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Chapter VIII Three-Year Compulsory Education


Inside the Hexagonal Star Bastion.

The area to the north, covering an area of ​​about 20 acres, is the Xujiazhuang Education School.

This place, where you can hear the sound of Lang Lang reading a little closer, is the place that Xu Yuan attaches great importance to and comes to inspect almost every day.

Because education is a top priority and is related to the future of the nation and the foundation of life and death.

It cannot be valued enough.

So Xu Yuan often had lunch in the school cafeteria at noon to see how the students' food was.

Or sit in the last row of the classroom, observe a class, and personally observe the teacher's teaching level.

In addition, he personally serves as the principal and moral education teacher, so that every student can listen to his lectures for several classes every year and often see his face.

After two years of expansion and improvement, Xujiazhuang's education school now has five spacious and bright reinforced concrete teaching buildings, 50 classrooms, a total of 20 classes, and nearly 2,000 students.

That's right.

Two thousand people indeed.

If the manor expansion plan had not been launched some time ago and hundreds of outstanding students were recruited to participate in the land acquisition and clearing work, the classroom would have been even more crowded.

Even so, the average number of students in each class is still hundreds, and they are crowded into a classroom of about 80 square meters, which seems quite crowded.

And there are so many students who account for one-fifth of the total population in the manor, about half of them are the children of the villagers, and the other half, thousands of them, are orphans and abandoned children that Xujiazhuang has adopted one after another in the past two years.

On average, one or two are adopted every day.

In fact, Xu Yuan did not need to deliberately do the good deeds of adopting orphans and widows, but those orphans took the initiative to go to Xujiazhuang to seek shelter when they learned that Xujiazhuang was willing to adopt them, providing them with food, shelter, education, and education.

There are also poor families in the villages around Xujiazhuang who cannot support their children. They will carry their children to Xujiazhuang and entrust them to Xujiazhuang in tears. From then on, they all changed their surnames to Xu and became Xujiazhuang people.

During the late Ming Dynasty, the population density of China had long reached the upper limit of land capacity, but the fertility rate had not dropped much. Poor and bankrupt families abounded. Many newborns from poor families may not have seen the world.

, and was brutally strangled.

Therefore, the children rescued by Xujiazhuang are just a drop in the ocean, and there are countless others in suffering.

Class 3(1).

After the school bell rang, Xu Yuan stepped into the classroom, preparing to observe a math class in this class where top students gathered.


"stand up!"

"Hello, principal!"

Under the guidance of the monitor, all the students stood up and bowed to Xu Yuan in unison.

"Hello students."

Xu Yuan smiled and nodded, pressing his hands to signal them to sit back.

Then Xu Yuan walked along the middle passage towards the last row.

From Xu Yuan's perspective, the classroom of Class 3 (1) has the same layout as other classes. The hundreds of students are clearly divided into two parts. Those sitting on the left are all girls, and those sitting on the right are boys. Male and female.

The ratio is approximately 1:1.

Regardless of boys or girls, seats are arranged according to height, with short people sitting in the front row and tall people sitting in the back row.

Most of the girls on the left have short hair that reaches their ears, or have double braids, and wear uniform school uniforms with narrow sleeves and chest-length skirts. They are quite classically beautiful. Their feet are all natural, and none of them have bound feet.

The boy sitting on the right has a somewhat weird style of painting. He is wearing a navy blue copper-breasted stand-collar tunic suit. The slim design makes the man stand upright, resolute, and quite masculine. Only their sides are shaved off, leaving only an inch.

Xu's short crew cut looks a bit out of tune with this era, and it's extremely strange.

You must know that in ancient times, the emphasis was on "don't dare to damage the body hair and skin of your parents" to express filial piety. Why do these students do the opposite and get a monk's haircut? They look nondescript and very eccentric.

Why do this?

This is naturally the result of Xu Yuan's intention.

From the day the construction of Xujiazhuang started, Xu Yuan decided on the strategic design of "shaving hair to make clothes easier". Starting from him, the owner of the village, all male villagers, workers, and students in Xujiazhuang had to shave their heads.

Short hair, wearing simple and modern clothing, highlighting the characteristics of "comfort, convenience and good looks".

It has a sharp external difference from the ancients.

It is similar to the "hair-shaving order" imposed by Hou Jin on the Han people outside the Pass.

What's going on? The Manchu Qing Dynasty's "shaving your hair and changing clothes" policy is notorious. It is a huge regression of civilization and a conspiracy to imprison thoughts and solidify allegiance. How could Xu Yuan learn this kind of thing and actually engage in it?

After shaving your hair and changing clothes, do you want to praise the smelly feet of "My Daqing"?


Xu Yuan didn't have much criticism about shaving his hair to change clothes. On the contrary, he felt that it was a very successful strategy. Otherwise, how could it make so many people grieve, gnash their teeth, and hate it to the bone?

It is precisely because it is so successful that it is so hated.

Xu Yuan learned this strategy and implemented his "shaving hair and changing clothes" in Xujiazhuang. The purpose was to learn from its success, so that most people could only be absolutely loyal to him, with no other choice, and the probability of betrayal was greatly reduced.

If someone wants to criticize this, then Xu Yuan has to ask: Is the hairstyle of modern men long or short? Is it civilization or retrogression?

Do the clothes worn by modern men represent advancement or backwardness? Should I change to a long-sleeved robe, which will make it inconvenient to go to the toilet?

In fact, as a modern person, you only need to stand in front of the mirror and look at your clothes and hairstyle. If you traveled to ancient times like this, then in the eyes of the ancients, you would be out of place, dressed in strange clothes, and they would knock you to death with a stick.

, you will feel much less guilty, because based on your appearance, you are an "outsider" with no roots and no support, and killing you will not have too serious consequences.

If you find a way to influence the ancients, make them wear the same clothes as you, have the same hairstyle, and successfully "shave your hair and change clothes" to the ancients, then you will be called real success, and you will be truly famous.

Instead of growing long hair and wearing robes in order to blend in with the ancients, and being assimilated by the ancients and changing clothes, they also tried to study and participate in the imperial examinations, cross social classes in the ancients' way, and write eight-part essays to compete with the ancients. This is not called smart and wise, but stupid.

Cross, because you may be the one who loses miserably if you compete with the ancients who were cruelly involved in the conspiracy, or if you are lucky enough to enter the officialdom and play intrigues and court games with the ancients.

The only way to change the game is to use the advantages of modern people's advanced thinking and advanced technology to engage in industrialization, muskets and cannons, queuing to kill, and education for all. Only by developing these things that can reduce dimensionality and attack can we easily defeat the ancients.

No matter how sharp-tongued the opponent is, how high their IQ is, or how lofty their status is, it can be solved instantly with two shots. When the opponent falls, you will be the winner.

This is the correct way to play!

For those historical novels that Xu Yuan read before, if the time traveler gave up his greatest advantage, ran to take the imperial examination, and devoted himself to studying the same field as the ancients in the liberal arts, he immediately deleted the book and stopped reading; if he was engaged in science and industrialization, he collected it and clicked the ticket.

You must give a few copies, and if you write well, you must subscribe.

"Students, please open page 33 of your math textbook. What we are going to learn today is the Pythagorean Principle..."

Teacher Zeng Yu stepped onto the podium and began his lecture.

Since Xu Yuan, the owner and principal of the village, was sitting in the back row listening to the lecture, Zeng Yu was a little nervous. He was only 18 years old this year, only a few years older than the oldest student in the class, but he had strong learning ability and a smart mind. He only used short sentences

In just one year, he mastered all the mathematical knowledge points of the three-year compulsory education and had the ability to serve as a teacher. At a young age, he became the mathematics teacher of the top class of Class 3 (1).

Three years of compulsory education?

Is the academic system of Xujiazhuang Academy a bit short? You must know that modern China has nine years of compulsory education, which will be increased to 12 years in the future.

However, in the late Ming Dynasty, we were not yet in the era of knowledge explosion. Xu Yuan believed that as long as students mastered a few basic knowledge points, it would be basically enough for daily production and life.

In addition, in order to save expenses and shorten the cultivation cycle, three years is basically enough.

Study Chinese for four hours every morning and complete the syllabus goal of reading and writing 6,000 simplified Chinese characters within three years.

I will study mathematics for four hours in the afternoon, and within three years I will learn the four arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and be able to do simple geometry and physical mechanics.

Saturday is a day of military training. All students participate in military training and complete various obedience training subjects.

Sunday is a rest day. You can have a good rest, but you still have homework.

There will be no holidays during the summer vacation and classes will continue.

I have to study during the winter vacation, and there is only a seven-day Spring Festival holiday.

There is no foreign language learning content and no need to memorize any words.

There are no courses such as history, geography, biology, music, and computers.

If this learning method is continued for three consecutive years, Xu Yuan believes that the qualified students trained may be slightly lacking in vision and insight, but their Chinese and mathematics skills will definitely not be weaker than those of primary school graduates in modern society.

But for the construction of primary industrialization, graduates from such three-year compulsory education are definitely qualified and useful talents. In terms of practical ability, they will not be worse than those who have participated in the imperial examination for more than ten years.

And every three years, a large number of people can be trained, numbering in the tens of thousands, for up to ten years. Xu Yuan has an endless supply of talents, and his organization and mobilization efficiency are off the charts. Compared with those who claim to be "leaved"

We will not be able to rule the world", the Confucian scholar-bureaucrat class is obviously more reliable than these talents.

Xu Yuan's purpose was also the same. Confucian scholar-bureaucrats praised themselves too highly. These young and liberal arts students felt that the world could not change without them, and they had to be given high-ranking officials and generous salaries to maintain it. They were so arrogant that they thought that even if the dynasty changed, it would not be enough.

To the extent that you can continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

Xu Yuan vigorously promotes compulsory education in order to teach them a lesson, let them see the world, and let them understand that the world can continue to change without them, and it can change better.

Moreover, it was really not difficult to govern the world in ancient times. Liu Bang relied on a group of fellow villagers and relatives to conquer a large Han Dynasty, and he governed it very well. How many Confucian scholars were used among them?

Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, also relied on relatives and friends from the same hometown to form the core team.

Most of the Huaizuo fellows who followed Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the world were within one or two counties.

The above examples prove that whether it is to conquer the world or rule the world, the talents from one county are basically enough. With a wise enough leader, a huge country can be managed in an orderly manner. However, Confucian scholar-bureaucrats feel that

It is too good, as if without their help, it would not be successful at all.

Xu Yuan didn’t believe this evil!

He had long secretly decided that he would not need any Confucian scholars and would train all the talents himself. He just wanted to see if he could take care of this hell copy in the late Ming Dynasty?

Shaked his head.

After getting rid of a lot of messy thoughts in his mind, Xu Yuan listened carefully to the class and observed the students' acceptance.

This chapter has been completed!
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