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Chapter 31 What the Town Sees

The so-called town and prosperity have nothing to do with it. Looking around, although there are many buildings, most of them are still mud-walled huts. There are also wooden houses, but there are only a few, scattered bricks and tiles.

The house is located among them, and it is already the most popular one.

Old, run-down, that's what the town is called.

If it weren't for the denser buildings and more people, Yunjing would actually feel that it was no different from the countryside. He even suspected that most of the people in this town were still farmers.

As we approach the town, there are gradually more and more pedestrians on the road, including porters with heavy loads, farmers buying vegetables, tourists on their way, and vendors driving cars...

After looking at the pedestrians for a while, Yun Jing found that most of them were dressed in ordinary clothes, including coarse cloth clothes, straw sandals, and cloth shoes. The styles were simple and the colors were monotonous. Moreover, the clothes they wore were quite old, and many of them had patches on their clothes.

It is obvious that poor people make up the majority wherever they are.

Occasionally, there are one or two people wearing robes, wide-sleeved silk clothes, and they stand out from the crowd.

Yun Xiaofu, who was traveling with him, glanced at a man who stood out from the crowd, and said with envy in a sour tone: "That piece of clothing can equal all my family's belongings. Tsk tsk, those sleeves are so wide, just the sleeves can make a whole outfit."

Clothes, it’s a waste of fabric.”

After hearing this, Yunjing seriously suspected that he had a plot against the rich.

Having said that, it has been more than two years since I came to this world. In Yunjing's memory, the villagers in Xiaoxi Village did not wear long-sleeved robes. They all wore short sleeves and short sleeves. Now that I think about it, it is not because of today's dressing style. It is purely because

Poor people try their best to save fabric.

If conditions permit, who wouldn’t want to wear a decent robe with wide sleeves?

From their direction, as they were about to enter the town, there was an archway that was four feet wide and three feet high. It was obviously old. There were moss growing on the stone pillars at a slightly higher place, and you could vaguely see the exquisite patterns that had been carved on it.


There are three big characters written on the archway. Yunjing doesn't recognize them. They are characters that belong to this world.

That kind of font does not belong to anything in Yunjing's memory. It is not the Western symbol writing in his memory, nor is it hieroglyphics. Each character is separate. Yunjing thinks of a kind of writing in his memory and looks at it now.

The characters are somewhat similar.

The bronze inscriptions of the ancient Chinese civilization in the previous life are somewhat similar to the characters in front of you, but they are definitely different. The structure of the characters here is more rigorous, and the strokes are straight, unlike the bronze inscriptions with rounded strokes.

"Niujiao Town, Xiaojing, please remember, those three words are called Niujiao Town." Yunshan noticed that Yunjing was curiously looking at the words on the archway, so he lowered his head and smiled.

"I remember it," Yunjing responded obediently.

Are you talking about Niujiao Town? That’s what those three words mean.

He knew that his father actually didn't recognize those three characters. The reason why he recognized those three characters again was simply because he usually understood them after being called too many times. If the three characters were taken out separately in another place, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize them.


Without systematic study, writing is a difficult thing to master.

After passing the archway, Yunjing's attention was soon attracted by a large stone on the roadside. The stone was as tall as a person and five or six meters long. The side near the road was polished so smooth that it could be called a stone wall.

A straw shed was built on top of the big rock.

On it, there are many words written in black ink. The words are separated one by one, and it seems that they write different contents.

"Dad, what is that?" Yunjing asked, pointing to the big stone with writing on it. He really turned into a curious baby.

Yunshan took a look and explained: "That's a notice board. Usually, any new regulations from the government, wanted orders, etc. are written on it. When writing, someone will read it specifically to prevent illiterate people from not knowing what to write. Look at it.

There is new ink, which was obviously written not long ago. I don’t know what it is, but it seems that the person responsible for reading is not here.”

It turned out that this was what happened, and then Yunjing asked again: "Then why don't you just write it on paper and stick it on it? It's better than writing on rocks, right?"

"Paper is so expensive. A piece of paper one foot square costs five copper coins. There is no way to save money by writing on stones. You only need to wash off the front with water and you can write again. Moreover, the government used to be generous.

I used paper to write on it, and then the paper was stolen. After a few times, I stopped doing that." Yunshan touched his head and laughed.

Well, it’s still to save money.

Gee, someone actually stole a notice written by the government. How bold.

Then, a piece of paper one foot square costs five copper coins, which is equivalent to five kilograms of coarse grains. It can be seen that reading and literacy are really not affordable for ordinary families. To learn something famous, the cost of paper alone is

It can scare many poor people.

Passing by the notice wall, Yunjing and his party soon entered Niujiao Town. A three-foot-wide road penetrated deep into the town. There were various shops on both sides of the road, including grain and oil stores, grocery stores, teahouses, restaurants, blacksmith shops, cloth shops...

There are also some shops that are a mess and don’t know what they do.

In short, all the storefronts along the street are for business.

After entering Niujiao Town, what left Yunjing speechless the most was the streets. They were so dirty and messy, with sewage flowing across the street, cattle and sheep feces everywhere, rotten vegetables, leaves, smelly dog ​​feces scattered everywhere, it was almost impossible to get down.

However, it seems that people are not surprised by such an environment, and no one cares about it at all.

‘Although this is an ancient society, if the streets are so dirty and messy, wouldn’t there be no “urban management” to take care of them?’ Yunjing muttered silently in his heart.

There were a lot of people on the street. Although it was not crowded to the point of being crowded with each other, it was quite lively.

"There are so many people," Yunjing said in a tone suitable for his age, looking at the pedestrians around him.

Yunshan nodded and said: "No, I heard that there are more than 2,000 households living in Niujiao Town, more than 10,000 people. Moreover, today is also a market day. People from all over the surrounding areas will come to the market, so there will naturally be more people.


Because he didn't understand the situation in this world, Yunjing didn't know whether a town with tens of thousands of people could be called big, but he was used to seeing big cities with tens of millions of people in his previous life, so he didn't think much of it.

Then he realized that his grandfather and father's coming to town today was not an impromptu trip, but that today was the time to go to the market. There were many people, so things would naturally sell better.

After entering the town, Yunjing's family gradually separated from the villagers. They sold different things and went to different places. They all agreed to meet at the archway in the afternoon and go back together.

Yunjing noticed that the vegetable sellers on the street had special locations, and the fish and river delicacies sellers also had fixed locations. The same was true for mountain products...

In short, it has become a default pattern for everyone to sell what they want and where they want it. As long as they go to a specific place, they can buy what they want.

After walking on the street for more than ten minutes, Yunjing's family came to a place that sells bamboo products.

On both sides of the dozens of meters long street here are people selling bamboo products, such as baskets, dustpans, bamboo hats, baskets, brooms, umbrellas...

A variety of dazzling bamboo products were piled up on the street, and even the road in the middle was squeezed until there was only about one foot left.

The Yunjing family arrived a little late, and it took them a while to find a suitable place to set up their stall. They were already on the verge of selling bamboo products. Such a location was not ideal and would affect the business, causing Yunlin and Yunshan to have a slight look on their faces.


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