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Chapter 30 Become illiterate

No matter where, there is a social norm, that is, class gap.

Whether you admit it or not, from the bottom of your heart, many times poor people will be subconsciously cautious when they see rich people, civilians will be inexplicably nervous and cautious when they see officials, and unknown people will feel inferior when they see famous people all over the world...

Those were still the days when "everyone is equal".

Of course, usually people will not admit that they are inferior to others. Instead, they will show disdain and say that it is nothing more than that.

Only you know whether it is sour or not.

There was a class gap in that kind of social environment, let alone now?

Yunjing's personal experience made her feel particularly deeply about the class gap under the current social system.

Take the villagers of Xiaoxi Village for example. When they saw the bullock cart, which was still dozens of meters away, they subconsciously shut up and hurried on, even peeking out of the corner of their eyes.


Maybe he didn't dare, fearing that his eyes would offend the nobles and bring disaster. Poor people from small families couldn't stand the hardships, and their lives were already difficult. They really couldn't afford to offend such nobles.

The bullock cart was moving slowly in the middle of the official road, and the villagers carrying heavy loads could only walk on the side. No one had any complaints or displeasure, but took it for granted.

It wasn't until they were very far out that the oxcart could no longer be seen. Yunjing clearly felt that the villagers seemed to be relieved. They indeed had no interaction with those people, but the other party just made them feel the slightest bit.

Inexplicable pressure.

Yun Jing could only say that this is reality.

To be honest, Yunjing also envied the owner of the bullock cart. He had enough clothes to put on his hands and food to open his mouth, he was escorted when traveling, he didn't have to walk, and he didn't even have to worry about life.

But after envy, it is just envy. After all, envying others will not change your own life.

After a long distance, the villagers began to communicate again, and the topic naturally turned to the owner of the previous bullock cart.

From the miscellaneous oral accounts of the villagers, Yunjing extracted the key points and obtained some identity background about the owner of the bullock cart.

The young man on the bullock cart is the young master of a wealthy family in the town. No one knows his last name. The villagers only know that the young man is very rich and has a vague official background. As for the authenticity, it is unknown.

Then he was also a scholar and seemed to have a great reputation.

When the villagers mentioned the word scholar, both their words and expressions showed strong envy and yearning. For eight generations in Xiaoxi Village, there has not been a scholar yet. Today’s villagers have

When I got up, I couldn't read a lot of characters as big as my fist.

There is no way, they are still struggling to have enough food and clothing, and studying is too far away for them, so far away that they dare not even think about it.

Even Yunjing found that the villagers just met the young man riding the bullock cart by chance, let alone communicated, and didn't even meet him. Just like this, because of the other person's status as a scholar, they actually felt a sense of honor.


Maybe this will become their bragging rights when they go back.

We have met some scholars, the kind who can read and write, let’s envy them...

"Just meeting him is as happy as picking up money. Are scholars that good?" Yun Jing muttered in his heart. He didn't expect that scholars in this world have such a great influence.

After thinking about it for a while, Yunjing sadly discovered that he was actually just an "illiterate" in this world. He couldn't read...

After receiving this result, Yunjing was a little bit dumbfounded. In his previous life, he went to kindergarten until graduating from college and went to school for about twenty years. However, he is now illiterate.

However, he had to admit that this was the truth.

Isn’t this nonsense...

Then Yunjing secretly pondered in his mind, would he have the chance to become a literate and educated person in this world in the future?

It doesn't matter what the fame is, I just want to be literate. Once I come here, I have to understand what kind of world this is. If I want to understand this world more deeply, books are undoubtedly the best way. But if you don't know how to read, give him a

He can't even read this world's encyclopedia.

After having this idea in his mind, Yunjing subconsciously looked at his father and grandfather.

Forget it, they probably have no idea of ​​cultivating themselves into educated people. They probably have no idea at all, because reading and literacy are too far away for them, and they will not think about it subconsciously.

Even if they master the method of making maltose, they may not be as rich as they used to be, but they still have no idea about reading and literacy.

Fixed life patterns limit their thinking.

It has to be said that this is also an inexplicable sadness. Born in a poor family, there are many things that are not qualified to think about. Born as a farmer, their ancestors should have been farmers for generations. They think this is only natural. If anyone has the opportunity to jump out

An idea in this scope is called an alternative.

If he wants to study and become literate, his family has no hope for the time being. Yunjing feels that he still has to find a way on his own, but there is no rush. He is still young and has plenty of time.

Scholars represent wealth, scholars represent honorable ancestors, scholars represent no need to pay taxes and can talk directly to the government, scholars are superior to others wherever they go...

If a scholar falls in love with a girl from a certain family, even if it is to be a concubine, it will be a matter of great joy and joy.

Scholars are scholars. Listening to the villagers talking nonsense, Yun Jing could only say in his heart that scholars are awesome...

Although the road they walked on was an official road, there were not many pedestrians. At least Yunjing and the others encountered no one else except the scholar and his party from before.

Yunjing didn't know whether it was because the world's population was small and scattered, or whether it was because there were a lot of people but people didn't go out often, so there were fewer people on the road.

Time slipped away quietly amidst the chatter of the villagers.

I don't know who said the words that finally arrived, and the villagers stopped talking.

Yunjing was amazed in his heart. The influence of the scholar once again refreshed his understanding. From the place where they met until now, they have walked ten or twenty miles, carrying heavy objects, and they actually talked all the way!

As for what?

Aren't you tired? Everyone is sweating and panting. Where do you find the energy to discuss scholars?

I believed your lies, and you don’t know them, so no matter how much we talk about them, they have nothing to do with you...

Yunjing really couldn't understand their feelings.

Not thinking about this, he raised his head and looked ahead.

Their destination, the town, was just ahead. Still far away, there were clusters of buildings that came into view.

"This is what a town is called?"

At first glance, Yunjing was a little disappointed. There was a big gap between what he imagined the town looked like before he came and what he saw with his own eyes. However, he felt that the so-called town he saw now was reasonable...

This chapter has been completed!
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