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Chapter 789 I thought so too

Chapter 789 I think so too

As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the arts. Lu Guangkun may be better than worse in his cultivation, and he has not made much achievements in governing the fiefdom. However, this guy is very good at conspiracy and conspiracy.

The back-up plan was ready, and he quickly figured out how to lure Yun Jing out and implement it.

So he ordered: "Come here, call me Feng Qian."

As a servant of the Lu family, a member of the Lu family in life and a ghost of the Lu family in death, the head of the family summoned Feng Qian to come as soon as possible.

Looking at Feng Qian, a relatively capable subordinate, Lu Guangkun said directly: "Feng Qian, I will give you a task next, be sure to complete it for me."

"Please tell me, head of the family," Feng Qian said seriously. He had no choice but to obey orders, but he was not stupid and could probably guess some of the reasons why he was called.

Lu Guangkun continued to order: "You know that person named Yun, right?"

"My master, I have met him a few times, but we are not familiar with each other, and when we first met, we were a little unhappy because of the master's words..."

Not wanting to listen to his nonsense, Lu Guangkun interrupted: "That's enough. What I want you to do is to find him, ask him out, and meet him at noon tomorrow at a place three thousand miles south of Qingjiao City. I have all the reasons.

After I’ve found it for you, I’ll tell you that my intentions are not good for him, and I need to find a place where no one is around to discuss the details.”

"This..." Feng Qian was stunned for a moment. What kind of fuss was the master of the family doing?

Lu Guangkun smiled and said: "Don't feel weird, just do it. And the reason why I asked you to ask him out to meet is true. There is no such thing as deceiving him."

His heart sank, Feng Qian took a deep breath and said: "The master of the house has ordered his subordinates to do as they please, but the master, what if he doesn't fall for the trick? From what I know about him, this person is not stupid. I'm afraid he can see through this at a glance.

It's a conspiracy"

"That's what I want. If he is too stupid, I don't have to go to so much trouble. I've seen a lot of so-called smart people. Smart people are often very confident. They are so confident that they know it's a conspiracy. They always feel that they can settle everything, and then hold on to something.

I have the mentality of watching your performance and running to watch jokes for fun, so just do it and forget about the rest, and he will cooperate on his own," Lu Guangkun said confidently.

Feng Qian's instinct was definitely a bit unreliable. There seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn't explain it, but he still said: "I obey my orders."

"Well, this matter has been settled. I will not treat you badly. Haven't you always liked my third daughter? I will grant you a marriage afterwards." Lu Guangkun patted Feng Qian on the shoulder and said, "I am optimistic about you."

Expression said.

He is quite sure of people's hearts. He rarely does things that require horses to run without letting them graze. He has to give his subordinates some hope and benefits.

With a thought in his heart, Feng Qian, who was still hesitant at first, suddenly became firm and said with a straight face: "Master, just be optimistic, my subordinates will not let you down."

You have grasped my weakness and used this to test me. Who can withstand this?

But then Feng Qian hesitated to speak: "But the head of the family, as far as I know, is not an easy person to deal with, so remember not to be careless."

"Of course. I can kill Black Dragon King and others. How can I despise you? Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Lu Guangkun said calmly.

Feng Qian didn't say anything more, nodded and resigned. Next, he would go to Yunjing according to the instructions and invite him to meet alone to complete the task of being the head of the family.

After Feng Qian left, Lu Guangkun felt that just like this, it was not safe. If the guy didn't come out, wouldn't his work be in vain? That wouldn't work. He had to make two preparations, so he called for his close subordinates and said:

"You go find the man named Luo Xiu, who is the personal bodyguard of Bai Wenhao, the young master of the Bai family. Don't disturb him first. Control all his family and friends, and then listen to my orders at any time. If Feng Qian's plan does not go smoothly

, just use Luo Xiu’s family and friends to threaten him and ask him to go to someone named Yun for help. Doesn’t Xingyun consider himself a righteous man? I don’t believe that he will not save me even if he wants to die!”

"My subordinates obey the order and go do it immediately." After hearing the order, the confidant did not hesitate at all, but still said: "But the head of the family, Luo Xiu is a member of the Bai family after all. If we do this, what will King Qingjiao think?

What if Luo Xiu didn't go to that person for help but instead went to the Green Dragon King? Then wouldn't the family owner have to face the anger of the Green Dragon King?"

"What you said makes sense, but having said that, if Luo Xiu cares about his family and friends, he will obediently go to Yun for help. As for King Qingjiao, there is no need to worry about it. I have already reached an agreement with him.

As long as the transaction doesn't go too far, he will just turn a blind eye." Lu Guangkun said calmly, everything was in his calculation.

In this way, his confidants no longer struggled, resigned and left to do things.

All the arrangements were in place, and Lu Guangkun just had to close the net. In order to target Yun Jing, he was very deliberate. Not only did he arrange two plans, but he even prepared two tricks to lure him out.

With such a careful mind, it is only natural that he can climb to the height he is today.

After Feng Qian left Lu Guangkun, he took action and wrote a letter to Yun Jing himself. The main message was that he was 'in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han'. Ever since he saw Yun Jing's methods, he did not dare to go to Yun Jing again.

Hei, he heard that the master of the family was planning something bad for him, and he was still trying to find out the details. No matter what the outcome was, he would like to meet and discuss it in detail tomorrow noon, three thousand miles south of Qingjiao City.

The content of this letter can be described as half-truth and half-false. From the bottom of his heart, Feng Qian really did not dare to be an enemy of Yunjing, even with the support of the Lu family, but he had no choice but to disobey the order of the family head.

After writing the letter, he personally went to the outside of the Protector's Mansion and put on a full show. He went there after changing his appearance and did not dare to approach. He opened his mouth from a distance to attract the attention of the guards of the Protector's Mansion, and then asked them to forward the letter to


Although someone sneaking up in the middle of the night made the guards of the Protectorate a little suspicious, but it was related to Yun Jing in the mythical realm, and besides, he was an envoy of a certain country, so he hesitated and agreed.

The letter was sent out and when it reached Yunjing's hand, Feng Qian had no doubt that Feng Qian had done everything Lu Guangkun had asked him to do. As for whether Yunjing would accept the invitation or not, that was beyond his control.

Then Feng Qian left at night and found a place to stay closest to where he left the city. He had to leave the city early the next morning to wait for Yunjing at the agreed place.

Feng Qian's letter was also handed over to Yun Jing immediately. Even if he had already gone to bed, the guards of the Duhu Mansion did not dare to neglect it. Even if it would disturb his rest, they could not care so much.

After receiving the letter, Yunjing looked amused after reading the content, but there was a big problem at first glance.

'Feng Qian is a servant of the Lu family. No matter how bad the reputation of the Lu family is, he still has no means to control his subordinates? Therefore, this behavior of cheating and cheating cannot be justified. It is obviously someone named Lu who is up to something. Maybe I went there.

What's waiting for me!'

Yun Jing could tell there was something wrong at a glance. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first. As long as he didn't fall for the other party, there was nothing he could do to him. But then he thought about it and it wasn't a problem. They were deliberately targeting him. If the plan failed, he would be sure later.

There are still a lot of calculations waiting for him. After all, if you can only be a thief for a thousand days, then you can guard against thieves for a thousand days.

So Yunjing changed his mind and thought, since you want to play, then just have fun, and just use the plan to solve the trouble once and for all, so as not to be disgusted later.

'There might be something waiting for me there, but I can't be careless. But then again, it's not like this is coming to my door. Even if it makes a big fuss, it can still leave me clean.

After all, I've always been with you at the Protector's Mansion, and there are plenty of witnesses. If anything happens, I can't be blamed.'

Thinking of this, Yun Jing stopped worrying and went to sleep peacefully. We will talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow.

I guess Lu Guangkun didn't expect that Yun Jing would be 'fooled' so easily. The back-up method of threatening Luo Xiu's relatives and friends as a breakthrough point was not used at all. Yun Jing didn't know that he had deceived countless people with just one thought.

Avoid being implicated, after all, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

Early the next morning, Yun Jing silently left the Protectorate and went to the place Feng Qian had agreed upon. He didn't have the habit of waiting for others to complete the arrangements before running there. It would be wrong to go to the place early.

There was a mistake, he didn't even bring Dragon Whale and Laifu with him, and he also left a consciousness clone in the Protector's Mansion.

Perhaps his position as Jiedushi was too monotonous and boring. Fang Jingtai came early in the morning to drink tea and play chess with Yunjing to pass the time. In the meantime, he mentioned that an official from the Ministry of Rites in charge of foreign envoys would arrive today. The specific time is

It’s hard to say.

I have been staying with Fang Jingtai, the military commander, and I haven’t gone there. No matter what happens, I can’t be relied on. We have witnesses...

The place Feng Qian agreed on was a huge lake with several islands in it. The surrounding area was deserted for hundreds of miles. It would be hard to believe that the cloud scenery here was not carefully selected.

When Yunjing arrived, except for animals and plants, there was not even a single person in the area for hundreds of miles. After a little observation, he ruled out the possibility of being ambushed by someone setting a trap in advance.

Maybe it's not too late yet?

The people haven't come yet, so Yunjing doesn't worry too much, so he just gets a fish to grill and eat. He hasn't had breakfast yet.

It's freezing cold, everything is covered in snow, and even the lake is covered with thick ice. In such an environment, grilling fish leisurely is quite pleasant if you don't feel bored.

The weather in this place is nice right now. The sky is cloudless and the sun is getting higher. The sunlight reflected by the ice and snow is a bit dazzling. Ordinary people might go blind if they stay in such an environment for a long time.

After eating a piece of grilled fish, Yunjing, who had eaten and drank enough, noticed that Feng Qian was quickly heading towards this place.

Feng Qian came over and even though he had already sent the letter last night, he was obviously not sure whether Yun Jing would accept the invitation and looked around as he hurried on.

After noticing Feng Qian, Yunjing added a handful of firewood to the fire, and the rising smoke pointed him in the direction. Feng Qian obviously hesitated a little when he saw it, and immediately rushed in this direction.

"I'm most likely to make sure that I've arrived, and then notify the people behind me. I think the person named Lu will be here soon." Yun Jing saw Feng Qian's secret actions, but didn't pay much attention.

We have been here for a while in advance, and Yunjing is not a pushover. He has also arranged it a little in advance. Whether it can be used is one thing. There is nothing wrong with being careful.

"I've met Mr. Yun. I didn't expect you to come so early. I apologize for keeping you waiting for so long." After arriving at Yunjing's place, Feng Qian immediately saluted. The fish bones on the side indicated that Yunjing was here.

A while and a half.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I haven't been here long. Did you send someone to send me a letter last night saying that there are things that are not good for me that need to be discussed in detail in person?"

"...Yes, Mr. Yun," Feng Qian nodded. He didn't expect Yun Jing to go straight to the point. Did he care too much or didn't want to waste time?

His expression became serious, Yun Jing said: "Although I don't know why you took the initiative to contact me, I still want to 'thank you' and tell you what's going on. If you can help me avoid the crisis, I won't let you


Even though they are all acting, Yunjing might as well be a little bit involved in the drama. If you eat everything, I have to show something.

Feng Qianxin said that I know the details. The head of the house just asked me to ask you out. Now the goal has been achieved, but the head of the house didn't tell me what to do next.

Despite this, Feng Qian was somewhat witty and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yun, I only occasionally heard that the master of the family wants to do something bad to you. I don't know the details yet. You also know what will happen if you rashly inquire into such things.

You can’t rush it, you have to take your time, so I ask Mr. Yun to give me some time, and I will definitely figure it out.”

"You're not trying to amuse me, are you? You just call me out without knowing anything about the cooperation?" Yun Jing frowned slightly. He knew that the other party was stalling for time, but he also had to act normal.

Feng Qian hurriedly said: "Mr. Yun, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to amuse you. In fact, I heard some rumors, but I'm just not sure. What I know so far is that the head of the family is contacting other people to come. I need to inquire more about the details. Now

I’m just giving Mr. Yun a heads up. If there is any definite news later, I will notify you as soon as possible.”

Saying it means not saying anything, but Yunjing's frown relaxed and he smiled: "If you are interested, then you can pay more attention to me. Although I don't know why you took the initiative to contact me, but I also

I’m not a stingy person, tell me, what do you want?”

"How dare you ask for benefits without merit. As for taking the initiative to contact Mr. Yun, it's just because Mr. Yun's methods are extraordinary. If the head of the family wants to harm Mr. Yun, I'm afraid he's going to kill an egg with an egg. This kind of thing is not something a little person like me can control. If

If there is a real conflict, I hope Mr. Yun will be kind enough to let me go." Feng Qian said with a troubled expression, but these words came from the bottom of his heart.

Nodding, Yun Jing was about to say something when his face suddenly changed. He stood up abruptly, glanced at Feng Qian, and then looked into the distance, with a gloomy and ugly expression.

His heart trembled, Feng Qian forced himself to calm down and asked: "What's wrong with Mr. Yun?"

"You invited me here, and within a few words, you, the head of the Lu family, arrived. Don't you want to say something?" Yun Jing looked at him and sneered.

Feng Qian was shocked and said: "Mr. Yun, what are you talking about? How can I hear..."

Before he could finish speaking, his figure suddenly flew back uncontrollably. Yunjing did not stop him, but looked in the direction in which he was flying back.

Lu Guangkun has arrived over there, and is only more than a hundred meters away from Yunjing. He threw Feng Qian behind him and said: "Feng Qian, your mission has been completed. You have done a good job. I will not promise you anything."

You broke your promise, I have nothing to do with you now, you can go back first."

"Master, be careful," Feng Qian opened his mouth and said in a complicated tone, and then left without looking back.

No matter what, he is from the Lu family, and no matter how much he doesn't want the family head to conflict with Yun Jing, he can't control the matter at this point.

Lu Guangkun didn't take Feng Qian's reminder seriously, but looked at Yun Jing and looked him up and down: "Mr. Yun, this is our second meeting. We couldn't say a word yesterday. It's really a pity. I have to

He said that Mr. Yun is really a talented person, he can be said to be a dragon or a phoenix among men."

"I don't dare to accept such ridiculous compliments from the King of Hexi. He has deliberately brought me here, which can be considered a great effort," Yun Jing said calmly.

As if he didn't hear the sarcasm in Yun Jing's words, or maybe he didn't care at all, Lu Guangkun continued: "Master Yun is a smart man. Since you guessed that I asked Feng Qian to lure you here on purpose, why not guess my purpose?


"Not interested," Yunjing said with a smile.

Raising his eyebrows, Lu Guangkun laughed and said: "It seems that Mr. Yun is also a sweet-tempered person. He is straight forward. This kind of character is just what I like. In this case, I will not talk nonsense with you anymore. Lu Wu wants to come to Yun

Young Master, do you still remember? He is a junior that I value very much, and he is expected to step into the Mythical Realm and become the pillar of my Lu family, but he died in your hands. Young Master Yun, you don’t think it’s just like that, do you?”

"The King of Hexi mentioned this matter. He is not interested in hearing what I said about why he was killed by me. Why don't you just tell me how you want to treat him?" Yunjing said calmly, too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

At this time, in Yunjing's perception, three other mythical realms have appeared a hundred miles away. Judging from just their aura, they are similar to Lu Guangkun. Individually they are not as good as the original Tang Lao, but with Lu Guangkun, there are four.

The numerical advantage is enough to make up for the individual strength gap.

They had already surrounded Yunjing, but they did not attack immediately.

Lu Guangkun was confident that I had the advantage, and said with a smile: "Young Master Yun is quick to talk, so I won't beat around the bush with you. It is natural to say that murder must be paid for life, but there is no hatred that cannot be overcome in the world, so I don't care about you.

To kill Lu Wu, I only need Mr. Yun to agree to one condition."

"Although I don't know what your conditions are, I definitely won't be able to agree to it, but King Hexi might as well talk about it," Yun Jing said with great interest.

This guy has a very bad reputation, but he can actually find three helpers from the Myth Realm. I have to say that he really has a lot of tricks. Maybe the Myth Realm can grab a lot of people in the Dragon Kingdom, but it is really difficult to gather a few ordinary people.

Do it.

Lu Guangkun said: "It's very simple. As long as you surrender to me, I will forget the rest. What do you think?"

This is his good calculation. If Yunjing surrenders to him, what does a mere Luwu mean? Ten thousand Luwu are not as good as one Yunjing. In this way, he 'lost' the Black Dragon King and others

The corpse is equivalent to being back in his hands again. After all, Yunjing has surrendered to him, so the things rewarded by the court naturally belong to him.

Of course, Lu Guangkun would not think that Yunjing would just give in with his words. Without waiting for Yunjing to say anything, he continued: "Master Yun, don't refuse in a hurry. It's not too late to listen to what I have to say before making a decision. First, Lu Guangkun

Wu, as a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom, if you kill him, you will be jailed according to the law. In the mythical realm, you may not be sentenced to death, but no one will stand up for you, and jail is inevitable, especially if you are not from the Dragon Kingdom.

Man, let me put it into perspective, your freedom of decades or hundreds of years is probably gone. Then I might as well tell you that the officials from the Ministry of Punishment who arrest you are already on their way. If I don’t pursue you, you will be fine, otherwise I will arrest you and imprison you.

It is inevitable. Your status as an envoy of a small country means nothing at all. It is useless to stay in the Protectorate, and you will not be protected there. You must know that the authority of the Ministry of Punishment is higher than that of the Ministry of Rites."

"Of course, I know this is not enough to convince you. The above are just the prerequisites for you to surrender to me. Let's talk about the benefits next. After surrendering to me, not only will I not pursue past grudges, but I will also give you magical powers that you have never imagined before.

The secret book can even promise you that it will help you operate it within three years and make you a prince. How about it? Isn’t it a bad treatment for you?"

A big stick plus sweet dates, I have to say that this guy is really considerate and comprehensive, and with a set of threats and inducements, most people are afraid that they will really fall for his tricks.

First there is legal oppression, and then there are benefits and temptations. There is no huge trouble and there are benefits. It seems that there is nothing wrong with him. The premise is to surrender to him. Maybe after surrendering, you will not be treated like a dog, but who knows what the other party will do.

How many means of control.

Yun Jing listened with great interest and said, "Are you done?"

"So what's your answer?" Lu Guangkun nodded.

Yunjing said in a dumbfounded voice: "Are you daydreaming before you wake up, or are you trying every possible way to make me happy? To be honest, you succeeded in making me laugh. Really, this is the first time I have encountered such a

Funny things”

"It seems that you have refused, Mr. Yun. It doesn't surprise me when I think about it. After all, you have reached this level at a young age and your heart is as high as the sky. How can you easily surrender to others? But do you know

Many times fate is cruel, and you should understand these people who can't help themselves, right?" Lu Guangkun said with a nonchalant smile.

Waving his hand, Yunjing said: "Okay, I don't have time to tease you here, but if this is the case, I won't accompany you."

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Yun. It's easy to come but hard to go. These deserted mountains and ridges are so uninhabited that people can die without anyone noticing. What do you think? Do you really want to refuse?" Lu Guangkun said with narrowed eyes.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "If coercion and inducement fail, are you going to do it forcefully? I've heard of forced buying and selling, but this is the first time I've encountered forcing others to surrender. I'm afraid it's a bit forceful, right?"

"You don't listen to my good words, do you really want to take action? I know Mr. Yun has some tricks, but he has no eyes for fists and feet. By then it will be too late to regret." Lu Guangkun's tone gradually became cold.

Looking around, Yun Jingshen took it seriously and said, "King Hexi, you might as well give it a try. In fact, I still agree with what you said, that is, these barren mountains and mountains are so uninhabited that people can die without being noticed, and so do I.

That’s what I thought!”

"If you don't see the rabbit and don't let go of the eagle, then there is nothing to say. I want to see whether you are hard with your fists or hard with your mouth. Everyone, what are you waiting for? Come out." Lu Guangkun sneered. If you are too soft, just be tough.

, he did not intend to delay any longer.

(The fever has reached 40 degrees, and I feel all kinds of discomfort. The latest update may not be stable, I’m sorry)

(End of chapter)

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