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Chapter 412 The magic is born!

Although he just led the way and did nothing, he still worked hard for himself, so Yunjing decided to reward himself.

I leisurely came to a good restaurant in the city, ordered a few signature dishes, and served a bottle of wine. I ate slowly, and I heard that the scholar talked about interesting things from all over the world, which was relaxing and comfortable.

"I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to be so leisurely in the next period of time."

Thinking that the decisive battle was about to begin and that he would join the army under the arrangement of his master, Yun Jing felt a little heavy. People will die in war. If thousands of troops rush to fight, how many people will be buried in foreign lands forever...

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about these worries. The war was not something that a small person like him could control.

After all, we are still just a duckweed in this world, and perhaps "Xiaoyao" cannot be truly Xiaoyao.

No matter what, just like the guests in this restaurant, at least they are happy at this moment.

Drink wine, eat food, and listen to books.

I have to say that the storyteller in this restaurant is very good at speaking, and countless people have been moved emotionally by his words.

People make their living with their mouths, so what can they do without two brushes? Unlike those stage actors in Yunjing's previous life, who copied some jokes mechanically and looked embarrassed.

"If that guy Wang Bolin were here, the weather would probably drag me to Goubalin to listen to music... I have grown up before I know it, and we live in different parts of the world, each with their own lives."

He is very bored when he is alone, and he will think about random things when he is bored. Yunjing decided to find something to do for himself.

It happened that things in the illusion were finished, and he had enough time to observe the entire illusion to see if he could create such an illusion artificially.

After making the decision, he took action, stood up to pay, and left the restaurant. In a place with few people, he used his mind to control the snowflakes flying around to obscure other people's sight, while he rose into the sky and flew towards the illusion.

In a certain private house, Deng Changchun was slightly confused. He looked at the direction in which Yun Jingfei was flying and thought to himself: Didn't I hint clearly enough last night? I told you to come and sit more often when you have nothing to do. Why did you go there when you were free?

Why don't we run somewhere else? Is it because the old man is unattractive? Why don't we get some pretty girls over?

"Bah, I'm not a pimp. The attractiveness of his knowledge is better than countless beauties. That kid doesn't know how to cherish the opportunity given to him."

Deng Changchun withdrew his gaze and did not worry about these small things. Instead, he was thinking about how to implement the military formation method in the Book of Killing God. The best choice was Yang Kaishan, but he still had to communicate with the emperor about this matter.

In the future, when one or more armies have mastered the art of military formation, old men like them will be able to truly settle down and take care of themselves...

Soon after, Yunjing returned to the fantasy world again. Nothing special happened here. Only the members of the ant tower who had completed their tasks came back here to try their best to explore the mysteries of the fantasy world.

Ignoring them, Yunjing flew directly into the fantasy realm.

This time, he is no longer wandering aimlessly, but wants to imprint the entire topography of the illusion into his mind. Because of the illusion itself, the range of his telekinesis in it has been compressed to one-tenth, so this

The workload is still quite large, but the problem is not big. It can fly and is not restricted by terrain, so it is very convenient.

He first flew around the outside of the illusion, then circled down towards the inside, imprinting the entire illusion into his mind bit by bit.

As night fell, it took Yunjing most of the day to collect the preliminary information. There was no way, the scope of the illusion was too large, and the range of telekinesis was limited, so it naturally took a lot of time.

Arriving at a remote and uninhabited place, Yun Jing closed his eyes slightly and recalled the terrain information he had collected previously.

In his mind, relying on his photographic memory, he reconstructed the previously collected terrain information modeling.

"The area of ​​the illusion is much larger than the natural spiritual energy gathering place in the Insect Beast Mountain, and the environment is more complex. I don't know if this can be used to summarize the method of artificially creating illusions."

Thinking to himself, to be honest, Yunjing is not sure. After all, illusion and spiritual energy gathering are different in the end.

No matter whether it works or not for now, he has to try it to find out.

Opening his eyes, he controlled the white snow in front of him with his mind, and used the white snow to reduce the scale to restore the landforms in the fantasy realm. This was a very complex and delicate project, and no mistakes were allowed.

It took Yunjing half an hour to use Bai Xue to roughly restore the real landforms of the fantasy land. The result was obvious that the landforms of the fantasy land he simulated using Bai Xue did not create an illusion.

"Illusion can distort the six senses of living beings. Is this situation just caused by environmental factors?"

Looking at the white snow 'sand table' that was four square meters in front of him, Yun Jing couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Since he didn't create an illusion effect, he just finished a sandbox after working for a long time...

Keeping this 'illusion sand table' floating in the air, Yun Jing thought, looked to the other side, and used his mind to control Bai Xue. He created the special environment of the spirit gathering array with familiarity, and then 'raised' a ball of fire that melted into snow.

Water injected vitality into the spirit gathering array, and then the spirit gathering array began to work, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered automatically.

After looking at the Spirit Gathering Formation at work, Yunjing then looked at the motionless fantasy sand table. Comparing the two, he summarized the rules. Yunjing hoped to get inspiration from the two.

However, the problem is that the cloud scenery in the fantasy sandbox also restores the water flow environment, but it cannot be 'hallucinogenic' at all.

"Is it difficult to say that the appearance of the illusion has little to do with the real environment? It can even be said that it has nothing to do with it at all!"

Comparing the two, Yun Jing couldn't help but frown.

There must be some key point in it that he didn't notice.

"Is the problem related to the material?"

Thinking of this, he gently put down the fantasy sandbox made of white snow, and immediately controlled the soil to create a new one. He had previously experienced using snow to restore the fantasy environment, and using soil to restore it again, his speed was undoubtedly much faster.

But the end result was that it had no effect.

What exactly is wrong?

Unable to figure it out for the time being, Yun Jing stopped worrying about it. It was already dark. He destroyed everything he had done before and then set off back to Xieyang City.

Take your time, experiment bit by bit, and summarize bit by bit. Maybe one day you can really create an illusion artificially. If it doesn't work for one day, it will take a month, if it doesn't work for one month, it will take a year... Regardless of whether it succeeds or not,

If you have a long-term goal, you won't be bored counting eggs.

Returning to the rented private house in Xieyang City, after a few days of absence, the place became deserted again. Yunjing started cooking again, and the place finally regained some popularity.

After eating and drinking, he practiced calligraphy, read and studied as usual every day...

Early the next morning, Yunjing decided to continue studying artificial illusions that day and in the following days. However, in order to prevent him from missing the transfer order arranged by his master, he first paid attention to the direction of Li Qiu.

Because Yang Kaishan and the others were just taken out of the illusion yesterday, Li Qiu, as the leader, has a lot of things to do in the follow-up and has no time to arrange the follow-up for Yun Jing.

Seeing this, Yunjing decided to do his own thing.

However, before continuing to go to the fantasy land to observe and summarize at close range, he first did some shopping in Xieyang City, bought a lot of local specialties, and then went to the inn to mail them home.

Although it is not a valuable and precious item, it is still Yunjing's sincere thought. There is no reason why he should give it to his father-in-law but not care about his own family.

"It will take at least thousands of miles to send it back from Xieyang City. I don't know when it will arrive. However, the post station dedicated to sending things is not a slow cargo ship like Xing Guangning and others. I think it will be much faster..."

After taking some time off to send souvenirs to my family, after finishing Yunjing, I continued to go to the fantasy place to observe and summarize.

There was still no progress at the end of the day, so he was not discouraged and just passed the time.

Yunjing spent the next three days thinking about artificially creating an illusion. He tried various methods without success. He restored the real landforms in the illusion to an equal proportion. He ran in from time to time to observe carefully, and even took some

The soil and rocks in the fantasy realm were all useless, and there was not even the slightest hint that he wanted to create an artificial fantasy realm.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder why it was so difficult to create an illusion, unlike when he first thought about the Spirit Gathering Array and it didn't take long to complete.

This really stumped him, but he didn't want to do it all at once. He just took it slowly. The final result didn't matter. If it succeeded, it would be good. If it didn't, he would have nothing to lose.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the sixth day after Yang Kaishan and the others came out of the illusion, in the afternoon, Yun Jing went to ponder the illusion for another day. After returning to Xieyang City, he immediately felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the city.

The entire Xieyang City is under martial law, and there are a large number of patrol soldiers searching every house. Under such circumstances, the atmosphere in the entire Xieyang City is a bit solemn.

When this happened, Yunjing had a little understanding of the whole story, and he thought it was very simple to figure out the reason.

However, after understanding the reason, a strange smile flashed across his face.

Something happened.

That day he and Li Qiuxiatao went to pick up Yang Kaishan and the others. Nothing happened along the way, but something happened after so many days. The box they "brought out" that day was stolen!

Now the whole Xieyang City is under martial law and the search is looking for that box.

"The Death Book contained in the box has been taken away a long time ago. Now that box is actually an 'empty' box. Logically speaking, it doesn't matter if it is lost. But now that it is being done with such a big fanfare, I am afraid it is just to express the importance of that box.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you can find it or not.

So, who stole the box? A gangster? Or a member of the Jiang Dynasty? If it was an ordinary gangster, why did he steal that thing? Just because the empty box was heavily guarded, thinking it was a good thing, and wanted to steal it to show off his ability.

?And if they are people from the Dajiang Dynasty, is it because they have never given up looking for the things left by the real people in the Dajiang Myth Realm? Or is it because General Yang and the others came out that day and the situation was learned by the people in Dajiang, so they came specifically to investigate.

Then stole the empty box...

No matter what the situation is, you still have to pretend as you should. There is martial law and a large-scale manhunt. It is basically for people to see. Tsk, I don’t know who has the box in its hands. If you open it, there will be a surprise.


Noting that the missing box was the reason for the current commotion in Xianyang City, Yunjing didn't pay much attention to it.

He had been carrying the box with him at that time, and gave the Book of Death to Deng Changchun. Then Yunjing packed something into the empty box. If someone opened it, they would definitely be 'surprised'.

"I just don't know if there are people who are that stupid. I really want to see with my own eyes the wonderful expression on someone's face after the box is opened and what is inside."

Shaking his head, Yunjing no longer had so many worries. The box had been stolen for a long time, and he didn't know where it had ended up.

When it's time to eat, when it's time to drink, Yunjing just pretends like nothing happened.

Xieyang City has been under martial law for two days. During these two days, there was a lot of noise and panic. In the end, it was over. All the pretense has been done, there is no need to continue.

During the two days of martial law in Xianyang City, Yunjing, in addition to his usual study and life, was still thinking about artificially creating illusions. The result was definitely not there, and there was still a long way to go.

That day when he came back from outside the city, he looked at a certain place and couldn't help but scratch his head and said: "Damn it, why do I feel like there is a pair of resentful eyes watching me secretly these days, like that kind of abandoned little daughter-in-law? The problem is

I don’t know where the source of the gaze is, it seems like an illusion but not like an illusion.”

He muttered, because he didn't feel any danger, Yunjing didn't pay much attention to it, and life went on.

Strangely enough, after he muttered those words, he never felt that strange gaze again.

A certain Mr. Deng cursed with a depressed look on his face, "You are the abandoned little daughter-in-law. You kid, why are you not on the right track? I watch you come in and out every day, why don't you come to my place?"

?Do you want me to find you in person? I am not as thick-skinned as Liu...

Forget it, there are some things that cannot be forced. The reason why Lao Liu was able to take that step may be due to the little guy. In the final analysis, he has accumulated enough on his own, so why should I be persistent.

Damn Lao Liu, it messes up my mood. I don’t know where that damn old man has gone. What’s the result of the investigation into the person who murdered Lao Chen?

In a restaurant in the capital of Dajiang Dynasty, Liu Neng, who was fast asleep, subconsciously picked his ears and muttered about which guy was talking about me.

Having had enough sleep, he got up out of boredom and asked the waiter to bring a table of delicious food.

After eating in a happy mood, the door of the room he was in opened, and half of the young men walked in, and it was not Ye Tian who was abducted by Liu Neng.

"Xiaotian is back. How did you go about asking about the things I asked you to inquire about?" Liu Neng asked immediately.

Ye Tian looked at the table full of good wine and food, and immediately sat down to eat without being polite at all. While eating, he said vaguely: "I have an idea. I went to a restaurant before and heard someone drunk talking about the past.

But I didn’t hear clearly about Master Chen’s murder. Give me another two days and I will be able to find out clearly.”

"Okay, Xiaotian, I can rest assured that you can do your job. Don't be in a hurry. Take your time, eat, and eat more. If you don't have enough, I will call you again," Liu Neng said with a pleasant look.

But I can't help but murmur in my heart, it has been so many years since I secretly channeled it. The people in Dajiang did it secretly back then, so where can I go to investigate? After all, Xiaoyao Realm is not omnipotent, and God is good at it. No one has this luck.

, you can hear people talking about that matter wherever you go. This is the real use of this kid.

"After all, this guy is also unreasonable. He has never been to the Dajiang Dynasty. When he came to this strange place, it was smooth sailing. When other people talked about that matter, they were still talking about the Dali Dynasty. He just happened to understand.

, who should I talk to to explain this kind of thing? If you give him a few more days, he will probably be able to 'find out' the whole story. Hey, my old man can make good use of his people and can get things done in just a few seconds..."

After Ye Tian had eaten and drank enough, he wiped his lips and said, "Mr. Liu, when are you going to send me back to study? It's so boring here. I can't understand anything they say. I'm so bored walking around all day."

"If you tell me clearly what happened when Old Chen was killed, I will send you to the Qingniu Academy. It's not like you don't know that I am an expert and can fly, which is very convenient," Liu Neng said with a smile.

Ye Tian nodded and said, "That's right. I was staying well in the academy that day. You suddenly showed up and took me across thousands of mountains and rivers to get here. It almost scared me to the point of peeing."

"Haha, you're so scared. I can still harm you. Study well and you will have the opportunity to fly around like me in the future. Then you have to cherish me and study at Qingniu Academy.

The opportunity, I 'begged' a lot of people to get you in."

In fact, Liu Neng sent Ye Tian to the Youth Academy to study for just one sentence, but in order to make him cherish this hard-won opportunity, he deliberately made the admission requirements extremely difficult.

The fact is that for ordinary people, it is really difficult to go to Qingniu Academy to study.

Ye Tian nodded seriously and said: "Mr. Liu, don't worry, I'm taking it seriously. The people there are also very nice. No one has bullied me since I went there. Just because I've been delayed these few days, my study progress has fallen behind."

With a twitch of eyelids, Liu Nengxin said, "I have never met anyone who bullies you. You think the people there are very nice, just because you don't know how unlucky it is to treat you badly..."

Then he said: "Isn't this season a holiday? Who are you comparing your study progress with?"

"It's a holiday, but it's rare for me to go to the academy to study. So I go to people for advice and try to catch up with others' progress as soon as possible. Everyone is happy to give me advice," Ye Tian nodded.

Oh, you took the initiative to ask for advice. That’s okay. I guess not many people can refuse you.

Smiling, Liu Neng said: "You cannot rush things like learning progress. You must know that knowledge cannot be achieved in a day or two."

"I know, I just want to get the honor as soon as possible," Ye Tian scratched his head and said.

"Why are you so obsessed with fame?" Liu Neng asked curiously.

Ye Tian smiled sheepishly and said, "I just think that after gaining fame, I can get along better with Brother Yun."

"That's it?" Liu Neng's mouth twitched and asked, secretly wondering what kind of confusing soup Yunjing poured into you to make you care so much about his opinion, tsk, how do you say that word? Oh, Yunjing said he was called little fan brother,

So you are his little fanboy?

Smiling, Ye Tian said: "That's about it. Anyway, I don't want to disappoint Brother Yun. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Brother Yun for a long time, and I don't know how he is now..."

"He is fine. In fact, if you want to see him, I can take you there at any time," Liu Neng said.

Shaking his head, Ye Tian said: "No, I'll go see Brother Yun after I get my merit. I'll give him a surprise then."

Fortunately, your boy is not a girl, otherwise it would not be possible... Yunjing said that is called giving for free?

"I've finished eating. Let's continue walking around to find out what you asked me to ask about. I still have to go back to study." Ye Tian put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up.

"Okay, find out more about it early and I'll send you back early."

"Well, then I'll go first..."

In Xieyang City, Yunjing did not go to the illusion place that day and continued to ponder the problem of artificially creating illusions. He had no clue for so many days, so he decided to slow down.

In a teahouse, he was drinking tea and listening to a book leisurely. When the storyteller told him the latest news, he almost spit out his tea with a strange smile on his face.

The latest news from the storyteller is that something big has happened in the world recently. Countless people in the world have been moved by the news, because a peerless martial arts book has suddenly appeared in the world.

"...As far as I know, that peerless martial arts is also involved in a secret that happened forty years ago. I can't tell you what it is specifically. Everyone who knows it understands it. If you don't understand it, don't rush to ask.

, it’s not good for you, that’s all…”

"Now we are mainly talking about that peerless martial arts. After almost causing a big incident forty years ago, it disappeared for decades and recently reappeared. Do you still remember the entire Xieyang City martial law search a few days ago? We were looking for that peerless martial arts.

, I heard, I heard, that some high-level military officials made great efforts to find that martial arts and stored it in a machine box. They sent heavy troops to guard it before it could be sent out, but it was stolen. Now those who steal the martial arts are like crossing the street.

Rat, everyone wants to kill it to obtain that peerless martial arts."

"It is rumored that that martial arts is a quick method. After practicing it, you can break through the realm very quickly. It is not an exaggeration to set foot in the mythical realm in ten or eight years. And once you master it, you will be almost invincible at the same level."

"Now because of that peerless martial arts, the world is in turmoil. The martial arts people involved are not only people from my Dali martial arts world, but even martial arts people from the Dajiang Golden Wolf Sanluo Dynasty are flocking here. The world is about to start a bloody storm again!


At this point, the storyteller finished telling what he knew, and then changed the topic to talk about other things.

However, after hearing what he said, many people in the teahouse couldn't sit still, and they all paid and left. Who wouldn't want to get a quick and unparalleled martial arts?

It takes ten or eight years to set foot in the mythical realm? Although I don’t know whether it is true or not, but as long as I can set foot in the true artistic realm, I am enough to fight with my life, and after practicing it, I will be invincible at the same level. Who can withstand such temptation?

Only Yunjing, the instigator, knew the truth. The stolen box had actually been opened, and the 'peerless martial arts' he had left inside had also appeared.

"No matter who it is, who has obtained that peerless martial arts, their expression must be very exciting, right? Having said that, I did it to deceive the talents of the Jiang Dynasty, but I didn't expect that now I am living in the world, uh..., what, I

The sword scriptures that were made up randomly back then were all made famous by Song Mingdao, but now this 'unparalleled martial arts' can't be practiced by anyone, right? Impossible, absolutely impossible...!"

That's what he thought, but Yunjing felt a little guilty for no reason, after all, he had learned from Song Mingdao's mistakes.

"Not to mention that the 'peerless martial arts' that was placed in the stolen box was made up by me. It is even more outrageous than the Sword Scripture. Just because of the cost, no one would dare to practice it. Who can be so ruthless?"

Shaking his head, Yunjing didn't think so much anymore. Li Qiu sent him a message in the morning, saying that the transfer order would come out today, and he had to go back and wait for news, so he checked out and left.

In a certain tavern, Song Mingdao listened to a group of people discussing the sudden appearance of peerless martial arts, with a trace of fighting spirit flashing across his face.

"A peerless martial arts? Once you practice it, you will be invincible at the same level, and you will become a legend instantly. Oh, I don't know how it compares to my Sword Scripture. The Sword Scripture was left behind by my senior in Xiaoyao Realm. If I have the chance, I would like to practice it for a while."

A man with peerless martial arts"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Song Mingdao drank the wine in one gulp, stood up to pay and left. He must not slack off for a day in the practice of Sword Sutra.

The person who stole the box was a congenital late-stage master of the Dajiang Dynasty. He once served in the Yamen of the capital of the Dajiang Dynasty. He had seen a few words in the historical archives about the lost relics of Dajiang Mythology.

Then after several years of investigation, he learned part of the truth about the incident, and then resigned from his position and came to Xieyang City to live in seclusion. Recently, Li Qiu and the others went to pick up Yang Kaishan and others. Based on what he learned, he then targeted

The box that Yang Kaishan and the others brought out after disappearing for decades took several days to prepare, and he took the risk of "narrowly surviving" and stole the box.

After stealing the box, he couldn't open it himself, so he asked a friend who was proficient in mechanical equipment to help him open it, and then the 'unparalleled martial arts' Yun Jing placed in it appeared.

Faced with peerless martial arts, the friend who helped him open the box also wanted it, and it was exclusive to him, so the two immediately turned against each other and started fighting. As a result, his friend was defeated and escaped.

, he ruthlessly announced the news, which resulted in the chaotic situation of the birth of a peerless martial arts.

In the past few days, the person who stole the box was being hunted by all parties. He could not live in peace wherever he went. He almost died many times.

Now he finally got a chance to breathe, but he looked confused as he looked at the peerless martial arts in his hands.

Gein's opening chapter reads: "If you want to practice this skill, you must first cut yourself from the palace, cut off the tendons and veins, and then stand up!"

Of course, he was not that stupid and immediately followed the instructions to practice this peerless martial arts, but he was shaken after reading the following content.

Before Yun Jing left behind this 'peerless martial arts', he learned about the real person from the Myth Realm of Dajiang Dynasty who left the book of killing gods from Deng Changchun, so he explained this 'peerless martial arts' from the other party's perspective.

"I, Ziyang Zhenren, have spent two hundred and ten years to set foot in the mythical realm. After wasting many years and finding no progress, I summed up what I have learned in my life. After another two hundred years, I exhausted all my energy and left behind a lifetime of hard work. This is a quick success.

I just hope to leave it to future generations and help me, Dajiang, to become a true mythical person and sweep the world..."

The person who stole the box knew that there was a person named Zhenren Ziyang in the history of the Dajiang Dynasty. He died suddenly more than forty years ago. At that time, the Dajiang Dynasty held a national memorial ceremony for Zhenren Ziyang. Moreover, Ziyang Zhenren did have some relics that were seized by the Dali Dynasty.

went, thus almost triggering a full-scale war between the two countries.

These are all correct, and the peerless martial arts in his hands cannot be faked. It is exactly the hard work left behind by Master Ziyang back then!

This is an extremely vicious magic book that can make people become masters instantly. The reason why it can make people become masters quickly is because after practicing this thing, it can absorb the internal energy of others... to nourish oneself!

"The way of heaven makes up for what is lacking... and plunders all things in the world to support itself. But the problem is that if you want to practice this skill, you must first practice it from the palace, and you have to cut off the meridians and then stand up. Should I practice it or not? I'm not married yet."

, but after the mastery of the magical power, I can reincarnate into a complete body, Kunpeng swallows the sky, Kunpeng swallows the sky, what do you want me to do?"

Just when this person was extremely entangled, the Jianghu people who wanted to seize the magical power came after him...

This chapter has been completed!
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