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Chapter 788 Trash!

Chapter 788 Waste!

It's an ordinary house, but there is a real spirit in the surroundings, with about a dozen innate warriors scattered around.

Qingwei came not far from the house and stood in the dark, watching quietly. Someone soon came behind him and did not dare to disturb him.

After a while, Qingwei said: "How are they doing during this time?"

"Commander Huiqing, they have never stepped out of the courtyard, they are very peaceful," the person behind them replied respectfully.

With no expression on his face, Qingwei said without any wavering after hearing this: "Let someone send them the best clothes on the market, and then buy a table with the best wine and food for them."

"Follow the order", the person behind him quickly followed the order without any hesitation.

Looking over there quietly, the clothes and food were soon delivered, and Qingwei just watched quietly.

'Sometimes the so-called fate is not as beautiful as imagined. The stories are all lies. Even if you meet the right person at the right time, the ending may not be happy. The world is so cruel and helpless...'

Qingwei looked over there and said silently. When the time was almost up, he ordered in an extremely calm tone: "It's almost time. Get their heads. I want to take them away. Keep the bodies and prepare for a rich burial later."

"Yes", the servant took the order and left.

Everyone was calm from beginning to end, as calm as if they were witnessing an autumn leaf falling. There was no reason, it was just so natural, so natural that it made people feel chilled in their bones.

Before he died, Qingwei had done the best he could to put on clothes that he had never dreamed of, eat delicacies that were almost impossible to buy with money, and live in dignity.

It has nothing to do with their relationship with young master Bai Wenhao, but Qingwei's most basic respect for life as a person.

In the private house, in just one day, Gu Xiaoyu became a lot more haggard, her eyes were full of confusion and helplessness, but her eyes were firm and she never showed any regret, and there was even a happy regret in her eyes.

and longing.

It's hard to imagine that one person's eyes can contain so many emotions at the same time.

Old Man Gu has always been very calm, as calm as if he had a big nerve. He just does what he usually does. It's just a change of environment. What if he doesn't?

When someone brought gorgeous clothes and delicacies, Old Man Gu felt a flash of bitter relief in his eyes. He didn't care, but his granddaughter was still so young. His heart hurt like a needle pricking him, but he couldn't resist, so he could only


"Is this?" the haggard Gu Xiaoyu said in shock, his eyes actually became a little brighter.

Uncle Gu said with a happy face: "Xiaoyu, eat it. After eating, go wash up and change clothes. We will see you, Brother Bai, soon."

"Grandpa, you mean that Brother Bai's family has agreed to accept us?" Gu Xiaoyu said with some anxiety.

Feeling sad, Old Man Gu nodded and said happily: "Of course, otherwise, such good clothes and delicacies can be sent there? Just let us eat and change to meet your brother Bai's family. Xiaoyu, hurry up and eat,

We can't keep people waiting for too long. We are a small family and we can't embarrass you, Brother Bai."

"Hmm, it's so delicious." Gu Xiaoyu ate happily, her cheeks bulging, for fear that others would wait for a long time. She smiled happily, but tears shed from the corners of her eyes while eating, but she still smiled brightly.


The grandfather and grandson ate, washed and dressed faster than usual, and soon began to wait with "expectation".

Not long after, a person with true artistic conception entered the room expressionlessly, looked around, touched his waist, and a cold light flashed, and there were two puffs of blood, and the blood was smeared, and then he turned around and left, and then someone came in and took him away.

The rest of the stuff…

Gu Xiaoyu and Uncle Gu looked at the empty room, watched those people go away, and then looked at the slightly messier environment. They looked at each other, confused for a moment as to what was going on.

"Grandpa, what are they doing?" Gu Xiaoyu asked confused.

Uncle Gu didn't know how to answer for a while, and he couldn't understand it either.

Those people obviously wanted to kill their grandfather and grandson, but when it came to the end, they chopped off two stools? Then they took away the chopped stool boards and the rest of the stools in batches.

Fortunately, Old Man Gu was not stupid either. He quickly thought of something and subconsciously touched his chest. There was something Yun Jing had given him some time ago, which he always carried close to his body.

‘Although I don’t understand what happened, Mr. Yun must be helping secretly’

With this thought flashing through his mind, Old Man Gu took a deep breath and stood up and said: "Xiaoyu, let's go."

"Grandpa, where are we going?" Gu Xiaoyu said obediently. No matter how innocent he was, he didn't even ask if we were going to see Brother Bai at this time.

Uncle Gu shook his head and said, "I don't know, just follow your feelings."

Then the grandfather and grandson left the house where they had lived for just one day, walking aimlessly, but subconsciously heading out of the city.

At first they were still feeling uneasy, but they soon discovered that no one was paying attention to them wherever they passed, and it was as if they didn't even exist. Inexplicably, they were walking faster and faster, and the surrounding scenery was like a fleeting glimpse.

fall back.

Soon after, Uncle Gu and the others magically arrived more than a hundred miles outside Qingjiao City, arriving at a small frozen river.

There, under a dead tree in the white snow, a figure stood there quietly. I don't know how long it stood there, as if it appeared out of thin air, and it seemed as if it had always been there.

As Uncle Gu and the others arrived, the figure turned slightly and said with a smile: "Uncle Gu, Miss Xiaoyu, are you okay?"

"...Mr. Yun, thank you very much." Old Uncle Gu opened his mouth, with thousands of words stuck in his throat, he could only say this sentence. He was not stupid, and he could probably understand some things, but no matter how much he said, it would make no sense.

Although Gu Xiaoyu was a little naive, he was not stupid either. He didn't say anything at this time and looked at Yun Jing with complicated eyes.

Yun Jing shook his head and said: "No need to thank you, it's just a little effort. After all, we are fellow villagers. How can we turn a blind eye and watch you end up in a foreign country?"

His little effort was a complete change in the fate of two lives.

Uncle Gu said with emotion: "Actually, at my age, I have already looked away. No matter how painful it is, no one can explain fate. I can only passively accept it and face it calmly when I am unable to resist."


"Yes, after knowing destiny, every day is actually a gift from fate." Yun Jing smiled and said, "Uncle Gu, what are your plans next..."

Before Yun Jing could finish his words, Old Man Gu interrupted and said, "Mr. Yun has done his best to be kind and righteous, and I don't dare bother you anymore. We are used to living a hard life, so we have no problem surviving."

Looking at Gu Xiaoyu, Yunjing realized in his heart that Mr. Gu cared too much about his granddaughter. Even if he had gone to hell, his granddaughter's heart was no longer with him, so as a grandfather, he would naturally follow it as much as possible.

A granddaughter.

Having exhausted his benevolence and righteousness, Yun Jing no longer hesitated. He raised his hand and gave them two things lightly, saying: "That's alright, let's say goodbye then."

"What is this?" Old Man Gu looked confused when he got what Yunjing gave him.

Yunjing said: "You are in a foreign country and are not familiar with the place. If you want to stay, you must have an identity. I brought it for you by the way. They are all legal household registration information. They have been registered with the government. There are no names.

Change, you can live as residents of the Dragon Kingdom from now on."

This kind of thing is too simple for Yunjing. Although if we investigate vigorously, it will definitely not be true, but who has so much energy to care about such a trivial matter.

Uncle Gu and the others' new identities are the surviving residents of Haijiao Port. They came to Qingjiao City a year ago to prepare for a long experience, but they escaped by mistake...

It was so thoughtful that Old Man Gu didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yunjing continued: "By the way, your appearance now is slightly different from before. Not even the people closest to you can recognize it. As long as you don't provoke some incredible beings, feel free to live your life. Of course, if you want to recover,

If you want to restore your original appearance, you only need to use Qi to stimulate some acupuncture points. I have put the details in my subconscious, so you can remember them as long as you have the idea of ​​restoring your original appearance."

It's just a simple hypnosis, it doesn't require Yun Jing to put any thought into it, it's just a matter of a thought.

"Thank you again," Old Man Gu said with emotion as he hesitated to speak. Yunjing's various methods were beyond imagination and were beyond his comprehension.

Smiling, Yun Jing said: "In that case, let's say goodbye. I hope we can see each other again someday."

"Mr. Yun, stay here," Mr. Gu said quickly as he thought of something.

Yunjing said: "Uncle Gu, please speak."

"When can I give that letter to him?" Uncle Gu asked Yun Jing through a secret message, not wanting his granddaughter to know.

In response to this, Yun Jing smiled and said: "As I said before, Uncle Gu, just think that the time has come. The specific time does not depend on me, but on you."

"I understand." After checking again, Old Man Gu said with relief. He no longer struggled with this issue. The so-called time he felt was ripe was probably similar to the whim of a warrior. When that time came, he would naturally understand.

Smiling, Yunjing finally said: "Uncle Gu, Miss Xiaoyu, take your leave."

After the words fell, Yun Jing's figure turned into a point of light and disappeared silently, and what came was just a wisp of consciousness. His true body was still in the Protector's Mansion, and no one noticed that he was taken away silently by illusion.

Old Uncle Gu and the others, not even King Qingjiao, were aware of it at all, and those responsible for dealing with Old Uncle Gu would not sense any clues, unless someone who far surpassed Yun Jing in terms of spiritual will came to investigate and review the situation.

It's just that Uncle Gu and his grandson are as insignificant as 'dust'. Who will care about them afterwards?

After finishing the matter, Yun Jing's wisp of consciousness silently returned to his body, and he did what he needed to do, and let nature take its course for the rest.

On the other side, when the heads of Uncle Gu and his grandson were brought to Bai Wenhao, he was stunned. His mind went blank and he couldn't even organize a complete thought.

His sincerity towards Gu Xiaoyu has now become like this. He cannot understand and cannot accept it. His body and mind seem to be shattered, empty and numb. He holds Gu Xiaoyu's 'head' in his arms and repeats the three words "why".

Tears kept streaming down my face, and my whole body felt empty. To describe it as a walking zombie would not be an exaggeration.

"Young master, you are the young master of the Bai family. You should have thought of such an ending... Your Majesty, please prepare the young master and will send you back to get married soon... Qingwei looked at Bai Wenhao calmly and said."

However, Bai Wenhao's whole body was empty and numb, and it was meaningless to say anything, so he did not say the following words, such as "Young Master, you are just a shell when you go back and the wedding still needs to be completed."

Without saying anything more, Qingwei bowed his hands and turned around to leave. Living in this world, when you don't have the strength to control your own destiny, you can only passively accept it, because there is no point in resisting no matter how unwilling you are.

"Your Majesty, the matter is done." After Qingwei left Bai Wenhao, he came to Bai Qinglin's side to resume his life.

After briefly asking about Bai Wenhao's behavior after facing the 'facts', Bai Qinglin shook his head and said: "It's so disappointing. My son of the Bai family is so unbearable, even if he shows anger, forget it, I will just be a

Young master from the rich family, as a member of the Bai family, you must shoulder your own responsibilities no matter what!"

Marriage is Bai Wenhao's last value, and it is also a marriage!

But having said that, after all, Bai Wenhao is the direct young master of the Bai family, and he actually went to marry into the bride's family, regardless of the woman's family status. Wouldn't this disgrace the Bai family? That's for sure, but it is Bai Wenhao's lineage that is embarrassed...

"This matter has been revealed and there is no need to mention it again. By the way, does Tong Tong surnamed Lu know about it?" Bai Qinglin said indifferently.

Qingwei said: "Back to the king, I have already informed the king of Hexi, but when he will come, my subordinates don't know."

"Well, I understand, let's go down..."

In the Duhu Mansion, Yunjing, Fang Jingtai and other officials had a friendly exchange. After the banquet, they dispersed. He was arranged to temporarily settle in a small courtyard in the Duhu Mansion.

When Yun Jing reveals his identity, the only place that can receive him on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom is the Duhu Mansion, and it would be inappropriate to go anywhere else.

Naturally, the treatment in the Duhu Mansion is far inferior to that in the Royal Mansion. It is just a small courtyard with no beautiful maids to serve him. The surveillance significance is even greater than the actual significance. After all, Yunjing's identity as an envoy has not yet been recognized by the Dragon Kingdom's Ministry of Etiquette.

The night was getting darker, and since it was a matter of concern to him, Yunjing still paid some attention secretly. Fang Jingtai contacted his superiors in a special way after the banquet, and the result of the feedback was that someone would come from the capital of Dragon Kingdom at the latest tomorrow night.

After understanding these cloud scenes, I no longer care about resting peacefully.

Dragon Whale and Laifu seemed a little bored. They played a swing game, with Laifu hanging on the beam. Dragon Whale bit Laifu's tail and swung it around, but it didn't make much noise.

Disturbing the cloud scene.

Lu Guangkun, who was unable to leave from the Duhu Mansion to prevent Yun Jing from contacting the officials of the Dragon Kingdom court, ran to nowhere for a long time. When Bai Qinglin's patience was about to run out, he finally ran to meet him.

"Brother Bai has something to do with me?" Lu Guangkun asked doubtfully after the meeting. He clearly knew what he was doing but pretended not to know, and he showed his shamelessness vividly.

This is also the best. He is not a loser, but he really doesn't care about his reputation. However, sometimes such people care about face the most.

Knowing what kind of character this guy was, Bai Qinglin didn't talk nonsense to him, but said with a cold expression: "Brother Lu, don't you have anything to explain to me?"

He does not need clear evidence to do things, just suspicion is enough. As a member of the Bai family, even if the suspicion is wrong, it is not his problem, but your problem. If you think my suspicion is wrong, then take

Give me evidence to prove me wrong!

Lu Guangkun muttered: "I don't understand what Brother Bai is talking about."

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not, and I don't care. Since Brother Lu doesn't understand, then I will do it myself. If I dare to make such a noise in the city, the collusion between internal and external parties will not matter. Then I will destroy those who make trouble.

The three clans are very reasonable, brother Lu, what do you think?" Bai Qinglin looked at him lightly and said.

The three clans that destroyed the people who used mythical methods in Qingjiao City were all members of the Lu family. If the three clans were destroyed, all the forces under Lu Guangkun would be injured!

And this is just an appetizer. There are other accounts that have not been settled. Do you really think that the matter of almost offending the court in the name of Bai Qinglin will just be ignored?

Lu Guangkun is also an extremely decisive person, so he simply said once and for all: "I wonder if there is any way I can help Brother Bai?"

He didn't mention other things, and said there was something he could do to help. In fact, he was compromising. Don't you want to explain? Well, just mention it, but in short, don't worry about the other things.

As long as you pay enough chips, there is nothing in the world that cannot be settled.

Looking at Lu Guangkun, Bai Qinglin said in his heart that although this guy has a very bad reputation, he can be considered decisive at times, so he said bluntly: "We have already tested the two-headed monster, and this kind of cancer is not allowed to exist for a long time.

, I plan to completely solve it in two days, what does Brother Lu think?"

Hearing this, Lu Guangkun's heart sank. After thinking quickly, his eyes became serious and he said, "Brother Bai can make the decision himself. I won't stand idly by."

"Haha, very good. Brother Lu, you haven't had time to have a good rest, right? I won't keep you, and I will have to trouble you to act righteously in two days." Bai Qinglin suddenly laughed.

The two parties have reached an agreement. Bai Qinglin can ignore the things Lu Guangkun did, but you have to work hard to help deal with the two-headed monster. Whether you can come back alive depends on your own ability!

Do you really think you can get away with it so easily when you create trouble on his Qingjiao King's territory?

Help to deal with the two-headed monster, and forget about anything else. If you don't want to give anything, you really don't think I will be angry!

As for how dangerous the process is, and you may even lose your life, this is the price!

Of course, Lu Guangkun could also choose to leave shamelessly, but in that case, once the Bai family is displeased, there are many ways to make his life worse than death.

"I promise to keep my promise and say goodbye." Lu Guangkun handed over his hands and left, his expression not very good.

Having fought against the two-headed monster, he knew only too well how powerful that thing was. If he himself was definitely no match, he wouldn't be sure of joining forces with Bai Qinglin.

But no matter what, he has to pay the price for his actions. It doesn't matter if he takes some action, but the Bai family is really not something he dares to offend.

Since Bai Qinglin was determined to eradicate it, he was sent to his door, so he could only prepare as much as possible.

Lu Guangkun felt a secret hatred in his heart, and almost broke his teeth. Not only did he not get what he wanted, but he still had to fight for his life. How could he not hate this?

Especially now that I don't dare to reach out for what I want to seek, because it doesn't make much sense to take the risk to get it. That guy has already given it to the court as an envoy as a meeting gift. What's the point of using a dead head to get it?

In this case, we can only recover the 'loss' in other ways. If we get what we want, it will even be more beneficial than the corpses of the Black Dragon King and others!

From the powerful Bai Qinglin, various thoughts flashed through Lu Guangkun's mind, and he quickly returned to his residence, contacted a certain place in a special way, and asked: "When will you arrive?"

"Three days at the latest", the other party quickly responded with information, and his attitude seemed extremely perfunctory.

A flash of fierceness flashed in Lu Guangkun's eyes, and he said to himself, you ants don't even take me seriously. Do you really think you can scare me just because of your skin? I don't know how many old men like you have carried.

Haha, I still need you for the time being, so don’t worry about it for now, you will understand the consequences of offending me later!

Lu Guangkun must be dissatisfied with the three days. The day lilies will be cold by then. He said solemnly: "Three days are too long. I will see you tomorrow at the latest. Follow my arrangements then. Things are not free."

Yes, it’s amazing, I’ll poke it out, you know the consequences!”

He paid a certain price to bribe certain people to do things for him, and the other party was a person from the officialdom. This kind of bribery was no joke once it was revealed.

The attitude of the person on the other side straightened up a lot, and he hesitated and said: "King Hexi, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious. You also have to understand our difficulties. I don't know if that person is guarding against someone or something.

, the domain gate is actually closed. We don’t have the ability to open the link from another place, so we have to take a detour and rush from the nearest place. It has to take some time. Three days is already the fastest."

Hearing this, Lu Guangkun's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he sneered: "Three times more of what I'll give you!"

"Kang Changliang of Hexi, don't worry, even if we run away, we will arrive before dark tomorrow to cooperate with you." The tone of the other party suddenly changed dramatically.

"That's good. I hope you won't keep me waiting too long." After Lu Guangkun said this, he cut off contact with the other party, his tone not without a threatening tone.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Guangkun contacted other people: "Where have you been?"

"I'll arrive early tomorrow morning. So what, Brother Lu, I'm a little curious. If you ask me to do something once, the friendship in the past will be gone. If you come back again, you have to pay the chips. And I heard that you invited me more than just one person. This can't be done.

All the friendships you have accumulated in the past have been sold out. What made you so mobilized?" The other person asked, full of curiosity.

"I have my own compelling reasons. You just need to cooperate with me when the time comes." Lu Guangkun said calmly. Those people who helped naturally had compelling reasons and there was no need to give too much face.

The person on the other side suddenly felt bored and said: "Okay, you'll know when the time comes. That's it. You've already had a lot of trouble on your way."

After cutting off contact, Lu Guangkun fell into deep thought again and prepared many means. How to ask that guy out?

(End of chapter)

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