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Chapter 413 Do you reorganize the language?

Yunjing originally put a copy of "Kun Peng's Heaven-Swallowing Technique" in the stolen box in order to deceive the people of the Jiang Dynasty, but by some strange combination of circumstances, he ended up in the Jianghu, which he never expected.

In his expectation, that thing was "a secret skill that Dajiang Dynasty Shinhwa Master left behind with all his energy and effort decades ago." If the people of Dajiang Dynasty can't operate it after getting it? How many eunuchs will be added to Dajiang Dynasty? What a trap.

How many masters died?

However, the idea was good, but it was stolen by a charlatan, and it was stillborn.

Even before, Yun Jingdu and Li Qiu had planned that the box would be "heavily guarded" and no matter who went there, no one could take it away "easily". The purpose was just to be taken away by people from the Dajiang Dynasty so that people from the Dajiang Dynasty could take it away and practice it seriously...

As a result, a charlatan took advantage and ruined the plan.

So plans can never keep up with changes.

But the problem is not big. If you think about it from another angle, it might not be a good thing for that thing to be taken away by people in the Jianghu. Once the thing is taken away and wanders around the Jianghu, it will greatly divert the attention of the Jiang Dynasty. Furthermore, that thing

After publicity, the credibility has been greatly increased.

In this case, the Dajiang Dynasty's eyes and attention will still be focused on Dali?

In the end, these are just trivial matters. They are insignificant compared to the big decisive battle that is about to begin. In the end, Yun Jing doesn't care too much about what the so-called 'peerless magic' will turn into. The most he can do is to understand the follow-up a little bit afterwards.

Holding an oil-paper umbrella in hand, Yunjing heard a familiar melody as he was walking back on his way. When he passed by the largest restaurant in Xieyang City, he heard a familiar melody.

Stopping slightly and looking up, the melody came from a room on the top floor of the restaurant. Under that beautiful melody, the originally noisy restaurant seemed very quiet, and even the pedestrians around him moved much more slowly.

It seems like meeting an old acquaintance...

Listening to the familiar melody, looking at the cloud scene through the window where the music came from, I murmured in my heart.

The music was coming to an end. Yun Jing paused for a moment and continued to prepare to leave, but at this time the melody stopped and the closed window opened.

A young woman in colorful clothes opened the window and stood in front of it, catching the sight of the clouds on the street.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

Their eyes met slightly, Yunjing nodded slightly, turned around and continued to leave.

"It turned out to be her. When she visited Zhou Yu, the woman who played the piano on the cruise ship was Yue Qingyin. Is this her true appearance? I almost didn't recognize her. I never thought that she would actually play "High Mountains and Flowing Waters" that I had only played once.

I remember it, and I can play it much better than me..."

As he left, Yunjing suddenly thought, at that time, Yunjing understood that the other party had innate cultivation and was able to disguise himself. Now that he saw his true appearance, Yunjing completely understood why the other party had to disguise himself and dress up so ordinary. With her

A face like that, born in the context of this era, is often a sin.

Inside the window, Yue Qingyin's smile did not diminish. She watched Yun Jing stroll away and murmured softly: "It turns out to be him."

Seeing Yun Jing leave his sight, Yue Qingyin withdrew his gaze and couldn't help but think of the question he had asked Yun Jing when they parted ways after they met by chance...

Thinking of the original question, she looked up again in the direction where Yun Jing left, and a sentence suddenly appeared in her mind: The world is decorated with white snow, but your figure walking with an umbrella is decorated with white snow...

Yue Qingyin and Yue Qingyin were just casual acquaintances, not even friends. Besides, he had 'never met her' and didn't know her at all, so Yunjing didn't take it to heart.

Returning to the rented place, Yunjing began to pack his things. He was not going to cancel the rent and leave, but he was going to join the army to fight and had to prepare in advance.

When I was ready, I read the book quietly and waited for the transfer order arranged by the master to arrive.

In the afternoon, a transfer order came to Yunjing's residence.

After receiving the order, after the person who conveyed the order left, Yunjing vaguely felt that the atmosphere in the entire Xieyang City was different. The storm was coming, and it was like a terrifying machine started to operate!

"The decisive battle will begin soon..."

Yunjing, who had a premonition of something, muttered to himself, and immediately lowered his head to look at his transfer order. The content was to arrange for him to go to an army named Daybreak, where he would become a squadron leader in charge of thirty people.

It was not to go to the Thunder Fire Legion where the master was, nor to follow a certain famous general, nor to go to a certain general, but to be a squadron leader of thirty people.

Yunjing was not surprised by Master's arrangement. Master's arrangement was reasonable and reasonable.

The squadron commander is only a junior officer in charge of thirty people. Although there are many big bosses at one level above him, as a junior officer in charge of thirty people, he still has certain autonomy and real power during war and special times.

"Strictly speaking, the squadron leader is not an official. He is just a top soldier who follows orders and leads the grassroots combat units to fight. But after all, he has the title of squadron leader and enjoys the treatment of the ninth grade. It is just not an official status. My title is just

As a scholar, I have not yet joined the officialdom and I am young. It is very suitable for Master to arrange for me a position with independent power at such a special time."

Yun Jing nodded secretly in his heart. As for the question of whether it would be a dereliction of talent to be a top soldier in charge of thirty people given his strength, he had never thought about it. After all, he was too young and it would be difficult for him to convince others in a higher position.

"War, especially when the decisive battle is imminent. Hundreds of thousands or millions of troops are fighting. I am just a drop of water in the ocean. Master probably wants me to accumulate experience in truly leading troops in combat. He can arrange for a higher position.

, but I have no experience and will only harm others and myself. The squadron leader is very suitable. Killing the enemy in battle will gain military merit. The starting point has been given to me by the master. It depends on me how far I can go..."

With thoughts flashing in his mind, Yun Jing immediately took off his scholar uniform, put on the squadron leader's equipment sent with the transfer order, and then immediately went to the Dawn Army station to take up his post.

The equipment is very complete, including metal helmet, shoulder pads, arm guards, wrist guards, gloves, upper body armor, goggles, belt, lower body armor, and boots. These parts are all inlaid with iron sheets. The defense is still very good. Of course,

That's just for ordinary people.

There is also a water bladder and a leather bag that is convenient for holding dry food.

There are three types of weapons, a spear, a waist knife, and a dagger.

These items are standard equipment for a frontline combat squadron leader, and are much more advanced than the ones Yunjing went to the military to experience a few days ago.

It is worth mentioning that the spear is really a "long spear". The tough wooden gun shaft with a thick arm is three meters long, plus a foot-long spear head!

Strictly speaking, in this era, a gun less than two meters long can only be called a spear.

When the two armies are fighting, one inch is longer and the other is stronger. Why should they fight at close range when they can stab the enemy to death from a greater distance? As for the problem of inconvenience in dancing, army combat is not a battle in the arena. If you don't care about those fancy things, just stab forward.


There is a way of fighting called spear array, where millions of spears are thrust forward in an effort to kill the enemy as much as possible. In comparison, how many people can you kill by yourself, no matter how fancy you dance with your spears?

Of course, in the eyes of experts, when fighting in the army, as long as they are not magic weapons, ordinary weapons are not much different...

When Yun Jing went to join the Dawn Army, the atmosphere in the General's Mansion in Xieyang City was extremely oppressive, and even the guards outside did not dare to breathe loudly.

The head coach Qin Antai was sitting at the top, his face calm and intimidating. He glanced at the generals present with serious expressions.

In the depressing atmosphere, he said solemnly: "Generals, it's time for this war that has lasted for many years to end!"

No one spoke, everyone was in a heavy mood, this day was finally coming.

After this battle, will everyone present return to their hometowns with honor or be buried in a foreign land?

"Before this, we have deduced the next battle situation many times. Deductions are always just deductions and cannot be counted. The time has come to see the real results!"

No one spoke. Qin Antai paused for a moment before saying this and then said: "Your Majesty has ordered that Qin be the commander-in-chief and command the 1.3 million troops at Xieyangguan and hundreds of thousands of logistics personnel. We will immediately prepare for war from the day of receiving the order."

Go on the Northern Expedition, break through the defense line of the Dajiang Dynasty in one fell swoop, and do your best to maximize the results!"

"The imperial edict was received by Qin an hour ago, and His Majesty has issued corresponding edicts on the northwest and northeast battlefields. Everyone, that is to say, the decisive battle has begun from now on!"

After his words fell, the crowd fell silent.

After a moment, someone cautiously said: "Commander, since the imperial edict has been issued, we will actively respond to the war. However, after the war starts, what should we do if the three northern countries have a mythical intervention?"

"I will just follow orders and fight the battles we have to fight. We don't need to think too much about the rest. Your Majesty is free to think about it." Qin Antai looked at the speaker and said calmly.

As the coach, he has received accurate information. Now Dali does not need to be afraid of the numerous mythical masters from the three northern countries. However, there is no need to tell the generals below about this kind of thing. The intention from above is to keep a low profile as much as possible. When the time comes, the north

The more joyful the master of the myth of the Three Kingdoms is, the more miserable he will be!

Now he just needs to give the people below him enough confidence. He doesn't mean to hide it. It's really pointless to say more at that level.

Although the speaker didn't know where Qin Antai's confidence came from, he just obeyed his orders and nodded to indicate that he was fine.

Then Qin Antai continued: "At the moment, the northwest battlefield and the northeast battlefield, their main responsibility is to defend. After the war breaks out, the Sanluo Dynasty and the Golden Wolf Dynasty will move south. We don't have to worry about those two sides. The main thing is here..."

"Ours is the main battlefield here, break through the defense line of the river, and avenge Master Chen who was murdered in the first place, and avenge him!"

After saying this, Qin Antai stood up suddenly and said: "Every army obeys the order!"

"Order the Thunder and Fire Legion to be the vanguard, knock on the defense line of the river, and open the way for our army to march straight in!"

"Li Qiu obeys the order!" Li Qiu immediately stood up and knelt on one knee and said, immediately took the order with the seal of the coach and left.

Qin Antai said again: "Order the Dawn Army to be the center forward. When the Thunder Fire Army breaks the enemy's defense line, immediately rush to the front line to attack the city and build a stronghold!"

"Zhang Shoubei obeys the order." Zhang Shoubei, the commander of the Dawn Army, stood up and knelt on one knee to receive the order.

Then Qin Antai continued: "Order the White Horse Army as the rearguard, ready to take over the city and stabilize the rear at any time!"

"Wang Changyun obeys the order." General Wang of the White Horse Army stepped forward to receive the order.

Qin Antai's order is still being issued: "Order the Divine Armor Legion to stabilize the rear, order the Black Armor Legion to hold down the formation to deal with enemy attacks on our rear at any time, order the Black Bird Legion to provide support to the left and right wings at any time, order logistics..."

Orders are issued one after another, and the generals receive the orders. The decisive battle of this war that has lasted for many years has begun!

Finally, the arrangements were almost made. Qin Antai said in a deep voice: "Listen carefully, everyone, the military orders are like mountains, but if there are mistakes, military law is ruthless. I order you to go back and prepare for war. Tomorrow, we will make fire and make food at the third watch. The army will be ready to go at the fourth watch. We will break camp at dawn.


"Go to war! Northern Expedition!"


With an order, the generals left quickly and the war machines started.

Before this, the military leaders gathered together many times to deduce the battle situation. Now that there is no pressure from the mythical realm of the Three Kingdoms in the North, Dali only needs to fight steadily.

Among them, the Thunder Fire Legion, as the vanguard, has the heaviest task. They need to rush to the front to open the way for the army behind. If the Thunder Fire Legion cannot break through the enemy's defense line, it will be in trouble.

However, as the leader of the Thunder and Fire Army, Li Qiu has full confidence. As a surprise force carefully prepared by Emperor Da Li at great expense in the past few years, the Thunder and Fire Army has been prepared for so many years, and it is time to make its debut!

Standing on the street outside the General's Mansion, Li Qiu looked to the north and thought to himself that the city wall of the Dajiang Dynasty opposite was said to be fifteen feet high, so how long could it withstand the Thunder and Fire Legion?

"Go back to camp and prepare for battle!" Li Qiu got on the horse's path and rode towards the rear military camp outside the city.

At this moment, anyone with a bit of discernment could feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere in Xianyang City. The usual unscrupulous gangsters seemed to have disappeared, the gangsters who usually showed off their power on the streets had their tails tucked between their legs, and the entertainment venues had closed their doors and windows...

How could such a major military deployment in Dali be enough to satisfy the scouts and spies deployed on the other side of the river? The information was passed back immediately, and the other side was also actively responding.

More than a hundred miles to the north of Xieyang Pass, in Nanyang City, the southernmost part of the Dajiang Dynasty, is the General's Mansion.

As the commander guarding Nanyang City, Jia Pingnan frowned slightly when he took the intelligence sent by the spy immediately, then looked up to the south and muttered: "What does Qin Laogou mean? The army stationed at Xieyang Pass has been greatly mobilized. Could it be that he wants to

Can't we start a decisive battle in the middle of winter? Traveling in this season is difficult, how dare he?"

The scouts and spies who continued the investigation have been ordered to pay attention to the movements in Dali at all times. Although it is not yet known what Qin Antai on the other side of Dali wants to do, Jia Pingnan immediately summoned his subordinates to discuss countermeasures and make arrangements.

Messengers were also sent to Dajiang Capital and the Sanluo Golden Wolf Dynasty.

These three countries are now an alliance on the surface. If Dali really wants to have a decisive battle in this winter, the other two countries will not sit still and wait for death.

In Nanyang City, the southernmost part of the river, after winter, the south side of the city wall is thickening every day. Every day, people on the city wall are carrying water and pouring it down. The water condenses into ice, and the layers are thickened day by day.

Thick walls!

Nowadays, Nanyang City's city wall is nearly a hundred meters thick. Unless a strong person with true artistic conception comes close to destroy it, no one with innate talent can easily break through it.

However, how easy is it to get close to someone with true artistic conception?

After all, it is a world with extraordinary force. In terms of city defense, there are many ways to prevent strong men from approaching and destroying...

Yun Jing, who was dressed in military uniform, went straight to the Dawn Army camp. His appearance was "ordinary", but his military uniform added to his heroic appearance. As he passed through the city, he frequently attracted people's attention. Most of them made girls and wives blush.

With my heart pounding, I asked in a low voice whose pretty boy that was.

"It is said that as a man, you can either put on a military uniform and guard one side, or you can wear women's clothing and cause harm in all directions... Bah, forget the last sentence. The dream that could not be realized in the previous life has been realized now."

On the way to the military camp, Yunjing felt the texture of the armor on his body, and his blood boiled inexplicably.

The battlefield is a man's romance. A real man should kill the enemy's men. Only sissies find a sense of accomplishment in women. Surviving for one minute on the battlefield is more worthy of bragging than ten hours with a woman.

Yun Jing has a little understanding of the Dawn Legion. It is one of the most powerful legions in Dali today, with a number of 450,000. It is the main force against the Dajiang Dynasty in recent years.

This legion is composed of many arms, including cavalry, infantry, spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, archers, and even air soldiers. Even though the northern navy has become a decoration at this time, this legion also has naval arms.

Yes, it can be said that for any type of battle, this legion can come up with corresponding units.

Now, Yunjing is a glorious spearman of the Dawn Legion, managing the number 30 people under him, but he has not seen his soldiers yet.

The military camp was already in sight, a huge camp stretching to the end of sight.

The Dawn Legion is a large and complex group, but under strict management everything seems to be in order.

Approaching the military camp, Yunjing suddenly realized a serious problem at this time, which was the luck of the spearmen since ancient times...

"My gun is thick, long and hard. Fortunately it is strong, so there is no big problem!" Yunjing weighed the gun in his hand and strode towards the camp.

Although he has completed all the necessary procedures and his identity is genuine, he still has to report to a specific department in the military before he can meet his soldiers.

"No matter what your identity is or what connections you have to fill this vacancy, when you come to our Dawn Army, you must act according to military orders, otherwise no one can save you. Do you know why the squadron leader you replaced is missing?

Just a few days ago, I actually took advantage of my patrol to sneak into the city to drink wine, but ended up with a knife!"

A secretary in charge of personnel transfer in the army warned Yunjing on the way to his barracks.

The Dawn Military Camp is too big. If there is no one who is familiar with it to lead the way, you may not be able to find your corresponding position even if you are confused. Newcomers from Yunjing must have someone to lead the way.

After hearing this, Yun Jing said seriously: "Don't worry, sir. I understand the rules in the military. I have memorized all the military regulations before coming here, so I know what to do and what not to do."

Yun Jing's words are not nonsense. After coming to Xieyang City, he really understood the military regulations of various armies and kept them in mind. It's just that others didn't know it.

"I hope so. The military is no better than other places. Now during the war, if you make a mistake, even the royal family and the country's relatives cannot live up to the military regulations!"

The other party spoke harshly, but in fact Yunjing knew that the other party was doing it for his own good.

The reason why the other party would say this to Yunjing, a junior officer who was transferred from elsewhere, is because both of them are scholars. Although they both serve in the military, scholars and scholars feel somewhat sympathetic to each other. After all, they are surrounded by a bunch of people.

What a rough guy, it's rare to find someone who can communicate normally.

While talking to the other party along the way, Yunjing also had a preliminary understanding of the soldiers under his command.

When he went to report, he had already obtained general information about the dozens of soldiers under his command.

It is said that he has 30 soldiers under his command. In fact, Yunjing's squadron is not fully staffed. There are still three people missing. The three missing ones were lost in a small-scale battle two months ago. They are still not there now.

Time to add.

But there are twenty-seven people under his command, divided into five squads, with five squad leaders. Because they have never met each other, it is not clear what their respective personalities are. In terms of recorded skills, there is not even a middle-term acquisition.

Well, after all, he is a low-level soldier, and it is pure nonsense to expect him to be highly skilled.

"I heard that there are many thorny soldiers in the army. I wonder what the people under my command are like..."

While Yun Jing was thinking about this, the secretary who was leading the way pointed forward and said, "Mr. Yun, that's it. There are six tents, five of which are the residences of your five teams. The smaller tent is yours."

This is the squadron leader’s residence, I will send you here, and then it’s up to you. If you have anything else to do, please leave first.”

Separating from each other, Yunjing stepped over.

Nowadays, there is no war, no training, and no patrol missions, so the soldiers are all in the tents. In the cold weather, they are reluctant to leave the tents to urinate unless necessary.

Arriving at where his squadron was, Yunjing heard the sound of fist-pumping coming from the tent of the first squad. There was an extremely exciting arm-wrestling competition in the tent of the second squad. There was silence in the tents of the other three squads.

I think they all gathered in the tents of the first and second teams, but there was a snoring sound coming from the tent that was supposed to belong to him.

Good guy, life in the military is so boring and fulfilling when you are bored. Why don't you find some fun for yourself, like counting eggs?

Taking the lead towards his own tent, Yunjing used his spear to open the curtain.

On the bed that occupied half of the tent, three big men were sleeping soundly. No need to guess, Yun Jing knew that these three people were definitely three of the five team captains under him. They actually went to sleep in his tent, and the other two

, probably in two busy tents.

The curtains were opened, and the cold wind blew in, and the three of them woke up with a shiver.

One of them stood up, glared and said angrily: "Whoever doesn't open your eyes, please close them for me. I'm going to get slapped on you, right?"

The spear was more than three meters long. Yun Jing held the tail of the spear with one hand and held it steadily while maintaining the movement of opening the curtain. He looked inside with a smile and said: "Everyone, I am the third spearman of the Dawn Legion."

Yunjing, the captain of the third squadron of the second battalion of the fourth regiment of the fifth battalion, is also your squadron leader. I guess you are my soldiers. When we meet for the first time, I won’t blame you for being rude."

"Are you our new squadron leader?"

"You are so young, has your hair grown?"

"No, why are you? Tsk tsk, that appearance, with delicate features, delicate skin and tender flesh, is almost as good as Mr. Rabbit from the mansion."

The three of them immediately became happy when they heard Yun Jing introduce himself. They all looked at Yun Jing unscrupulously and said vulgar words.

"From now on, we will all be brothers who eat from the same pot. As for me, although I have a good temper, I am not without a temper. I will pretend that I didn't hear what you said before, and I will give you another chance to organize your words."

Yunjing said with a smile, humans and animals are harmless.

However, while speaking, the right hand holding the spear shook slightly, and the straight spear made a muffled buzz. The spear swung like a snake, and the tip of the spear not only drew dazzling spear flowers, but also had a bright silver edge.

Yun Jing is extremely easy to perform the simple move of spearmanship, Spirit Snake Speaks Letter, especially the sharp edge of the spear tip, which is the sign of a 'big boss' in the later stages of life with the blessing of internal strength!

After showing off his strength a little, Yunjing still held the handle of the spear firmly with one hand. Under the influence of leverage, the three-meter-long spear in his hand was no different than holding a straw.

The three captains, who had been so careless before and had no nose or eyes, were stunned for a moment, cold sweat dripping down their faces.

They scrambled up and down, despite the severe cold, they knelt down in front of Yunjing and said, "See the captain."

"Captain, we have been hoping for the stars and the moon, and finally you are here."

"Yes, I finally looked forward to having you here. You old man doesn't know that without you, we have no backbone. We can't eat well, can't sleep, and feel like we have lost our souls."

Yunjing looked at their extremely exaggerated performance, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he thought to himself, what a good guy, he is indeed a veteran, he must have the ability to adapt to the wind.

But having said that, why are there so many thorns? In fact, getting along with veteran veterans in the military is quite simple...

This chapter has been completed!
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