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Chapter 296 Wrong Payment

Yunjing was also thinking seriously about what happened to Zhou Mu as he said Zhou Mu's words calmly.

In a word, it's very abnormal.

It stands to reason that Wang Fu married Zhou Xiaojuan back then. With this relationship, now Zhou Mu comes to visit his daughter. As a scholar, he is still a junior, and he is a disciple of Mr. Zuo who is famous all over the world. Even if it is just because of the face and etiquette of a scholar, Wang

Fudu should treat each other with courtesy, but Zhou Mu was actually beaten severely by the Wang family's servants and almost lost his life.

What is the reason for the Wang family to do something so contrary to common sense?

Are you covering something up?

Although Zhou Mu repeatedly emphasized not to cause trouble to Yunjing, and he planned to leave tomorrow, even if it was just because of his wish as an old father to see his daughter, there was no reason for Yunjing not to take it seriously when something like this happened.

If you don't, you won't be able to get over the hurdle in your heart.

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yunjing continued to trick Zhou Mu quietly. Only by knowing more can he help him, so he continued to ask as usual: "Uncle Zhou, how many years have you been separated from your daughter?"

"More than ten years, fourteen years and three months to be precise, I remember it all," Zhou Mu said fondly, thinking back to the time when his daughter called her daddy affectionately, but now she can't even see her and was even beaten.

Zhou Mu almost lost his life, and Zhou Mu felt so bitter that he couldn't tell.

Nodding, Yunjing asked again: "How old was your daughter when she left?"

It is not easy for ordinary people to travel far away in this era. Whenever you 'leave home', you need to register and file wherever you go. Asking Zhou Xiaojuan's age and time of departure, Yunjing could check her information from the official registration place according to the specific year.


"I remember Xiaojuan was fifteen years old when she left," Zhou Mu said with certainty, not even thinking about Yun Jing's purpose in asking these questions.

Fifteen years old, now fourteen years later, Zhou Xiaojuan is almost thirty.

Most girls in this world get married young. When Zhou Xiaojuan left Wang Fu at the age of fifteen, Yun Jing was not too surprised, given the way the world is.

Then Yunjing added: "I remember Uncle Zhou said on the boat that your daughter and son-in-law left after having a banquet in your hometown. Did Wang Fu say that he wanted to marry your daughter? Then he went to the government to register.


Marriage is protected by law. By asking this, Yunjing wants to understand Zhou Xiaojuan's status in Wang Fu's heart. If Wang Fu truly married Zhou Xiaojuan, there would be no reason not to register with the government.

Zhou Mu didn't think so much and talked about this. He replied: "At the beginning, I also said that I would go to the government to register the marriage certificate, but my son-in-law Wang Fu said that he would take Xiaojuan home and let the matchmaker marry her. Then relatives and friends in the high hall would testify.

, it would not be too late to go to the government to register at that time. He also said that as a scholar, marrying a wife is a very important matter and should not be taken lightly. In addition, Xiaojuan likes him very much. I think what he said is reasonable, so there is no reason.

I kept insisting, and then we held a banquet, and Xiaojuan and Wang Fu left after a few days."

After hearing what he said, Yunjing realized that they had most likely been deceived.

It is a necessary process to register a marriage with the government. Wang Fu said that he is a scholar, so it is impossible that he does not understand these etiquette and rules. He made it clear that the matchmaker was marrying him for whatever reason. He clearly did not want to consummate the marriage on the spot.

While lying to Zhou Mu, Yun Jing extended his telepathy and began to look for evidence from other aspects to confirm his guess.

As the so-called flying geese leave traces, even after many years, the traces of many things cannot be completely erased at once.

Now that Wang Mansion and Wang Fu know the location and identity, it will be easy for Yunjing to find him. After all, Pofeng County is only that big.

Within the scope of telekinesis, Yunjing quickly saw Wang's house.

It was a five-room compound with dozens of servants and many books in the house. At first glance, it was obvious that it was from a well-established scholarly family. How could such a family casually marry a farmer's daughter?


Unless you are engaged since childhood, this possibility is very small.

In Wang's Mansion, Yun Jing 'searched' inside and out, but found no evidence of Wang Fu and Zhou Xiaojuan's marriage, or even any trace of Zhou Xiaojuan's existence.

If Wang Fu really married Zhou Xiaojuan, this situation would never have happened.

This is because I was deceived and did not run away.

So was it someone who pretended to be Wang Fu to deceive people, or was he deceiving himself?

Yunjing tends to the latter. Pretending to be a scholar in this era is a serious crime!

In this way, as a scholar and a disciple of Mr. Zuo, Wang Fu is a reputable person. Logically speaking, he should not do such a thing to deceive other people's daughters. But Youdao knows people and faces but not their hearts. There are so many scholars.

There will always be a few polite scum.

In particular, scholars often regard romance as an elegant thing and think it is something worth showing off, so Wang Fuyou fell in love with Zhou Mu's daughter during his studies, and he wanted to have some fun and entertainment, so he used

With some small means, this kind of thing is not impossible to happen.

There was no trace of Zhou Xiaojuan's existence in the Wang Mansion. Yun Jing's heart sank, and he turned his mind towards the county government, hoping to find some clues there.

Then in the registration information room of Pofeng County, Yunjing still could not find the marriage registration certificate of Zhou Xiaojuan and Wang Fu, which confirmed the fact that Zhou Mu and his daughter were deceived.

Although he did not find Zhou Xiaojuan's marriage registration information in the county government office, Yunjing found information about more than thirty women named Zhou Xiaojuan.

There are too many duplicate names.

Fortunately, Yunjing had briefly asked about his daughter's information before, and based on the clues provided by Zhou Mu and his own judgment, Yunjing found out the information about Zhou Mu's daughter Zhou Xiaojuan from the more than thirty Zhou Xiaojuan.

Fourteen years ago, a woman named Zhou Xiaojuan came to Pofeng County and registered with the government. The information records were lost and accumulated a layer of dust.

In this era, as long as people live a normal life, regardless of whether they are humble or slaves, they will be registered with the government. Otherwise, it will be difficult to move forward. If they are not registered with the government, they will be treated as refugees if they are found.

Therefore, when Wang Fu brought Zhou Xiaojuan to Pofeng County, he must have gone to the government to file information.

After all, with his reputation as a scholar, Yunjing was very familiar with these processes. Starting from this point, he found out the news about Zhou Xiaojuan.

But when Yun Jing read Zhou Xiaojuan's information in the official filing, her heart was heavy.

Her initial registration information was fourteen years ago, about the same time as Zhou Mu said.

Through official registration, Yunjing learned that Zhou Xiaojuan first entered Wang Fu's house as a concubine!

It's not like Zhou Mu said that the matchmaker is marrying, but a concubine...

The concubine's status in this era is very humble. If her husband loves her, she can live a slightly better life. If her husband doesn't love her, she is just a tool that she cannot afford to offend and is abandoned like a shoe. Her status is no different from that of an animal, and is equivalent to a private person.

Property can be transferred and given away.

The government only recorded that Zhou Xiaojuan entered Wangfu as a concubine, and nothing more is known.

However, the filing about Zhou Xiaojuan does not stop there.

After she entered the Wang family fourteen years ago, in less than a year, there were new records in her official records.

The filing information states that Wang Fu gave Zhou Xiaojuan to a person named Qiu Mingfang as a gift.

The status of a concubine is so cheap that she can be bought, sold and given away at will. Zhou Xiaojuan suffered such a fate.

Seeing that she was given to Qiu Mingfang, Yunjing felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, this person's name had the same name as one of Mr. Zuo's apprentices. In addition, Wang Fu was also Mr. Zuo's apprentice. Yunjing probably

I'm sure Qiu Mingfang is probably Wang Fu's senior brother who has not run away.

We have a good relationship, so I can freely give away gifts...

Less than half a year later, Zhou Xiaojuan's information was updated again. She was sold by Qiu Mingfang to a brothel called Chunyulou in Pofeng County. Since then, Zhou Xiaojuan's identity has changed from a concubine to a brothel woman.

Low status.

She was a concubine and had no control over her fate. She was sold to a brothel and could not resist such a fate.

After this updated information, less than a month later, Zhou Xiaojuan's information was updated again. She was dead and died of suicide.

Then there was no follow-up.

Several pieces of official registration information after Zhou Xiaojuan came to Pofeng County in the north, a few flimsy pieces of paper, carry the tragic life of Zhou Xiaojuan.

It had been so many years since she had come all the way here, and she had no relatives or friends here. She died after a tragic experience and no one cared about her at all.

A living life disappeared into the world so silently.

Life is worse than grass!

Zhou Xiaojuan was deceived by Wang Fu when she was fifteen years old. She took her home to play with for a while, and then gave it to her senior brothers. Finally, the senior brothers had enough fun and simply sold her to a brothel. In the end, Zhou Xiaojuan died of suicide.

In a simple sentence, Yun Jing summarized Zhou Xiaojuan's experience after leaving home.

However, whether Zhou Xiaojuan entered Wang's house as a concubine, or she was given away, or sold, the problem is that all of this is legal!

a plant.

After learning this, an uncontrollable anger suddenly rose in Yunjing's heart. How could Wang Fu treat a woman who had given her body and soul to him like this? How could she bear it when she traveled thousands of miles to come back with you?

Especially Wang Fu is also a scholar!

Is this worthy of being called a scholar?

Yunjing was truly disgusted.

In view of what Wang Fu and Qiu Mingfang did regarding Zhou Xiaojuan, even Yunjing became a little resentful towards Mr. Zuo, who was famous all over the world.

Mr. Zuo, who is respected by thousands of people, taught such a well-dressed beast?

Zhou Mu traveled thousands of miles to come here to find his daughter. If she knew what happened to her daughter and her fate, as a father, how sad would he be?

So it was better not to let him know about these things. Although he was extremely regretful that he could not see his daughter, he still felt in his heart that his daughter had gone to a rich family and lived a good life. He had seen the environment of the Wang family with his own eyes, and with this in mind

It's a 'beautiful' thought, and Zhou Mu wouldn't be too sad to think about it.

As for him being beaten by the servants of the Wang family, he did not dare to resist, nor was he able to resist. Even from his perspective, for the sake of his daughter's 'happiness', he would definitely not go to the Wang family again.

Zhou Mu was almost beaten to death by the servants of the 'Daughter's Family'. How sad and sad was Zhou Mu? But he couldn't express his pain, so he could only leave in despair...

What else could he do?

"Justice is in the human heart. In life, there are things to do and things not to do. I can't stand by and watch this happen!"

Yunjing secretly thought in his heart that he wanted to seek justice for Zhou Mu and his daughter.

Even if what Wang Fu did to Zhou Xiaojuan was legal, Yun Jing would have a uneasy conscience if he did not seek justice.

For the sake of the safety of Zhou Mu and his family, Zhou Xiaojuan or Zhou Mu was almost beaten to death as an excuse to attack Wang Fu.

But doesn’t Yunjing have any other option?

However, what Yunjing still can't understand is why Zhou Mu was almost beaten to death by the Wang family's servants when he came to visit him?

When Yunjing got the answer, he wanted to draw his sword and kill someone!

This chapter has been completed!
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