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Chapter 121 Days remain

Li Qiu had already passed on the wonderful effects of farmyard fertilizer through his own channels, and then he said that he would wait for the news. With the efficiency of the current social environment, Yunjing didn't know how long he would have to wait, so he would just wait.

Farmyard manure, this thing is a good thing that benefits the country and the people and benefits the world forever. As the instigator, Yunjing probably knew from his master Li Qiu that he could not get any benefits from it, but he felt a little regretful.

I didn’t feel sad about missing out on 100 million, but instead breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone wants benefits, but if the benefits are too great and far exceed one's ability to bear, the benefits will definitely turn into disadvantages.

Don't talk about the "great merits" that benefit all people. It is equivalent to getting a death-free gold medal. No one dares to touch you. In the feudal system, such people are the most dangerous. People are watching you all the time.

, once you are suspected by the above, you will be the first to die because you did not run away!

Because the danger of such people ‘climbing high and shouting’ is too great...

For Yunjing, this is good now. The effects of farmyard fertilizer are spread out without affecting itself. Countless farmers benefit from it. If farmers all over the world can have enough to eat, that is what Yunjing wants to see.


As a human being, most of the time, we should relax our minds and be content with what we have. If we want to get any benefit to ourselves, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

"God is watching what you do. Although you won't get any direct benefits, God will definitely know it, so you should just accumulate blessings for yourself and the people around you." Yunjing comforted himself this way.

What else can he do except enjoy the hardships to comfort himself? Jump out and grab the credit? Pull him down, he will die without knowing how.

Forget it, let's do it. Destiny is a very strange thing. Maybe one day, those who have taken away things that should belong to them will return things that do not belong to them in another way.

Yunjing was relieved after thinking about the various benefits brought by farmyard manure.

One thing he was worried about was that after the popularization of farmyard fertilizer and the increase in grain production, would the court increase taxes?

If that's the case, damn it, even if farmers increase their grain production, will their work be in vain?

Yunjing had no choice but to pray that the court would have some conscience and not go too far...

Of course, even if taxes are increased due to the increase in grain production across the country, it is estimated that it will not happen within a year or two. After all, it will take time to promote farmyard fertilizer.

At present, all we can do about this matter is wait for the results. Yunjing's life is still normal, practicing calligraphy and farming every day.

However, Li Qiu is not as calm as Yun Jing. On the contrary, he is very busy every day, running to the surrounding fields to observe the growth of crops, and then to inquire about the reaction from the superiors. During the day, most of Yun Jing

There are people who can’t see Master for a long time.

Putting aside his worries, Li Qiu felt happy when he learned about the food situation of farmers after using farmyard manure.

Yunjing seriously doubted that his master was a 'pragmatist', otherwise he might not be farming with him, but guiding the country with his eloquent talks...

This year, Yunjing truly participated in the entire grain planting process. From plowing the ground, sowing seeds, to weeding and irrigation, etc., he experienced it all personally.

The process of seeing food sprout from seed to blossom and bear fruit with your own eyes. Although I am a little tired, the sense of anticipation and accomplishment is really satisfying.

People, once they learn to be content, there are actually quite a lot of happy things.

From the beginning of farming, Yunjing had an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if something was germinating and growing quietly in his heart.

He didn't know what it was, and he didn't deliberately think about it. Anyway, he was still busy with his own business every day.

Maybe when you harvest the food you cultivate, you will have an answer to that inexplicable feeling, and maybe nothing will happen then.

Whatever, let nature take its course.

Time passed day by day, and regarding the matter of farmyard fertilizer, there was still no news coming from 'above'. On the contrary, the crops cultivated by Yun Jing and Li Qiu were growing day by day.

After learning about the wonderful effects of farmyard manure, Li Qiu personally went to pick manure and fertilize. After all, they were a step late. The grain growth was not as good as those around them, but it was much better than Li Qiu's impression. He used actual practice to prove that farmyard manure was


The crops were blooming and bearing fruit, and there was no news from above, but the time came unknowingly and the third semester of school in Yunjing came to a close.

As expected by Yun Jing, after the classmates got used to him being the leader, he still came out on top and won the title during the voting for the position of leader this semester.

This made Lin Yexing, who had been preparing for a whole semester and missed out on the position of academic leader, almost autistic.

Which link is the problem?

I already only sleep three hours a day. I study and read day and night. Why do I still lose?

Poor kid, I still haven't found the key to the problem.

But I have to say that that guy’s heart was as solid as iron. Not only was he not depressed by the successive blows, but he became more courageous as he fought, vowing to beat Yun Jing one day sooner or later!

Well, that guy has unknowingly lowered his standards for himself. He used to want to overpower Yunjing in everything, but now he just wants to beat Yunjing once...

At the beginning of the new semester, Yunjing and the others' literacy classes were reduced again, from three classes a day at the beginning to only one literacy class a day now.

The extra lesson turned into a new subject, and they began to learn some simple poems and articles.

This is a step-by-step step to further deepen Yunjing's learning level. Yunjing guesses that there will probably be no special literacy classes in the next semester, but will be replaced by more 'esoteric' things.

Etiquette, literacy, arithmetic, poetry and writing, these four studies now occupy Yunjing and the others' time at school every day.

Among them, the etiquette class has always stood up, and it involves too many things. At first, it was just simple movements, but later on, even the dress and tone of voice became more particular. Even in different occasions, when facing different people, there are special etiquette.

Yunjing learned that they would also be involved in weddings, funerals and other complicated etiquette...

Secondly, because it is the autumn of the second year, the school has admitted a new batch of students this year.

There are still not many people, but there are more than a dozen at Yunjing's level!

Finally, they are no longer at the bottom of the school.

In Youdao, new people replace old people. When new students join, old students will naturally leave. If they reach a certain age and fail to be admitted as a scholar, the students can only leave the school sadly. These people will still be able to take the imperial examination in the future.

But if you want to continue to gain knowledge, you have to find a way on your own.

There are also two scholars who have 'graduated'. This year, two people from Yunjing's school were admitted as scholars. Next, they will go to the county to study further knowledge.

Even though only two scholars were admitted to one school, the 'admission rate' is really not low. According to Li Qiu, there were more than 5,000 people in the county who took part in the scholar examination this year, but only five were admitted in the end.

Ten, one in a hundred, only two came out of their school, what a joy and excitement it was?

For this reason, Li Qiu drank a drink happily. The two students who passed the exam were all students taught by him. Although those two were not Li Qiu's apprentices, they were taught by him after all. They will be their future students.

The higher the achievement, the brighter Li Qiu's face.

It is precisely because the school has produced two talented students, which demonstrates the quality of teaching in the school, that there are more than a dozen new students recruited this year than Yunjing and his group, and most of them are from other places.

The situation of choosing a prestigious school with famous teachers is obviously the same everywhere.

Now Yunjing has gradually understood the administrative system of the Dali Dynasty, which from low to high is village, town, county, county, state, and road.

Xinlin County, where they are located, is under the jurisdiction of Linnan Road and Wangjiang County under Jiangzhou.

Jiangzhou, as the name suggests, has a big river, but Yunjing has never seen it. It is said that the river is called Lijiang, which almost crosses the entire Dali Dynasty. It has a source that comes from the sky and is nine thousand miles wide.


This shows that the territory of the Dali Dynasty is vast, and Yunjing has only touched the tip of the iceberg.

Wangjiang County has eight upper, middle and lower counties under its jurisdiction, and Xinlin County is a medium-sized county.

The entire Wangjiang County has a population of nearly three million, but only more than 5,000 children participated in the scholar examination. Fifty were admitted, which is really not much. This still includes children under the age of forty who are eligible to participate in the scholar examination. Almost

The total number of children born over the years among a population of several million.

Of course, those "wild" scholars who have read books but have no academic status are not counted. Such people are not eligible to participate in the imperial examination...

In the new semester of study and life, it was not until a month later that Yunjing heard the news about farmyard fertilizer coming from above from a few words from his classmates.

However, these students only heard about it from their parents. They mentioned it casually and did not know the details at all. During their discussion, almost all of them were surprised that poop can actually grow food?

That thing is so dirty, can the food grown be eaten?

Unable to get any specific and useful information from his classmates, Yunjing went back and asked his master Li Qiu.

Li Qiu has been paying attention to this matter, and the information he has received is relatively comprehensive.

Yunjing asked, and Li Qiu told Yunjing almost everything he knew.

First of all, after an imperial edict came down, the mayor of Niujiao Town seriously neglected his duties and failed to promptly discover and report the matter of farmyard fertilizer that would be of great benefit to the contemporary generation. He was dismissed from his post, asked to behead, and executed immediately, and his head was chopped off on the same day.

, the family property was confiscated, the family members were required to perform hard labor, and those who were consigned to a lowly status were converted to a lowly status.

The end was quite miserable. In response, Li Qiu sneered and said he deserved it.

Then, as he expected, the reason why it took so long for the news to come down was because of the disputes over merit in the court. It was like a dog biting a dog.

Li Qiu didn't say anything specific, but he told Yun Jing anyway that a large number of officials had died, including two second-rank officials!

This is a political game. Everyone wants credit. Then, for the sake of credit, you fuck me and I fuck you. In short, only after killing a few to scare others can someone truly taste the sweet fruits of credit.

Regarding farmyard manure, the mayor of Niujiao Town’s dereliction of duty is not worth mentioning at all. It was probably ‘erased’ easily.

Currently, the court is still debating two matters, and has yet to reach a decision.

First of all, there is the issue of promoting farmyard manure. How to promote it and who will promote it. Everything is so detailed that it is impossible to come up with a regulation in a short time.

Secondly, farmyard manure can increase food production. The most heated debate in the court was whether to increase taxes!

Regarding this issue, Li Qiu sneered and said that the interests involved and the impact on the people are too great. It is impossible to achieve results in a short time without killing a lot of people. Just wait...

This chapter has been completed!
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