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Chapter 268: See it yourself

Yunjing was a bit dumbfounded and said: "Brother Xing, you are making things difficult for me. I don't know anything about the situation, and I don't know what you are thinking. How dare you give opinions rashly?"

With an embarrassed smile, Xing Guangning also realized that he was sick and urgently sought medical treatment.

But don’t they also have a headache?

You caught a suspicious person, but before you had time to interrogate him, he died. What do you think you should do?

Xing Guangning struggled and said: "Mr. Yun, I also know that this is a bit difficult, but we have never encountered such a situation. We have encountered robbers in the past, and they always went straight to show off their cars and horses. Now,

This kind of situation where a suspicious person is caught and the person directly commits suicide by taking poison is really confusing. After discussing it for a day, I can’t figure it out at all, so I want to hear your opinion.”

This is really a strange thing. If the other party is really an informant planted by some gangsters and is a gangster, it is better to die than to live. Even if the identity is exposed, after all, there is no action. Xing Guangning and the others have nothing to lose. It is great to know

Having said that, there is still a good chance of surviving, so there is no reason to commit suicide as soon as possible.

After thinking for a while, Yunjing asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

"I think that guy is sick," Xiao Fei said, spreading his hands beside him. In his opinion, other than being sick, there was no explanation why the other person committed suicide so simply.

Looking at him speechlessly, Xing Guangning said: "You kid can't speak, so shut up." Then he looked at Yun Jing and said: "That man died simply, without knowing his identity or purpose. We are doing business to make money.

It’s about stability, but the risk is too great to be worth taking, so I’m not sure whether to move forward, stop, or retreat.”

Hearing what he said, Yunjing secretly thought that you guys are too stable. With such a large ship of cargo and so many passengers, you are even considering whether to continue moving forward in order not to take risks. How big will the loss be?

Having said that, I guess it is precisely because of this stability that they have been able to operate on the river for so many years.

It's really hard to comment on this Yunjing. If someone doesn't do it well and causes losses to others, then he's not a good person inside and out.

Closing his eyes slightly, others thought he was thinking about the current situation. In fact, Yunjing was observing to see if there was anyone suspicious on the boat. However, upon observation, there was none. People were doing what they were supposed to do.

Well, in the early morning cloud scene, I also saw a few pairs of dogs and men having breakfast...

If I were a few years older and my body was fully grown and I no longer had to worry about hurting my body, it would be easy to not have to endure those two days every month, right?

Yunjing murmured in his heart, realizing that his thoughts had gone astray when he saw the goblins fighting, and quickly retracted his thoughts.

Everything on the boat was normal, but then Yunjing opened his eyes and looked at Xing Guangning and the others and asked: "By the way, Brother Xing, where is the man who committed suicide by taking poison after being caught by you?"

"Everyone is dead, why keep him alive? And the guy died very miserably. He was bleeding from seven holes and looked very old. We are a cargo ship, and there are so many people. We are leaving corpses on a hot day."

What to do if there is a plague, so I threw it into the river to feed the fish," Xiao Fei replied matter-of-factly.

Almost rolling his eyes, Yun Jing said speechlessly: "The body shouldn't be thrown away."

"Why did Mr. Yun say this?" Xing Guangning said thoughtfully.

Shaking his head, Yunjing said: "Although that person is dead, in many cases dead people can talk."

"Dead people talk? Mr. Yun, please don't lie to me, it's so scary," Xiao Fei said, shrinking his neck.

It's so tiring to communicate with uneducated people. Yunjing struggled and said: "Where are you thinking? What I said about dead people talking is not normal talking, but..., let's put it this way, for example, judging from his physical condition

What kind of martial arts does he have, so as to deduce his origin, for example, from the style of fabric he is wearing, and investigate where he bought it, so as to trace the trajectory of his actions and the people he came into contact with. It is possible to follow the clues to find out who else is behind him, and also find out what he is wearing.

What kind of poison is it, and what forces often use that kind of poison... In short, many times the dead are more useful than the living, but now that you have lost the body, you will probably be buried in the belly of the fish, and now it is useless to say anything."

Hearing his analysis, Xing Guangning and others were dumbfounded. There are so many explanations for just one corpse?

"We didn't think much about it. We thought a corpse was useless and just threw it away," Xing Guangning said awkwardly.

Well, Yunjing also understands that they are businessmen after all. Strictly speaking, they can only be regarded as half of the Jianghu. How can they have so much energy and manpower to investigate so many based on one corpse? It is not a government case.

But all in all, they were a bit hasty in throwing away the body. Now there are no clues, so they can only make random guesses.

So Yunjing spread his hands and said: "There are no clues now, I don't know what to do, and I can't give you any advice." After a pause, he said again: "Since a suspicious person has appeared on the ship

, then there may be a second one, and the situation is unclear now, and emergencies may occur at any time, so we can only strengthen our vigilance and take one step at a time.”

"This is the only way we can do it now," Xing Guangning said tangledly.

Xiaofei cursed and said: "What the hell is this? I have never encountered anything like this before. It makes me very upset. I even missed a bowl of rice today."

There is no need to continue talking about this matter at this point. They still have to make their own decisions. Yunjing changed the subject and said, "By the way, Brother Xing, do you still want my painting?"

"I would like it, but Mr. Yun's painting is so good that I can't afford it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to shirk it. It's just that the painting is so good. It's so good that the price is so low that I feel uneasy with my conscience.

The price is too high and I can't afford it," Xing Guangning said sadly. If he was more vicious, he would just kill people and steal the goods, but he couldn't do that kind of thing.

Of course, don't think that he is a good person. He traveled long distances on the river to make a living. Who has never seen blood in his hands or killed anyone?

Scholars are really not easy to mess with. Records are filed wherever you go. Once a missing person is traced for a long time, the government's ability to handle the case is still very scary.

It could be heard that he was telling the truth, and was not deliberately deceiving himself into not wanting to draw the painting.

Don't forget it, the worst thing is to sell it to other people, and then, one code for another, Yunjing said: "In that case, Brother Xing, how much do those ten pieces of paper cost? I'll give you the money."

Xing Guangning didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Young Master Yun, you are too serious. A few pieces of paper are worthless. I'll give them to you. Don't say such words again. It's already a great honor to see that painting born in your hands. Those few pieces of paper

I am willing to give it to you and it is worth the money. If you insist on withdrawing the money, you will make it difficult for me."

Hearing what he said, Yun Jing was not a pedantic person who accepted death. He nodded and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Xing. I will draw a portrait of you and give it to you. Don't refuse then."

"That's a good relationship. I just want a pair of Mr. Yun's calligraphy paintings," Xing Guangning said with a smile.

At this point, they were still worried about the suspicious person who died, and Yun Jing couldn't stay long, so he said goodbye and left.

To be honest, Yunjing was also wondering why the guy couldn't think about it and committed suicide after he was caught. He was sleeping at the time and didn't know the process. Otherwise, with his methods comparable to cheating, he should be able to learn something.

Even if he had cheating methods, it would be difficult now. His accomplices would definitely be alerted by that person's death. Yun Jing could only be blinded if he stood still. He couldn't observe everyone all the time, right?

We can only strengthen our vigilance.

Being in the same boat, Yunjing didn't want any accident to happen even if it was for his own sake.

Returning to the cabin where they stayed a few days ago, Luo Zheng had gone somewhere. Zhou Muwo was gnawing steamed buns on the bed, while Bai Zhi was in a daze on the bed holding her knees.

She took off her shoes, and her feet were small and beautiful, the kind that foot lovers would love to put down. The exposed calf was also graceful and the skin was white and delicate. She could play with it for a year without getting tired of it.

"I agree, I was really in the peak of adolescence. Why can't I control my eyes and look at these things? Everything I think about is lewd. Uh-huh... I must have been influenced by Wang Bolin's pornography. It must be like this. That's it.

I don’t know what’s going on with them now, has the business of aphrodisiacs started?”

Thinking about some random things in his mind, he moved his eyes away from the pair of jade feet that made people couldn't help but shake hands. Yunjing said hello: "Miss Bai, haven't you gone out for a walk? The cabin is quite stuffy."

"Master Yun is back, I thought..." Bai Zhi suddenly became happy when she saw Yun Jing. Before she finished her words, she immediately changed her words and said: "It's boring outside. The scenery along the coast is pretty much the same. I'll get tired of it after looking at it for a long time. So I might as well just stay there."

In the cabin”

"What do you think?" Yunjing asked curiously.

Bai Zhi smiled, stroking her hair beside her ears and not looking at Yun Jing, and said, "It's nothing. By the way, Master Yun, how is the situation?"

She was feeling a little depressed before, and she didn't know why she was feeling depressed. She probably thought that Yunjing would go back to the previous suite, and then she wouldn't be able to have regular contact with her. She was a young girl, and she was too embarrassed to run into other people's rooms...

Yunjing came back, and her mood became beautiful.

After putting the things away, Yun Jing stretched out his hand to rest on the edge of the bed and gently propped it up, then nimbly turned over onto the bed, lying down, with a distance of more than one meter between Bai Zhi and Bai Zhi. If there was no distance, it would be as if they were lying on the same bed, and then

He replied: "Boss Xing doesn't want the painting. I will re-paint him a smaller one. There is no follow-up for the rest. Boss Xing and the others are discussing it themselves."

"That's it..." Bai Zhi nodded as if she didn't understand. She probably knew that Yun Jing had some words that were not convenient to say, so she didn't ask further questions.

It is really inconvenient to talk about the deaths on the ship here. Zhou Mu, an honest farmer, would definitely be frightened when he heard such a thing. It would be bad if it caused panic on the whole ship.

Then Bai Zhi followed Yun Jing's example and leaned on the bed, with a bit of shame on her face. Although she was far away, she felt like she was sharing the same bed.

She quickly stopped her random thoughts and changed the subject: "By the way, Mr. Yun, although I come from an ordinary background, I still know a few rich ladies in the past. They are all people who love painting. If there is a chance, I will introduce you to them."

I think they will definitely like your painting when they see it, and they will buy it at a high price..."

Bai Zhi's voice lowered as she spoke. Originally she had good intentions, but after all she said, she felt a little regretful. By introducing Yunjing to the ladies of those wealthy families, wouldn't she be letting Yunjing fall into the tiger's mouth?

Yunjing didn't think so much, but smiled and said: "Thank you very much. If you buy any of my paintings in the future, I will definitely give you an introduction fee."

"Yeah", Bai Zhi smiled and nodded, but she said in her heart that she would never introduce Yunjing to those stinky women, they are just thinking shit.

The weather in early autumn is the hottest time, and the cabin is extremely stuffy. Although Yun Jing's physical condition doesn't matter at all, he still feels that it would be nice to have someone to cool off in this cold weather.

Just when he was thinking about something random, there was a noise on the deck outside.

"Something seems to have happened," Bai Zhi, who was opposite her, sat up with her ears moving and frowned.


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