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Chapter 5 It Rained That Night

That night, when Yunjing was frightened and didn't know whether to cry or laugh, the family discussed the matter of arranging a marriage for him who was only half a year old, but came to no conclusion in the end.

Even so, Yunjing knew that this matter was definitely not over.

Sure enough, in the following days, the frequency of Yunmu Jiang Susu's visits to other houses in the village increased significantly, and she brought Yunjing with her every time.

When chatting with women in the village, Jiang Susu would try her best to turn the topic to her children. She would openly and secretly praise how smart and obedient her son was, and then either make insinuations or ask outright where there was a place suitable for her son's age.


Yunjing, who accompanied her throughout the whole process, was so embarrassed that she had cancer, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, but Yunmu just couldn't do it.

But what can he do?

He is only a half-year-old baby. Is it possible that he can still stand up and tell his mother that there is no need to do this and that he will figure out a solution for his wife's affairs in the future?

If you really do that, you will most likely be treated as a strange doll and thrown to death on the spot!

Although there is a saying that tiger poison cannot eat its seeds, Yunjing heard his parents chatting some time ago that a family in the village gave birth to a child who was missing an arm due to a congenital disability, and was then thrown into the mountains...

Abandoned babies are commonplace even in highly developed modern societies, not to mention the ancient social background with backward thinking!

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Yunjing repeatedly warned himself not to act too weird.

Anyway, it's not a big deal to arrange a marriage for yourself, as long as your parents are happy.

Also, because it is the busy farming season in mid-summer, my mother has time to be busy with this matter. When the harvest season comes soon, she will probably not have the energy and time to think about this...

A person's life, from birth to death, will always go through various ups and downs. Everyone is the same, without exception.

Seven months after coming to this world, Yunjing had not had time to get familiar with this world. He first faced the first life-related crisis in this world!

It is undeniable that Mica protected him very well and never let him out of sight since he was born.

But accidents often happen inadvertently.

The weather in summer always changes. That day, Yun Jing went to weed the fields with Yun Jing on her back, and a heavy rain suddenly fell. Even though Yun Wu chose to go home as soon as she saw the weather changing, the rainstorm still didn't come as quickly as it did.

Then, the cloud scene was covered with rain.

Then, when he was very young, he got caught in the rain and caught a cold and fever one after another!

The medical conditions in ancient society were backward, and the lives of infants and young children were extremely fragile. The mortality rate was extremely high. Less than half of ten newborns could grow into adults. Even the smallest disease could take away the life of an infant!

The cold brought on by the rain made Yunjing cough non-stop, drooling from his mouth and nose, and the fever made him dizzy and confused.

Outside the thatched house of Yunjing's house, there was thunder and lightning and heavy rain pouring down.

In the room, Jiang Susu hugged Yunjing and was so panicked that her head went blank. Tears were streaming down her face, and hot tears dripped on Yunjing's face from time to time.

As a first-time mother, she had never experienced her son getting sick. In order to prevent her child from eating unclean food and getting sick, she had only breastfed Yunjing since she was born.

But now, Yunjing is sick, and she doesn't know what to do.

It is common sense to go to the hospital when you are sick, but many times when people are in extreme panic, let alone common sense, they probably don’t even know their own names. This is probably the state Mica is in.

She knew what it meant when the baby was sick, it meant that the son in her arms would leave her at any time!

Jiang Susu has witnessed the death of a baby due to a minor illness more than ten times in just a few years since she came to Xiaoxi Village...

Life is so fragile!

"Xiao Jing..., Xiao Jing..., look at mom, look at mom, you are usually so smart and well-behaved, would you please wake up and smile at mom like before?"

"Xiao Jing, your face is so hot. You must have a cold or a fever. Mom, I'm sorry for you. I couldn't protect you. I shouldn't have worked in the fields and let you get wet in the rain. I'm sorry..."

Jiang Susu, who had never experienced such a thing before, was already panicking. Her mind went blank, and she just subconsciously uttered apologetic words as if she was dreaming. It seemed that the whole sky was about to collapse, just like the sky covered with dark clouds outside, she couldn't feel it.

to the slightest bit of light and warmth.

This cold and fever came on so quickly and suddenly that Yunjing was not prepared for it.

Maybe it was the mother-son connection. He was so confused from the fever that he didn't know why his eyes were dripping with tears. He subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to touch the anxious and weeping mother's face, but his little hand couldn't muster the strength to lift it up.

He subconsciously knew that it was not his fault that his mother could only act in a hurry and could not think of a solution. After all, she was just a country peasant woman who could not even write her own name. In addition to the original escape, she did not even have a village after she came to Xiaoxi Village.

Been out a few times.

Such a woman who has neither wisdom nor experience, but only knows how to do housework and farm work, what can she do when she is so panicked?

His mother was helpless, and Yunjing also realized that he might die because of this minor illness, so he had to find a way to save himself!

In the crisis of life and death, he steeled himself, opened his eyes and saw his mother calling softly in a young and hoarse voice: "Mom..., dad, go call dad..."

Naturally, the physical condition of a person who is more than half a year old cannot be compared with adults. Cold and fever may not be a big problem for adults, but for Yunjing at this time, after saying these words, he has almost exhausted all his energy.

Strength and energy.

His words suddenly woke up Jiang Susu. She was helpless. At this moment, the head of the house was her last support.

"Good boy, Xiao Jing... Mom will be back soon..."

After regaining consciousness, Jiang Susu hurried back to the house and put Yun Jing on the bed, then she even forgot to hold an umbrella and ran into the rain...

In a daze, Yunjing vaguely saw his mother coming back with his father and grandfather, and then he was hugged into a warm, strong and powerful chest.

"Go to town and find a doctor..." This was my father's trembling roar.

Then Jiang Susu said in a crying voice: "Put on your coir raincoat and bamboo hat, as well as an umbrella. Don't let my son get wet in the rain anymore..."

"Why are you panicking? Money, bring the money, everything, what time is it now..., I will go with you...", that was Grandpa Yunshan's pretending to be calm voice.

The sky was very oppressive, and the dark clouds were like lead weights that were about to hit the earth. Thunder roared, and lightning pierced the sky from time to time, making the sky and the earth appear bright and dark. The heavy rain made the whole world hazy.

Gradually, the whole world became dark, but the heavy rain did not stop for a moment.

The blurry cloud scene made me feel like I was in the clouds, rising and falling, constantly bumping.

He didn't know how long it had passed before he heard another banging sound.

"Who is it? It's late at night..."

"Doctor, save my child, please, I will kneel down for you..."

"No, no, no, come in, how is the child?... Your family actually walked dozens of miles in the heavy rain? Oh, how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are..."

"Doctor, how is my grandson?"

"My whole body is burning, my consciousness is blurred, my lips are purple, and I have been wasting time by walking for such a long time. Alas, I can only do my best and obey fate... I understand your feelings. I am not boasting. I am already the best in town.

Okay doctor, it's too late for you to go further. The important thing is, do you have money... I must have fallen a lot along the way. The child is well protected. There is hot water over there. Go and wash it...


In a daze, words buzzing like annoying mosquitoes flying around his ears reached Yunjing's ears.

At a certain moment, a bitter taste came from his mouth, and then he fell asleep...

When he woke up again, he found that he had returned to his dimly lit home, with sunlight shining through the windows.

It is bright.

I was in my mother's arms, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her red, swollen and dull eyes.

My father kept pulling his hair out beside me, and my grandfather was smoking a cigarette at the door not far away, his face silent.


Yunjing opened his eyes and called softly.

When the childish voice appeared, the whole family's eyes immediately focused on him.

Inexplicably, the depressing atmosphere was instantly swept away.

Yun Yu's tears immediately flowed down her face, and with her body trembling slightly, she pressed her face against Yun Jing's.

"I finally got over it, kid, you scared your mother to death."

I'm sorry, it's all my mother's fault for not protecting you...

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