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Chapter 4 I'm still a baby

One summer night.

Jiang Susu hugged Yunjing and enjoyed the cool air in the yard.

The bright moon is in the sky, the warm breeze is blowing, fireflies are flying everywhere, and frogs are chirping in the distance.

Wearing a tiger-head hat, tiger-head shoes, a coarse cloth coat, and crotchless trousers, everything on Yunjing's body was sewn stitch by stitch by his mother, Jiang Susu.

Mica has a pair of dexterous hands.

In the quiet night, the cloud scenery did not feel the beauty of a midsummer night. There were too many mosquitoes.

Yun Yu hugged him and fanned him with a cattail fan. By the way, the cattail fan was also a sharp weapon to drive away mosquitoes, and she swung it like a sharp sword in the hands of a swordsman.

Little mosquitoes, don't even think of biting me!

Before Yun's father returned home, he used the moonlight to see what was going on in the paddy fields. His family's paddy fields were all planted with rice. If he didn't pay attention to the water conditions at all times, it would affect the year's harvest.

Grandpa Yunlin is not far away, smoking a dry cigarette from time to time. His hands are not idle, and he is weaving baskets. His weaving skills are very good. Whether it is a basket, a dustpan, a basket, a bamboo hat and other bamboo products, they can be found at his fingertips.

Flowers were played in his hands, and decades of life have engraved this skill into his bones.

The items he compiles are sold in the town, which is one of the sources of income to support the family.

"... That year, a big insect appeared in the mountains behind Zhouzhuang, fifty miles away, and it ate many people in a row. The villagers were so scared that they did not dare to go out. The news spread, and a legendary knight came to 'eliminate the insect' alone.

A knife went directly into the mountain. Soon after, the roar of a tiger came from the mountain. In the end, the big insect was hunted by the knights. It was a full foot long. Even if it was dead, no one would dare to approach it in the open space!"

"Do you know the knight? He is the kind of martial arts practitioner who goes up and down. He doesn't know how he practices. A big insect ten feet long can be stabbed to death with a knife. You know, a big insect can be killed with a slap.

A bullock can slap the ground, it is really inhuman.”

"My grandson should not imitate those people and become knights when he grows up. It's too dangerous..."

Grandpa Yunlin, who was busy with his hands, was telling stories that he had heard in the early years. He didn't know whether they were true or not, but he told them vividly, as if he had seen them with his own eyes.

Yun Jing had heard similar stories many times. Grandpa Yun Shan told them over and over again, enjoying themselves, and it was obvious that there was no more stock in his head.

Although he has heard the stories from his grandfather many times, Yunjing is not at all annoyed. In his previous life, his grandparents passed away early. Now that he can experience "grandpa's stories", he is really happy.

Then, Yunjing thought about it for a while from the stories his grandfather told him, which he didn't know were true or false, and gradually realized that this world seemed not to be simple.

A knight who hunts down a ten-foot-long tiger with a single knife, a flower-picking thief who breaks into a deep house compound at night into an uninhabited land, a boxer who breaks into a cottage alone and kills dozens of gangsters, and a loud roar in front of two armies that scares the opposing armies.

A general who has no intention of fighting...

If these stories are true, then the personal force value in this world definitely exceeds the scope of normal people!

It's a pity that Yunjing, now half a year old, has never even been out of the village, so he can't confirm the truth of those stories.

In the story that Grandpa babbles about, which he doesn’t know is true or false, Dad Yun returns after stepping on the moon.

Yunmu, who had been quietly holding Yunjing and listening to the story, immediately asked: "Master, how is the situation in the fields?"

Compared with those distant stories, for Jiang Susu, it is obvious that the harvest from her own land is more real.

Grandpa Yunlin next to him shut up at the right time, obviously he still had some unfinished thoughts.

As people get older, they inevitably have the habit of talking too much.

"Fortunately, there was a heavy rain a few days ago, and there is no shortage of water in the fields. If it keeps like this, the harvest will not be affected. I am afraid that someone will secretly drain the water in our fields, so I still go there every night.

Let’s take a look,” replied Yunshan, who rolled up his trouser legs when he entered the small courtyard, and walked by the water tank to fill up his stomach with water from a gourd gourd.

For farmers in this season, the water in the paddy fields is particularly important. It is related to the livelihood of the family. Sometimes people fight for water and even kill people. In serious cases, it will lead to armed fights between villages.

This is the life of farmers at the bottom. Just for a bite to eat, it is worth fighting for one's life.

Mica nodded and said, "That's good. I hope the weather will go smoothly this year."

Good weather and no disasters are farmers' biggest wish.

After drinking a lot of water, Yunshan moved a bench and sat next to Yunmu. He reached out and wanted to touch Yunjing's face, but he seemed to be afraid that his rough hands would hurt him, so he hesitated and gave up for a moment.

At this time Jiang Susu looked at him and said, "Master, I want to discuss something with you."

"What?" Yunshan raised his head and asked curiously.

Jiang Susu hesitated and said: "Head of the family, this is what I think. Look, our Xiao Jing is already half a year old. Do I think we can arrange a marriage for him?"

Yunjing, who was neither crying nor fussing in her arms, opened his eyes wide when he heard these words, and almost choked on his saliva.

What the hell?

Arrange a marriage for me?

Mom, I’m still half a year old, how about you?

Although I know that in ancient society, it was early to get married, but isn’t it too early for you?

It's definitely my mother who didn't run away.

Yunshan paused for a moment, then thought about it and said, "I think it's better to arrange a baby kiss for Xiao Jing first, and get married when he grows up, so that we can have a grandson as soon as possible."

Yunjing, who could already understand the words, was stunned. This was too sudden. He almost couldn't help but join in the topic of his parents. At least he held it back, otherwise he might scare them out.

"Hey, this kid, his eyes widened when he heard about the marriage proposal for him." Yunshan, who noticed Yunjing's expression, immediately laughed and joked.

Jiang Susu lowered her head and kissed Yunjing, who became even more cute because she was stunned. Without thinking much, she immediately said with great interest: "Our little Jing is such a little one. He knows how to scream whether he is hungry or needs to pee or has stinky poop.

He will be very smart when he grows up, but you have to find a good marriage for him, otherwise he will be wronged in the future."

Yunjing quickly regained his confused expression and secretly listened to his parents' conversation.

"Yes, yes, at least find someone as beautiful and virtuous as your wife," Yunshan agreed with a grin.

Giving Yunshan a rollicking look, Jiang Susu said angrily: "I was so hungry back then that you tricked me into taking two pieces of whole-grain pancakes back home. Now that I think about it, I regret it to death."

"Hey, it's too late to regret now. You are already mine. What do we call this? Yes, what those scholars call fate. Otherwise, how could you have met me when you were almost fainting from hunger?"

Yunshan scratched his head and said proudly.

This is the love of parents. An unexpected encounter is a coincidence, fate, or even destiny, and then a lifetime of staying together. There is no pressure of mortgage or car loan, no endless comparison, just one bite to eat.

Food is enough for life.

Yunjing, who listened with great interest, said in his heart.

Then, the topic of parents seems to have gone awry...

Grandpa Yunlin beside him coughed and joined the conversation and said: "I also agree to arrange a marriage for my grandson, but where can I find a suitable one?"

"I think the big girl in the village is pretty good. I understand that she hasn't married yet," Jiang Susu said. It was obvious that this was not an impromptu move, but a well-prepared move.

But Yunshan shook his head and said: "No, no, Da Ya is already five years old, her age is inappropriate."

"What about the cauliflower from Dazhu's house in the east of the village? It's eight months old, the same age as Xiao Jing." Jiang Susu continued to throw out the observed targets.

At this moment, Grandpa Yun Lin shook his head in denial and said, "No, no, no, no, no, Dazhu's family has four girls and no boys. If Caihua marries Xiao Jinglai, our family will not have a brother-in-law to help. Besides, Caihua also has the same surname as Yun."


"Yes, but in this case, due to age and surname factors, there will be no suitable ones in the village." Yunshan nodded and said with a frown.

Jiang Susu thought for a while and then said: "How about brother Zhang's house in the west of the village?"

Apparently Jiang Susu was worried about the marriage of her half-year-old son Zhang Luo, and her goals were set one by one.

"Daughter-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? Brother Zhang's family has three children, two boys and a girl who is ten years old. Although she has not married anyone yet, she is more suitable for our little king!" Yunshan said anxiously.

Jiang Susu seemed to have expected it and said with a smile: "Master, you forgot, Brother Zhang's wife is pregnant again."

"Pregnant again? But it's not necessarily a girl," Yunshan said in shock.

"Sister-in-law Zhang's belly is round and rumbling. She has decided to give birth to a girl," Jiang Susu said with bright eyes.

Grandpa Yun Lin stroked his beard and shook his head and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, wait until the family has a baby, what if it's a boy?"

"That's right, but if you do this, you will have to go further to set up operations." Jiang Susu nodded and said a little confused.

Yunshan waved his hand and said: "It's okay, our family is still small, so we can slowly expand it, but wife, you have to visit more often to find out where there is a suitable place."

"I understand..."

Hearing that the family was planning a marriage for him, Yunjing felt dumbfounded.

I'm still a baby.

The crux of the matter is that it looks like the parents are really playing!

What if I really decide to have a baby date for myself one day?

Good thing or bad thing?


This chapter has been completed!
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