that much farmyard manure. Nowadays, with the popularity of farmyard manure, it is more and more difficult to collect manure in the town and use it as farmyard manure, so it is actually a bumper harvest.

It's also limited, but it's better than before. At least all the villagers can barely fill their stomachs, and real starvation has never happened in Xiaoxi Village in the past two years.

After returning home for the holiday this time, Yunjing only stayed for three days before returning to the town. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay longer, but that he and Li Qiu also had to take care of the fields they farmed.

When he returned to town, Yunjing spent part of his day practicing calligraphy and consolidating what he had learned, and spent most of his time working in the fields with his master.

He still couldn't escape the fate of being tanned. Unlike other students in the school, everyone was fair and tender.

I don't know whether I should be happy or worried, but something that Yun Jing has always cared about finally happened.

His master Li Qiu discovered the effect of farmyard fertilizer!

Logically speaking, with the popularity of farmyard manure in recent years, not to mention that it will suddenly spread to the entire Dali Dynasty and benefit the world, there should be some movement at least.

But Yunjing, who was the initiator, has observed in the past two years that almost all farmers around Niujiao Town are now using farmyard manure, but there is no official news, which is unreasonable.

It wasn't until his master Li Qiu noticed this that Yunjing realized how outrageous the reality was.

Although Li Qiu took Yunjing to farm, he usually focused on teaching and educating people, which led to him not paying much attention to farming.

During this holiday, after he and Yunjing were working in the fields almost every day, he suddenly discovered that the crops he and Yunjing planted were not growing as well as the crops in the surrounding fields, and the gap was so big that it was visible to the naked eye.

his attention.

Isn’t it the process of growing your own crops?

Obviously not.

So what is the reason why the crops he grows are worse than everyone else's? So Li Qiu went to the fields to ask farmers about the situation.

Farmyard manure is not a secret. After learning about it, Li Qiu also knew the wonderful functions and far-reaching value of farmyard manure.

This was originally a good thing that made him drunk for three days, but as he learned more about it, he almost vomited blood.

That day, after Li Qiu learned about the wonderful uses of farmyard manure, he went to the mayor to find out the details. He was happy when he went, but when he came back, his face was horribly gloomy.

That was the first time Yunjing saw the gloomy look on his master's face, and Yunjing felt a trembling fear even within three meters of him.

That day, when Li Qiu came back, he smashed a table with his palm and said something ridiculous through gritted teeth.

That day and all night long, it was eerily silent around the house where they lived, not even a sound of insects or birds!

Early the next morning, Li Qiu asked Yunjing to practice calligraphy and study at home, but he left alone again. Yunjing didn't know what he was doing.

Li Qiu didn't come back until midnight. He didn't sleep. After he came back, he sat in the main room all night, his face as heavy as water.

The next day, Yunjing couldn't bear it any longer. Looking at Li Qiu, whose face was as dark as water, he asked cautiously: "Master, what happened?"

Then Li Qiu laughed, gnashing his teeth and bursting into tears. He looked at Yun Jing and laughed loudly: "Jing'er, do you know that I really want to remove those guys sitting on the temple from top to bottom?"

Killing them all once and for all is not enough to calm the anger in my heart!"

When he said these words, Li Qiu's whole body was trembling, and the aura that was terrifying to Yun Jing was surging around him, and the air around Li Qiu's body seemed to be distorted!

Yunjing quickly stayed away, it was too scary.

Knowing that Yun Jing had been frightened, Li Qiu put away his terrifying aura, took a deep breath and said, "Jing'er, my teacher has lost his composure, but if you listen to my next words, I'm afraid you can understand Wei's mood."

After a pause, he continued to think about himself: "The day before yesterday, I learned about farmyard manure, which has benefited the world. I happily asked the mayor to find out the situation. I wanted to ask him how it was popularized in the imperial court. I wanted to ask

Asked him why I didn't receive any news about such things that were originally spread all over the world. What do you think he answered? He asked me what farmyard manure was. The teacher was stunned at that time. He didn't know. He

As the official closest to the bottom, he didn’t know! Then Wei Shi tried some testing and found that he had not paid attention to the crop conditions in the surrounding farmland at all. In other words, he didn’t know about farmyard fertilizer at all. He was so angry.

I wanted to kill him right there as my teacher!"

"Fortunately, Shishi Chuwuming endured it and turned around and went to the county. I wanted to learn about the situation from your Uncle Niu, but in the end I still didn't go to the county because I discovered that as we moved away from Niujiao Town, the farmers

The popularity rate of fertilizer is getting lower and lower. Farmers don't know about farmyard fertilizer at all around the county. After some further research, I found that the source of the use of farmyard fertilizer is in Niujiao Town. The exact source still needs to be determined.

To understand further, these are not important, what is important is that it is right under your nose, but the mayor doesn’t know this, how ridiculous!”

"Shouldn't something like this, which is beneficial to the country and the people and benefit all generations, not be discovered immediately and then reported directly to heaven? The mayor doesn't know what a dereliction of duty this is and what a mess of corpses. If it had been discovered earlier,

One day, if it were popularized early, how many people would it benefit? How much benefit would it bring to the country? But he doesn’t know, I wish I could crush him to ashes!"

At this point, Li Qiu's chest heaved and his face turned red. You can imagine how uneasy he felt inside.

This was also the first time Yunjing heard his master say dirty words...

"Then what?" Yunjing asked cautiously.

With a sneer, Li Qiu said in a deep voice: "Then, wait, my teacher has already written to his classmates and friends. I think this matter will be sent directly to Tianting soon. Let's wait for the reaction from above. One thing is for sure.

Chang, you are destined to die, even if you die ten thousand times it will not be a pity!"

After hearing what the master said, Yun Jing was a little confused. This matter was such a big deal. As the instigator, Yun Jing felt a little guilty. At this time, what he was thinking about was not his great achievements, but his fear. This kind of thing could cause a sensation in the whole country.

If you don't pay attention, you will turn yourself into a scumbag!

Doesn't Yunjing know how much credit it is to report the wonderful effects of farmyard fertilizer? But as a humble citizen, how can he dare to covet such credit? Such credit is not an exaggeration to make him a prince or prime minister, so how can it fall on him?

So over the years Yunjing didn't say a word about the farmyard fertilizer matter and allowed it to develop on its own, but now, it finally happened.

He thought for a while and said cautiously: "Master, farmyard manure can increase food production, which is a good thing that benefits the country and the people and benefits the world. The mayor didn't know that it was his dereliction of duty and missed an opportunity to make great contributions. Now you

If you report this matter, will the credit go to you?"

As a small citizen of Shengdou, Yunjing never thought that such a credit could fall on him. It would definitely be a disaster rather than a blessing. Yunjing knew this.

But it would be great if the credit fell to the master.

If Li Qiu gets great benefits from this, Yunjing will not only not feel resentful that something that should be his has been taken away by his master, but will also be very happy.

After all, the more benefits the master gets, the more he, as a disciple, can enjoy the shade under the big tree. One more thing can be considered as repayment of the master's kindness.

I just don’t know if he can withstand it. This contribution is so great that even everyone would be jealous!

After hearing Yun Jing's question, Li Qiu was suddenly stunned for a moment, with an unnatural expression on his face, and said: "Jing'er, for some reasons, the question of merit will not fall on my teacher at all, but in the end

This is a good thing that will benefit the country and the people and benefit all generations, isn’t it?”

Well, Yun Jing was a little dumbfounded when he heard Li Qiu's answer, and almost thought he heard it wrong.

Then Li Qiu said: "In short, I did what I should do for my teacher, and I am worthy of the world and my heart. As for the credit, huh, let those guys fight for it, I guess they will have to fight for it."

Yunjing didn't know what to say. Regarding his master's attitude, he thought again about the difficult choice between a rich lady and his fiancée...

This chapter has been completed!
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