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Chapter 880 Who can stand such a test?

Chapter 880 Which one can withstand such a test?

Author: Shi Wen

Chapter 880 Which one can withstand such a test?

“All intelligent creatures have weaknesses, either innate kindness and dislike, or emotional bonds inherited from life, or moral concepts developed from the living environment, or moral shackles passed down by civilization, or behaviors formed by natural laws.

Norms..., all kinds of things, are called the bottom line. If the bottom line is torn and the behavior is dictated by the heart, good and evil will not exist, and it will be no different from an ignorant animal. However, if the bottom line is there, it will be a curse that is always in the soul and consciousness and it is difficult to cross it.

, is a cage that fastens itself!”

"Master Yun, you want to use me to practice, but how do you deal with the bottom line of your spiritual survival? Now I am the embodiment of the bottom line deep in your heart. Kill me and tear the bottom line to pieces? Kill your loved ones with my own hands.

The person you love, is that any different from an animal that looks like hair and drinks blood? In that case, you will only go down the wrong path, become crazy and even self-destruct. But I am here. If you don't take action, you will not be able to cross the bottom line, and you will never be able to take a step forward.

Your soul and will will be crushed by the bottom line, and you will become a tool for me to drive, and you will never be able to break free from my control!"

"Master Yun, I didn't want to go to this point for the time being, but you just came to my door yourself. You are the most suitable candidate. Now, what should you do?"

"You and I have never expected that we have reached this point in a hurry. Now it seems that I have a better chance of winning. Do you choose to tear up the bottom line and go to destruction with sin and madness, or do you sink forever and become a tool in my hands?"

'Liu Guqing' who was very close looked at Yun Jing and chuckled, already winning.

Demons are the best at grasping the weaknesses in the consciousness of living beings. If you give it a gap, it can amplify the weaknesses infinitely, and it will completely take the initiative. If you are not careful, it will take advantage of its weaknesses to occupy its thoughts and consciousness.

This is not a competition of force, but it is thousands of times more dangerous than a fight with swords and guns!

At this time, it is facing the face of Yunjing's mother, Jiang Susu. This is the weakest weakness in Yunjing's mind. Although she knows that it is hers and is a fake, it is an illusion created by the demon using her own weakness, but just like Liu Gu

Qing' said, this is the embodiment of the bottom line deep in Yunjing's soul.

He knows it is false, but if he does it, it will be equivalent to tearing up the bottom line. Once he does this, he can kill his mother in such a situation today. If he is forced to do so in other circumstances in the future, wouldn't he really do it?

this way?

For some things, there is only the difference between zero and countless times. Once the bottom line is broken, it can never be repaired.

And now, if Yun Jing steps over this hurdle, the demon will take advantage of this weakness and become a tool in its hands!

Rather than saying that the demon is creating the illusion of Yunjing's bottom line, it is actually Yunjing who is facing his own heart at this time. He is an expert at playing with illusions, otherwise how could he easily fall into the trap of the other party?

This is the biggest test for Yunjing, it is calamity!

The demon was just a short distance away, and Yunjing's movements were frozen. Its words seemed to come from the horizon, and they seemed to ring directly from the depths of his soul, directly interrogating Yunjing's own moral thoughts.

Suddenly, Yunjing felt that the surrounding environment had become inconvenient. He had become extremely weak, even moving was difficult, his vision became extremely blurred, and even thinking about problems was extremely difficult.

But in such an environment and senses, he felt extremely safe, because he was in an extremely warm embrace, as if the sky and the earth were falling and that embrace could protect him from any wind and rain.

A ballad that was not beautiful or even out of tune sounded in my ears, but it was so soothing to Yunjing's ears. It was my mother's voice. She was singing. With a happy smile, she was gazing at the young child in her arms.

Her life is the lump of flesh falling from her body, which is the continuation of her life.

At this moment, Yunjing returned to the time when he was the youngest. When he was just born into this world, his vision was blurred, he had no strength, thinking was laborious, and he had no sense of security. But in his mother's arms, he felt like heaven.

The safest place down there.

Rather than turning back time, Yun Jing clearly knew that this was the warmest and softest reflection of his heart.

It's so good to lie in my mother's arms. I don't have to think about anything. It's warm and safe. How good it would be to slow down time and stay in this moment forever.

But the pace of time can never be controlled by anyone. Unknowingly, Yunjing found that he had grown up a little and started to toddle. But his mother's figure never left. She was always by her side to take good care of her, for fear that she would have a trace of it.

Bumps and bumps, even a small fall can make the mother feel distressed for a long time, blaming herself for not taking good care of her child.

Then, the clouds became bigger again and she fell ill. My mother was so confused that she braved the wind and rain and ran for dozens of miles in the dark to treat herself. She cried while protecting herself, unable to tell which was the rain and which was the tears.

I stumbled and fell a lot, but I always protected myself in my arms very well...

As I got a little older, I started to be naughty and mischievous. Every time I went down the river or into the tree, every time I climbed up and jumped, it was a thrilling test for my mother!

And then, as I grew up, every time I left for a long distance, my mother would be worried and shed tears, standing at the entrance of the village all day long, hoping again and again for the safe return of her child, but she couldn't wait and couldn't, she kept waiting.

I kept waiting, day after day, until I saw my child come back, and then I felt relieved. I asked about the child's well-being, for fear that I would not have a good time out or eat well.

Gradually, as I grew up, I spent less time with my mother, and the smile on my mother's face became less and less. When did the smile on my mother's face become less and less? I didn't even notice!

My heart feels depressed, slightly tingling, and I can't breathe.

A fleeting glimpse, the scenes changing before my eyes, the past bits and pieces reappearing, it turns out that there are so many details in my life that I have never noticed!

It seemed like a long time had passed, yet it seemed like only a moment had passed. Unknowingly, Yun Jing had tears streaming down his face.

Everything in the past is repeating itself, again and again, Yunjing is not even willing to 'wake up', the movements are frozen, eternity is a moment, and a moment is also eternity.

But reality always has to be faced. Face the bottom line of your inner shackles. If you tear the bottom line to pieces, what is the difference between you and an animal? But if you step over this hurdle, let alone take a step forward, the whole person will sink completely!

Although she was crying, Yunjing felt every bit of the past, but there was a happy smile on her face. It had been so warm and intoxicating.

I have experienced what I must go through to grow up. Even if the past repeats itself, Yunjing asks himself that he has no regrets. His parents and family are healthy, the family is harmonious, and they are full of laughter. He has never done anything to make his parents feel sad. He will always be theirs.

Proud, they can stand tall no matter where they go, and no one can find an excuse to criticize them.

"How is it possible that when you face the weakest point in your life, you actually have no fault at all? As a son of man, everything you do is almost flawless. How is it possible?"

Yunjing's past flashed back like a fleeting glimpse, and the demon who was the initiator also experienced it together. At this time, it was almost speechless and unbelievable.

"Life is given by parents, and it is instinct to be filial. What is impossible?" Yun Jing said with a smile while crying.

Shaking his head in disbelief, the demon said in disbelief: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. As far as I know, the human race is just like a blank sheet of paper when it is born. Good and evil are neither black nor white, and their moods are ever-changing. Even if they are childlike, they will always be there.

If you inadvertently do something that makes your parents feel sad, it is impossible for you to have everything go as you wish."

"How much do you know about the human race? There are always some exceptions in the world, right?" Yun Jing said lightly, shedding tears, still recalling every bit of the past.

But then the demon smiled, extremely happy and confident, and said: "Although it surprised me a little, it is exactly what I wanted, Yunjing, Yunjing, just because you have done so well, the shackles of the bottom line are even more

It's so strong that it's hard to break, haha, you've trapped yourself in a cocoon!"

"Yes, as you said, the more virtuous I am, the more difficult it is to break the shackles of my bottom line. But you can't deny that once the shackles are broken, the greater my gains will be." Yun Jing said with a smile, but there was something in his eyes.

The tears still haven't stopped.

Still smiling confidently, Liu Guqing said: "The question is, can you get over the bottom line in your heart? I guess you can't tear up the bottom line and act like a pig or a dog. If you can't get over it, I will win in the end."

Got it!"

"No, although you are a demon and are good at grasping the weaknesses of intelligent beings, you still don't understand the human race well enough. You used demonic methods to evolve my mother's shadow, embodying the weakest point in my heart. On the contrary, this is also the strongest point in my heart.

, our human race has a saying that tiger poison cannot eat its children, which means that parents can never do anything to harm their children. In other words, when you use this to try to control me, you will never succeed.

Are there any mothers out there who treat their children as tools? If you want your children to succeed, the more outstanding your children are, the better a mother would like to see them." Yun Jing shook his head and said.

With his eyes flickering, 'Liu Guqing' muttered: "So what if it's what you said. On the contrary, as a son of a human being, if you do something to hurt your parents, it will be even more unforgivable. We are so great that no one can do anything to anyone. And

Now, you are facing your own bottom line, and when you are in it, you always have to make a choice. Whether you tear up and trample on the bottom line or be overwhelmed by the bottom line and step forward, I will win in the end!"

"Yes, you always have to face your own bottom line shackles. However, what you don't understand is that when faced with the bottom line shackles, besides trampling and tearing them to pieces and letting it become a punishment that can never be overcome, there is a third option.

, that is to stick to it and turn it into the source of one's own strength. People have a bottom line. This is not a wrong thing, but is the most essential meaning of life. The existence of the bottom line is undeniable in some aspects.

Oneself, but isn’t that the most solid help for one’s own progress? Only those with a cold and evil nature will break it, only fools will be bound by it, and those with a clear mind will choose to coexist with it, which is both a protection and a fetter.

It's motivation!" Yunjing looked at the other party with a sonorous and powerful voice, his eyes were firm, and his words went straight to his heart.

A trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and 'Liu Guqing' said with a deep smile: "You are escaping, and finally you have crossed the threshold of spiritual shackles."

"What you said and done is just to confuse my mind and mislead me in the wrong direction. I have always known what I should do and what I shouldn't do. I will accept good advice, but not wrong guidance.

It will confuse my mind, and I will use you to practice. It seems that you are drawing out my weaknesses and forcing me to make a choice, but in fact, I am using you to strengthen my beliefs!"

"The bottom line is never meant to be broken, nor should it become a shackle, but a driving force for progress."

"You shouldn't use my mother against me. I know clearly that my mother will never make me suffer such a difficult decision. On the contrary, your behavior is the biggest provocation to me."

"No matter how real the illusion you create is, I know what kind of person I am, what my mother is like, and I know what I should do and what I shouldn't do. It can't be true if it's fake, and it can't be fake if it's true. When I use you

After you have determined your direction of progress, all your means will not be able to shake me."

"Thank you, and farewell!"

After the words fell, Yun Jing's eyes were still a little dazed. His eyes were clear and everything was true. The 'mother' in front of him no longer looked aggressive, but had a loving smile on his face, with the most affection for his children in his eyes.

Faithful blessings and expectations.

She was waving gently to Yunjing, as if to say, child, come back early after your work is done. Mother has cooked your favorite meal and is waiting for you at home...

Tears filled her eyes again, but the figure of her mother in front of her faded away with a smile. Liu Guqing was still Liu Guqing, but inside she was a body dominated by the devil.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. How can there be a person like you in the world who is so virtuous and has a perfect mind..." The demon's face was twisted and twisted in fear as he struggled and screamed.

However, with Yun Jing's pointing, thunder light surrounded her and disappeared between her eyebrows, until it reached the place where the demon was entrenched in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness. That ray of lightning turned into a world-destroying thunder, obliterating the formless figure of the devil, and then the world-destroying thunder.

It disappeared out of thin air again, and along with the unique life breath of the demon, it divided into billions across the space distance to reach the location of thousands of demon species, wiping them out one by one. At the same time, the Emperor's Sword buzzed, flew out from Yun Jing's body, and the void was empty.

Kill, there is no more life breath of the devil in the world!

The voice of 'Liu Guqing' stopped suddenly, her eyes were confused and she slowly fell down. Yunjing thought a thought, a recliner appeared behind her, and she fell into a sweet sleep.

When pointed out, billions of thunders pursued the devil's aura across space and went everywhere. Thunders also appeared in the depths of Yunjing's own consciousness, obliterating a lurking figure. The intuitive expression was as if it had been touched by static electricity, and there was a silent black air.

Disappear without interest.

The evil seed that the devil had silently planted in him was wiped out. Looking at Liu Guqing in front of him, she was just a normal and beautiful woman. If she didn't give people such a charm that he would give everything for her at the first sight,

Although she is beautiful, she is still in the normal range and is no longer unreasonably beautiful.

The foundation of "the most beautiful woman in the world" is there, but she is actually a normal and ordinary woman.

Almost at the same time, countless people all over the world seemed to be touched by static electricity, which was harmless and fleeting. For those who encountered it, those with keen senses felt inexplicable, while those with weak senses felt nothing.

However, such a person suddenly came to his senses. The figure of Liu Guqing in the depths of his consciousness was no longer so unforgettable, wanting to devote everything to her, and his confused mind suddenly became clear.

Many people couldn't help but be shocked, thinking, damn it, how could I have thought that Liu Guqing would be willing to die if she smiled at me? Who am I, just because she is pretty? My parents raised me so kindly that I never thought of this.

Go repay the favor, I really deserve to die...

In the small courtyard, in the mirror space, the cloud scene retracts its movements, its eyes are clear and its will is harmonious.

When he firmly believed that the bottom line was no longer a shackle but a driving force for progress, his soul consciousness was extremely sublimated, and everything in the world was real and within reach.

At this moment, his power of thought is not only not growing endlessly, but shrinking rapidly without being able to spread even an inch. However, his eyes can see further and more thoroughly. In one thought, all things in the world are reflected in his heart.

Whatever I could do with my mind can still be done with my heart.

At the same time, Yunjing's hometown, Xiaoxi Village, Niujiao Town, some places in the capital of the Dali Dynasty, where Wu Qingmei of the Sanluo Dynasty was, where Su Xiaoye and the others were, and other places, Yunjing left behind

Where he passed the conscious thought, those conscious clones or thoughts disappeared silently, and they all returned to his body across space.

Take it into yourself and be the only one!

"Heaven and earth are still the same. When you are between heaven and earth, your mind jumps out of heaven and earth. This is...freedom!"

With such thoughts passing through his mind, Yun Jing opened his eyes slightly and raised his head to look at the moon. The bright moon above the nine heavens seemed to be within reach.

The wind, rain and thunder between heaven and earth, the birth and death of light and darkness, prosperity and prosperity... are no longer borrowed from the power of heaven and earth, but directly controlled. All kinds of great power are controlled by the heart!

There was no earth-shattering movement. After Yunjing strengthened his heart, the most difficult shackles in his heart became the driving force for him to move forward, and he took this step naturally and silently.

In the past, it was not the heaven and the earth that bound oneself, but oneself.

One step makes a world of difference!

"In the final analysis, I am not a pure warrior. Taking this step is not simply about mastering a certain rule, but doing everything as I please!"

After taking this step, the wisdom from countless books he had read in the past boiled and collided in Yun Jing's thoughts, and he had a clear understanding of himself.

Looking at the world again, everything points directly to the essence. If you pick up a piece of gravel, it is not just a simple stone in Yunjing's eyes. As long as he is willing, he can change it from the most essential structure, into water, into oil, into ice,

Become a spirit...

This step is not about adapting to heaven and earth, but about heaven and earth adapting to him!

Throw away the gravel in your hand, it merges into the earth through many changes in form.

Looking into the distance, Yunjing's sight spans thousands of mountains and rivers. The scene of Xiaoxi Village appears in his sight. It is early morning there, with smoke curling up from the kitchen stoves. It is quiet and peaceful. The villagers who got up early have begun their busy day. Yunjing

Seeing the busy family, the mother looked into the distance with worried eyes. Perhaps mother and son were connected. She felt Yun Jing's gaze, and a reassuring smile appeared on her face.

Yunjing also saw Su Xiaoye, Wu Qingmei and the others, and they all who were originally worried subconsciously felt relieved...

Looking away, Yun Jing only felt that the world was so small. With one step, he transcended the shackles of heaven and earth, and the world was like a small pond.

"Control the rules, have transcendent consciousness, be the only true self, and have the world at your feet. No wonder the Dragon Kingdom can arrange domain gates everywhere in the world, linking them to form a peerless array, holding the power that affects the stars, physically crossing the sea of ​​stars, and mastering the rules.

Power, this world is too small to withstand the torment at all. No wonder the seniors choose to go to the outer starry sky one after another, because taking this step, the world is so lonely, only a wider world can arouse a little interest, otherwise

It’s too boring”

For some reason, Yunjing only felt empty in his heart at this moment, but this feeling was soon filled with other things, because he was different from those seniors who had only taken this step for hundreds of years. He was still young and had a family.

, he has a loved one, and a long and wonderful life. He is only twenty years old, and his life is still very long.

Then he looked at the sleeping Liu Guqing in front of him and said: "You were wrong before. I am not as perfect as you said. You were wrong because you should not use my mother to target me, because she is my softest and most firm person."

If you seduce me with your beauty, I might not be able to withstand such a test."

Of course, he did not say these words to Liu Guqing in front of him, but to the demon who had been killed by him. Unfortunately, the other party could no longer hear it.

At Yunjing's current stage, he has mastered the rules of heaven and earth, his consciousness transcends the shackles of heaven and earth, and he has gained great power. The shortcomings of his physical body are not a problem at all. He can make up for it with a single thought. Every inch of flesh and blood can be polished like a magic weapon, and his consciousness has been strengthened.

Return to your own body and be the only one. Even if your physical body is destroyed, as long as there is a drop of blood left, you can be reborn and recovered.

Mind power is no longer needed, because the world is too small in his eyes. Instead, it is a limitation. Beyond the shackles of heaven and earth, he can do whatever he wants, so why does he need mind power?

At this point, he can still separate the consciousness clone, but the limit of the consciousness clone is only at the ceiling level of the mythical realm, because the uniqueness of the self limits the height of the consciousness clone, unless he allows another self to appear in the world.

"Sleep well, I hope you can have a good life. Before, you were controlled by the devil, but now you have returned to yourself. You and I are strangers to each other. Life does not count as communication. Just pretend that we have never met. Otherwise, if you use your body to recognize me,

Maybe it’s quite troublesome for me…”

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Yun Jing smiled, and the mirror space was lifted in a moment of thought.

Immediately afterwards, countless eyes around him were focused on Yun Jing.

Originally there was something going on here at Liu Guqing, and people gathered here to help punish those who caused trouble. But after the demons in their hearts were eliminated, their thoughts faded away.

Looking at Yun Jing in the small courtyard and Liu Guqing sleeping beside him, people who were already indifferent were subconsciously speechless when faced with Yun Jing's dull gaze.

The cloud scene still looks ordinary, but when people look at it, it seems as if they are facing the vastness of the world, and they are too small to look up.

"Let's all disperse. You were just deceived by the devil before, but today the devil has been eliminated. She is just an ordinary woman. From now on, everyone will be well. If you really admire her, you can pursue her. If someone embraces the beauty, I hope to treat her well.

To him." Xiao Yunjing smiled and said in front of everyone.

Listening to Yun Jing's words, no matter where they were, people felt that they were facing Yun Jing's sincere gaze. They wanted to say something, but they couldn't say a word, so they subconsciously followed Yun Jing's words and dispersed.

No one is a fool. People have realized something. It is best to listen to Yun Jing at this time.

"Congratulations to Mr. Yun for attaining enlightenment. Despite the suffering in the world, I hope Mr. Yun will protect the people." Furukawa who finally left looked at Yun Jing and bowed deeply.

He was already at the top of the mythical realm and had many classics and experiences left by the Dragon Kingdom. At this time, it was not clear that Yunjing had transcended the ordinary world and stood at another level.

It is impossible to say that his mood is not complicated at this moment. He has been at this level for hundreds of years, but Yunjing, a young man, has surpassed him in just twenty years. This gap is really sad.


But for this world, it was just the right time for Yunjing to take that step.

"Senior's words are serious, I'm just lucky, but it's time to clean up the world." Yun Dingding nodded. If he eliminated the foreign monsters not a moment earlier, he would have saved countless more people.

Now, he no longer has to wait for the Dragon Kingdom to turn around the Jiangshan Shejitu Formation!

Only when he really stood at this step did he understand how far the gap between the mythical realm and the free realm was. They were not even on the same dimensional level.

But how terrifying is the ‘one’ who has transcended the realm of freedom?

"Fortunately, the road ahead is clear. Since martial arts has an end and freedom is the peak, let's open another one and polish it a little. He is not that great. Trying to control the fate of all people and seeking transcendence is wrong.

Ah, now it seems that He has not completely controlled the fate of all living beings, and He has only taken half a step to transcendence. If He wants to transcend, why rely on the fate of all living beings? I guess I can’t sit still? I’m just waiting for you to jump out, Immortal? That’s not much.

Just a stronger civilization!" These thoughts flashed through Yunjing's mind.

Recommend a friend's new book, "The End of Days: Liver Experience from Hunting"

(End of chapter)

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