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Chapter 880 Wait for him to come!

The night is slightly cool, the bright moon hangs high, and thousands of lights are like stars.

Yunjing raised his head slightly and looked at the deep night sky. It was vast and vast. It was unknown how many civilizations were blooming with the light of wisdom, and how many life forms were undergoing the cycle of birth and death.

When in the Mythical Realm, the will combines with the heaven and the earth, blooming various visions, and those with keen senses will always catch a trace of the breath, thus knowing where a being in the Mythical Realm has been promoted.

The same is true of the Xiaoyao realm. Although Yunjing stepped into this level silently, and the world hardly felt any difference, it was just that their level was not high enough, but it was a fact that he stepped into this level.

Just like a drop of rain falling in a calm lake, there will always be a little ripple.

"I wonder when the many seniors who have already left the territory will come to see me." Yun Jing looked at the night sky and had this thought in his mind.

Maybe my seniors will feel something when I step into this level, probably...

I remember that when Mr. Liu set foot in the Xiaoyao Realm, he only appeared once during the Four Kingdoms War. He truly showed the invincible crushing quality of Xiaoyao Realm. The Mythical Realm was like an ant. With one finger, he could cross thousands of mountains and rivers.

Its obliteration!

They are not on the same level at all, and the gap cannot be measured by reason. In front of the Xiaoyao Realm, the so-called Myth Realm is no different from other people.

After that time, Mr. Liu disappeared. It was not until much later that he sent news to Yunjing that he had gone to the outer starry sky. At that time, he also sent Yunjing a Human Yuan Fruit, which was later eaten by Huang Changyang and extended his life for a hundred years.

Recalling what Mr. Liu said when he sent the news with a ray of consciousness at that time, it seemed that he was "captured as a young man" when he went to the outer starry sky?

No matter what, I think it won't be long before someone comes looking for Yunjing, maybe a few days, maybe a month...

In fact, Yunjing doesn't matter. At this point in his life, there is no possibility of restraining himself in the mortal world. All he has to face are other civilizations. He is the same as other people at this level. The only difference is where he faces them.

It’s not just jumping from a small pond to a larger pond. After all, the upper limit of each civilization is there. Unless you take that ultimate step, there is actually no difference between civilizations and different mortal countries.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yun Jing glanced in the direction of the Dragon Watching Platform. There, many Xuanmen monks were still continuing to run the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram. Long Jun was ready to cooperate at any time. Perhaps the demon seeds in the hearts of the group of people were wiped out by Yun Jing through the air. They cooperated wholeheartedly.

It becomes more convenient, and the speed of running the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram is faster.

At this time, Yun Jing's eyes seemed to be filled with the flame of wisdom, and soon the complete map of the country, the country, the country, and the country had almost no secrets left for him.

The Jiangshan Sheji Diagram can be compared to a key, which can leverage part of the power of the big star under your feet. However, this power is too powerful and cannot be operated by one person, so it requires the cooperation of so many people, and even more

A special life form like a real dragon is the introduction.

It already possesses some of the power of Xiaoyao Realm, but compared with the real Xiaoyao Realm, it is still not good enough!

Yunjing knew that the Jiangshan Sheji Map was left behind by the king of the Dragon Kingdom more than 100,000 years ago. That person was definitely a person from the Xiaoyao Realm. However, considering the uniqueness of Xiaoyao Realm, it was impossible for him to leave Xiaoyao Realm on the Jiangshan Sheji Map.

With great power, we can only find ways to bring the power exerted closer to the realm of freedom.

However, power is power, and levels are levels. There is an essential difference. Even if Jiangshan Sheji Tu can bring out part of the combat power of Xiaoyao Realm, it still has no meaning in facing the real Xiaoyao Realm.

However, it is more than enough to deal with the Xiaoyao Realm. Even at the top level of the Myth Realm, it is still vulnerable to that kind of power.

It's just that it's not easy to use this power to clear out the many foreign monsters that have descended on the world. After all, it's not about one specific one, but all of them. Not to mention whether it can be cleared away, even if it is done, those who run the country and the country

There is also a huge price to pay!

Now that Yunjing has set foot in Xiaoyao Realm, there is no need to trouble them, but Yunjing has no intention of letting them stop, because after the monsters in the world are cleared, there will probably be stronger enemies coming at any time. In that case, Jiangshan Shejitu can counterattack

To protect the stars beneath my feet.

If a powerful enemy from the Xiaoyao Realm arrives, Jiangshan Shejitu's defense will definitely not be able to stop it at this level, but if it is just the aftermath, it can offset it. Otherwise, if the battle wave from the Xiaoyao Realm comes to the ground below, it will be the real destruction of the world.

Disaster, maybe the stars under your feet will be destroyed!

This is not because Yun Jing is unfounded, but when he stands at this level, he understands how terrifying the power he possesses is.

To be honest, when Liu Neng set foot in the Xiaoyao Realm, he killed the mythical realms of other countries because of his origin. At that time, he was not even serious. Killing the mythical realms was like crushing ants. If he had been more serious at that time,

Just blowing a breath is enough to wipe those countries from the world!

In just a moment, many thoughts flashed through Yun Jing's mind. He looked back at Liu Guqing, who was sleeping peacefully in the small courtyard. The devil entrenched in her body had been eliminated. She should be able to live a normal life in the future, even without the devil.

With her appearance, I'm afraid she's still outshining the stars.

Love, hate, birth, old age, illness and death, everything in this world is worth savoring. Of course, this is only from a beautiful perspective. In fact, who is willing to experience the suffering in this world?

Turning back, Yun Jing took a step forward, and his figure disappeared from the place silently. When he reappeared in an instant, he was already in the starry sky.

It is boundless in all directions, up and down, with no air or sound, and the coldness and silence are eternal.

If an ordinary person were in his position, he would turn into ice and die in the blink of an eye. However, such an environment has no impact on him. Perhaps it is a human habit. He opens his mouth to breathe. There is naturally no air in a vacuum, but

It doesn't matter, there is still an air inlet for breathing. With his current level of cultivation, the invisible substances around him can be transformed into the form he wants.

In fact, some beings in the Mythical Realm already have the ability to survive in a vacuum, but they cannot survive for a long time, because every moment is a challenge to their own limits of survival. Even if the top cultivators in the Mythological Realm are in such an environment, they will be able to survive in a vacuum within half a day.

If they can't bear it, they will die. Moreover, the Mythical Realm cannot fly in the true sense. They cannot break away from the natural shackles of heaven and earth, and 90% of them will not be able to reach such a height at all.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and there are always some people who find ways to reach such heights and hone themselves in harsh environments to seek breakthroughs.

Looking around, Yunjing saw a few of them. They persisted hard, but they couldn't stay in such an environment for long.

There is no need to disturb them, everyone has their own way of survival.

This is the first time Yunjing has reached such a height, a million miles away from the ground!

In fact, in the starry sky, the so-called height has no meaning anymore...

Looking down, even though he was standing at a height of millions of miles, the stars growing up in Yunjing Life were still huge, filling his entire sight.

This star is too big, maybe not as huge as the sun in Yun Jing's memory of his previous life, but it is definitely more than one third!

According to some opinions in Yun Jing's past life memories, such a huge star should have become a star in endless years under the influence of gravity, but it did not. It was actually a star suitable for survival.

The reason for this may be that people in previous lives did not know enough about the mysterious starry sky...

The huge stars 'underfoot' are moving slowly, the whole is blue, and there is an atmosphere. From the perspective of the cloud scene, the stars seem to be wrapped in a bubble, and the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas are surging with wind...

Facing such a big star, it was an extremely shocking scene, but Yunjing did not feel small or scared. His mind had transcended heaven and earth, and he had the power to move the stars!

To put it bluntly, all fear comes from insufficient firepower...

The height of a million miles was not enough. Staring at the huge and vibrant stars 'in front' for a moment, the figure in the cloud scene disappeared from the place again.

The distance in the starry sky is meaningless. Yunjing steps out of the shuttle space in one step. It is impossible to measure how far it is until the eyes can completely and intuitively observe the star, and everything can be seen at a glance.

Before he was in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, he had briefly tried the methods of crossing the Xiaoyao Realm when he set foot in the Xiaoyao Realm. His eyes could see the other side regardless of distance and obstacles. So from his perspective at this time, there was nothing behind the stars that he could not observe.


This height is almost the same.

"I don't know when I will see Mr. Liu again. It won't be long. When he first set foot in the Xiaoyao Realm, he didn't have the means like me. After all, I didn't follow a pure martial arts system. When he first attained Xiaoyao, he was just using his strength.

'This rule is only understood to some extent, but I use my own heart to understand the heart of heaven, and conform to the natural spiritual leap of heaven and earth, so that the movement of heaven and earth lies in one mind, rather than simply breaking the shackles of heaven and earth in one aspect."

With his mind flashing, Yun Jing understood that there was an essential difference between his situation and his martial arts practice. The freedom of martial arts was to use himself to break the shackles of the outer world, and he was a spiritual leap that conformed to the nature of heaven and earth. All conditioned laws are within heaven and earth.

, so all the rules can operate from the heart, rather than simply highlighting one aspect.

All conditioned laws are natural in heaven and earth. In other words, in terms of pure martial arts, if others can do the cloud scene, they can also do the cloud scene they don't know!

Yunjing is now standing at such a height, recalling Mr. Liu's use of 'power' in the past. He made a stroke towards the side of the void, and the space was distorted, as if it was about to collapse, covering an area of ​​millions of miles!

The most intuitive expression is that the space in such a huge area is distorted, and the sunlight that originally illuminated the big star is also distorted, so the day of the big star suddenly turned into night. As Yunjing took his hand back, the space returned to calm.

Only then did the darkness above end.

"This is the real power of Xiaoyao Realm. Every move can destroy the world...! Let's do business first."

Then Yun Jing thought, and the space around his body was distorted, as if collapsing towards him. He seemed to be transformed into a small black hole, with light, water in the void, some small meteorites, and other invisible objects all moving towards him.

It gathers with him, and under his operation, it turns into the stored aura energy and blends into itself, nourishing the body, flesh and blood and sublimating the level of life.

He had only reached the realm of freedom in his spiritual realm before, but his physical body was still in the realm of myth. Once the realm was enough, his physical shortcomings would be able to keep up.

When Yunjing was sublimating his body, he absorbed invisible objects in the starry sky and turned them into spiritual energy. He seemed to turn into a black hole, and everything around him seemed to be twisting and collapsing, forming a terrifying void storm in one fell swoop, affecting millions of miles of starry sky!

Fortunately, the direction of his absorption avoids the survival star, otherwise the stars will be affected and even the trajectory will be changed!

This process was not long. In just a quarter of an hour, Yunjing completed the sublimation of his body, and the void storm ended.

After the promotion is completed, Yunjing is still a body of flesh and blood, but if you observe his flesh and blood from a microscopic perspective, every cell and every molecule is arranged extremely tightly and perfectly, and every drop of blood contains incredible power!

At this time, he only has a physical body. Standing there, no matter how bombarded the Myth Realm is, it cannot hurt him at all. It can be said that he is indestructible.

But this is only for the Mythical Realm. At the level of Xiaoyao Realm, such a physique has the same basic conditions, and everyone is similar. Even if the physical strength varies depending on the Tao practiced, there are limits.

After all, this level is not distinguished by the destructive power exerted by one's own body, but by who has a deeper understanding of the rules. For Yunjing, body is not important, and rebirth with a drop of blood is just a thought.

"Perhaps it's because my cultivation method is different from normal martial arts. Now as my body improves and my life level sublimates, my life span has been greatly extended. It has broken the limit of a thousand years of life in the free martial arts realm and has been extended at least ten times. However, the essence of life But it is still passing by, at least extremely slowly. It is not even considered immortal, let alone immortality, but for ordinary people, it is no different from immortality."

Aware of his own changes, Yunjing understands his own situation.

At the same time, Yunjing almost understood what 'that person' was pursuing. What she was pursuing was definitely to transcend the shackles of life and achieve eternity!

There are limits to any way of life. Not to mention life, even the stars will come to an end and the universe will come to an end. Only by transcending all these can we achieve eternity!

Different life forms also have different life spans. The representative of the fairy civilization, she is the strongest among them, still has no need to achieve transcendence. Even if she has taken half a step, her life span still has a limit, and it is not eternal. Immortal existence.

"She controls the fate of all sentient beings in endless civilizations. Any civilization that attempts to interfere with her steps to achieve eternal immortality will be destroyed. When she completely controls the destiny of all sentient civilizations, she will probably use the fate of all sentient beings as a springboard to attempt to control the destiny of heaven and earth to achieve transcendence. Although she She has taken half a step, but as long as there is a civilization that has not surrendered, she is still half a step away!"

There seemed to be a fire of wisdom burning in his eyes, and Yunjing almost understood what the situation was like.

What she did was clearly going against nature, trying to control the destiny of the world and seeking transcendence. You can imagine how difficult the process was, but she still kept moving forward. After all, she had already taken half a step. She saw Hope, there is no way out. Either go to the end and truly achieve transcendence, or else you will destroy yourself. The world cannot tolerate her.

After retracting his thoughts, Yunjing didn't have much trouble in his heart. He had to face what he had to face eventually, maybe in the near future, maybe in the next moment. He just had to do his best.

"Eternal and immortal life actually doesn't mean much. So what if you just sit and watch the reincarnation of civilizations? It's just eternal loneliness. For me, it's not even as exciting as a hundred years of life on earth. The life of an ordinary person seems short.

In just a few hundred years, we have experienced growth, survival, aging, childhood babbling, growing pains, responsibilities and obligations for a certain period of time, aging and twilight, birth, old age, illness and death, love and hate, none of which is better than eternal loneliness.


"The world is beautiful, I'm coming, I'm seeing you..."

Looking at the beautiful star in the distance, Yunjing smiled. Everything in the world is so beautiful and fascinating.

Mountain flowers, spring grass, wind, rain and dew, floating life, which one is not a miracle?

"I just want to savor every beautiful life, but you want to destroy, destroy and subvert all the beautiful things I have experienced and have never experienced in this world... huh?"

This sentence suddenly popped up in his mind. Yun Jing was slightly startled, and then he understood something.

"That's it." Yun Jing smiled slightly.

No wonder everything in my life has been going smoothly in the past twenty years. No wonder every so-called crisis I have experienced has been solved in advance. Where did so many of them come from?

And then, whether it is childhood experiences, the happiness of growing up, outstanding appearance, the perfect life that all normal men dream of, some of the most normal encounters are long and unpleasant, but they are just life experiences.

Whatever you experience in a period of life, whether it is good or not, you have to go through it. That is a normal life experience. What is the point of skipping it all at once?

Sometimes I feel that happiness is very short-lived, but the process of disgust is extremely long, but is it allowed to skip it in life?

"I am who I am!"

Yun Jing, with a smile on his lips, softly said these four words.

Without thinking any more, he gently stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the star where he had lived for twenty years. An undetectable edge appeared on his fingertips, and it shot out immediately.

That sharp edge went away in an instant, and the star descended across the endless starry sky. The sun's rays dimmed in front of it, and the whole world was shrouded in its sharp edge.

Countless creatures on the stars heard the sound of a sword, which resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and even resounded in their hearts and souls!

That edge spans the entire world in an incredible way, as if appearing everywhere and everywhere at the same time.

The world seemed to freeze at this moment, and as the sharp edge passed by, all over the world, those foreign monsters whose connections were severed fell into eternal darkness before they even had time to figure out what happened. Their bodies instantly disappeared into dust and disappeared.

Between heaven and earth.

The people who were suffering from killing and despair are now in a state of confusion.

what happened?

All this seemed to happen in an instant, and it seemed like a long, long time had passed. The sharp edge that swept across the nine heavens and ten earth came from nowhere and returned without hurting the vegetation and living creatures in the world.

Gradually, people realized that the monster was gone and they were saved.

But what happened?

After a short period of silence, the whole world began to boil. Countless people rushed to discuss and investigate, and countless messages gathered and spread to all parts of the world.

And there is no doubt that the center of information gathering in this world is definitely the capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Report, all the exotic monsters in Yanzhou are extinct. After several verifications, it is certain that they were completely destroyed into dust almost at the same time, and their bones disappeared without any trace of breath!"

"Report that the exotic monsters in Qingzhou will be extinct..."

"Blue Moon Country has reported that all foreign monsters in the territory are dead!"

"The Sea Alliance reports that there is no more exotic monster scent..."

Countless messages were gathered together and passed on layer by layer. It was unbelievable, unbelievable, and shocking, and the whole world was excited!

Inside the Dragon Watching Platform, in the huge stone hall, the Jiangshan Sheji Map is still moving slowly, and many Xuanmen monks are still busy. Lord Long cooperates at any time, but everyone is a little absent-minded.

Emperor Li Jing of the Dragon Kingdom listened to the endless stream of people coming to report. He gradually became numb from the shock at the beginning, and soon waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to report.

He looked at the dragon king who was thousands of meters long and surrounded the map of the country and the country, and said in deep thought: "A few hours ago, Director Gu of the Dragon Guard Division came to report that he had attained enlightenment and was free. The news was confirmed without a doubt."

"So he took action!" Long Jun muttered.

Nodding, Li Jing said: "It seems so."

"So what does Your Majesty want to say?" Long Jun asked.

Not knowing how to describe her feelings, Li Jing opened her mouth and said: "Senior and I have not had any real contact with existence at that level, but as far as we know, can that level be able to wipe out monsters from all over the world as easily as he did?


"It can certainly be done, but it will never be so easy," Long Jun said with absolute certainty.

Li Jing was silent for a while before asking: "So how did he do it?"

"I'm just a dragon, how do I know?" Mr. Long shook his head, saying don't ask me about such things.

After struggling for a moment, Li Jing said: "It seems that after setting foot on that level, it will go directly to the top."

"Isn't that true?" Long Jun hesitated.

Smiling, Li Jing said: "What about other than that?"

Long Jun was silent, recalling what he knew about Yun Jing's twenty years of life, which seemed quite reasonable?

In such an atmosphere, Old Man Mingjing, who jointly runs the Jiangshan Sheji Diagram, took the time to say: "Your Majesty, Mr. Long, do we want to continue?"

"This..." Li Jing didn't know how to give the order for a moment. He was already preparing for this, but in the end, the alien monsters in the world were wiped out in advance.

It can't be adjusted up or down.

"Of course it will continue. Everyone, the foreign monsters that came before are not even appetizers. The real crisis will come soon. The Jiangshan Sheji Map should operate in a defensive manner." Yunjing's voice was at this time.

There was a sound here, and before he finished speaking, he appeared here silently.

Seeing Yun Jing appear, Li Jing said: "Mr. Yun..."

The title changed unconsciously.

Yun Jing smiled and shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be polite. We will talk about the rest later. We have plenty of time. It will not be too late to solve the urgent problems."

As he spoke, Yunjing just started working.

Seeing Yun Jing conjuring up tables, chairs, pen and ink almost out of thin air while talking, Li Jing subconsciously asked: "Mr. Yun, what are you...?"

"Don't pay attention to me. You are all busy with your own business. Don't worry, I'm here. It'll be fine. As for me, I'm going to complete and sort out my thoughts to provide the world with a reference for another spiritual path besides martial arts. I'll wait for that guy to jump out and solve the problem.

So as not to disturb my ordinary life, well, if that guy hasn’t jumped out by the time I’m done, I’ll have to dig her out!”

As Yunjing spread out the paper and began to sharpen the ink, the Emperor's Sword flew out of his sleeve and stood quietly aside.

Seeing this, people present subconsciously kept silent for fear of disturbing Yun Jing.

Yunjing didn't care, he was just busy with his own work.

This chapter has been completed!
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