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Chapter 295 Human Tragedy

In a remote alley, Zhou Mu was lying on the ground, covered in mud and dust. His face was bruised and bruised, and there were blood stains on his mouth and nose. He looked extremely miserable.

He looked at the sky, his eyes were frightened and hesitant, numb and helpless, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, but he had forgotten the grief, his mouth was slightly open, his lips were trembling, he wanted to cry or shout, but his throat seemed to be blocked and he could not utter a single syllable.

He looked extremely sad at this time.

He traveled thousands of miles to come here to look for his daughter, but his daughter was not found and ended up like this. Not many people can understand the sadness and sadness of people at the bottom of the crop like him.

To describe his experience, he couldn't describe his situation more appropriately.

Occasionally, a beggar passed by and saw that Zhou Mu was even more miserable than himself. His eyes revealed unbearable and sympathetic feelings. He gritted his teeth, took out a treasured steamed bun from his arms and put it on him, then sighed, shook his head and left.

Beggars can't help much, and they don't have the ability to help more...

Zhou Mu was still lying on the ground, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. The early winter sunshine was still very warm, but he felt extremely cold, so cold that it penetrated his bones. His heart was so cold that it almost died and broke.

Yunjing came here quickly.

On the way here, I used my telekinesis to carefully observe his injuries. Zhou Mu's body was covered in scars, with almost no intact place. They were all beaten by blunt objects, fists and kicks. Not only that, several of his ribs were broken, and his internal organs were damaged.

Damage, all limbs had comminuted fractures!

Originally, even if he received timely treatment for his injuries, given the current medical conditions, he would probably die, and even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would be disabled for life.

Fortunately, Yun Jing paid attention to him before leaving, otherwise Zhou Mu would have died silently in that deserted alley.

With Yunjing's unremitting efforts in mobilizing spiritual energy, Zhou Mu's body quickly stabilized and he was getting better visibly to the naked eye.

"Uncle Zhou, how did you end up like this?"

When he came to his side, Yunjing knelt down and did not move him at the first time. He was filled with uncomfortable questions.

Zhou Mu's eyes moved and he looked at the cloud scene. The corner of his mouth trembled as if he wanted to say something, but he tugged at the corner of his mouth bitterly and then continued to stare at the sky in a daze.

How much blow and grievance did you suffer to become like this?

The cloud scenery is simply unimaginable.

He said: "Uncle Zhou, please bear with me, I will help you set your bones first, otherwise you will be disabled in the future."

"Master Yun, no need. Although I don't have much knowledge, I probably understand my situation. It's useless. Don't waste your efforts. Let me lie down for a while. The sky in the north is so blue, but so cold..."

Zhou Mu finally spoke and shook his head slightly.

He didn't realize that he had the strength to speak. The spiritual energy was nourishing his body silently. He was so shocked that he didn't care about his condition at all.

It seems like he is lying here just waiting to die.

Just open your mouth and worry about holding it back all the time. Yunjing relaxed a little and said, "Uncle Zhou, I'm starting to set your bones. Don't move. Just grit your teeth and hold on. You'll be fine soon."

Zhou Mu didn't care.

So Yunjing's mind penetrated deep into his flesh, carefully observed the condition of his injured bones, and carefully helped him set his bones. With a slight clicking sound, Zhou Mu's whole body trembled slightly, and the damaged bone parts were restored, and then with the nourishment of spiritual energy

, or he will be back to his original state in less than half a day.

The total amount of spiritual energy controlled by Yunjing now is not comparable to what it was a few years ago, and Zhou Mu is just an ordinary person with a weak physique. He can recover faster than a martial arts practitioner with a strong physique. The weaker the physique, the stronger he can be with the nourishment of spiritual energy.


After setting his bones, Yunjing thought for a while and asked: "Uncle Zhou, you were fine early in the morning, why is it like this now?"

Although asking this question is a bit revealing to Zhou Mu, Yunjing still wants to know the reason. If he can help him to the best of his ability and seek justice for him, Yunjing doesn't mind helping.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Yun. You are a good person. It is my blessing to meet you. But don't ask or care about my affairs. Just pretend you have never met me. How can I be so good as a young man?"

You care, just go away and pretend you have never seen me..." Zhou Mu looked at Yun Jing and waved his hands gently, saying in a somewhat hollow tone.

At the end of the sentence, he was slightly stunned, and then he realized that he could actually raise his hand, which almost made him think he was dreaming.

In his daze, Yunjing did not show off that she had secretly healed his wounds. After thinking about it, she looked at him and said seriously: "Uncle Zhou, you know that I am a scholar. It is not the behavior of a gentleman to ignore injustices on the road and ignore them.

Moreover, my tutor always teaches the younger generation to be kind to others. If I can help you, I will try my best to help you, but if I can't do anything, then please forgive me. After all, human abilities are limited."

Yunjing wants to help him, but he also has the self-knowledge to do what he can.

"Mr. Yun, I beg you, please leave it alone, okay? I know you are kind-hearted, but I really don't want to cause you any trouble, and it is very likely to bring disaster to you. I can't afford to offend anyone who cares, and I don't dare to offend you.

Zhou Mu said with a pleading tone.

After hesitating for a moment, Yunjing changed the subject and said: "Uncle Zhou, let's do this. I'll help you treat your injuries first. Although this junior is a scholar, he has also practiced martial arts with his master. People who practice martial arts have special healing methods. I'll give them to you.

After I'm cured and able to move, let's find a place to tidy up. It's not a problem to lie here."

Saying that, without waiting for Zhou Mu to refuse, he circulated the blood energy in his hands to relax his muscles and activate his blood circulation.

Blood energy cannot act outside the body, so it cannot heal Zhou Mu's injuries, but circulating blood energy can make him feel warm. Then Yunjing secretly uses spiritual energy to help him heal his injuries, giving him a kind of psychological comfort to heal his injuries. Spiritual energy is his

It's too mysterious a method that I don't understand at all.

Seeing that Yunjing no longer asked for help, Zhou Mu was relieved, and then found that his injuries quickly recovered under Yunjing's help. You must know that he was in a dying state at the beginning. He originally wanted to die.

It did come back to life.

He still has a family. If he can live, why would he be willing to die?

Before, there was no choice but to wait for death.

This place is so remote that, except for the beggars who came and left at first, no one passed by for more than an hour.

More than an hour later, Zhou Mu's serious injury had recovered to the point where he could walk freely.

"Mr. Yun, your method is really amazing. I thought I wouldn't survive... I owe you a life." Zhou Mu slowly stood up and said in surprise, and then immediately knelt down to Yun Jing to express his gratitude. He was so destitute.

This is the only way to express my gratitude.

Yunjing quickly supported him and said: "Uncle Zhou can't help it, this junior will lose his life. Let's go, I'll support you, let's find a place to settle down first."

Zhou Mu couldn't resist Yun Jing, so he had no choice but to give up kowtow to express his gratitude.

Soon after, Yunjing helped him back to the inn where he stayed yesterday. As time passed, Zhou Mu's health got better and better.

Yunjing opened a room in the inn and asked the waiter to help bring hot water for Zhou Mu to clean.

Afterwards, the room fell into a long silence. Yunjing did not leave, silently accompanying the lonely and helpless old man.

"Master Yun, please go. I thought I wouldn't survive. I...I will find a way to go back tomorrow. You don't have to worry about me." Zhou Mu, who had been silent for a long time, slowly said.

He is very simple at heart and knows Yunjing's good intentions, but he doesn't want to cause trouble to Yunjing.

He has been struggling at the bottom for decades. He does not think that I am weak and if you don't help me, you are wrong. Instead, he tries to reduce troubles for others, otherwise he will feel uneasy.

"Uncle Zhou, it's okay to go back. No matter what happens, if you come out, you will always have a home and a place to go. You don't have to think too much about other things," Yun Jing said following his intention.

Then Zhou Mu silently began to cry.

If his daughter was not found and he left like this, it would be a waste of his trip. He had spent the money he had saved for many years frugally, but he did not see his daughter. How could he tell his family when he returned?

But he didn't dare to look for it anymore. He was almost beaten to death when he went there. If he hadn't met Yun Jing, he would really be dead. If he went there again, he would be dead.

On the one hand, he was worried about his missing daughter, and on the other hand, he could not go back to explain to his family, so he could only cry silently.

Yun Jing felt very unhappy when he saw this, and said again: "Uncle Zhou, you don't let me help because you are afraid of causing trouble to me. I understand, and that's up to you, but you have to let me know what happened, right? If you don't

Clearly, I’m afraid I’ll be thinking about this for a long time, and I won’t be able to calm down while studying in the future.”

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mu hesitated and said: "Will it have such a serious impact on Mr. Yun? That's not my fault. Since Mr. Yun just wants to know, then I will tell you. Hey


He paused for a moment, wiped his tears, and said in a confused tone: "This morning, I searched around based on the address my daughter and son-in-law left when they left. I found the place, but I wasn't even allowed to enter the high-gate compound.

Come in, I said I was looking for my daughter. I asked the doorman to be accommodating. Just take a look at my daughter. If I look at her from a distance, I will leave. I won’t disturb my daughter’s life. After all, I am a father with no skills. My daughter has gone to a wealthy family.

, my appearance will embarrass my daughter.”

"But the servant said that he didn't have my daughter at all, and then he drove me away. At first, I thought I was in the wrong place, and I was very embarrassed. But I asked around nearby, and it was true.

That’s the address left by my daughter and son-in-law back then.”

"As a last resort, I went to the door again and begged the doorman to let me take a look at my daughter. Unexpectedly, the doorman got angry and asked the servants to beat me up. He still said that my daughter was not there at all and that if I made trouble again, I would be beaten to death.

I, then, those servants who beat me left me far away in the alley where I was, and then I met Mr. Yun and you..."

After listening to the whole process, Yun Jing was slightly stunned.

The process was quite simple. Zhou Mu came to the door twice and was beaten. But the question is, if that family just didn't want to see Zhou Mu, would it be necessary to kill him?

It was obvious that he was going to kill the person. Even if those servants were careless, they wouldn't beat him like that.

With his thoughts flickering, Yun Jing roughly guessed that the family's purpose was to kill Zhou Mu. The reason why they didn't kill him on the spot was probably just to reduce some trouble.

As a foreigner like Zhou Mu, who has no power, as long as he is not beaten to death on the spot, who will care afterward?

A human life, Zhou Mu is not a gangster, nor is he a villain, why are those guys so cruel.

"Well, Uncle Zhou, what's the name of that family? Where is it, and what's the name of your daughter and son-in-law?" Yunjing still asked in a tone that simply wanted to know more.

Zhou Mu had no doubt that he was there, and said: "I just went to that house in the morning. I remember it was on Wutong Street. The fifth house on that street was named Wang. I can't read. I only heard other people say that his family's name was Wang.

Wang Mansion, my daughter’s name is Zhou Xiaojuan. I also remember my son-in-law’s name, Wang Fu. He is a scholar, and his name is Ye Xue. Back then, my son-in-law told me what the name Ye Xue meant. I still remember it.

He said that as a scholar, your character should be as white as snow. Even if darkness covers the world, the darkness cannot change the whiteness of snow."

Obviously, Zhou Mu has always cared about his daughter. After all these years, he still clearly remembers what he said.

If we hadn't been thinking about our daughter all the time, after more than ten years, I'm afraid not many people would still remember what I said and heard, right?

"Wang's Mansion, Wang's Mansion, Zhou Xiaojuan..." Yunjing repeated and nodded to show that he understood.

Then Yunjing asked Zhou Mu, "Uncle Zhou, you plan to go back tomorrow, right? Is there anyone else at home?"

"There is a wife at home who wanted to come to see my daughter, but she has inconvenient legs and feet, and the round trip fare is not enough for two people, so she didn't come. She is waiting at home for me to bring the news back. If there is a chance, she would like to

I brought my daughter back to reunite with me. I haven’t seen her for more than ten years and I miss her so much. Then I have a son and two grandsons at home, both of whom have no future and will spend their whole lives farming." After chatting, Zhou Mu didn’t say much.

I thought about it and told Yunjing about the situation at home.

There is still home and family. Even if his daughter is not found and her body recovers, Zhou Mu will never have the thought of committing suicide.

Yunjing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Having said that, Zhou Mu traveled thousands of miles to look for his daughter, so he would definitely remember the address correctly. However, in this era, Yunjing was not very mobile in his previous life and moved around frequently. Several generations lived in the same ancestral house.

There are quite a few people there, so it should be right that Wang Fu from the Wang family is Zhou Mu's son-in-law.

But why would Zhou Mu come to his door and the other party would deny it or even kill someone to silence him?

I'm afraid there's something hidden in this!

But if Yun Jing remembers correctly, one of Mr. Zuo's disciples he wanted to visit was named Wang Fu...

This chapter has been completed!
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